68 research outputs found

    The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Test Case Prioritization

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na stanovení priority testovacích případů s využitím fuzzy logiky. Vhodným přístupem k získání výstupu na základě definovaného vstupu a stanovených pravidel byl zvolen fuzzy model přiřazující prioritu testovacím případům. K dosažení cíle práce byla nejprve stanovena kritéria, parametry a poté určena jejich váha pro jednotlivé testovací případy. Na závěr jsou vyhodnocena vstupní data s využitím řešení v programu MS Excel a MATLAB.The master’s thesis focuses on determination of Test case priority using Fuzzy logic. As principle of Fuzzy logic is a convenient way to turn given inputs to final output according to defined rules, a Fuzzy based model for assigning Test case priority has been chosen. In order to fulfil the aim of the thesis, firstly particular criteria along with parameters set to each Test case and its weights needs to be defined accordingly. So as to come to the conclusion and evaluate input data, the solution for computing in the program MS Excel and MATLAB is used herein.

    Critical Analysis of EU Policy and Its Impact on Business of E.ON SE

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    Hlavným cieľom diplomovej práce je kriticky analyzovať politiku Európskej Únie a jej dopad na činnosť nadnárodnej spoločnosti E.ON. Keďže politika Európskej Únie má za cieľ zefektívniť spôsob podnikania vykonávaného v rámci Európskej Únie a okrem iného má predstavovať garanciu zodpovednosti jak spotrebiteľov, tak dodávateľov operujúcich na trhu, tak zámer práce bol definovaný na analýzu politického vplyvu rozhodnutí Európskej Únie a ich dopad na následné strategické rozhodnutia firmy. Analytická čas práce je preto zameraná na analýzu Európskej energetickej politiky s kladením dôrazu na profil spoločnosti E.ON, Európsku energetickú stratégiu, obnoviteľné zdroje, jadrovú energetiku, bezpečnosť energetickej dodávky a na Európsky systém obchodovania s emisiami.The main aim of master’s thesis is to critically analyse European Union policy and its impact on business of transnational firm E.ON. Taking into account the aims of the EU policy which are defined as streamlining the way business is being conducted within the Union as well as guaranteeing accountability of both consumers and suppliers on the market, the objective of the thesis is specified as the analysis of political influence of EU decision-making and its effect on subsequent strategic decisions within the company. The analytical part of the thesis is therefore focused on the analyses of European energy policy putting emphasis on E.ON’s company profile, EU energy strategy, Renewable energy, Nuclear energy, Security of energy supply and the EU Emissions Trading System.

    Analysis of Economic Indicators of the Company SE, a.s. Using Time Series

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    Bakalárska práca sa zaoberá analýzou najdôležitejších ekonomických ukazovateľov spoločnosti Slovenské elektrárne, a.s. (SE) pomocou časových radov. V úvode práce sú popísané teoretické poznatky štatistických metód a praktická časť je zameraná na spracovanie vybraných ukazovateľov podniku, poprípade určenie ich následnej prognózy v blízkej budúcnosti.This Bachelor thesis deals with the most important economic indicators of the company Slovenske elektrarne, a.s. (SE) using the time series. In introduction of the thesis are described the theoretical bases of statistical methods and practical part of the thesis is focused on processing of selected indicators of the company, eventually the designation of their prognosis in the near future.

    Study of the v-Myb oncoprotein variable region

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    - 4 - Study of the v-Myb oncoprotein variable region The aim of this thesis was to analyze the significance of the variable region of oncoprotein v-Myb. The v-myb oncogene originated in the chick through a natural recombination of the MAV1 retroviral genome with the c-myb gene, which is an important transcriptional regulator involved in hematopoiesis and other important processes in different types of vertebrate cells. In comparison with the c-myb coding sequence, the retroviral v-myb is truncated on N- and C-terminals and includes 11 point mutations. Due to both these changes and the retroviral promoter which drives its expresion, the v-Myb oncoprotein became the inducer of acute myeloid leukemia in chicks. The variable region of v-Myb lies in between the N-terminal DNA binding and the central transactivating domains. This region is the least evolutionarily conserved part of the protein. No published data are available about its potential function. In this work the biological significance of the variable region was studied by means of specific deletions and sequence swaps. Two deletions (∆PstI and ∆NaeI) and two swaps (chicken v-myb to mouse and Xenopus c-myb) were prepared. Recombinant DNAs were cloned into MAV1-based retroviral vector and transfected into chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) in tissue...Katedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Sounds of Nature or Econarratology through the Folk Songs

