87 research outputs found

    Transfer of electronic commerce trust between brick-and-mortar and online business environments

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    Through experimentation, we establish a causal relationship between trust and the expansion of a retailer from online to brick-and-mortar and vice versa. Trust is multidimensional and contingent on the distribution path first chosen. Vendor trustworthiness (knowledge-based) and technological trustworthiness (institution-based) have different effects depending on the initial and new distribution channel. Expanding from brick-and-mortar to online negatively affects technology-based trust, while transfers from an online to a physical location maintain the same level of technology-based trust. Vendor-based trust is positively affected by transfer from online to the brick-and-mortar location, and is not significantly unaffected by transfers from brick and-mortar to online locations. The perceived “permanence” of a physical location influences consumer beliefs about the location’s trustworthiness

    Elektrifisering av kran og trolley pÄ oppdrettsplattformer

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    I denne oppgaven har det blitt undersÞkt hvordan dagens kran- og trolley lÞsning kan gjÞres mer miljÞvennlig. SmÄ kraner er allerede elektrisk, men store kraner slik som kranen i oppgaven som skal lÞfte 20 tonn er enda produsert dieseldreven. For Ä gjÞre lÞsningen mer miljÞvennlig har det blitt undersÞkt om en hybrid eller elektrisk lÞsning har best potensial. Basert pÄ drÞftingen er det best Ä utvikle en helt elektrisk lÞsning. Videre i oppgaven har det blitt beregnet effektbehov for den elektriske lÞsningen. Denne utregningen er fÞrste utkast og mÄ itereres pÄ. Vet Ä benytte utregningsmetodene og komponentene som er funnet i oppgaven kan neste iterasjon lages. SÄ kan det hende at det blir andre komponenter tredje gang. Vekten endrer seg nÄr bÊreverket blir prosjektert. Virkningsgrader endrer seg nÄr komponenter blir byttet ut. Meningen er Ä kunne benytte den oppgaven til Ä videreutvikle en mer miljÞvennlig kran og trolley lÞsning. Ut i fra beregningene kan det konkluderes med at en helt elektrisk lÞsning kan lages. LÞsningen vil vÊre mer miljÞvennlig, men til hvilken grad avhenger av hvordan strÞmmen batteriene opplades med blir produsert. Anbefalingen er Ä videreutvikle kran og trolley lÞsningen slik at de blir produsert framfor dieseldrevne alternativ. Denne endringen vil vÊre et godt bidrag til det grÞnne skiftet

    Livskvalitet ved kronisk sykdom

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    Studentarbeid i sykepleie (bachelorgrad) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Clinical exigencies, psychosocial realities: negotiating HIV preĂą exposure prophylaxis beyond the cascade among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in Canada

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    IntroductionNotwithstanding the efficacy of oral preñ exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in clinical trials, a number of obstacles exist to achieving populationñ level impact among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM). However, few studies have explored the subjective experiences of GBM PrEP users and nonñ users in the community, outside of clinical trials. The objectives of this study were to explore GBM’s experiences of considering, accessing and using (or not using) PrEP, and to understand emerging sexual health, social and community issues among GBM in the PrEP era.MethodsFrom October 2015 to March 2016, we purposively sampled PrEPñ naïve and PrEPñ experienced GBM from community organizations and health centres in Toronto, Canada. Inñ depth, 45ñ to 90ñ minute semiñ structured interviews explored PrEP perspectives and decisionñ making, access, initiation, use over time, sexual practices and psychosocial considerations. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, uploaded into NVIVO, reviewed using thematic analysis and then contrasted with the PrEP cascade.ResultsParticipants included PrEP users (n = 15) and nonñ users (n = 14) (mean age = 36.7 years; SD = 8.2), largely gayñ identified (86.2%), cisgender male (89.7%) and white (79.3%). Themes indicate not only correspondences, but also limitations of the PrEP cascade by complicating a user/nonñ user binary and challenging the unilateral presupposition that HIV risk perception leads to PrEP acceptance. Findings further call into question assumptions of a linear stage progression and retention in care as a universal endpoint, instead revealing alternate trajectories of seasonal or intermittent PrEP use and, for some, an end goal of terminating PrEP. GBM’s narratives also revealed potent psychological/affective experiences of untethering sex from HIV anxiety; multifaceted PrEP stigma; and challenges to sexual norms and practices that complicate existing behavioural prevention strategies and sexual and social relationships.ConclusionsAn expanded PrEP cascade should consider alternate trajectories of use based on dynamic relationships and behavioural risks that may call for seasonal or intermittent use; systemic barriers in access to and sustaining PrEP; and multiple end goals including PrEP maintenance and discontinuation. Incorporating GBM’s lived experiences, evolving preferences, and psychosocial and communityñ level challenges into PrEP implementation models, rather than a circumscribed biomedical approach, may more effectively support HIV prevention and GBM’s broader sexual and psychological health.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146595/1/jia225211_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146595/2/jia225211.pd

