320 research outputs found

    Maatilan turvallisuuskulttuurin kehittämisen näkökulmia, ohjelmia ja välineitä

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    Maatalouden työturvallisuuskulttuuritutkimuksessa sovellettiin ja arvioitiin maatalousalan työturvallisuuskulttuuria Suomessa tarkoituksena vähentää maatalouden työtapaturmia. Hankkeessa koottiin ja muokattiin olemassa olevaa tietoa työturvallisuuskulttuurin kehittämisestä maatalousalaa koskevista ja maatalouteen sovellettavista turvallisuuskulttuuritutkimuksista. Turvallisuuskulttuurin kehittämisestä maatiloilla levitettiin tietoa maatalousyrittäjille viljelijämessuilla, seminaareissa ja lehtikirjoituksissa. Melan tilastoista tarkasteltiin maatalouden eri ikäryhmissä tapahtuvien työtapaturmien yleisempiä aiheuttajia ja ammattitautiriskejä. Hyvän työturvallisuuskulttuurin luominen on ollut tärkeä tavoite muilla toimialoilla kuten rakennusalalla, jossa työturvallisuus on merkittävästi parantunut. Tämä hankeraportti yhdistää kolmen työturvallisuuskulttuuria koskevan hankkeen, Turvaviesti-, Muuta- ja Sacurima- hankkeiden tuloksia, joiden avulla voitiin edistää maatalousyrittäjien työturvallisuuskulttuuria ja valmiuksia vähentää työturvallisuusriskejä systemaattisesti jatkuvan kehittämistoiminnan kautta. Maatalouden työtapaturmia sattuu edelleen erityisesti eläintenhoitotöissä. Konetyötapaturmien osuus on selvästi kasvanut viime vuosina. Tutkimuksissa on tunnistettu useita työtapaturmien riskitekijöitä, ja usein vahinkotilanteiden taustalla on kiire, huolimattomuus tai väsymys. Koneiden käytössä merkittäviä tekijöitä ovat myös käyttäjien osaaminen ja kokemus. Oletuksena on, että moniin maatilan riskitekijöihin voidaan vaikuttaa maatalousyrittäjän määrätietoisen hyvän työturvallisuuskulttuurin rakentamisen avulla. Koulutuksen ja tiedottamisen kautta annetaan nuorille maatalousyrittäjille eväitä hyvään työturvallisuuskulttuurin hallintaan. Samalla vanhempien maatalousyrittäjien tulisi muistaa oma vastuunsa näyttää nuoremmille esimerkkiä, mitä hyvä työturvallisuuskulttuuri maatilalla on. Työpaikan työturvallisuuskulttuurilla tarkoitetaan toimintatapoja, jotka liittyvät työn turvalliseen tekemiseen. Siihen liittyvät työntekijöiden uskomukset, käsitykset ja asenteet siitä, miten työ tehdään turvallisesti ja minkälainen on turvallinen työympäristö. Hyvässä työturvallisuuskulttuurissa ylläpidetään turvallisia työtapoja ja ymmärretään niiden tärkeys. Työturvallisuuskulttuuri voi myös olla keskeinen tekijä työturvallisuuden ylläpitämisessä ja maatilan kehittämistyössä. Hankkeen kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkasteltiin maatalouden työturvallisuuskulttuurin kehittämisohjelmia meiltä ja maailmalta. Hankkeessa tehtiin maatilan työturvallisuuskulttuuria ja riskejä koskeva nykytila-analyysi vahinkotilastojen, kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja Sacuriman asiantuntijaverkoston antaman informaation perusteella. Hankkeessa järjestettiin kaksi tietoiskupäivää luonnonvara-alan yrittäjille luonnonvara-alan oppilaitoksissa (Ahlman ja Savonia) ja listattiin muissa Euroopan maissa tehtyjä työturvallisuuskulttuuria edistäviä ohjelmia. Lisäksi kehitettiin nuorille viljelijöille suunnattua maatilan riskienhallinnan ja työturvallisuuskulttuurin kehittämispolkua ja testattiin uutta työturvallisuuskulttuurikyselyä Okra-messuilla. Hankkeen tuloksia on esitelty lehdistötiedotteissa ja Okra-maatalousmessuilla. Tuloksista julkaistiin verkkotiedote Luken uutiskirjeessä. Hankkeessa tehtiin yhteistyötä pohjoismaisen tutkijaverkoston ja Eurooppalaisen COST – verkoston kanssa

