101 research outputs found

    Pengaruh kadar larutan umbi bawang merah terhadap pertumbuhan akar pada cangkokan tanaman rambutan (nephelium lappaceum l.)

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    ABSTRAKSI Rambutan merupakan jenis tanaman holtikultura yang memiliki kandungan gizi, seperti : zat tepung, zat protein dan asam amino, zat lemak, zat enzim-enzim yang esensial dan nonesensial, vitamin dan zat mineral makro, mikro. Teknik perbanyakan vegetatif terutama dengan cangkok merupakan salah satu cara yangefektif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bibit rambutan dalam skala besar dalam waktu yang cepat. Pemberian larutan umbi bawang merah sebagai penambahan hormon auxin yang mempercepat pertumbuhan akar cangkok pada tanaman rambutan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kadar larutan umbi bawang merah terhadap pertumbuhan akar pada cangkokan tanaman Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L) dan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi kadar larutan umbi bawang merah yang optimal terhadap pertumbuhan akar pada cangkokan tanaman rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L). Penelitian ini yaitu penelitian eksperimen dengan skala lapangan. Sebagai variabel bebas adalah perlakuan kadar larutan umbi bawang merah, yaitu : K0 = tanpa perlakuan, K1 = 20%, K2 = 40%, K3 = 60%, K4 = 80%, K5 = 100%. Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah pertumbuhan akar cangkokan yang diukur berdasarkan 2 (dua) parameter, yaitu : jumlah akar dan panjang akar. Jumlah ulangan sebanyak 4 kali ulangan dengan sampel penelitian 24 cangkokan tanaman rambutan.Rancangan. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), sedangkan analisis data menggunakan analisis variansi (uji F). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada parameter jumlah akar dan panjang akar cangkokan pada tanaman rambutan dengan nilai Fhitung > Ftabel 5%, yang berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasil uji BNT 5% dan BNT 1% menunjukan perlakuan pemberian kadar larutan umbi bawang merah pada taraf konsentrasi 100% (larutan murni) merupakan perlakuan efektif dalam memacu meningkatkan pertumbuhan akar pada cangkokan tanaman rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L)terutama pada jumlah akar dan panjang akar cangkokan. ABSTRACT Rambutan is a horticulture plant that is nutritious, such as: carbohydrate, protein, amino acid, fat, essential and non-essential enzymes, vitamin, macro and micro mineral. The vegetation technique especially by transplantation is one of the effective ways to meet the demand of rambutan seed in the large scale fast. The aim of giving the onion solution is to add auxin hormone in order to accelerate the root growth of the transplanted rambutan plant. The purpose of the research is to know the influence of onion solution on the root growth of the transplanted rambutan plant (Nephellium lappeceum L.) and concentration of onion optimum solution on the root growth of the transplanted rambutan plant (Nephellium lappeceum L.). The research is experiment research in field scale. The independent variable is the level treatment of the onion solution: K0= no treatment, K1= 20%, K2= 40%, K3= 60%, K4= 80%, K5= 100%. The dependent variable is the transplanted root growth in two parameters; the amount and the length of root. The repetition is four times to twenty-four sample research. The design of the research used the completely randomized design and the data analysis used the analysis of variance (F-test). The result of the research shows that the score of the parameter of the amount and the length of root of the transplanted rambutan plant Fcount>Ftable 5% which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The result of the test BNT 5% and BNT 1% shows the treatment of giving 100% onion solution (pure solution) is the effective treatment to accelerate the root growth on the transplanted rambutan plant (Nephelium lappaceum L.), the amount and the length of root

    Analysis of Factors Driving Customer Satisfaction in Murabahah Financing at BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo

