25 research outputs found

    Health-related quality of life and binge eating among adolescent girls with PCOS

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    Publisher Copyright: Copyright: Ā© 2022 The Author(s).Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 3ā€“8% of adolescents. It is characterized by hyperandrogenism and oligoovulation/anovulation. PCOS has a negative impact on health-related quality of life (HRQoL). However, the extents to which factors influence total HRQoL of adolescents are not known. Adult PCOS patients have a higher incidence of binge eating than the general reproductive-age female population. Limited data on binge eating in adolescents with PCOS are available. Aim of this study was to investigate how PCOS and its associated factors, including binge eating, affect the HRQoL of adolescent girls. Methods: This case-control study recruited 63 adolescent girls 13ā€“18 years of age with PCOS and 66 age-matched healthy controls. The PCOS health-related quality of life questionnaire (PCOSQ) and Binge Eating Scale (BES) were used. Multiple linear regression was executed to establish exact predictors and their effect on total HRQoL. Results: HRQoL was significantly lower in adolescents with PCOS than controls (4.9 (interquartile range (IQR) 1.5) vs. 5.8 (IQR 0.9) points). The lowest scores were found in the body hair and weight domains. BES results were not significantly higher in the PCOS group than in the control group (p = 0.727). The main predictors for total HRQoL were PCOS diagnosis per se (Ī² = ā€“1.002; p < 0.001), BES score (Ī² = ā€“0.27; p = 0.004) and body mass index (BMI) percentile (Ī² = ā€“0.007; p = 0.013). Conclusions: The lower HRQoL in adolescents with PCOS is attributable to the diagnosis of PCOS, BES score and BMI percentile, confirming the importance of tailoring clinical interventions and counselling to address the domains (i.e., symptoms of hirsutism and weight concerns) causing distress and lowering HRQoL. Further implementation research is required to evaluate the impact of targeted interventions on the HRQoL of adolescent girls with PCOS.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Social emotional competence, learning outcomes, emotional and behavioral difficulties of preschool children : parent and teacher evaluations

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    This paper addresses the role of social emotional competence in the emotional and behavioral problems and learning outcomes of preschool children based on their parentsā€™ and teachersā€™ evaluations. In this study, we compared the perceptions of teachers and parents when evaluating the same child using the multi-informant assessment. First, the associations and differences between both the informant evaluations were investigated. Second, the correlation of the social emotional competence and emotional, and behavioral difficulties among preschool children was analyzed, separately addressing their parentsā€™ and teachersā€™ evaluations. Third, the role of the preschool childrenā€™s social emotional competence in their emotional and behavioral problems, and learning outcomes was investigated building the regression and mediation models. The sample consisted of 507 preschool children (3ā€“6 years, mean age 4.85 years, SD 0.82) and their parents and teachers. Both informants completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Social Skills Improvement System Social-Emotional Learning Brief Scales, and teachers reported on each childā€™s learning outcomes (by completing a three-item Learning outcomes measure). When comparing both informantsā€™ evaluations, positive associations were found between teacher and parental evaluations of prosocial behavior and emotional, and behavioral difficulties of preschool children, as well as self-management. Parents evaluated their children higher than teachers in conduct problems, hyperactivity, prosocial behavior, and total difficulty, while teachers evaluated children higher than parents in social emotional competence. According to teachers, the social emotional competence of preschool children was negatively correlated to all difficulty scales, and positively related to the prosocial behavior scale. The demographic variables, as well as parental socioeconomic status and childrenā€™s belonging to a vulnerable group were not found to be significantly associated with the preschool childrenā€™s learning outcomes. However, social emotional competence remains a significant variable in teacher-rated learning outcomes of preschool children even if sociodemographic variables are controlled. Our findings indicate that a higher level of social emotional competence and lower levels of social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties are related to a higher preschoolersā€™ academic learning in their teachersā€™ evaluation. This suggests the importance of early facilitation of social emotional competence as a key factor for academic success and more positive behavioral outcomes.peer-reviewe

    Seventh Monograph in Resilience and Health, Centre for Resilience and Socio-Emotional Health

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    This report presents the findings of semi- randomised evaluation of the Promoting Mental Health in School (PROMEHS) programme, developed by a nine-partners European consortium funded by the EU. The evaluation with more than 10,000 students from six different countries examined whether the progrmme is effective in enhancing studentsā€™ social and emotional learning, resilience, mental health, and academic outcomes and whether the teachers implementing the programme reported enhanced social and emotional competence, resilience, and self-efficacy.peer-reviewe

    The effectiveness of a school-based, universal mental health programme in six European countries

