57 research outputs found


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    For a spatial three-phase axial electromagnetic system with double-contour phase elements of the twisted butt-end magnetic core, analytical dependences for optimal geometrical relations determination over minimum active part weight and cost criteria are obtained, advantages of the core elements hexagonal cross-section configuration shownПолучены аналитические зависимости определения оптимальных геометрических соотношений по критериям минимумов массы и стоимости активной части, а также показаны преимущества использования шестигранных конфигураций сечений стержней в пространственной аксиальной трехфазной электромагнитной системе с двухконтурными фазными элементами витого стыкового магнитопровода.Отримані аналітичні залежності визначення оптимальних геометричних співвідношень за критеріями мінімуму маси та вартості активної частини, а також показані переваги використання шестигранних конфігурацій перерізів стрижнів в просторовій аксіальної трифазної електромагнітної системі з двоконтурними фазними елементами витого стикового магнітопроводу


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    Goal. The purpose of the work is to analyze the features and substantiate the advantages of the spatial radial electromagnetic system of a single-phase transformer with rectangular sections of the rods of a charged magnetic circuit. Methodology. Improvement of single-phase transformers is possible by structural-geometric transformations of active elements. The justification of the advantages of such transformations is achieved by the method of invariant objective functions with dimensionless optimization components and universal relative controlled variables. Results. Replacing the rectangular contours of the variants of a planar magnetic circuit with a hexagonal circuit leads to a decrease in the volume of steel and the loss of three angular zones of changes in the direction of the magnetic flux relative to the texture compared to planar counterparts. The separation of the windings into sections with an arrangement on three rods leads to a decrease in the average length of the coil. Originality. A three-core magnetic core can consist of rod and jugular-angular parallelogram plates of anisotropic and isotropic electrical steel. It is advisable to combine a combination of steels by integral welding of billets with subsequent separation into chevron jugular-rod elements. The method called on has developed mathematical models of the mass, cost, and active power losses of variants of a single-phase electromagnetic system of a transformer with rod and armor planar and spatial radial three-core magnetic cores. Practical significance. It was found that the decrease in the extrema of the mass and cost indicators, as well as the calculated decrease, under the condition that the coefficients of additional losses are identical, the extrema of the losses of the single-phase radial three-rod system of the transformer relative to the planar analogue with a bar stocked magnetic wire from anisotropic steel, respectively 13,0-12,3 %, 15,3-10,1 % and 15,1-18,1 % with copper windings and 10,8-10,2 %, 12,8-13,7 % and 12,6-12,3 % with aluminum windings. The main indicators of traditional single-phase systems with rod and armored magnetic circuits differ insignificantly, which is consistent with early known optimization and calculation data of transformers

    Femtoscopy in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions: Two Decades of Progress

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    Analyses of two-particle correlations have provided the chief means for determining spatio-temporal characteristics of relativistic heavy ion collisions. We discuss the theoretical formalism behind these studies and the experimental methods used in carrying them out. Recent results from RHIC are put into context in a systematic review of correlation measurements performed over the past two decades. The current understanding of these results is discussed in terms of model comparisons and overall trends.Comment: 49 pages, 16 figures; to appear in Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science; final version includes minor updates in text, a few references added, and two figures updated; Figures and numerical data tables available at http://www.physics.ohio-state.edu/~lisa/FemtoscopyReview2005

    Покращення основних показників трансформаторів з витими нероз’ємними магнітопроводами шляхом зміни формування кругових витків обмотки

