112 research outputs found

    Landasan Pendidikan Islam Kajian Konsep Pembelajaran

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    Peranan pendidikan Islam dikalangan umat Islam merupakan salah satu bentuk manifestasi dari cita-cita hidup Islam untuk melestarikan, mengalihkan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai Islam tersebut kepada generasi penerusnya sehingga nilai-nilai kultural-religius dapat tetap berfungsi dan berkembang dalam masyarakat. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan Islam berisikan tentang sikap dan tingkah laku masyarakat menuju hidup perseorangan dan bersama yang sejalan dengan nilai-nilai Islam yang menjadi dasarnya. Buku ini mengkaji dan menggagas konsep dasar Pendidikan Islam. Di sini tersirat makna pendidikan Islam yang aktual dan komprehensif. Tiap bab mempunyai konsep, makna dan karakteristik masing-masing yang mewakili proses perkembangan zaman. Proses pendidikan yang dikaji bersifat inovasi dan disesuaikan dengan proses perkembangan cara berpikir yang global dan modern

    BIRC7- and RTEL1-knockdown in the human colorectal cancer cell line HT29 with chromosomal 20q amplification : effects on cell proliferation and cell death

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most frequently occurring cancer types in the world. The most common chemotherapeutic drug used for treatment has been 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), but development of patient drug resistance is a major obstacle to successful treatment. The 20q13 amplicon, which is frequently detected in sporadic CRC, has been suggested to be the home of one or more oncogenes important for tumor progression and drug response. We investigated two genes, BIRC7 and RTEL1, in this amplicon. Elevated expression of the apoptotic suppressor BIRC7 has been shown to be associated with aggressive tumors, poor response to chemotherapeutic treatment, and shorter survival time. Loss of, or inactivation, of the tumor suppressor RTEL1 may be a driving force for genomic instability, as it helps to maintain genomic stability. We performed FISH analysis by hybridizing the human CRC cell lines HCT116 and HT29 with a centromere 20 probe to determine whether chromosome 20 was amplified in these cell lines. SiRNA-mediated knockdown of BIRC7 and RTEL1 was performed to investigate changes in specific cellular phenotypes, with and without 5-FU-treatment. Assessments of cellular phenotypes were accomplished using Western blotting and various proliferative and apoptotic markers. Impact of knockdown and drug treatment on cell cycle progression was assessed by flow cytometry. We found that chromosome 20 was amplified in HT29, BIRC7 was overexpressed, and HT29 expressed both isoforms of BIRC7 (α and ÎČ). The HCT116 cell line had no chromosome 20 amplification, no BIRC7 overexpression, and only isoform ÎČ was expressed. Knockdown of BIRC7 in HT29 seemed to be time-dependent and isoform-specific, and we confirmed that the anti-apoptotic isoform α was dominated by the pro-apoptotic ÎČ (TÎČ) when expressed together, as in HT29. In HCT116 we did not detect knockdown within the experimental time window studied. No RTEL1 expression was detected under any experimental conditions due to antibody problems. Knockdown effects were thus studied by assessing specific phenotypes. 5-FU induced apoptosis was observed in HCT116 for both genes, while HT29 seemed less affected by 5-FU-treatment. Knockdown of BIRC7 or RTEL1 did not sensitize cells towards 5-FU-treatment, but rather increased cell viability in both cell lines. In HT29-cultures the overexpression of BIRC7 seemed rather to inhibit 5-FU-induced apoptosis. Drug response was more likely affected by the cell lines’ TP53-genotype and mismatch repair status, among others.Master i biomedisi

    Kartlegging i barnehagen - hva sÄ? : fÞrer kartlegging med TRAS i barnehagen til tiltak som hjelper barn?