    Concurrent and Predictive Relationships Between Compulsive Internet Use and Substance Use: Findings from Vocational High School Students in China and the USA

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    Purpose: Compulsive Internet Use (CIU) has increasingly become an area of research among process addictions. Largely based on data from cross-sectional studies, a positive association between CIU and substance use has previously been reported. This study presents gender and country-specific longitudinal findings on the relationships between CIU and substance use. Methods: Data were drawn from youth attending non-conventional high schools, recruited into two similarly implemented trials conducted in China and the USA. The Chinese sample included 1,761 students (49% male); the US sample included 1,182 students (57% male) with over half (65%) of the US youth being of Hispanic ethnicity. Path analyses were applied to detect the concurrent and predictive relationships between baseline and one-year follow-up measures of CIU level, 30-day cigarette smoking, and 30-day binge drinking. Results: (1) CIU was not positively related with substance use at baseline. (2) There was a positive predictive relationship between baseline CIU and change in substance use among female, but not male students. (3) Relationships between concurrent changes in CIU and substance use were also found among female, but not male students. (4) Baseline substance use did not predict an increase in CIU from baseline to 1-year follow-up. Conclusions: While CIU was found to be related to substance use, the relationship was not consistently positive. More longitudinal studies with better measures for Internet Addiction are needed to ascertain the detailed relationship between Internet addiction and substance use

    Hepatitis Vaccination of Men Who Have Sex with Men at Gay Pride Events

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    Prevention researchers have advocated primary prevention such as vaccination in alternative venues. However, there have been major questions about both the attendance of, and the ability to, vaccinate high-risk individuals in such settings. The current study seeks to assess the feasibility of vaccinating high-risk men who have sex with men (MSM) at Gay Pride events. The research questions are: Do gay men who are sampled at Gay Pride events engage in more or less risky behavior than gay men sampled at other venues? Do the gay men who receive hepatitis vaccinations at Gay Pride engage in more or less risky behavior than gay men at Gay Pride who do not receive hepatitis vaccination? Of the 3689 MSM that completed the Field Risk Assessment (FRA), 1095/3689 = 29.68% were recruited at either the 2006 or 2007 Long Beach, California Gay Pride events. The remaining, 2594/3689 = 70.32% were recruited at Long Beach gay bars, gay community organizations and institutions, and through street recruitment in various gay enclaves in the Long Beach area. Logistic regression analysis yielded eight factors that were associated with non-attendance of Gay Pride: Age, had sex while high in the last 12 months, had unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) in the last 12 months, had sex for drugs/money in the last 12 months, been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the last 12 months, used nitrites (poppers) in the last 12 months, and used methamphetamine in the last 12 months. Identifying as White, Asian, or African American compared to Hispanic was also associated with non-attendance. Bivariate analysis indicated that, of the MSM sampled at Gay Pride, 280/1095 = 25.57% received a hepatitis vaccination there. The MSM sampled at Gay Pride who reported engaging in UAI or having used any stimulant (cocaine, crack-cocaine, or methamphetamine) in the last 12 months were more likely to receive hepatitis vaccination on-site. The results provide evidence for the viability of successfully vaccinating high-risk MSM at Gay Pride events. However, it is vital that no-cost vaccinations are also funded in other community settings such as STI clinics, drug treatment programs, prisons, universities, and other community resource centers in order to reach those additional high-risk MSM who do not attend Gay Pride

    A psychometric analysis of the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory

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    Although there are several measures available to healthcare professionals that purport to measure compulsive sexual behavior (CSB), previous analyses have found that these measures have many shortcomings. These deficiencies include a focus on the presence of aberrant sexual behavior, or a strict quantification of sexual acts or partners. Current research demonstrates that CSB interventions have more validity when the focus is placed on the detriments of CSB and the ways in which CSB disrupts daily functioning. The Compulsive Sexual Behavior Inventory (CSBI) is the first measure that purports to assess CSB according to such detriments and disruptions. Analysis is necessary in order to assess the psychometric properties of the CSBI among a diverse (e.g., ethnic/gender/sexual orientation) sample of participants. Because of the association between CSB and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI), and drug abuse, it is paramount that a psychometrically sound measure of CSB is made available to all healthcare professionals working in disease prevention and other areas. Keywords: Compulsive sexual behavior, Sexual risk, HIV, STI, Drug abuse