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    Introduction. With the adoption of standards to reduce losses in transformers it is necessary to change the design of transformers that remain unchanged. Further energy saving is possible with the use of non-traditional technical solutions for the improvement of transformers. Problem. In order to reduce idle losses, the curved magnetic circuits of power transformers are carried out in the form of low-volume circuits. Windings are injected into assembled magnetic conductors by shuttle machines. The shuttle of windings provides technological gaps in winding windows, which results in an increase in size, metal capacity and losses. Goal. Rationale for transformer performance improvement by excluding process gaps in winding windows. Methodology. The definition of the change in transformer indicators is performed using optimization functions of the dimensionless indicators of the technological level. The adequacy of the functions is confirmed by the calculation of the mass of the electromagnetic system and the losses of the transformer. The figures of the compact analogue are calculated from the named serial analogue. Results. The result is a reduction in mass and a loss in the compactness of the transformer. Originality. The improvement of the indicators and the simplification of the winding technology are provided by a change in the design of insulating frames of winding coils. Winding on the rods is ensured by rotating the outer part of the composite insulating frame. Practical significance. Replacement the design of the windings of transformer with power of 40 kVA of 1000 V voltage class with a spatially twisted, small-dimensional magnetic conductor on a compact analogue leads to a reduction in mass and overall dimensions by 15 % and (17-18) %. Efficiency increases by 0.3 %.Виконано аналіз конструктивно-технологічних особливостей електромагнітних систем трансформаторів з витими нероз’ємними магнітопроводами і круговими утворюючими контурами стрижнів та обмоткових витків. Запропоновано конструкцію обмоткової котушки з зовнішньою рухомою та внутрішньою нерухомою частинами опорно-ізоляційного каркасу та заміну вмотки витків на технологію намотки. Показано, що використання замість човникової вмотаної конструкції виконання обмотки з зовнішньою частиною ізоляційного каркаса, що обертається, призводить до поліпшення масогабаритних і енергетичного показників трансформатора

    Production of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons in argon-nucleus interactions at 3.2 AGeV

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    First physics results of the BM@N experiment at the Nuclotron/NICA complex are presented on {\pi}+ and K+ meson production in interactions of an argon beam with fixed targets of C, Al, Cu, Sn and Pb at 3.2 AGeV. Transverse momentum distributions, rapidity spectra and multiplicities of {\pi}+ and K+ mesons are measured. The results are compared with predictions of theoretical models and with other measurements at lower energies.Comment: 29 pages, 20 figure

    The BM@N spectrometer at the NICA accelerator complex

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    BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) is the first experiment operating and taking data at the Nuclotron/NICA ion-accelerating complex.The aim of the BM@N experiment is to study interactions of relativistic heavy-ion beams with fixed targets. We present a technical description of the BM@N spectrometer including all its subsystems.Comment: 34 pages, 47 figures, 6 table

    Feasibility studies for the measurement of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors from p¯ p→ μ+μ- at P ¯ ANDA at FAIR

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    This paper reports on Monte Carlo simulation results for future measurements of the moduli of time-like proton electromagnetic form factors, | GE| and | GM| , using the p¯ p→ μ+μ- reaction at P ¯ ANDA (FAIR). The electromagnetic form factors are fundamental quantities parameterizing the electric and magnetic structure of hadrons. This work estimates the statistical and total accuracy with which the form factors can be measured at P ¯ ANDA , using an analysis of simulated data within the PandaRoot software framework. The most crucial background channel is p¯ p→ π+π-, due to the very similar behavior of muons and pions in the detector. The suppression factors are evaluated for this and all other relevant background channels at different values of antiproton beam momentum. The signal/background separation is based on a multivariate analysis, using the Boosted Decision Trees method. An expected background subtraction is included in this study, based on realistic angular distributions of the background contribution. Systematic uncertainties are considered and the relative total uncertainties of the form factor measurements are presented

    PANDA Phase One - PANDA collaboration

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    The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany, provides unique possibilities for a new generation of hadron-, nuclear- and atomic physics experiments. The future antiProton ANnihilations at DArmstadt (PANDA or P¯ANDA) experiment at FAIR will offer a broad physics programme, covering different aspects of the strong interaction. Understanding the latter in the non-perturbative regime remains one of the greatest challenges in contemporary physics. The antiproton–nucleon interaction studied with PANDA provides crucial tests in this area. Furthermore, the high-intensity, low-energy domain of PANDA allows for searches for physics beyond the Standard Model, e.g. through high precision symmetry tests. This paper takes into account a staged approach for the detector setup and for the delivered luminosity from the accelerator. The available detector setup at the time of the delivery of the first antiproton beams in the HESR storage ring is referred to as the Phase One setup. The physics programme that is achievable during Phase One is outlined in this paper

    Study of excited baryons with the PANDA detector

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