28,239 research outputs found

    Methods of resistance estimation in permanent magnet synchronous motors for real-time thermal management

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    Real-time thermal management of electrical ma- chines relies on sufficiently accurate indicators of internal tem- perature. One indicator of temperature in a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is the stator winding resistance. Detection of PMSM winding resistance in the literature has been made on machines with relatively high resistances, where the resistive voltage vector is significant under load. This paper describes two techniques which can be applied to detect the winding resistance, through ‘Fixed Angle’ and ‘Fixed Mag- nitude’ current injection. Two further methods are described which discriminate injected current and voltages from motoring currents and voltages: ‘Unipolar’ and ‘Bipolar’ separation. These enable the resistance to be determined, and hence the winding temperature in permanent-magnet machines. These methods can be applied under load, and in a manner that does not disturb motor torque or speed. The method distinguishes between changes in the electro-motive force (EMF) constant and the resistive voltage. This paper introduces the techniques, whilst a companion paper covers the application of one of the methods to a PMSM drive system

    Millisecond accuracy video display using OpenGL under Linux

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    To measure people’s reaction times to the nearest millisecond, it is necessary to know exactly when a stimulus is displayed. This article describes how to display stimuli with millisecond accuracy on a normal CRT monitor, using a PC running Linux. A simple C program is presented to illustrate how this may be done within X Windows using the OpenGL rendering system. A test of this system is reported that demonstrates that stimuli may be consistently displayed with millisecond accuracy. An algorithm is presented that allows the exact time of stimulus presentation to be deduced, even if there are relatively large errors in measuring the display time

    Total score of athleticism: holistic athlete profiling to enhance decision-making

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    Oftentimes, the coaching staff that make up the multidisciplinary team of a sports club or governing body require a single, holistic indication of an athlete’s athleticism. Currently there is no consensus on how this is best achieved and thus the Total Score of Athleticism (TSA) may provide one such strategy. The TSA is derived from the average of z-scores (or t-scores in the case of small samples) from a sport specific fitness testing battery, ensuring athletes are judged across all the relevant fitness capacities that best define the physical demands of competition. To aid readers in using the TSA, this article also details how it is computed in excel

    The Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey

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    A blind HI survey of the extragalactic sky behind the southern Milky Way has been conducted with the multibeam receiver on the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. The survey covers the Galactic longitude range 212 < l < 36 and Galactic latitudes |b| < 5, and yields 883 galaxies to a recessional velocity of 12,000 km/s. The survey covers the sky within the HIPASS area to greater sensitivity, finding lower HI-mass galaxies at all distances, and probing more completely the large-scale structures at and beyond the distance of the Great Attractor. Fifty-one percent of the HI detections have an optical/NIR counterpart in the literature. A further 27% have new counterparts found in existing, or newly obtained, optical/NIR images. The counterpart rate drops in regions of high foreground stellar crowding and extinction, and for low-HI mass objects. Only 8% of all counterparts have a previous optical redshift measurement. A notable new galaxy is HIZOA J1353-58, a possible companion to the Circinus galaxy. Merging this catalog with the similarly-conducted northern extension (Donley et al. 2005), large-scale structures are delineated, including those within the Puppis and Great Attractor regions, and the Local Void. Several newly-identified structures are revealed here for the first time. Three new galaxy concentrations (NW1, NW2 and NW3) are key in confirming the diagonal crossing of the Great Attractor Wall between the Norma cluster and the CIZA J1324.7-5736 cluster. Further contributors to the general mass overdensity in that area are two new clusters (CW1 and CW2) in the nearer Centaurus Wall, one of which forms part of the striking 180 deg (100/h Mpc) long filament that dominates the southern sky at velocities of ~3000 km/s, and the suggestion of a further Wall at the Great Attractor distance at slightly higher longitudes.Comment: Published in Astronomical Journal 9 February 2016 (accepted 26 September 2015); 42 pages, 7 tables, 18 figures, main figures data tables only available in the on-line version of journa

    Key Dimension 4: Environmental Waste Security

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    Asia and the Pacific shows a positive trend in strengthening water security with the number of water insecure countries dropping to 29 from 38 in 2013, according to this latest edition of the Asian Water Development Outlook (AWDO). Despite this progress, enormous challenges in water security remain. Asia is home to half of the world’s poorest people. Water for agriculture continues to consume 80% of water resources. A staggering 1.7 billion people lack access to basic sanitation. With a predicted population of 5.2 billion by 2050 and 22 megacities by 2030, the region’s finite water resources will be under enormous pressure—especially with increasing climate variability. Recent estimates indicate up to 3.4 billion people could be living in water-stressed areas of Asia by 2050. With a Sustainable Development Goal dedicated to water and sanitation for all, AWDO 2016 is a tool to help assess the region’s progress in meeting this ambitious target

    Specific Heat of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) in Zero and Applied Magnetic Field: A Very Rich Phase Diagram