    Pro-environmental behavior regarding single-use plastics reduction in urban–rural communities of Thailand: Implication for public policy

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    The study investigates residents’ behavior towards reducing the use of single-use plastic (SUP), specifically in the context of food packaging. The widespread view holds that pro-environmental behavior (PB) results from a person’s moral and rational deliberations. In reducing single-use plastic (SUP) consumption and waste, the relative roles of rationality and morality models in validating PB among rural and urban residents are not yet clear. In this empirical study, we compared the relative efficacy of two models for explaining people’s SUP reduction behavior: the theory of planned behavior (TPB; rationality) and the value belief norm (VBN; morality). We investigated Thailand’s rural (Sichang Island) and metropolitan (Nonthaburi city) areas. As a result, we surveyed people living on Sichang Island (n = 255) and in Nonthaburi city (n = 310). We employed structural equation modeling (SEM) for data analysis in this study. Findings showed that while morality better justified all the study participants’ SUP reduction behavior, rationality underpinned behaviors of rural residents, while morality better explained the actions of city residents. We discussed future theoretical development and a policy roadmap based on these findings.</p

    Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz – Konzeptionelle Verortung, Erfassung und Förderung mit Fokus auf Kinder und Jugendliche

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    Bittlingmayer UH, Dadaczynski K, Sahrai D, van den Broucke S, Okan O. Digitale Gesundheitskompetenz – Konzeptionelle Verortung, Erfassung und Förderung mit Fokus auf Kinder und Jugendliche. Bundesgesundheitsblatt - Gesundheitsforschung - Gesundheitsschutz. 2020;63(2):176-184

    Type 2 diabetes self-management education programs in high and low mortality developing countries a systematic review

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    PURPOSE : Although self-management education is a key factor in the care for diabetes patients, its implementation in developing countries is not well documented. This systematic review considers the published literature on diabetes self-management education in high and low mortality developing countries. The aim is to provide a state of the art of current practices, assess program outcomes, cultural sensitivity and accessibility to low literate patients. METHODS : The Cochrane Library, PubMed, MEDLINE, PsycInfo and PsycArticles databases were searched for peer-reviewed articles on Type 2 diabetes published in English between 2009 and 2013. The World Bank and WHO burden of disease criteria were applied to distinguish between developing countries with high and low mortality. Information was extracted using a validated checklist. RESULTS : Three reviews and 23 primary studies were identified, 18 of which were from low mortality developing countries. Studies from high mortality countries were mostly quasiexperimental, those from low mortality countries experimental. Interventions were generally effective on behavior change and patients’ glycemic control in the short term (≤9 months). While 57% of the studies mentioned cultural tailoring of interventions, only 17% reported on training of providers, and 39% were designed to be accessible for people with low literacy. CONCLUSIONS : The limited studies available suggest that diabetes self-management education programs in developing countries are effective in the short term, but must be tailored to conform to the cultural aspects of the target population.http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journals/Journal201731hb201

    Does health literacy mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status and health related outcomes in the Belgian adult population?

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUND: Health literacy (HL) has been put forward as a potential mediator through which socioeconomic status (SES) affects health. This study explores whether HL mediates the relation between SES and a selection of health or health-related outcomes. METHODS: Data from the participants of the Belgian health interview survey 2018 aged 18 years or older were individually linked with data from the Belgian compulsory health insurance (n = 8080). HL was assessed with the HLS-EU-Q6. Mediation analyses were performed with health behaviour (physical activity, diet, alcohol and tobacco consumption), health status (perceived health status, mental health status), use of medicine (purchase of antibiotics), and use of preventive care (preventive dental care, influenza vaccination, breast cancer screening) as dependent outcome variables, educational attainment and income as independent variables of interest, age and sex as potential confounders and HL as mediating variable. RESULTS: The study showed that unhealthy behaviours (except alcohol consumption), poorer health status, higher use of medicine and lower use of preventive care (except flu vaccination) were associated with low SES (i.e., low education and low income) and with insufficient HL. HL partially mediated the relationship between education and health behaviour, perceived health status and mental health status, accounting for 3.8-16.0% of the total effect. HL also constituted a pathway by which income influences health behaviour, perceived health status, mental health status and preventive dental care, with the mediation effects accounting for 2.1-10.8% of the total effect. CONCLUSIONS: Although the influence of HL in the pathway is limited, our findings suggest that strategies for improving various health-related outcomes among low SES groups should include initiatives to enhance HL in these population groups. Further research is needed to confirm our results and to better explore the mediating effects of HL

