114 research outputs found

    (Re) thinking the Past through Performance: The (Re) construction of Militant Childhood Imaginaries in the Post-Dictatorship of Argentina’s Cultural Production from 2003-2015

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    Burdened by the atrocities of Argentina’s coup d’état (1976-1982), many children of persecuted parents were forced to live as clandestine hideaways. In recent decades, adult survivors who experience the dictatorship as clandestine children have become primary protagonists, seeking to (re)construct past experiences through the creation of visual and textual productions. In attempt to (re)create their experience in hiding; such adults propose an alternative non-conventional image of a witnessing childhood under military rule as the child of prosecuted parents. For such children, life in secrecy meant having to find refuge from state officials seeking to eliminate their parents. It demanded strict obedience, discipline, and careful maneuverings of behaviors and adhere to strict performative practices—taking upon them new identities, while attempting to deceive military officials, and appeal to a sense of normalcy amongst close family, friends, and public surroundings for the safety and protection of entire families. As such, children had to perform childhood in its literal sense, to protect themselves and those around them from the terror seeking to destroy them. The use of performative childhood in this research, works to highlight the performative accounts of non-normative behaviors of survival and militancy within the constraints of living in clandestinidad. My approach to the politics of memory in post dictatorship is to propose a performative reading of childhood—to (re)think and (re)imagine child identities of what children in hiding had to live and fluidity of their identities. Through the understanding of child witnessing and personal experiences as participating actors within life in secrecy, this group of survivors regain ‘ownership’ of their own experiences. The cultural productions chosen in this research contain primary accounts of children living in secrecy. These consist of Laura Alcoba’s novel The Rabbit House written in 2008, and Marcelo Piñeyro’s film Kamchatka (2002) and Benjamin Avila’s film Infancia Clandestina (2011)

    Analola Santana. Freak Performances: Dissidence in Latin American Theater. U of Michigan P, 2018.

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    Review of Analola Santana. Freak Performances: Dissidence in Latin American Theater. U of Michigan P, 2018. 266 pp

    Performing Militancy in Laura Alcoba’s the Rabbit House (2008)

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    Laura Alcoba’s The Rabbit House (2008), belongs to the cannon of post- dictatorship child survivors—who themselves lived under the precarious life of militancy during Argentina’s Dictatorship (1976-1983). This paper exams the image of a young seven-year-old child’s who undergoes serious confrontational mischief\u27s due to her inability to fully acquire militant norms and live by adult rules because of her child-like nature during her stay in la clandestindad. Moreover, rather than assuming the role of an innocent child figure of the 1970s Left-wing revolutionary war, Alcoba’s child protagonist assumes a politically active character that has the ability to perform childhood as though her life in secrecy did not exist

    Commercial Orbital Transportation Cargo Services Environmental Control and Life Support Integration

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    The International Space Station s (ISS) largest crew and cargo resupply vehicle, the Space Shuttle, will retire in 2011. To help augment ISS resupply and return capability, NASA announced a project to promote the development of Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) for the ISS in January of 2006. By December of 2008, NASA entered into space act agreements with SpaceX and Orbital Sciences Corporation for COTS development and ISS Commercial Resupply Services (CRS). The intent of CRS is to fly multiple resupply missions each year to ISS with SpaceX s Dragon vehicle providing resupply and return capabilities and Orbital Science Corporation s Cygnus vehicle providing resupply capability to ISS. The ISS program launched an integration effort to ensure that these new commercial vehicles met the requirements of the ISS vehicle and ISS program needs. The Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) requirements cover basic cargo vehicle needs including maintaining atmosphere, providing atmosphere circulation, and fire detection and suppression. The ISS-COTS integration effort brought unique challenges combining NASA s established processes and design knowledge with the commercial companies new initiatives and limited experience with human space flight. This paper will discuss the ISS ECLS COTS integration effort including challenges, successes, and lessons learned

    Música costeña, memoria histórica e identidad colectiva del Carnaval de Barranquilla