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    Tématem diplomové práce je ekonaratologie ve spojení s lidovou písní, která je podrobena zákonům přírody a tvoří jakýsi myšlenkový soubor života přírody. Zpěv písní je nedílnou součástí narativního přístupu, vyprávění je doplněno tóny a melodií pro lepší zapamatování. Teoretická část definuje pojmy: narativita, ekonaratologie a lidová píseň. Zajímá mě, jaké místo v současnosti narativní metoda v environmentálním vzdělávání zastává a jaké jsou její přínosy. Zmiňuji také využití příběhu a lidové písně jako prostředku edukace v praxi. Cílem diplomové práce je na základě výzkumných nálezů zjistit, nakolik jsou děti schopny podle nahrávek ze zvukového záznamu rozeznat a určit hlasové projevy domácích či lesních zvířat a průmyslové zvuky z okolního světa. V rámci výzkumného zjištění je využit kvalitativní výzkum, který je doplněn v některých úsecích výzkumem kvantitativním. Výzkumným nástrojem jsou individuální rozhovory nad zvukovým materiálem, které aplikuji u dětí předškolního věku. Klíčová slova: narativita, ekonaratologie, lidová píseň, zvuky přírody, lidové tradice, výzkumThe topic of the thesis is econaratology in conjunction with folk songs, which is subject to the laws of nature and forms a sort of mind set of the of nature life. Singing songs is an integral part of the narrative approach, narrative is complemented by tones and melodies for better memorization. The theoretical part defines the terms: narration, econaratology and folk song. I am interested in what place there the narrative approach in environmental education takes and what are its benefits. I allude to the use of narrative and folk songs as a means of education in practice. The aim of the thesis is based on research findings to determine the extent to which children are able to follow recordings of sound recording recognize and identify vocalizations of domestic or wild animals and industrial sounds of outside world. The research findings are utilized qualitative research, supplemented in some parts of quantitative research. Research tools are the individual interviews over the audio material, which I apply in preschool children. Keywords: narration, econaratology, folk song, nature sounds, folk traditions, research.Katedra biologie a environmentálních studiíPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Bayesian Phylogenetic Estimation of Clade Ages Supports Trans-Atlantic Dispersal of Cichlid Fishes

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    Divergence-time estimation based on molecular phylogenies and the fossil record has provided insights into fundamental questions of evolutionary biology. In Bayesian node dating, phylogenies are commonly time calibrated through the specification of calibration densities on nodes representing clades with known fossil occurrences. Unfortunately, the optimal shape of these calibration densities is usually unknown and they are therefore often chosen arbitrarily, which directly impacts the reliability of the resulting age estimates. As possible solutions to this problem, two nonexclusive alternative approaches have recently been developed, the "fossilized birth-death" (FBD) model and "total-evidence dating." While these approaches have been shown to perform well under certain conditions, they require including all (or a random subset) of the fossils of each clade in the analysis, rather than just relying on the oldest fossils of clades. In addition, both approaches assume that fossil records of different clades in the phylogeny are all the product of the same underlying fossil sampling rate, even though this rate has been shown to differ strongly between higher level taxa. We here develop a flexible new approach to Bayesian age estimation that combines advantages of node dating and the FBD model. In our new approach, calibration densities are defined on the basis of first fossil occurrences and sampling rate estimates that can be specified separately for all clades. We verify our approach with a large number of simulated data sets, and compare its performance to that of the FBD model. We find that our approach produces reliable age estimates that are robust to model violation, on par with the FBD model. By applying our approach to a large data set including sequence data from over 1000 species of teleost fishes as well as 147 carefully selected fossil constraints, we recover a timeline of teleost diversification that is incompatible with previously assumed vicariant divergences of freshwater fishes. Our results instead provide strong evidence for transoceanic dispersal of cichlids and other groups of teleost fishes. [Bayesian inference; calibration density; Cichlidae; fossil record; marine dispersal; phylogeny; relaxed molecular clock]