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    This study aims to describe the results of the analysis of the factors that encourage customer satisfaction in murabahah financing at BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo. To facilitate the research process, this research process uses a qualitative-descriptive approach. The research stages consist of the orientation stage or pre-field stage, the field activity stage and the data analysis stage. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. Sources of data used are primary and secondary data sources. The data analysis uses data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The data validity technique uses the credibility test, transferability test, dependability test, and comfirmability test. The results showed that BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo was very concerned about customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in financing at BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo has several factors. Among these factors, namely: 1) the procedures and services do not complicate the customers of BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo; 2) if there is a problem between BMT Tanjung Paiton and its customers, then both use the family system; 3) the language of instruction uses the Madurese language, so it is comfortable to communicate; 4) ujroh BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo is only 1.5% affordable; 5) BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo does not impose a fine if the installment payment is late; and 5) the contract used in the financing process at BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo uses a rohn contract.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan hasil analisis faktor-faktor yang mendorong kepuasan nasabah dalam pembiayaan murabahah di BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo. Untuk mempermudah proses penelitian, maka proses penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif-deskriptif. Tahap-tahap penelitian terdiri dari tahap orientasi atau tahap pra lapangan, tahap kegiatan lapangan dan tahap analisis data. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Analisis datanya menggunakan data reduction, data display dan conclusion drawing/ verification. Teknik validitas data menggunakan uji credibility, uji transferability, uji dependalibity, dan uji comfirmability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo sangat memperhatikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Kepuasan nasabah dalam melakukan pembiayaan di BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo memiliki beberapa faktor. Di antara faktor tersebut, yaitu: 1) prosedur dan pelayanannya tidak merumitkan nasabah BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo; 2) apabila terdapat permasalahan di antara pihak BMT Tanjung Paiton dengan para nasabahnya, maka keduanya memakai sistem kekeluargaan; 3) bahasa pengantar menggunakan bahasa Madura, sehingga enak untuk berkomunikasi; 4) ujroh BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo terjangkau hanya 1,5%; 5) BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo tidak memberlakukan denda apabila pembayaran angsuran telat; dan 5) akad akan yang digunakan dalam proses pembiayaan di BMT Tanjung Paiton Probolinggo menggunakan akad rohn

    Factor affecting the GPA of Agribusiness students, in Universitas Terbuka Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the GPA of students who get Bidikmisi scholarship by using the Semester Package System (SPS) Plus service. SPS Plus is a package system of courses i n study program where all courses taken in curriculum structure are arranged and offered on a package basis for each semester. In general, UT students are not required to attend Face to Face (FtF) tutorial provided by UT, but for Bidikmisi scholars which use SPS Plus Services, they are required to a ttend FtF tutorial for all courses in the package. By following FtF tutorial, students are expected to get a high GPA, this is because they are new graduates from high school and the l evel of independence in terms of l earning is still not so good. GPA is influenced by two factors, namely individual factors and social factors. Individual factors consist of maturity/growth, intelligence, practice, motivation, and personality. While social factors can be seen from the condition of fami ly, teachers and how to t each, the tool s used for learning, environment, opportunities and social motivation. The population of this research is 697 students of Bidikmisi scholarship program in Faculty of Mathematical and Sciences with SPS Plus service, and the sample used is students of 300 Agribusiness study program. The data were analyzed by using factor analysis, and the result in general GPA not have a correlation with internal and external factors, but GBA has a correl ation with internal and external factors in a group of GPA 2.50-2.75 and GPA 3.5 or more

    Pengembangan Sistem Jaminan Kualitas di UT

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    Bermain Peran: Sebuah Metode untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bahasa Ekspresif Anak

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    Menggambarkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode bermain peran dan mendeskripsikan peningkakan kemampuan bahasa ekspresif anak usia 4-5 tahun di TK ABA Tegalsari Banguntapan Bantul adalah tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini menggunakan Model Kemmis dan Mc Taggart dalam 2 siklus. Sebanyak 20 anak menjadi subyek. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan observasi dan dokumentasi. Data kualitatif dianalisis menggunakan model MilesHuberman dan data kuantitatif menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Kriteria keberhasilan tindakan sebesar 70%. Perbaikan pembelajaran ditunjukkan sebagai berikut: (1) kegiatan transisi sebelum main berjalan baik; (2) diskusi pemeranan dan alur cerita lebih detil; (3) media semakin menarik; (4) kegiatan recalling semakin interaktif; (5) penguatan bahasa anak semakin baik; (6) interaksi dan komunikasi anak semakin baik. Hasil pratindakan menunjukkan 15% anak mencapai kriteria berkembang sesuai harapan (BSH). Setelah siklus I, prosentase tersebut menjadi 50% dan akhir siklus II menjadi 80%. Dengan demikian, pembelajaran metode bermain peran yang dilaksanakan dengan benar telah meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa ekspresif anak

    Mekanisme Pemberian Sanksi Terhadap Notaris Yang Melakukan Pelanggaran Kode Etik Jabatan Notaris