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    Tittel: Kartlegging i barnehagen – hva sĂ„? FĂžrer kartlegging med TRAS i barnehagen til tiltak som hjelper barn? (TRAS – Tidlig Registrering Av SprĂ„k) Kimen til denne oppgaven ble sĂ„dd i 2003, da jeg som spesialpedagog og veileder ble kjent med TRAS.Jeg sĂ„ at TRAS ble brukt ulikt i barnehager og jeg ble nysgjerrig pĂ„ om kartlegging med TRAS fĂžrer til tiltak som hjelper barn. Stemmer tiltakene med forskning? Jeg Ăžnsket Ă„ se pĂ„ om pedagoger tenker sprĂ„karbeid og forebygging for de yngste barna og hvordan rammebetingelsene for Ă„ drive sprĂ„karbeid oppleves. Metoden er todelt. Begrunnelsen for det, var Ă„ finne kriterier for utvalg av pedagoger til intervju. SpĂžrreundersĂžkelseen gikk til 20 pedagoger i 4 barnehager. Utvelgelsen av barnehager er teoretisk og kriteriebasert for maksimal variasjon i utvalget og mulighet for analysekategorier. Teoribasert kriterie er ulikhet i stĂžrrelse pĂ„ barne -hagene. Kriteriebasert utvalg er at barnehagen bruker TRAS. SpĂžrsmĂ„lene i undersĂžkelsen var lukket og Ă„pne, med muligheter for kommentarer. Svarene var noksĂ„ ensartet, men med bakgrunn i nyere forskning om betydningen av tidlig intervensjon og livslang lĂŠring (Aukrust 2005 og St.meld.16 2006/07), valgte jeg til intervju, 3 pedagoger som arbeider med de yngste barna. De arbeider i barne -hager er av ulik stĂžrrelse, fordi jeg Ăžnsket Ă„ se om det er forskjeller mellom store og smĂ„ enheter. Vekten i oppgaven er kvalitativ. Jeg har vekslet mellom litteraturstudier og forskning. En hermeneutisk forstĂ„elsesform er kombinert med Grounded Theory. Analysen og kodingen er basert pĂ„ temaer fra intervjuguiden som er semistrukturert, og temaer som pedagogene introduserte. Sitater settes opp mot teori. Jeg har og et fenomenologisk blikk pĂ„ pedagogenes opplevelse av TRAS og sprĂ„karbeid i hverdagen. Ved siden av sprĂ„kteori, henter jeg forstĂ„elsesrammer fra Mabel Rice og situasjonell lĂŠring.(Rice m.fl.1995). Jeg viser til nyere forskning fra St. Meld. 16. (2006-07), og Aukrust`s rapport om tidlig innsats for livslang lĂŠring (Aukrust 2005). Rammeplanen for barnehager (2006) og etikk kommenteres ogsĂ„. Resultatene i oppgaven er: Pedagogene er glade for TRAS og mener det er et godt verktĂžy. TRAS brukes mest i forhold til barn man bekymrer seg for, men pedagogene Ăžnsker Ă„ bruke TRAS i forhold til hele alderskull eller barnegrupper og Ă„ samarbeide pĂ„ tvers av avdelinger, men gjĂžr det lite. De har for lite kunnskaper om sprĂ„kutvikling fra utdanningen og TRAS er en kvalitets -sikring av egne observasjoner. Pedagogene opplever og beskriver tid eller mangel pĂ„ tid, samt prioritering og ledelse som viktige rammebetingelser for arbeidet med TRAS. Tid pĂ„virkes av sykdom og vikarer. Der TRAS – kartlegging, tiltak og evaluering gjennomfĂžres er det god forankring hos foreldre og medarbeidere er informert og involvert. Pedagogen er en tydelig leder som prioriterer mellom arbeidsoppgaver. Der kartlegging, tiltak og evaluering oftere nedprioriteres er assistentene ikke involvert i arbeidet. Pedagogen gjĂžr det alene det er vanskelig Ă„ prioritere TRAS nĂ„r det oppstĂ„r sykdom og mindre tid. Det er individuelle egenskaper hos den pedagogiske lederen som fĂžrer til gjennomfĂžring eller ikke, og svarene som fremkommer ville derfor trolig vĂŠrt noenlunde like ved et stĂžrre utvalg eller fra andre barnehager. TRAS brukes ofte 2 ganger pr Ă„r og i mindre grad kontinuerlig. Pedagogene er best pĂ„ kartlegging og tiltak. Evaluering er ikke like systematisk og Ă„ finne rutiner for bruk er en utfordring. TRAS – kartlegging fĂžrer til forebygging for alle og til tiltak rundt enkeltbarn. Man er bevisst betydningen av tidlig intervensjon. Tiltak er bruk av rutine -situasjoner, kognitivt utvidete samtaler, lesing, leke – og sprĂ„kgrupper, sang, musikk og rim og regler. Det arbeides med ordforrĂ„d og fonologisk bevissthet. Tiltak styres av erfaring og veiledning. Tiltakene er i trĂ„d med Mabel Rice sin forskning (Rice m.fl 1995), samt forskning slik den fremkommer i St. Meld 16 (2006/07) og Aukrust -rapporten (Aukrust 2005). Tilbudet til yngste barna likt smĂ„ og store barnehager. Konklusjonen er at kartlegging med TRAS fĂžrer til planlegging av tiltak som hjelper barn, men gjennomfĂžringen og evalueringen av tiltakene er avhengig av pedagogen og dennes evne til Ă„ involvere medarbeidere, prioritere arbeidet med TRAS og lede arbeidet pĂ„ avdelingen