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    En este proyecto de grado el objetivo principal es describir la importancia de la música costeña en el Carnaval de Barranquilla, como es el caso del himno de la festividad, Te Olvidé de Antonio María Peñaloza. Para ello, se realizó una metodología cualitativa con carácter descriptivo. Por un lado, se entrevistaron a cinco expertos sobre el carnaval, entre los que se encontraban músicos y gestores culturales; por otro lado, se aplicó una encuesta a 81 jóvenes entre los 17 y 33 años para conocer su percepción sobre la festividad, y explicar cómo éstos generan identidad a partir de la memoria histórica del carnaval. Posterior a ello, se realizó un análisis donde se identificaron aspectos comunes con respecto a los datos recolectados de las entrevistas y de la encuesta.PregradoComunicador Social y Periodist

    Viral clearance considerations for continuous viral inactivation

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    Continuous low pH viral inactivation has been considered by Boehringer Ingelheim, Pfizer, and other companies who are investing in integrated processing. In continuous viral inactivation, a critical parameter that poses a new challenge is the exact incubation time of the product stream. In a continuous space, the concept of time translates in the product flow rate, incubation volume, and dispersion effects. To address dispersion, we define the minimum residence time, tmin, as the time when the first product element exits the tubular chamber. In this work, we characterize the tmin for a novel, scalable, and sturdy tubular reactor design that can serve as an incubation chamber for a process capable to produce \u3e1kg of product. In addition, we provide robust data for a scale down model suitable for viral studies. We propose an innovative in-line spiking methodology to validate the minimum residence time using viruses. This methodology can be used as a viral clearance platform for continuous low pH virus inactivation. Finally, we propose a trace response method to be used as a way to verify that the process was properly set up

    Estrategias lúdicas para fortalecer el desarrollo de habilidades psicomotrices en un estudiante con trastorno del espectro autista

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    The purpose of this study is to strengthen the development of psychomotor skills in a student with autism spectrum disorder, from 1st grade of elementary school, in a public educational institution in Barranquilla through the use of playful strategies, in which they were selected and implemented with the child with ASD to achieve greater maturity in their psychomotor development at the time of implementing various activities and exercises that involve their fine and gross motor skills, this could be evidenced by means of the McCarthy test, which is a developmental scale where assesses motor skills from 4 subscales leg coordination, arm coordination, imitative action, copying of drawings and an assessment is received with scores for each action performed in each aspect. This project contains all the information and those actions that were carried out for its development, through each of its chapters the fulfillment of the proposed objectives can be evidenced. In addition, this research is framed within a socio-critical paradigm, an experiential introspective approach and a qualitative investigative approach.Este estudio tiene como propósito fortalecer el desarrollo de las habilidades psicomotrices en un estudiante con trastorno del espectro autista, de 1° de básica primaria, en una institución educativa pública de Barranquilla a través del uso de estrategias lúdicas, en el cual fueron seleccionadas e implementadas con el niño con TEA para lograr una mayor madurez en su desarrollo psicomotor al momento de implementar diversas actividades y ejercicios que involucren su motricidad fina y gruesa, lo anterior se pudo evidenciar por medio del test de McCarthy, que es una escala de desarrollo donde se evalúa la motricidad a partir de 4 subescalas coordinación de piernas, coordinación de brazos, acción imitativa, copia de dibujos y se recibe en cada aspecto una valoración con puntajes por cada acción realizada. Este proyecto contiene toda la información y aquellas acciones que se llevaron a cabo para su desarrollo, a través de cada uno de sus capítulos se pueden evidenciar el cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos. Además, esta investigación se enmarca en un paradigma socio-crítico, un enfoque introspectivo vivencial y un enfoque investigativo cualitativo, teniendo como método de investigación un estudio de caso

    Factores de Riesgo Asociados a la Rehospitalización en Pacientes Egresados Post- Covid Agudo en el Antiguo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara