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    ABSTRAK Permasalahan yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah : Bagaimana mekanisme pemberian Sanski terhadap Notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik jabatan notaris dan upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan oleh Notaris yang dijatuhkan sanski pelanggaran kode etik jabatan notaris untuk mengajukan keberatan.Metode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif dan spesifikasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bersifat penelitian deskriptif analitis.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa bagi Notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik, Dewan Kehormatan dapat menjatuhkan sanski kepada pelanggarnya, sanski yang dikenakan terhadap anggota Ikatan Notaris Indonesia yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik tersebut dapat berupa: Teguran, Peringatan, Schorzing (pemecatan sementara) dari anggota perkumpulan, Onzetting (pemecatan) dari anggota perkumpulan, dan Pemberhentian dengan tidak hormat dari anggota perkumpulan. Namun sanski pemecatan yang diberikan terhadap Notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik bukanlah berupa pemecatan dari jabatan notaris melainkan pemecatan dari keanggotaan Ikatan Notaris Indonesia. Sehingga sanski tersebut terkesan kurang mempunyai daya mengikat bagi Notaris yang melakukan pelanggaran kode etik.Notaris yang dijatuhkan sanski atas pelanggaran kode etik dapat melakukan upaya pembelaan diri dan dapat mengajukan banding secara bertingkat terhadap putusan Dewan Kehormatan Daerah kepada Dewan Kehormatan Wilayah dan Dewan Kehormatan Pusat sebagai pemeriksaan tingkat akhir.Kata Kunci: Notaris, Kode Etik, SanksiABSTRACTThe problem will be examined in this study is: How does the mechanism of granting Sanctions against a notary who did breach the code of conduct the Office of notary public and efforts which can be done by the notary who dropped sanctions violation code of ethics the Office of notary for filing objections.The method used is the approach of the juridical normative approach and specifications used in the research is descriptive research analytical.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that for the notary who did breach the code of conduct, the Council of honor can drop the sanctions to violators, sanctions imposed against members of Indonesia who perform Notarial Bond violations of the code of ethics can be: Reprimand, warning, Schorzing (temporary expulsion) from the members of the Assembly, Onzetting (dismissal) of the members of the Assembly, and Dismissal with no respect from the members of the Assembly. But the dismissal sanctions awarded against a notary public who do breach the code of conduct is not in the form of dismissal from the post of notary except Notary Bond membership expulsion from Indonesia. So the sanctions less impressed has the power binding for the notary public who do breach the code of conduct.Notary dropped sanctions for infringement of the code can do self-defense efforts and can appeal against the ruling of the Board-floor in honor of the area to the Board the honor Council and Region Honors as Centre examination of the end of the level.Keywords: Notary Public, The Code Of Conduct, Penaltie

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think Talk Write Menggunakan Media Power Point untuk Meningkatkan Komunikasi Siswa

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     Abstract: This study aims to determine how the level of communication skills is seen from the group of students' initial understanding and the level of students' final understanding. Is there a difference, and how much is the increase in students' communication results after applying the Think Talk Write model using PowerPoint media? This type of quantitative research with quasi-experiments utilizing a control group design. The population in the study was class VIII A as the control class and class VIII B as the experimental class, each of which consisted of 20 students. Data collection was obtained using the method of documentation, testing, and communication observation. The results showed that the application of the TTW Learning Model (Think Talk Write) using PowerPoint media to improve students' communication skills for the initial level of student communication results was included in the low category, with an average of 48.70 for the control class and 48.70 for the experimental type. The story of student communication is obtained from the pre-test scores. The students' final communication results increased after treatment, averaging 72.75 for the control class and 90.30 for the experimental type. The students' last communication level was obtained from the post-test scores. In conclusion, there are differences in improving communication results using the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model using PowerPoint (PPT) media to improve student communication.   Keywords: Student Communication, PowerPoint, Think Talk Writ


