41 research outputs found

    Biodiversity of shallow subtidal, under-rock invertebrates in Europe's first marine reserve: effects of physical factors and scientific sampling

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    At Lough Hyne Marine Reserve in SW Ireland, shallow subtidal, under-rock biodiversity was investigated to assess (i) any deleterious effects of scientific sampling and (ii) quantitative baseline community patterns. Comparisons were made between 10 sites with annual rock-turning disturbance and 10 with multi-decadal (historical) disturbance. At each site, shallow subtidal rocks (N = 1289 total) were lifted, organisms recorded, and rocks replaced in their original position. Biodiversity indices were calculated to evaluate how diversity varied with location within the lough, frequency of sampling disturbance, degree of hypoxia/anoxia, dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, and number of rocks turned. The richness of solitary invertebrates surveyed in situ averaged 21 taxa per site with significantly more in the South Basin (near the lough's connection to the ocean) than in the North Basin. The Shannon-Wiener Index did not differ significantly with variables investigated. However, evenness was higher at annually disturbed sites than at historical ones where anemones with algal symbionts often dominated. Several sites were hypoxic to anoxic under the shallow subtidal rocks. Cup corals were most abundant in the South Basin; DO was a crucial explanatory variable of these sensitive species. Solitary ascidians were most abundant at South-Basin annual sites with DO levels being a highly significant explanatory variable

    No ‘silver bullet’:Multiple factors control population dynamics of european purple sea urchins in Lough Hyne marine reserve, Ireland

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    Two-decade-long monitoring studies at Europe\u27s first statutory marine reserve—Lough Hyne in SW Ireland—indicate that benthic communities are rapidly changing. Populations of the ecologically important purple urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) have fluctuated widely, most recently with a population boom in the late 1990s, followed by a mass mortality that persists to the present day. Eight general hypotheses have been proposed to account for the urchin decline including cold temperature limiting reproduction, ephemeral algal exudates disrupting urchin fertilization, low larval availability (due to over-harvesting and/or episodic recruitment), high mortality of settlers and juveniles due to hypoxia, hyperoxia, or predation (a trophic cascade hypothesis), and increased mortality due to pathogens (stress hypothesis). The cold-temperature and the trophic cascade hypotheses appear unlikely. The remaining hypotheses, however, all seem to play a role, to some degree, in driving the urchin decline. Ulvoid exudates, for example, significantly reduced urchin fertilization and few larvae were found in plankton tows (2012–2015), indicating low larval availability in summer. Whilst settling urchins regularly recruited under shallow-subtidal rocks until 2011, no settlers were found in these habitats from 2011 to 2014 or in field experiments (2012–2018) using various settlement substrata. Seawater quality was poor in shallow areas of the lough with extreme oxygen fluctuations (diel-cycling hypoxia), and 1-day experimental exposures to DO values < 1 mg L−1 were lethal to most juvenile urchins. Multiple increases of the predatory spiny starfish (Marthasterias glacialis) population in recent decades may also have contributed to the demise of the coexisting juvenile urchins. Finally, urchins of all sizes were seen suffering from dropped spines, tissue necrosis, or white-coloured infection, suggestive of stress-related pathogen mortality. There was a paucity of broken tests, indicating limited predation by large crustaceans; the large number of adult urchins ‘missing’ and few P. lividus tests on the north shore points to possible urchin removal by poachers and/or starfish predation. While these ecological, environmental, and anthropogenic processes occur on open coast rocky shores, many are exacerbated by the semi-enclosed nature of this fully marine sea lough due to its limited flushing. Multiple factors, including low larval availability and rapidly expanding starfish populations, coupled with degraded habitat quality (ephemeral algal mats and extreme oxygen fluctuations), indicate that the purple urchin populations will not recover without an improvement in the water quality of Lough Hyne Marine Reserve, the restocking of urchins, and protection from poaching

    Determining the sources of nutrient flux to water in headwater catchments:Examining the speciation balance to inform the targeting of mitigation measures