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    A few years after the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan (China), the disease caused by coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) persists as one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Many health facilities were exceeded their capacity, causing an unprecedented health crisis. The SARS-CoV-2 virus has affected more than 281 million people worldwide. Despite this, little is known about the long-term outcome of patients who required hospitalization for COVID-19, and little is known about the causes of rehospitalization in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. The present work analyzes the factors related to the rehospitalization of post-acute COVID patients. Given that the evolution of COVID-19 remains uncertain (presence of multiple mutations) characterization of the clinical course of patients who return to inpatient wards after discharge is potentially important for discharge planning and post-discharge care. this; as well as being able to identify traits and promptly identify the population at risk to avoid readmissions or complications. Conclusion: The independent risk factors associated with rehospitalization and identified in our study group are reported below in number of times compared to the control group: chronic kidney disease (73.12, P < 0.01), obesity (13.34, P < 0.01 )), lung disease (14.33, P < 0.01), smoking (6.62, P < 0.01), invasive mechanical ventilation (5.88, P < 0.01).A unos años de haber sido reportados los primeros casos de COVID-19 en Wuhan (China), la enfermedad causada por el coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) persiste como una de las principales causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en todo el mundo. Muchas instalaciones sanitarias fueron sobrepasadas de su capacidad, provocando una crisis sanitaria sin precedentes. El virus SARS-CoV-2  ha afectado a más de 281 millones de personas en todo el mundo. A pesar de esto, se sabe poco sobre el resultado a largo plazo de los pacientes que requirieron hospitalización por COVID-19, igualmente se conoce poco sobre las causas de rehospitalización en pacientes infectados por SARS-CoV-2.  El presente trabajo analiza los factores relacionados a la rehospitalización de pacientes post COVID agudo. Dado a que la evolución de COVID-19 sigue siendo incierta, (presencia de multiples mutaciones) la caracterización del curso clínico de los pacientes que vuelven a presentarse en salas de hospitalización después del alta es potencialmente importante para la planificación del alta y atención posterior a ésta; así como poder identificar rasgos e identificar de manera oportuna a la población en riesgo para evitar reingresos o complicaciones. Conclusión: Los factores de riesgo independientes asociados a rehospitalización e identificados en nuestro grupo de estudio, se reportan a continuación en número de veces en comparación al grupo control: enfermedad renal crónica (73.12, P < 0.01), obesidad (13.34, P < 0.01), neumopatía (14.33, P < 0.01), tabaquismo (6.62, P < 0.01), ventilación mecánica invasiva (5.88, P < 0.01

    Subvesical Ducts, the Anatomical Nomenclature for the Bile Ducts of Luschka and its Clinical Importance. Topic Review

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    Introducción: El conducto subvesicular fue descrito por Hubert Luschka como pequeños ductos biliares derivados de la pared de la vesícula biliar.  Algunos autores lo describen como un ducto que lleva el drenaje desde el parénquima hepático hasta la vesícula, otros utilizan el término describiéndolo como un conducto que drena desde el parénquima hepático hasta las vías biliares extrahepaticas. Se planteó una revisión bibliográfica de la descripción anatómica del epónimo conducto de Luschka y de la terminología anatómica propuesta conducto subvesicular o subvesical,  dada su importancia clínica como causa de fuga biliar. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos y bibliotecas electrónicas. Con ventana de tiempo personalizada desde 2006 hasta 2016, se obtuvo un total de 82 artículos, posteriormente se realizó un resumen analítico especializado, seleccionando un total de 46.Resultados: No se encontró consenso en la descripción anatómica del epónimo, ni en la descripción de la terminología internacional. Las lesiones de la vía biliar durante la colecistectomía se presentan como una complicación poco frecuente (0.1 - 1.5%); sin embargo, tienen repercusiones  en varios ámbitos y una morbi-mortalidad considerable. Conclusiones: Se evidenció discrepancia en la nomenclatura utilizada para la descripción de estos conductos, puesto que se denomina de manera indiscriminada como conducto de Luschka a todos los ductos biliares que se encuentran en la fosa biliar. La  relevancia clínica radica en que es la segunda causa de fuga biliar iatrogénica y  la asociación entre el conducto subvesical y carcinomas ductales. Aún se necesitan más estudios principalmente locales para identificar su incidencia y prevenir complicaciones. Introduction: The duct was described by Hubert Luschka as small bile ducts derived from the wall of the gallbladder. Some authors describe it as a duct leading to drainage from the hepatic parenchyma to the gallbladder; others use the term to describe it as a conduit draining from the hepatic parenchyma to the extrahepatic bile ducts. This article presents a literature review of the anatomical description of the eponymous Luschka conduit and the proposed anatomical terminology subvesicular or subvesical conduit, given its clinical importance as a cause of biliary leakage. Methodology: A bibliographic review was carried out in databases and electronic libraries. With a customized time window from 2006 to 2016, obtaining a total of 62 articles, a specialized analytical summary was subsequently performed, selecting a total of 46. Results: No consensus was found in the anatomical description of the eponym, nor in the description of the International terminology. Lesions of the biliary tract during cholecystectomy present as a rare complication (0.1 - 1.5%) but have repercussions in several areas and considerable morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: There was a discrepancy in the nomenclature used for the description of these ducts. It is indiscriminately named as the luschka's conduit for all bile ducts found in the biliary fossa. The clinical relevance is that it is the second cause of iatrogenic biliary leakage and the association between the subvesical duct and ductal carcinomas. More local studies are still needed to identify its incidence and prevent complications.

