57 research outputs found

    Dominance of free wall radial motion in global right ventricular function of heart transplant recipients

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    Assessment of right ventricular (RV) function using conventional echocardiography might be inadequate as the radial motion of the RV free wall is often neglected. Our aim was to quantify the longitudinal and the radial components of RV function using three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography in heart transplant (HTX) recipients. 51 HTX patients in stable cardiovascular condition without history of relevant rejection episode or chronic allograft vasculopathy and 30 healthy volunteers were enrolled. RV end-diastolic (EDV) volume and total ejection fraction (TEF) were measured by 3D echocardiography. Furthermore, we quantified longitudinal (LEF) and radial ejection fraction (REF) by decomposing the motion of the RV using the ReVISION method. RV EDV did not differ between groups (HTX vs. control; 96+/-27 vs. 97+/-2 ml). In HTX patients TEF was lower, however, tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) decreased to a greater extent (TEF: 47+/-7 vs 54+/-4% [-13%], TAPSE: 11+/-5 vs 21+/-4 mm [-48%], p<0.0001). In HTX patients, REF/TEF ratio was significantly higher compared to LEF/TEF (REF/TEF vs. LEF/TEF: 0.58+/-0.10 vs. 0.27+/-0.08, p<0.0001), while in controls the REF/TEF and LEF/TEF ratio was similar (0.45+/-0.07 vs. 0.47+/-0.07). Current results confirm the superiority of radial motion in determining RV function in HTX patients. Parameters incorporating the radial motion are recommended to assess RV function in HTX recipients. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved


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    Afterimage itself is a recreation of subjective memories in a multiple portrait

    American Economic Revival during Ronald Reagan's Presidency. Success or Failure?

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    Praca ta stanowi próbę przedstawienia działań prezydenta Ronalda Reagana, które miały bezpośredni wpływ na kondycję gospodarki amerykańskiej. Opisuje drogę jaką przebył by dojść do Białego Domu, jego poglądy relacje z ludźmi, który pomagali mu w tworzeniu tej nowej rzeczywistości gospodarczej Stanów Zjednoczonych. Praca zawiera charakterystykę lat 70. i 80. w USA pod kontem gospodarczym i społecznym. Opisuje teorię podaży supply-side Jacka Kempa oraz plan odrodzenia gospodarczego Reagana, czyli reaganomikę. Praca zakończona jest krótki posumowaniem, w którym zawarto uwagi końcowe i rozstrzygnięcie tezy, czy dzięki prezydentowi Reaganowi Stany Zjednoczone odrodziły się gospodarczo.This work is an attempt to present actions of President Ronald Reagan, which had direct influence on the health of the U.S. economy. It describes the path he traveled to the White House, his views, relations with people who helped him in creating this new economic reality of the United States. The work includes characterization of the 70s and 80s in the U.S. in terms of economic and social development. Also describes the Jack Kemp's supply-side theory and Reagan's economic recovery plan, or Reaganomics. The work is ended with a short summary, which contains concluding remarks and the decision whether thanks to President Reagan the United States were revived economically


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    Afterimage itself is a recreation of subjective memories in a multiple portrait

    Female genealogy and rewriting of myths in contemporary French and Polish literature