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    As children and young people today face ever increasing social, emotional and mental health challenges, schools, as one of the primary systems in childrenā€™s lives, are called to broaden their agenda and help to address these challenges. This paper discusses the evaluation of a school-based, universal mental health promotion programme developed recently for the European context. The programme provides a universal curriculum from early years to high school, aiming to promote social and emotional learning and resilience and prevent social, emotional, and behavioural problems in children and adolescents. A total of 7,789 students (and their teachers and parents) from kindergarten to high school across 6 countries in Europe were recruited from 434 classrooms in 124 schools, making use of cluster sampling. A quasi- experimental longitudinal design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme on studentsā€™ outcomes by comparing the groupsā€™ outcomes within times (pre-test vs. post-test) and between groups (experimental vs. control group). A total of 779 classroom teachers completed pre-and-post scales measuring studentsā€™ social and emotional learning, mental health and academic achievement. Results indicate that the experimental group had significantly larger increase in social and emotional competence and prosocial behaviour, and a decrease in mental health issues (externalising and internalising problems). No significant impact was found for academic outcomes. The findings are discussed in view of the limitations of the study and areas for further research.peer-reviewe

    The role of the humor in stress coping

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    Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumusAnotācija Promocijas darba ā€žHumora loma stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas procesāā€ mērÄ·is bija noskaidrot, kāda ir humora loma stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anas procesā. Eksperimentāli tika pārbaudÄ«ts, vai iekŔējs humoristisks monologs kalpo stresa mazināŔanai. Rezultāti ļāva secināt, ka instrukcija veidot iekŔēju humoristisku monologu neatstāj iespaidu uz stresa emocionālajām reakcijām. AprakstoŔā sakarÄ«bu pētÄ«jumā tika pārbaudÄ«ts, kurÅ” no pastarpināto sakarÄ«bu modeļiem labāk izskaidro dažādu humora dimensiju iesaisti stresa un tā reakciju savstarpējās sakarÄ«bās. Rezultāti liecināja, ka humora iesaisti stresa pārvarÄ“Å”anā labāk izskaidro mediatora modelis, nevis tradicionāli izmantotais stresa moderatora modelis. Iekļaujot uztvertā rādÄ«tāju kā mediatoru, bija iespējams skaidrot dažādu humora stilu sakarÄ«bas ar ilgtermiņa stresa reakcijām. PaÅ”uzmundrinoÅ”ais humora stils veidoja gan tieÅ”as, gan ar uztverto stresu pastarpinātas sakarÄ«bas ar pozitÄ«vām un negatÄ«vām emocijām. Biedriskais humors skaidroja pozitÄ«vas emocijas neatkarÄ«gi no stresa. Atslēgvārdi: humora stili, stress, emocijas, moderators, mediators.Abstract The aim of the dissertation ā€œThe role of the humor in stress copingā€ was to clarify the role of the humor in stress coping process. Hypothesis that an internal humorous monologue decreases stress reaction was tested using experimental design. Results showed that an instruction to create an internal monologue had no effect on emotional stress reaction. Cross-sectional design was used to test which model of indirect links best explains how different dimensions of humor interlink with stress and stress related reactions. Results showed that mediator model was better predictor, if compared with traditionally used stress-moderator model. When perceived stress was included into analysis, it was possible to explain relations between different humor dimensions and long term stress reactions. Self-enhancing humor has both direct and indirect (mediated through perceived stress) effect on positive and negative emotions. Affiliative humor explains positive emotions independently from stress. Key words: humor styles, stress, emotions, moderator, mediator

    Mental Health and Work Engagement as Predictors of Different Burnout Conceptualizations in a Multi-Occupational Sample from Latvia

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the role of mental health concepts (depression, anxiety, and stress) and work engagement in the prediction of burnout sub-variables in different conceptual models and which sub-variable they explain the most. It was assumed, that conceptualization of burnout subtypes could be more successful in the distinction of the burnout from other mental health phenomena compared to the well-known approach. A cross-sectional study among multi-occupational sample (N=ā€‰394) was conducted. A correlational and multivariative design was done. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales was used for measure depression, anxiety, and stress and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for measure work engagement. Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey and Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire were used for burnout measures. Anxiety, work engagement, and stress were significant predictors of Frenetic subtype, Work engagement and depression explained Underchallenged subtype, depression, work engagement and anxiety explained Worn-Out, but all independent variables explained Exhaustion, in turn depression and work engagement predicted Cynicism and Professional efficacy. Sociodemographic factors were controlled. Work engagement had greater predictive value of the burnout in the Montero MarĆ­n model, but the mental health factors played a more dominant role in the Maslach model. The results indicate a greater role of depression in the classical burnout model

    Adolescent social emotional skills, resilience and behavioral problems during the COVID-19 pandemic : a longitudinal study in three European countries