    Conducto subvesicular, nomenclatura anatómica para el conducto de Luschka y su importancia clínica. Revisión de tema

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    Introduction: The duct was described by Hubert Luschka as small bile ducts derived from the wall of the gallbladder. Some authors describe it as a duct leading to drainage from the hepatic parenchyma to the gallbladder; others use the term to describe it as a conduit draining from the hepatic parenchyma to the extrahepatic bile ducts. This article presents a literature review of the anatomical description of the eponymous Luschka conduit and the proposed anatomical terminology subvesicular or subvesical conduit, given its clinical importance as a cause of biliary leakage. Methodology: A bibliographic review was carried out in databases and electronic libraries. With a customized time window from 2006 to 2016, obtaining a total of 62 articles, a specialized analytical summary was subsequently performed, selecting a total of 46. Results: No consensus was found in the anatomical description of the eponym, nor in the description of the International terminology. Lesions of the biliary tract during cholecystectomy present as a rare complication (0.1 - 1.5%) but have repercussions in several areas and considerable morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: There was a discrepancy in the nomenclature used for the description of these ducts. It is indiscriminately named as the luschka's conduit for all bile ducts found in the biliary fossa. The clinical relevance is that it is the second cause of iatrogenic biliary leakage and the association between the subvesical duct and ductal carcinomas. More local studies are still needed to identify its incidence and prevent complications. Introducción: El conducto subvesicular fue descrito por Hubert Luschka como pequeños ductos biliares derivados de la pared de la vesícula biliar.  Algunos autores lo describen como un ducto que lleva el drenaje desde el parénquima hepático hasta la vesícula, otros utilizan el término describiéndolo como un conducto que drena desde el parénquima hepático hasta las vías biliares extrahepaticas. Se planteó una revisión bibliográfica de la descripción anatómica del epónimo conducto de Luschka y de la terminología anatómica propuesta conducto subvesicular o subvesical,  dada su importancia clínica como causa de fuga biliar. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos y bibliotecas electrónicas. Con ventana de tiempo personalizada desde 2006 hasta 2016, se obtuvo un total de 82 artículos, posteriormente se realizó un resumen analítico especializado, seleccionando un total de 46.Resultados: No se encontró consenso en la descripción anatómica del epónimo, ni en la descripción de la terminología internacional. Las lesiones de la vía biliar durante la colecistectomía se presentan como una complicación poco frecuente (0.1 - 1.5%); sin embargo, tienen repercusiones  en varios ámbitos y una morbi-mortalidad considerable. Conclusiones: Se evidenció discrepancia en la nomenclatura utilizada para la descripción de estos conductos, puesto que se denomina de manera indiscriminada como conducto de Luschka a todos los ductos biliares que se encuentran en la fosa biliar. La  relevancia clínica radica en que es la segunda causa de fuga biliar iatrogénica y  la asociación entre el conducto subvesical y carcinomas ductales. Aún se necesitan más estudios principalmente locales para identificar su incidencia y prevenir complicaciones.