    The Lyngen Gabbro: the lower crust of an Ordovician Incipient-Arc

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    We present evidence for the origin of the Lyngen Gabbro of the Ordovician Lyngen Magmatic Complex in Troms, Northern Norway. The two magmatic suites of the Lyngen Gabbro strike parallel NNE-SSW, and have distinct magmatic signatures. We define these signatures by using major and trace-element analyses together with selected major- and trace-element mineral analyses and 143Nd/144Nd-isotope whole-rock analyses of gabbroic to tonalitic plutonic rocks from seven detailed cross-sections from this large gabbro-complex. The Western suite of the Lyngen Gabbro precipitated from magma that may have been derived from the same system as the associated volcanic rocks. The gabbros have high An-content (An>90) of their plagioclases relative to co-existing mafic minerals. Together with somewhat high ɛNd(t) values (+6), this implies that the parental magmas were hydrous tholeiites similar to those found in back arc basins today. The Eastern suite, on the other hand, consist of cumulates that were precipitated from melts resembling those of ultra-depleted high-Ca boninitic magmas found in fore-arcs. Extremely high-An plagioclases (An>95) co-exist with evolved mafic minerals and oxides, and the ɛNd(t) values are lower (+4) than in the Western suite. The Eastern suite has no volcanic counterpart, but dikes intersecting the suites have compositions that possibly represent its parental magma. The oceanic Rypdalen Shear Zone generally separates the two suites in the north, but several non-tectonic transitions from boninitic to tholeiitic signatures southwards advocate that the magmatism happened concurrently. The magmatic proximity between the suites, the hydrous magmatism and the absence of a silicic or calc-alkaline mature arc section, suggests that the Lyngen Gabbro formed in the Iapetus Ocean under conditions presently found in incipient arcs later emplaced as outer arc highs

    Radiosensitization of colorectal carcinoma cell lines by histone deacetylase inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: The tumor response to preoperative radiotherapy of locally advanced rectal cancer varies greatly, warranting the use of experimental models to assay the efficacy of molecular targeting agents in rectal cancer radiosensitization. Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors, agents that cause hyperacetylation of histone proteins and thereby remodeling of chromatin structure, may override cell cycle checkpoint responses to DNA damage and amplify radiation-induced tumor cell death. METHODS: Human colorectal carcinoma cell lines were exposed to ionizing radiation and HDAC inhibitors, and cell cycle profiles and regulatory factors, as well as clonogenicity, were analyzed. RESULTS: In addition to G(2)/M phase arrest following irradiation, the cell lines displayed cell cycle responses typical for either intact or defective p53 function (the presence or absence, respectively, of radiation-induced expression of the cell cycle inhibitor p21 and subsequent accumulation of G(1 )phase cells). In contrast, histone acetylation was associated with complete depletion of the G(1 )population of cells with functional p53 but accumulation of both G(1 )and G(2)/M populations of cells with defective p53. The cellular phenotypes upon HDAC inhibition were consistent with the observed repression of Polo-like kinase-1, a regulatory G(2)/M phase kinase. Following pre-treatment with HDAC inhibitors currently undergoing clinical investigation, the inhibitory effect of ionizing radiation on clonogenicity was significantly amplified. CONCLUSION: In these experimental models, HDAC inhibition sensitized the tumor cells to ionizing radiation, which is in accordance with the concept of increased probability of tumor cell death when chromatin structure is modified