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    Objectives: The consequences of long-lasting restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have become a topical question in the latest research. The present study aims to analyze longitudinal changes in adolescentsā€™ social emotional skills, resilience, and behavioral problems. Moreover, the study addresses the impact of adolescentsā€™ social emotional learning on changes in their resilience and behavioral problems over the course of seven months of the pandemic.Methods: The Time 1 (T1) and Time 2 (T2) measuring points were in October 2020 and May 2021, characterized by high mortality rates and strict restrictions in Europe. For all three countries combined, 512 questionnaires were answered by both adolescents (aged 11-13 and 14-16 years) and their parents. The SSIS-SEL and SDQ student self-report and parent forms were used to evaluate adolescentsā€™ social emotional skills and behavioral problems. The CD-RISC-10 scale was administered to adolescents to measure their self-reported resilience. Several multilevel models were fitted to investigate the changes in adolescentsā€™ social emotional skills, resilience, and behavioral problems, controlling for age and gender. Correlation analysis was carried out to investigate how changes in the adolescentsā€™ social emotional skills were associated with changes in their resilience and mental health adjustment.Results: Comparing T1 and T2 evaluations, adolescents claim they have more behavioral problems, have less social emotional skills, and are less prosocial than perceived by their parents, and this result applies across all countries and age groups. Both informants agree that COVID-19 had a negative impact, reporting an increment in the mean internalizing and externalizing difficulties scores and reductions in social emotional skills, prosocial behavior, and resilience scores. However, these changes are not very conspicuous, and most of them are not significant. Correlation analysis shows that changes in adolescentsā€™ social emotional skills are negatively and significantly related to changes in internalized and externalized problems and positively and significantly related to changes in prosocial behavior and resilience. This implies that adolescents who experienced larger development in social emotional learning also experienced more increase in resilience and prosocial behavior and a decrease in difficulties.Conclusion: Due to its longitudinal design, sample size, and multi-informant approach, this study adds to a deeper understanding of the pandemicā€™s consequences on adolescentsā€™ mental health.peer-reviewe

    Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International

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    Recently, two forms of virtue related humor, benevolent and corrective, have been introduced. Benevolent humor treats human weaknesses and wrongdoings benevolently, while corrective humor aims at correcting and bettering them. Twelve marker items for benevolent and corrective humor (the BenCor) were developed, and it was demonstrated that they fill the gap between humor as temperament and virtue. The present study investigates responses to the BenCor from 25 samples in 22 countries (overall N 7,226). The psychometric properties of the BenCor were found to be sufficient in most of the samples, including internal consistency, unidimensionality, and factorial validity. Importantly, benevolent and corrective humor were clearly established as two positively related, yet distinct dimensions of virtue -related humor. Metric measurement invariance was supported across the 25 samples, and scalar invariance was supported across six age groups (from 18 to 50+ years) and across gender. Comparisons of samples within and between four countries (Malaysia, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK) showed that the item profiles were more similar within than between countries, though some evidence for regional differences was also found. This study thus supported, for the first time, the suitability of the 12 marker items of benevolent and corrective humor in different countries, enabling a cumulative cross-cultural research and eventually applications of humor aiming at the good

    Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): A multi-national study involving 73 countries

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    The current study examines whether the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia) can be assessed reliably and validly by means of a self-report instrument in different countries of the world. All items of the GELOPH (Ruch and Titze, GELOPH46, University of DĆ¼sseldorf, 1998; Ruch and Proyer, Swiss Journal of Psychology 67:19ā€“27, 2008b) were translated to the local language of the collaborator (42 languages in total). In total, 22,610 participants in 93 samples from 73 countries completed the GELOPH. Across all samples the reliability of the 15-item questionnaire was high (mean alpha of .85) and in all samples the scales appeared to be unidimensional. The endorsement rates for the items ranged from 1.31% through 80.00% to a single item. Variations in the mean scores of the items were more strongly related to the culture in a country and not to the language in which the data were collected. This was also supported by a multidimensional scaling analysis with standardized mean scores of the items from the GELOPH15. This analysis identified two dimensions that further helped explaining the data (i.e., insecure vs. intense avoidant-restrictive and low vs. high suspicious tendencies towards the laughter of others). Furthermore, multiple samples derived from one country tended to be (with a few exceptions) highly similar. The study shows that gelotophobia can be assessed reliably by means of a self-report instrument in cross-cultural research. This study enables further studies of the fear of being laughed at with regard to differences in the prevalence and putative causes of gelotophobia in comparisons to different cultures

    PROMEHS Kurikul za promicanje mentalnoga zdravlja u vrtićima i Å”kolama: Priručnik za nastavnike u svrhu promicanja mentalnoga zdravlja učenika od 5. do 8. razreda osnovne Å”kole i srednjoÅ”kolskih učenika

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    Svrha ovog priručnika je primjena PROMEHS kurikula za mentalno zdravlje djece u osnovnim I srednjim Å”kolama, konkretno za rad nastavnika s učenicima u dobi od 11. do 18. godine. Sadržajno obuhvaća metodičko-didaktički prikaz aktivnosti koje nastavnici od 5. do 8. razreda osnovne Å”kole i srednjoÅ”kolski nastavnici mogu provoditi s ciljem osnaživanja mentalnoga zdravlja, otpornosti i socijalno-emocionalnih kompetencija učenika. Aktivnosti prikazane u priručniku provode se u sklopu postojećih kurikula dječjih osnovnih i srednjih Å”kola kao suvremeni program za promociju i prevenciju teÅ”koća iz područja mentalno zdravlja učenika, a sadržajno i metodički su povezani s priručnikom za učenike