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    ABSTRAK PENGARUH PEMBERIAN FORMULA PREDA DAN TEMPE TERHADAP LAMA PENYAKIT DIARE AKUT PADA ANAK USIA 6-24 BULAN Studi di RSU RA. Kartini Kabupaten Jepara Tahun 2010 SRI YUNIATI HARTININGRUM Latar Belakang: Kejadian diare masih cukup tinggi, tiap anak dapat menderita diare 2-8 kali pertahun dengan angka kematian 5 per 1000 Balita pertahun. Penderita diare membutuhkan diet yang adekuat. Tempe dapat memperpendek lama penyakit diare. Formula Preda juga dapat digunakan diet penyakit diare. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada peneliti tertarik ingin membandingkan efektifitas penggunanan formula Preda dan tempe untuk penanganan diare. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh pemberian formula Preda dan tempe terhadap lama penyakit diare akut anak usia 6-24 bulan di RSU RA Kartini Kabupaten Jepara. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitiannya pre-experiment dengan design Static group comparison design. Populasinya semua penderita penyakit diare pada anak usia 6-24 bulan yang dirawat di RSU RA. Kartini Kabupaten Jepara. Sampel diambil secara accidental dari bulan Januari - Pebruari 2010 sebanyak 25 dengan jenis perlakuan formula Preda dan 25 dengan tempe. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner dan wawancara meliputi karakteristik subjek dan ibu serta pemberian ASI. BB dan PB. Analisis yang digunakan adalah Independen T-Test, uji Mann-Whitney , uji chi square dan Anakova. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan pemberian ASI, jenis penyebab diare dan status gizi awal (BB/PB) berdasarkan jenis perlakuan (p1= 0,525, p2= 0,281, p3= 0,132). Terdapat perbedaan jumlah formula yang dikonsumsi berdasarkan jenis perlakuan (p= 0,025*). Lama penyakit diare pada formula Preda dan tempe adalah 5 hari dan 4,2 hari, menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna lama penyakit diare dengan jenis perlakuan (p= 0,010*). Simpulan : Formula tempe dapat dipakai sebagai pengganti formula Preda pada anak dengan penyakit diare akut. Kata Kunci : Formula Preda, tempe , diare akut. Kepustakaan : 61 ( 1990-2010 ) ABSTRACTS THE Effect of Preda and Tempe (Soybean Cake) Formula on the Duration of Acute Diarrhoea in 6-24 Months Old Children A Study in RA. Kartini Hospital, Jepara Sri Yuniati Hartiningrum Backgrounds : The occurrence of diarrea is still high enough, every child which suffer from diarrhea 2-8 time a year with mortality rate of 5 death in every 1000 under-five-years-old children. Patients with diarrhoea needs adequate diet which at present are given Preda formula in RSU RA Kartini. Soybean cake were reparted to reduce the duration of diarrhoea. Purposes : To analyze the different effect of Preda formula and soybean cake formula on the duration of acute diarrhoea in 6-24 monhs old children in RA. Kartini General Hospital, Jepara. Method of Study : The study was an experimental study with Static group comparison design. The population of the study were the entire 6-24 months children with diarrhoea underwent treatment in RA. Kartini Hospital. Sample were collected using accidental method between Januari-February 2010. Consisting of 25 samples for Preda as well as for soybean cake treatment. Data were obtained using quetionnaire and interview, consisting of characteristic of subjects and their mothers breasfeeding, weight and height. Independent t-test, mann-Whitney test, Chi square test and Anacova were used in the data analysis. Results : There were no difference in breastfeeding, type of cause of diarrhoea based on type and nutritional status between both groups (p1= 0,525, p2= 0,281, p3= 0,132). There was difference in the amount of formula consumed (p= 0,025*). The duration of diarrhoea in Preda formula and soybean cake group were 4,95 and 4,21 days respectively, which indicates a significant difference (p= 0,010*) Conclusion : Soybean cake formula could be used as a subtitute for Preda formula in children with acute diarrhea. Keywords : Preda formula, soybean cake and acute diarrhoea Bibliography : 61 (1990 – 2010


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    Merawang chicken is one of local chickensthat comes from Merawang region in the province of BangkaBelitung. It is one of the poultry that has good potentialto be used as egg producer and meat producer. There is a littleinformation about it However, the region where it comes from,it attracts a lot of attentions because it has promising potentials.The objective of this research is to identify performanceof Merawang chicken that raised in Bogor region. The resultsare the average of female body weight is 1234.1 grams, andfor the male is 1474.5 grams, length of shank is 9.7 cm andmortality is 9.6%.. The DOC weight is little bit bigger thanthat find in the original region. The results of performancewhich include body weight, length of shank, feed consumption,feed conversion and mortality are still good as produces inthe original region. Cost analyzes show that it is more benefitif the chickens used as layer than meat producer. This research gives useful additional informationon the existence of one of local chickens in Indonesia thathas potential for poultry husbandr


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran lompat jauh menggunakan alat bantu kardus bagi peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri Genito Kecamatan Windusari Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam satu siklus. Subyek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri Genito Kecamatan Windusari Kabupaten Magelang yang berjumlah 30 siswa terdiri dari 14 siswa laki-laki dan 16 siswa perempuan. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, wawancara, angket, dan tes hasil belajar lompat jauh. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dapat disimpulkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan hasil pembelajaran lompat jauh dengan menggunakan alat bantu kardus. Pada awal pertemuan hasil belajar lompat jauh peserta didik rata-rata 68,96 dan pada akhir pertemuan meningkat menjadi rata- rata 76,60 sehingga mencapai nilai KKM ( Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal ) adalah 86,67 %. Kata kunci : Lompat Jauh, kardus, metode bermain
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