    Repeated and Systematic Intimate Partner Violence in Rural Areas in Sweden

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    Violence against women lacks geographical boundaries, although research demonstrates higher rates of such violence in rural areas compared to urban areas. The repeated and systematic intimate partner violence (IPV) is especially problematic in isolated areas. This study aims to investigate how repeated and systematic IPV, was handled by the criminal justice system in rural areas in Sweden and how risk and victim vulnerability factors were related to recidivism in this longitudinal prospective study. The sample consisted of alleged perpetrators of repeated and systematic IPV who had been either reported, charged, or convicted of repeated and systematic IPV defined according to the Swedish Law Gross Violation of a Woman’s Integrity targeting such violence, in two rural Swedish police districts during 2011–2014 (N = 258). Results demonstrated that 30% of IPV perpetrators were charged with the Gross violation offense and 5% were charged for other IPV-related offenses. The conviction for the Gross violation offense was 11% and 24% for other IPV-related offenses. 56% were not charged or convicted of any IPV-related offenses. Perpetrators convicted of the Gross Violation offense were more likely to receive longer prison sentences than perpetrators convicted of other IPV-related offenses. Victim cooperation in the police investigation increased the likelihood for prosecution with 7.3 times and for a conviction with 6.1 times. In terms of recidivism 24% engaged in IPV towards the same victim and another 27% recidivated into general criminality. Recidivists had higher summary risk ratings and more individual risk factors than non-recidivists, such as general criminality, employment problems and mental health problems, and victim vulnerability factors including personal problems. To reduce re-victimization, risk and vulnerability factors and supporting victims to cooperate in the police investigation should be considered when forming risk management strategies to protect victims of repeated and systematic IPV in such rural areas

    Biological variation of secretoneurin; a novel cardiovascular biomarker implicated in arrhythmogenesis

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    Background Secretoneurin is a novel prognostic biomarker that may predict mortality in heart failure and the occurrence of ventricular arrhythmias. This study reports the within subject variation (CVI), between subject variation (CVG), reference change values (RCV) and index of individuality (II) of secretoneurin. Methods Thirty healthy volunteers were included. Non-fasting samples were obtained between 8 and 10 am once a week for ten weeks. Secretoneurin was analyzed in duplicate using ELISA. No outliers were present according to Burnett and Reeds‘ criteria. Simple linear regression did not identify significant trends. Variance homogeneity in the analytical variance and CVI were tested using Cochrane’s and Bartlett’s tests and four participants were excluded. Calculation of CVI, CVG and RCV were done on ln transformed data as described by Fokkema, the II was calculated using retransformed data. Results The median age of the participants was 36 years and 53% were female. Non-fasting glucose, eGFR(CKD-EPI), cTnT and NT-proBNP concentrations were within the normal range. Median secretoneurin concentrations were 38 pmol/L (women) and 33 pmol/L (men), p-value < 0.001. CVI and CVG were 9.8% (CI 8.7% to 11.0%) and 20.0 (CI 15.4% to 28.0%), respectively. RCV were 38.7% (CI 35.5% to 42.7%) and −27.9 (CI −29.9 to −26.2) and the II were 0.60 (CI 0.42–0.78). No gender differences were present. Conclusion Secretoneurin has a fairly low CVI, CVG, RCV and II, indicating that it could be suitable as a diagnostic or prognostic biomarker and that delta values in serial samplings may be preferable for identifying clinical changes.publishedVersio

    Patient-derived organoids reflect the genetic profile of endometrial tumors and predict patient prognosis