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    Diffuse water pollution from agriculture (DWPA) is a major environmental concern, with significant adverse impacts on both human and ecosystem health. However,without an appropriate understanding of the multiple factors impacting on water, mitigation measures cannot be targeted. Therefore, this paper addresses this gap in understanding, reporting the hydrochemicalmonitoring evidence collected from the UK Government's Demonstration Test Catchments (DTC) programme including contrasting chalk and clay/mudstone catchments. We use data collected at daily and sub-daily frequency overmultiple sites to address: (1) How does the behaviour of the full range of nitrogen (N) species and phosphorus (P) fractions vary? (2) How do N species and P fractions vary inter- and intra-annually? (3)What do these data indicate about the primary pollution sources? And (4) which diffuse pollution mitigation measures are appropriate in our study landscapes? Key differences in the rates of flux of nutrients were identified, dependent on catchment characteristics. Full N speciation and P fractionation, together with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) enabled identification of the most likely contributing sources in each catchment. Nitrate (NO3-N) was the dominant N fraction in the chalk whereas organic and particulate N comprised the majority of the load in the clay/mudstone catchments. Despite current legislation, orthophosphate (PO4-P)was not found to be the dominant form of P in any of the catchments monitored. The chalk sub-catchments had the largest proportion of inorganic/dissolved organic P (DOP), accompanied by episodic delivery of particulate P (PP). Contrastingly, the clay/mudstone sub-catchments loads were dominated by PP and DOP. Thus, our results show that by monitoring both the inorganic and organic fractions a more complete picture of catchment nutrient fluxes can be determined, and sources of pollution pin-pointed. Ultimately, policy and management to bring nutrient impacts under control will only be successful if a multistressor approach is adopted

    Controls on the evolution of Ediacaran metazoan ecosystems: A redox perspective

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    A growing number of detailed geochemical studies of Ediacaran (635–541 Ma) marine successions have provided snapshots into the redox environments that played host to the earliest known metazoans. Whilst previous compilations have focused on the global evolution of Ediacaran water column redox chemistry, the inherent heterogeneity evident in palaeogeographically distinct environments demands a more dissected approach to better understand the nature, interactions and evolution of extrinsic controls on the development of early macrobenthic ecosystems. Here, we review available data of local-scale redox conditions within a palaeogeographic and sequence stratigraphic framework, to explore the mechanisms controlling water column redox conditions and their potential impact on the record of metazoans. The openly connected Laurentian margin, North America (632–540 Ma) and Nama basin, Namibia (550–538 Ma), and the variably restricted Yangtze Block, South China (635–520 Ma), show continued redox instability after the first fossil evidence for metazoans. This may support opportunistic benthic colonisation during periods of transient oxygenation amidst episodic upwelling of anoxic waters beneath a very shallow, fluctuating chemocline. The first skeletal metazoans appeared under conditions of continued redox stratification, such as those which characterise the Dengying Formation of the Yangtze Block and the Kuibis Subgroup of the Nama basin. Current data, however, suggests that successful metazoan reef-building demanded more persistent oxia. We propose that cratonic positioning and migration throughout the Ediacaran Period, in combination with gradually increasing dissolved oxygen loading, may have provided a first-order control on redox evolution through regulating circulation mechanisms in the Mirovian Ocean. Some unrestricted lower slope environments from mid-high latitudes benefited from sustained oxygenation via downwelling, whilst transit of isolated cratons towards more equatorial positions stifled pervasive ventilation either through ineffective surface ocean mixing, Ekman-induced upwelling, elevated surface ocean productivity or a combination of these processes

    Uranium isotope evidence for an expansion of anoxia in terminal Ediacaran oceans

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    Anoxic and iron-rich oceanic conditions prevailed throughout most of the Archean and Proterozoic (4000 to c.540 million years ago, Ma), but the oceans are hypothesised to have become progressively oxygen-rich during the Ediacaran–Cambrian transition interval, coincident with the rise of animal life. We utilise the uranium isotope ratio of seawater (238U/235U; reformulated as δ238U), an effective tracer of oceanic redox conditions, as a proxy for changes in the global proportion of anoxic seafloor. We present a new δ238U dataset for carbonate rocks from the Lower Nama Group, Namibia, deposited in a shelf ramp succession during the terminal Neoproterozoic (∼550 to ∼547 Ma). These data capture a transition from δ238Usimilar to the modern ocean towards persistently low δ238U (average =−0.81 ±0.06‰). Such low δ238U are consistent with enhanced U drawdown from the water column under anoxic conditions, and the preferential export of ‘heavy’ 238U to sediments following U(VI)–U(IV) reduction. Placing our results into a steady state ocean box model suggests at least a third of the global seafloor was covered by anoxic bottom waters compared with only 0.3% in today’s oxygenated oceans. Comparison with δ238U from older sediments deposited in other basins further supports an expansion of anoxic bottom waters towards the end of the Ediacaran. Our data are consistent with an emerging picture of a dominantly anoxic Ediacaran ocean punctuated by brief ocean oxygenation events. In the Nama Group, the transition towards globally widespread anoxic conditions post-dates the first appearance of both skeletal metazoans and soft-bodied fauna of the Nama Assemblage. This suggests that the global expansion of anoxia did not coincide with the decline of the Ediacaran biota, or drive the biotic turnover between the White Sea and Nama Assemblages. The impact of this global redox change on metazoan ecosystems is unclear, since the expansion of anoxia, if contained mainly within deeper waters, may not have impinged significantly upon continental shelves that host the majority of biodiversity