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    Specific heat and magnetization results as a function of field on single- and poly-crystalline samples of Ce(1-x)La(x)RhIn(5) show 1.) a specific heat gamma of about 100 mJ/moleK^2 (in agreement with recent dHvA results of Alvers et al.); 2.) upturns at low temperatures in C/T and chi that fit a power law behavior ( Griffiths phase non-Fermi liquid behavior); 3.) a field induced anomaly in C/T as well as M vs H behavior in good agreement with the recent Griffiths phase theory of Castro Neto and Jones, where M~H at low field, M ~ H^lambda above a crossover field, C/T ~ T^(-1+lambda) at low field, and C/T ~ (H^(2+lambda/2)/T^(3-lambda/2))*exp(-mu(eff)H/T) above the same crossover field as determined in the magnetization and where lambda is independently determined from the temperature dependence of chi at low temperatures, chi ~ T^(-1+lambda) and low fields.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    Observation of pseudogap behavior in a strongly interacting Fermi gas

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    Ultracold atomic Fermi gases present an opportunity to study strongly interacting Fermi systems in a controlled and uncomplicated setting. The ability to tune attractive interactions has led to the discovery of superfluidity in these systems with an extremely high transition temperature, near T/T_F = 0.2. This superfluidity is the electrically neutral analog of superconductivity; however, superfluidity in atomic Fermi gases occurs in the limit of strong interactions and defies a conventional BCS description. For these strong interactions, it is predicted that the onset of pairing and superfluidity can occur at different temperatures. This gives rise to a pseudogap region where, for a range of temperatures, the system retains some of the characteristics of the superfluid phase, such as a BCS-like dispersion and a partially gapped density of states, but does not exhibit superfluidity. By making two independent measurements: the direct observation of pair condensation in momentum space and a measurement of the single-particle spectral function using an analog to photoemission spectroscopy, we directly probe the pseudogap phase. Our measurements reveal a BCS-like dispersion with back-bending near the Fermi wave vector k_F that persists well above the transition temperature for pair condensation

    Residual stress of as-deposited and rolled Wire + Arc Additive Manufacturing Ti–6Al–4V components

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    Wire + arc additive manufacturing components contain significant residual stresses, which manifest in distortion. High-pressure rolling was applied to each layer of a linear Ti–6Al–4V wire + arc additive manufacturing component in between deposition passes. In rolled specimens, out-of-plane distortion was more than halved; a change in the deposits' geometry due to plastic deformation was observed and process repeatability was increased. The Contour method of residual stresses measurements showed that although the specimens still exhibited tensile stresses (up to 500 MPa), their magnitude was reduced by 60%, particularly at the interface between deposit and substrate. The results were validated with neutron diffraction measurements, which were in good agreement away from the baseplate

    Significant differences in incubation times in sheep infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy result from variation at codon 141 in the PRNP gene

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    The susceptibility of sheep to prion infection is linked to variation in the PRNP gene, which encodes the prion protein. Common polymorphisms occur at codons 136, 154 and 171. Sheep which are homozygous for the A&lt;sub&gt;136&lt;/sub&gt;R&lt;sub&gt;154&lt;/sub&gt;Q&lt;sub&gt;171&lt;/sub&gt; allele are the most susceptible to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). The effect of other polymorphisms on BSE susceptibility is unknown. We orally infected ARQ/ARQ Cheviot sheep with equal amounts of BSE brain homogenate and a range of incubation periods was observed. When we segregated sheep according to the amino acid (L or F) encoded at codon 141 of the PRNP gene, the shortest incubation period was observed in LL141 sheep, whilst incubation periods in FF&lt;sub&gt;141&lt;/sub&gt; and LF&lt;sub&gt;141&lt;/sub&gt; sheep were significantly longer. No statistically significant differences existed in the expression of total prion protein or the disease-associated isoform in BSE-infected sheep within each genotype subgroup. This suggested that the amino acid encoded at codon 141 probably affects incubation times through direct effects on protein misfolding rates

    Algebraic Aspects of Abelian Sandpile Models

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    The abelian sandpile models feature a finite abelian group G generated by the operators corresponding to particle addition at various sites. We study the canonical decomposition of G as a product of cyclic groups G = Z_{d_1} X Z_{d_2} X Z_{d_3}...X Z_{d_g}, where g is the least number of generators of G, and d_i is a multiple of d_{i+1}. The structure of G is determined in terms of toppling matrix. We construct scalar functions, linear in height variables of the pile, that are invariant toppling at any site. These invariants provide convenient coordinates to label the recurrent configurations of the sandpile. For an L X L square lattice, we show that g = L. In this case, we observe that the system has nontrivial symmetries coming from the action of the cyclotomic Galois group of the (2L+2)th roots of unity which operates on the set of eigenvalues of the toppling matrix. These eigenvalues are algebraic integers, whose product is the order |G|. With the help of this Galois group, we obtain an explicit factorizaration of |G|. We also use it to define other simpler, though under-complete, sets of toppling invariants.Comment: 39 pages, TIFR/TH/94-3