25 research outputs found

    Measurement of Mechanical Properties of Infusion Sets (Degradation), Depending on the Number of Sterilization and Their Use

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    Import 22/07/2015V dnešní době je používání infuzní techniky nenahraditelnou součástí zdravotnických zařízení. Používá se pro intravenózní podávání léčiv, živin nebo fyziologických roztoků. Infuzní sety, sloužící pro převod těchto látek do těla pacienta, přicházejí do kontaktu s pacientovou tkání, krví a s použitými roztoky. Z toho důvodu je jasné, že jeden set nelze použít pro více pacientů. Každý infuzní set je tedy pouze pro jedno použití a to po dobu maximálně 24 hodin. Bohužel není vyloučeno, že na některých pracovištích jsou použité sety sterilizovány a následně opakovaně používány. Účelem této práce je experimentálním měřením zjistit vliv sterilizace a opakovaného použití jednoho setu na degradaci jeho mechanických vlastností. V závěru této práce bude vyhodnoceno, zda mohou být infuzní sety použity vícekrát bez negativního ovlivnění přesnosti dávkování.Infusion technics usage is irreplaceable component of medical devices in these days. It is mainly used for intravenous administration of drugs, nutrients and physiological solutions as well. Infusion sets that are applied for substances transition to patient´s body, come into contact with patient´s tissue, blood and with solution that have been used. It is therefore obvious why the set must not have been used for more patients then one. Every infusion set is designed for just one usage ongoing for 24 hours maximum. Sadly, sterilization and multiple set´s usage is not out if the question on some clinics. This thesis object is to find an influence of the sterilization and multiple one set using on degradation of it is mechanical features using experimental measurement. At the very end of this thesis will be said whether it is possible to use the infusion set more than once with no negative effect on dosage accuracy.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Analysis of Animal ECG

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    Import 23/08/2017Diplomová práce se primárně zabývá elektrickou osou srdeční a metodami jejich výpočtů ve frontální rovině. V teoretické části jsou popsány metody sběru dat pro výpočet elektrické osy srdeční tedy elektrokardiografie a vektorkardiografie. V rámci praktické části byly vypracovány a srovnány tři způsoby detekce Q, R a S kmitů, ze kterých jsou úhly elektrické osy srdeční počítány. Pro výpočet z transformovaných VKG svodů byly použity čtyři metody transformace EKG na VKG. Na základě odborné literatury byly stanoveny vztahy pro výpočet úhlu elektrické osy srdeční z končetinových EKG svodů, z ortogonálních VKG svodů a z transformovaných VKG svodů. Záměrem práce je srovnání různých metod výpočtů úhlů elektrické osy srdeční na záznamech lidského EKG a VKG s cílem použít vybrané vztahy na animálních záznamech EKG.The diploma thesis deals primarily with the electrical axis of the heart and the methods of their calculations in the frontal plane. In the theoretical part are described the methods of data collection for calculating the electrical axis of the heart, i.e., electrocardiography and vectorcardiography. In the practical part were developed and compared three ways of detecting Q, R and S oscillations from which the angles of the electric axis of the heart are calculated. Four methods of transformation of ECG to VCG were used to calculate from transformed VCG leaks. Based on the scientific literature, relationships for calculating the angle of the electric axis of the heart from limb ECG leads, from orthogonal VCG leads and from transformed VCG lesions were established. The aim of the thesis is to compare the different methods of calculating the angles of the electrical axis of the heart in the ECG and VCG records in order to use the selected relationships in the ECG animal records.450 - Katedra kybernetiky a biomedicínského inženýrstvívýborn

    Constraining modern day silicon cycling in Lake Baikal

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    Constraining the continental silicon cycle is a key requirement in attempts to understand both nutrient fluxes to the ocean and linkages between silicon and carbon cycling over different timescales. Silicon isotope data of dissolved silica (δ30SiDSi) are presented here from Lake Baikal and its catchment in central Siberia. As well as being the world's oldest and voluminous lake, Lake Baikal lies within the seventh largest drainage basin in the world and exports significant amounts of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean. Data from river waters accounting for c. 92% of annual river inflow to the lake suggest no seasonal alteration or anthropogenic impact on river δ30SiDSi composition. The absence of a change in δ30SiDSi within the Selenga Delta, through which 62% of riverine flow passes, suggest a net balance between biogenic uptake and dissolution in this system. A key feature of this study is the use of δ30SiDSi to examine seasonal and spatial variations in DSi utilisation and export across the lake. Using an open system model against deep water δ30SiDSi values from the lake, we estimate that 20-24% of DSi entering Lake Baikal is exported into the sediment record. Whilst highlighting the impact that lakes may have upon the sequestration of continental DSi, mixed layer δ30SiDSi values from 2003 and 2013 show significant spatial variability in the magnitude of spring bloom nutrient utilisation with lower rates in the north relative to south basin

    Framing of Homelessness by the Czech Nationwide Media

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    1 Annotation This master's thesis focuses on a specific area of mass media functioning, with reference to a particular social problem - homelessness. Descriptive analysis is used to investigate media content by original research, and to identify frames, which typically accompany the topic of homelessness in the Czech nationwide media. Therefore, the main theoretical framework is outlined by the paradigm of social constructivism and the theory of media framing. The major part of the presented text is the research itself, initially inspired by the foreign media studies of T. G Shields (2001) and C. Zufferey (2014). The method of quantitative content analysis is used to explore the contents of six selected nationwide media, covering three various media types. To be exact, the contents considered are media news issued by daily Právo and Blesk, by television channels ČT 1 and Nova, and radio channels Radiožurnál and Impuls, within the decade of January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2016. Primary attention is drawn to the media space dedicated to reporting on the topic of homelessness, to the manner in which homeless people are represented in the media, to framing of causes and treatment of homelessness, and to the speakers, who are given the chance to explicitly speak in the media. Last but not least, the scope and..