    Sounds of Nature or Econarratology through the Folk Songs

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    The topic of the thesis is econaratology in conjunction with folk songs, which is subject to the laws of nature and forms a sort of mind set of the of nature life. Singing songs is an integral part of the narrative approach, narrative is complemented by tones and melodies for better memorization. The theoretical part defines the terms: narration, econaratology and folk song. I am interested in what place there the narrative approach in environmental education takes and what are its benefits. I allude to the use of narrative and folk songs as a means of education in practice. The aim of the thesis is based on research findings to determine the extent to which children are able to follow recordings of sound recording recognize and identify vocalizations of domestic or wild animals and industrial sounds of outside world. The research findings are utilized qualitative research, supplemented in some parts of quantitative research. Research tools are the individual interviews over the audio material, which I apply in preschool children. Keywords: narration, econaratology, folk song, nature sounds, folk traditions, research

    Senzorický marketing a smyslové shody - Efekt produktové barvy na vnímání vůně

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    Záměrem práce je zkoumání role barvy na vnímání vůně měřením vnímané a) preference a za b) intenzity u 16 možných kombinací 4 barevných lahviček obsahujících 4 vůně, které byly hodnoceny celkem 297 respondenty (130 mužů a 167 žen). Pomocí analýzy rozptylu (ANOVA) pro preferenci bylo zjištěno, že barva i vůně hraje významnou roli u Čechů. Nicméně pro skupinu Čechů a Slováků se tento efekt snižuje. Pro Slovany již významný není. Je tedy možné, že národnost hraje významnou roli. Oproti stávajícím výzkumům, efekt barvy a vůně na vnímanou intenzitu, nebyl prokázán. Výsledky lineární regrese pak ukazují, že pohlaví je významný faktor u hodnocení preference barvy a vůně, a muži dávali o 5.58 % vyšší skóre než ženy. Na druhou stranu, preferovaná barva nehrála roli v hodnocení preference. Navíc bylo definováno několik modelů shody mezi barvou a vůní (vnímané, sémantické a smíšené). Je důvod se domnívat, že některá z navržených typů shod reflektuje rozhodování o hodnocení preferencí lépe. Výsledky ukázaly, že intuitivní kombinace barev a vůní (např. žlutý flakón a citrónová vůně) nezvyšují významně hodnocení preference. Oproti tomu, sémanticko-perceptuální shoda odpovídá nejlépe sesbíraným hodnocením. Tato metoda by mohla usnadnit výzkumné metody v případech, kde výběr proměnných barvy a vůně může hrát roli.The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the role of colour on the perception of odour by measuring the a) preference and b) intensity of 16 possible combinations of 4 coloured bottles and 4 odours as rated by 297 participants (130 males and 167 females). The two way ANOVA for preference revealed that the role of both – colour and odour is significant for Czech participants, but the significance increases with the cultural homogeneity as for Slavic nationals, the colour and odour did not play a significant role in their preference ratings. In contrary to previous research, the effect of colour and odour on intensity ratings was not significant. Linear regression analysis then showed that gender is also a significant factor and males are generally more prone to give higher preference scores by 5.58 % than females to colour and odour interactions. On the other hand, a choice of preferred colour did not affect the preference scores. In addition, several types of congruencies between colour and odour were proposed. It is argued that one of these types (perceptual, semantic, mixed) reflect the decision making about preference levels more precisely. As a result, it has been demonstrated that intuitive congruent pairings of colours and odours (such as lemon and yellow) do not increase the preference ratings among consumers. Instead, the mixed semantical perceptual congruency corresponds significantly to the collected data. This approach could simplify product testing methods where the colour and odour are deemed to be selected variables

    Study of the v-Myb oncoprotein variable region

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    - 4 - Study of the v-Myb oncoprotein variable region The aim of this thesis was to analyze the significance of the variable region of oncoprotein v-Myb. The v-myb oncogene originated in the chick through a natural recombination of the MAV1 retroviral genome with the c-myb gene, which is an important transcriptional regulator involved in hematopoiesis and other important processes in different types of vertebrate cells. In comparison with the c-myb coding sequence, the retroviral v-myb is truncated on N- and C-terminals and includes 11 point mutations. Due to both these changes and the retroviral promoter which drives its expresion, the v-Myb oncoprotein became the inducer of acute myeloid leukemia in chicks. The variable region of v-Myb lies in between the N-terminal DNA binding and the central transactivating domains. This region is the least evolutionarily conserved part of the protein. No published data are available about its potential function. In this work the biological significance of the variable region was studied by means of specific deletions and sequence swaps. Two deletions (∆PstI and ∆NaeI) and two swaps (chicken v-myb to mouse and Xenopus c-myb) were prepared. Recombinant DNAs were cloned into MAV1-based retroviral vector and transfected into chick embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) in tissue..