1,504 research outputs found

    Mercaptan-Containing Polymers.

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    Evaluation of the full set of habitat suitability models for vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa in the South Pacific high seas

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Fisheries Management and Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. In the high seas, regional fishery management organisations are required to implement measures to prevent significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Our objectives were to develop habitat suitability models for use in the spatial management of bottom fisheries in the South Pacific and to evaluate these and existing models using independent data from high-quality seafloor imagery. Presence-only models for seven VME indictor taxa were developed to complement previous modelling. Evaluation of habitat suitability models using withheld data indicated high mean True Skill Statistic scores of 0.44–0.64. Most habitat suitability models performed adequately when assessed with independent data on taxon presence and absence but were poor surrogates for abundance. We therefore advocate caution when using presence-only models for spatial management and call for more systematically collected data to develop abundance models

    Independent statistical validation of the New Zealand Seafloor Community Classification

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The New Zealand Seafloor Community Classification (NZSCC) is a national-scale numerical community classification which depicts compositional turnover of 1716 taxa (demersal fish, reef fish, benthic invertebrates and macroalgae) classified into 75 groups representing seafloor communities. To ensure the continual use of the NZSCC for spatial planning and reporting, a robust maintenance framework must be set in place; key to this is being able to assess the ability of the classification to represent (discriminate between) different seafloor communities. Here we describe an approach for validating the NZSCC using temporally independent evaluation data for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates (the latter sampled via a different method), which identifies whether the NZSCC represents different seafloor communities (i.e., assesses classification strength), evaluates the underlying statistical model, and considers heterogeneity in environmental coverage and statistical uncertainty. Additionally, the availability of abundance estimates for these evaluation datasets provides an opportunity to test whether the NZSCC—which was developed using presence-absence data—can reflect abundance-weighted seafloor communities. The ANOSIM global R values (measuring classification strength) were 0.53 and 0.46 (and significant at the 1% level) for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates, respectively, indicating that the NZSCC groups define biologically distinctive environments. The proportion of significant inter-group differences were very high (95% and 97% for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates, respectively) suggesting NZSCC groups were distinct from each other in their taxonomic composition. There were positive relationships between the evaluation datasets and the underlying statistical model. There was no evidence of these relationships being affected by the statistical uncertainty of the NZSCC. NZSCC model validation metrics using abundance evaluation data were also moderately high (albeit lower than for presence-absence for invertebrates) suggesting that the NZSCC, can at least in part, represent variation in abundance-weighted communities. Results presented here suggest that the existing NZSCC is currently fit-for-purpose for informing management decisions

    A simple mathematical model for anomalous diffusion via Fisher's information theory

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    Starting with the relative entropy based on a previously proposed entropy function Sq[p]=dxp(x)(lnp(x))qS_q[p]=\int dx p(x)(-\ln p(x))^q, we find the corresponding Fisher's information measure. After function redefinition we then maximize the Fisher information measure with respect to the new function and obtain a differential operator that reduces to a space coordinate second derivative in the q1q\to 1 limit. We then propose a simple differential equation for anomalous diffusion and show that its solutions are a generalization of the functions in the Barenblatt-Pattle solution. We find that the mean squared displacement, up to a qq-dependent constant, has a time dependence according to K1/qt1/q\sim K^{1/q}t^{1/q}, where the parameter qq takes values q=2n12n+1q=\frac{2n-1}{2n+1} (superdiffusion) and q=2n+12n1q=\frac{2n+1}{2n-1} (subdiffusion), n1\forall n\geq 1.Comment: 13 pages,3 figure