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    Notre travail se penche sur la réécriture de quelques mythes du point de vue féminin afin de proposer une (re)construction de la généalogie des femmes. Quelles sont les figures représentatives du couple mère/fille, et comment se construisent-elles ? Dans quels mouvements s’inscrivent les reprises des mythes classiques ? Faut-il détourner les mythes créés par les hommes afin de parvenir à une nouvelle généalogie féminine ? Ce travail relève d’une double approche comparatiste, il propose tout d’abord l’analyse des figures archétypales mères-filles dans une perspective mythocritique, puis sur un plan culturel et linguistique, rapprochant des textes de la littérature française et polonaise. Ainsi, les figures bibliques d’Ève et Marie s’unissent aux représentations des mythologies païennes, telles Déméter et Perséphone, Iphigénie et Clytemnestre, ou enfin Médée. Ces figures anciennes de la maternité reviennent en force, revisitées par des écrivaines françaises et polonaises contemporaines, et ce pour redéfinir la perception du couple mère/fille. Les œuvres analysées sont nombreuses, d’Hélène Cixous à Christine Angot pour le corpus français. Quant aux textes polonais, c’est pour le lecteur français toute une littérature à découvrir qui est présentée, explorée et analysée. Nous nous intéressons à des auteures polonaises qui ont contribué à la naissance d’une écriture féminine plus intime après 1989. Nous attribuons une place considérable à la traduction des extraits des textes étudiés, ceci dans l’optique d’une traduction complète ultérieurement. Malgré les contextes socio-culturels différents dans lesquels évoluent les deux littératures, un véritable dialogue s’établit au niveau des paradigmes mythiques exploités. Ce rapprochement permet d’envisager une certaine universalité inscrite dans les mythes anciens évoquant les figures de la maternité. Il s’agit in fine d’une quête commune des femmes à la recherche d’une histoire pour la refondation d’une nouvelle généalogie.This dissertation examines the rewriting of some myths from the female point of view in order to propose a (re)construction of women's genealogy. What are the representative figures of the mother/daughter relationship, and how are they constructed? In which movements do the rewritings of classical myths fit? Should the myths created by men be diverted in order to achieve a new female genealogy? This work is based on a double comparative approach ; first, it proposes an analysis of archetypal mother-daughter figures in a mythocritical perspective ; second, it brings together texts from French and Polish literature on cultural and linguistic levels. Thus, the biblical figures of Eve and Mary are compared with representations of pagan mythologies, such as Demeter and Persephone, Iphigenia and Clytemnestra, or finally Medea. These ancient figures of maternity return in force, revisited by contemporary French and Polish writers, to redefine the perception of the mother/daughter relationship. The works analyzed are numerous; for the French corpus, they range from Hélène Cixous to Christine Angot, and for the Polish texts, this dissertation focuses on women’s literature after 1989, when a more intimate literature emerged. These texts will be presented and analyzed so that the French reader can usefully discover them in tandem with the French texts. Considerable importance is given to the translation of extracts from these texts, in view of a complete translation later on. Despite the different socio-cultural contexts in which the two literatures have evolved, a real dialogue is established at the level of mythical paradigms. This rapprochement makes possible to imagine a universality inscribed in the ancient myths evoking the figures of motherhood. It is ultimately a common quest of women searching for a history in order to find foundations for a new genealogy


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    Afterimage itself is a recreation of subjective memories in a multiple portrait

    Sposób wytwarzania różowego barwnika cyrkonowo-żelazowego opis patentowy nr 190912 /

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    Tyt. z ekranu tyt.Nr zgłoszenia 335745.Data zgłoszenia 28 września 1999.Zgłoszenie ogłoszono 9 kwietnia 2001 BUP 08/01.O udzieleniu patentu ogłoszono 28 lutego 2006 WUP 02/06.Dostępny także w wersji drukowanej.Tryb dostępu: Internet

    Half-Devil, Half-Man - about Movie Characters of Jack Nicholson

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    Praca przedstawia życie i karierę Jacka Nicholsona, jednego z najważniejszych przedstawicieli kina amerykańskiego oraz charakterystykę postaci diabolicznych i ludzkich przez niego kreowanych. Rozdział pierwszy opisuje jego dzieciństwo, młodość i początki kariery. W rozdziale drugim scharakteryzowano jego wcielenia diabelskie na przykładzie filmów takich jak: Lot nad kukułczym gniazdem, Lśnienie, Czarownice z Eastwick i Batman. Rozdział trzeci zawiera charakterystykę postaci ludzkich, przy wykorzystaniu filmów: Chwasty, Lepiej być nie może, Schmidt oraz Choć goni nas czas. Na końcu zostały przedstawione wnioski wynikające z porównania poszczególnych kreacji Jacka Nicholsona – jako diabła i człowieka, które ukazują jego wszechstronność i ogromny talent oraz to, że jest on aktorem, umiejącym wcielić się w każdą rolę.This dissertation presents the life and career of Jack Nicholson, one of the most important representatives of the american cinema, and also a description of diabolical and human characters he performed. The first chapter describes his childhood, youth and beginnings of his career. In the second chapter there is a characterization of his diabolical characters illustrated with examples from such movies as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Shining, The Witches of Eastwick and Batman. The third chapter contains description of human characters with examples from movies: Ironweed, As Good as It Gets, Schmidt and The Bucket List. The last part of this dissertation presents conclusions of comparison of particular characters of Jack Nicholson - as a devil and a human, which show his versatility and huge talent, and also that he is and actor who can impersonate any character