29 research outputs found

    Węcowski Marek. Sympozion czyli wspуlne picie. Początki greckiej biesiady arystokratycznej (IX—VII wiek p. n. e.)

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    Рецензія на: Węcowski Marek. Sympozion czyli wspólne picie. Początki greckiej biesiady arystokratycznej (IX—VII wiek p. n. e.). — (Parnassus. Seria naukowa pod red. dr. M. Staniszewskiego). — Warszawa: wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa, 2011. — 402 s

    Unified Patterns for Realtime Interactive Simulation in Games and Digital Storytelling

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    Metaverse: Technologies for Virtual Worlds

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    Guest Editors\u27 Introductio

    Metaverse: Technologies for Virtual Worlds

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    Guest Editors\u27 Introductio

    Analyzing and Improving the Parametrization Quality of Catmull-Clark Solids for Isogeometric Analysis

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    In the field of physically based simulation, high quality of the simulation model is crucial for the correctness of the simulation results and the performance of the simulation algorithm. When working with spline or subdivision models in the context of isogeometric analysis, the quality of the parametrization has to be considered in addition to the geometric quality of the control mesh. Following Cohen et al.'s concept of model quality in addition to mesh quality, we present a parametrization quality metric tailored for Catmull-Clark (CC) solids. It measures the quality of the limit volume based on a quality measure for conformal mappings, revealing local distortions and singularities. We present topological operations that resolve these singularities by splitting certain types of boundary cells that typically occur in interactively designed CC-solid models. The improved models provide higher parametrization quality that positively affects the simulation results without additional computational costs for the solver

    Visualization 4.0

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    Dynamic Tasks' Reconfiguration for UAV System using Aspect Orientation

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    Many modern applications require high-performance platforms to deal with a variety of algorithms requiring massive calculations. Moreover, low-cost powerful hardware (e.g., GPU, PPU) and CPUs with multiple cores have become abundant, and can be combined in heterogeneous architectures. To cope with this, reconfigurable computing is a potential paradigm as it can provide flexibility to explore the computational resources on hybrid and multi-core desktop architectures. The workload can optimally be (re)distributed over heterogeneous cores along the lifecycle of an application, aiming for best performance. As the first step towards a run-time reconfigurable load-balancing framework, application requirements and crosscutting concerns related to timing play an important role for task allocation decisions. In this paper, we present the use of aspect-oriented paradigms to address non-functional application timing constraints in the design phase. The DERAF aspects’ framework is extended to support reconfiguration requirements; and a strategy for load-balancing is described. In addition, we present preliminary evaluation using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based Surveillance System as case study.©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.</p