    A validation of the Oswestry Spinal Risk Index

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to validate the Oswestry Spinal Risk Index (OSRI) in an external population. The OSRI predicts survival in patients with metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC). Methods We analysed the data of 100 patients undergoing surgical intervention for MSCC at a tertiary spinal unit and recorded the primary tumour pathology and Karnofsky performance status to calculate the OSRI. Logistic regression models and survival plots were applied to the data in accordance with the original paper. Results Lower OSRI scores predicted longer survival. The OSRI score predicted survival accurately in 74% of cases (p = 0.004). Conclusions Our study has found that the OSRI is a significant predictor of survival at levels similar to those of the original authors and is a useful and simple tool in aiding complex decision making in patients presenting with MSC

    Efeito agudo da fadiga mental no desempenho de corredores amadores

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    Mental fatigue is characterized by subjective feelings of “tiredness” and “low energy” that can lead to a psychobiological state, reducing physical and cognitive performance, which directly affects sports performance. It is noticed that few studies in the literature investigate the effects of mental fatigue on the performance of street runners. Thus, the objective of the research was to investigate the effect of mental fatigue on the performance of amateur runners submitted to the Cooper test. The research was characterized as a field research, developed with an experimental crossover character. The sample consisted, at first, of 20 people, between men and women, practitioners of street running in the city of João Pessoa, however 05 were disconnected for not meeting the requirements of the research. The runners were divided into two groups of randomized tests: control group (CG) - Cooper test and tested group (TG) - Cooper test associated with mental fatigue. The first data collections were according to randomization, with each sample having one session in the test of the group that was allocated.After the end of the first collections, there was an exchange of groups, the CG sample was transferred to the TG and the TG sample to the GC, making them pass all the tests. This study showed that acute FM does not harm the performance of amateur runners, with P= 0.166 in aerobic performance, in heart rate 2 min. (P=0.737); 4 min. (P= 0.191); 6 min. (P=0.205); 8 min. (P=1,000); 10 min. (P=0.257) and 12 min. (P=0.955) and the Maximum Oxygen VolumeP=0.364. It is concluded that the physical performance of runners is not affected with an acute mental fatigue protocol, showing that the performance of a cognitive task is not directly relatedto physical performance.A fadiga mental é caracterizada por sentimentos subjetivos de “cansaço” e “baixa energia” que podem levar a um estado psicobiológico, reduzindo o desempenho físico e cognitivo, o que afeta diretamente o desempenho esportivo. Percebe-se que poucos estudos na literatura investigam os efeitos da fadiga mental na performance de corredores de rua. Assim, o objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar o efeito da fadiga mental na performance de corredores amadores submetidos ao teste de Cooper. A pesquisa caracterizou-se como uma pesquisa de campo, desenvolvida com caráter experimental crossover. A amostra foi composta por 20 pessoas, entre homens e mulheres, praticantes de corrida de rua da cidade de João Pessoa, A amostra foi composta, a princípio, por 20 pessoas, entre homens e mulheres, praticantes de corrida de rua da cidade de João Pessoa, entretanto 05 foram desligadas por não atenderem às exigências da pesquisa. Os corredores foram divididos em dois grupos de testes randomizados: grupo controle (GC)- teste de Cooper e grupo testado (GT) - teste de Cooper associado à fadiga mental. As primeiras coletas de dados foram de acordo com a randomização, tendo cada amostra uma sessão no teste do grupo que foi alocado. Após o termino das primeiras coletas, houve a troca de grupos, amostra do GC passou para GT e amostra do GT passou para GC, fazendo com que passassem por todos os testes. Esse estudo apontou que a FM aguda não traz prejuízo no desempenho dos corredores amadores, tendo no desempenho aeróbio P= 0,166, na frequência cardíaca 2 min. (P= 0,737); 4 min. (P= 0,191); 6 min. (P= 0,205); 8 min. (P= 1,000); 10 min. (P= 0,257) e 12 min. (P= 0,955) e no Volume de Oxigênio Máximo P= 0,364. Conclui-se que o desempenho físico de corredores não é afetado com protocolo de fadiga mental agudo, mostrando que a realização de tarefa cognitiva não tem relação direta com o desempenho físico