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    Background: A major hurdle in translational endometrial cancer (EC) research is the lack of robust preclinical models that capture both inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity. This has hampered the development of new treatment strategies for people with EC. Methods: EC organoids were derived from resected patient tumor tissue and expanded in a chemically defined medium. Established EC organoids were orthotopically implanted into female NSG mice. Patient tissue and corresponding models were characterized by mor- phological evaluation, biomarker and gene expression and by whole exome sequencing. A gene signature was defined and its prognostic value was assessed in multiple EC cohorts using Mantel-Cox (log-rank) test. Response to carboplatin and/or paclitaxel was measured in vitro and evaluated in vivo. Statistical difference between groups was calculated using paired t-test. Results: We report EC organoids established from EC patient tissue, and orthotopic organoid-based patient-derived xenograft models (O-PDXs). The EC organoids and O-PDX models mimic the tissue architecture, protein biomarker expression and genetic profile of the original tissue. Organoids show heterogenous sensitivity to conventional chemotherapy, and drug response is reproduced in vivo. The relevance of these models is further supported by the identification of an organoid-derived prognostic gene signature. This signature is vali- dated as prognostic both in our local patient cohorts and in the TCGA endometrial cancer cohort. Conclusions: We establish robust model systems that capture both the diversity of endo- metrial tumors and intra-tumor heterogeneity. These models are highly relevant preclinical tools for the elucidation of the molecular pathogenesis of EC and identification of potential treatment strategies.publishedVersio

    Baseline findings and safety of infrequent vs. frequent screening of human papillomavirus vaccinated women

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    Less frequent cervical cancer screening in human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinated birth cohorts could produce considerable savings without increasing cervical cancer incidence and loss of life-years. We report here the baseline findings and interim results of safety and accuracy of infrequent screening among HPV16/18 vaccinated females. The entire 1992-1994 birth-cohorts (30,139 females) were invited to a community-randomized HPV16/18-vaccination trial. A total of 9,482 female trial participants received HPV16/18-vaccination in 2007-2009 at age of 13-15. At age 22, 4,273 (45%) of these females consented to attend a randomized trial on frequent (ages 22/25/28; Arm 1: 2,073 females) vs. infrequent screening (age 28; Arm 2: 2,200 females) in 2014-2017. Females (1,329), who had got HPV16/18 vaccination at age 18 comprised the safety Arm 3. Baseline prevalence and incidence of HPV16/18 and other high-risk HPV types were: 0.5% (53/1,000 follow-up years, 10(4)) and 25% (2,530/10(4)) in the frequently screened Arm 1; 0.2% (23/10(4)) and 24% (2,413/10(4)) in the infrequently screened Arm 2; and 3.1% (304/10(4)) and 23% (2,284/10(4)) in the safety Arm 3. Corresponding prevalence of HSIL/ASC-H and of any abnormal cytological findings were: 0.3 and 4.2% (Arm 1), 0.4 and 5.3% (Arm 2) and 0.3 and 4.7% (Arm 3). Equally rare HSIL/CIN3 findings in the infrequently screened safety Arm A3 (0.4%) and in the frequently screened Arm 1 (0.4%) indicate no safety concerns on infrequent screening despite the up to 10 times higher HPV16/18 baseline prevalence and incidence in the former.Peer reviewe

    Measurement properties of radiographic outcome measures in Psoriatic Arthritis:A systematic review from the GRAPPA-OMERACT initiative

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    Background Structural damage is as an important outcome in the Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) Core Domain Set and its assessment is recommended at least once in the development of a new drug. Objectives To conduct a systematic review (SR) to identify studies addressing the measurement properties of radiographic outcome instruments for structural damage in PsA and appraise the evidence through the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT) Filter 2.1 Framework Instrument Selection Algorithm (OFISA). Methods A SR was conducted using search strategies in EMBASE and MEDLINE to identify full-text English studies which aimed to develop or assess the measurement properties of radiographic outcome instruments in PsA. Determination of eligibility and data extraction was performed independently by two reviewers with input from a third to achieve consensus. Two reviewers assessed the methodology and results of eligible studies and synthesized the evidence using OMERACT methodology. Results Twelve articles evaluating radiographic instruments were included. The articles assessed nine peripheral (hands, wrists and/or feet) and six axial (spinal and/or sacroiliac joints) radiographic instruments. The peripheral radiographic instruments with some evidence for reliability, cross-sectional construct validity and longitudinal construct validity were the Ratingen and modified Sharp van der Heijde scores. No instruments had evidence for clinical trial discrimination or thresholds of meaning. There was limited evidence for the measurement properties of all identified axial instruments. Conclusion There are significant knowledge gaps in the responsiveness of peripheral radiographic instruments. Axial radiographic instruments require further validation, and the need to generate novel instruments and utilise other imaging modalities should be considered