    Health literacy in Europe. comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU)

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    Sørensen K, Pelikan JM, Röthlin F, et al. Health literacy in Europe. comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU). The European Journal of Public Health. 2015;25(6):1053-1058

    Communication on plant health risks:Social science research, audience segmentation, and communication strategy for an EU awareness‐raising campaign

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    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) carried out preparatory work to inform an EU awareness-raising communication campaign on plant health risks. In a first phase, this included social science research and audience segmentation to inform appropriate choices regarding targeting and topics to be covered. Mixed methods research was carried out – including analysis of survey data, literature review and in-depth interviews –, to identify plant health awareness, knowledge, risk perception, preferred information sources and trust in different actors. Four “personas” were developed based on the results, representing four potential audience segments: “curious traveller” (P1), “home gardener and hobby farmer” (P2), “conscious young parent” (P3), and “adventurous and green foodie” (P4). The research also included an additional focus on stakeholders involved in plant health, agriculture, and related sectors since they can support the objectives and reach of a campaign. Then, in a second phase, the communication strategy for the 3-year campaign was designed, building on the social research as well as on situational analysis and a stakeholder mapping. The proposed strategy for the campaign foresees targeting of P1, P2 and P3, and entails using a progressive model aimed at raising target audiences’ awareness (Year 1), triggering critical thinking (Y2), and activating and creating advocacy (Y3). A crucial role will also be played by plant sector operators, who will be involved in dedicated activities and act as touchpoints and amplifiers for the campaign. The strategy provides a common framework allowing Member States (MSs) to fully localise the national implementation and to join the campaign throughout its 3-year course. The report outlines the objectives and topics defined for the different years of the campaign per target audience, as well as the tactics and the evaluation methodology. EFSA plans to launch the campaign in summer 2023 in collaboration with participating MSs

    Development, psychometric validation, and cross-cultural comparison of the “Instagram Motives Questionnaire” (IMQ) and the “Instagram Uses and Patterns Questionnaire” (IUPQ)

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    Background and aims Social network use is widespread, and the study of Instagram seems to have captured more attention in recent years. However, scale development and validation in the field has fallen short of providing sound scales of Instagram motives and usage patterns that consider the uniqueness of Instagram-related behavior. This paper describes the development, psychometric and cross-cultural validation of two new measurement instruments: the “Instagram Motives Questionnaire” (IMQ) and the “Instagram Uses and Patterns Questionnaire” (IUPQ). Methods and results A preliminary set of items was developed for each questionnaire based on a previous qualitative interview study on Instagram motives, uses, and consequences. In the first study, the questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 312 participants aged 18–35 years (M = 23.81; SD = 4.49), and an exploratory factor analysis was performed. A parsimonious and interpretable 6-factor solution that displayed adequate factor loadings and adequate Omega coefficients for both instruments were found. In a second study, the two instruments and other measures of known social network usage correlates and mental health consequences were administered online to 1,418 English-speaking participants aged 18–34 years (M = 21.35; SD = 3.89). Both scales showed good psychometric properties and the factor structure identified in study 1 was reproduced through confirmatory factor analysis. Omega reliability coefficients were adequate. Finally, when performing multi-group CFA along with a French (n = 1,826) and a Spanish (n = 3,040) sample, language and gender invariance were supported. Correlations with other relevant measures indicate good convergent validity of both scales. Conclusions The present research provides psychometrically sound instruments for further investigations on Instagram use behaviors