30 research outputs found

    PENGARUH KOMUNITAS MUSIK UNDERGROUND TERHADAP PERILAKU MENYIMPANG DI KALANGAN REMAJA : Studi Deskriptif terhadap Remaja di Kecamatan Karangnunggal Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Proses modernisasi telah membawa perubahan dalam kehidupan, seperti perubahan dalam dunia musik remaja, yaitu musik underground yang terdapat di daerah Karangnunggal dengan usia anggotanya 17-21 tahun dan sebagian masih berstatus peserta didik. Namun, di tengah kemunculan komunitas musik underground tidak serta merta dapat langsung diterima masyarakat, jika dilihat dari segi penampilan terkesan urakan dan dari perilaku anggotanya tidak sesuai dengan nilai dan norma dalam masyarakat, sehingga tidak menutup kemungkinan akan ditiru oleh remaja yang berada di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat seberapa besar pengaruh yang diberikan komunitas musik underground terhadap perilaku menyimpang remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup sebagai data primer. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini pertama, tingkat eksistensi komunitas musik underground berada pada tingkat sedang, artinya remaja mengetahui keberadaan dan mengenali sebagian dari anggota komunitas musik underground, mengikuti perkembangannya hingga menyimpan beberapa koleksi lagu musik underground, ikut berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan serta menonton event musik underground walaupun dalam durasi setengah dari acara keseluruhan, berpenampilan seperti pada umumnya komunitas musik underground dengan serba hitam dan menunjukkan antusiasnya terhadap setiap penampilan dari band-band musik underground. Kedua, tingkat perilaku menyimpang di kalangan remaja berada pada tingkat rendah artinya dalam kesehariannya remaja hanya beberapa kali melakukan perilaku yang tidak sesuai dengan nilai dan norma dan dalam taraf wajar serta masyarakat masih menerimanya karena dianggap tidak terlalu merugikan. Ketiga, komunitas musik underground berpengaruh positif secara signifikan terhadap perilaku menyimpang di kalangan remaja Kecamatan Karangnunggal dan bila diinterpretasikan pengaruh berada pada kategori rendah, hal ini masih terdapat faktor lain yang memengaruhi perilaku menyimpang.---- Modernization process has brought alteration to life, as the alteration in world of music among adolescents, which is underground music in Karangnunggal area with members in age of 17-21 and some of them are still students. However, in the emersion of underground music community is not easily accepted by the society, if it is seen through the appearance, it seems crashing and from the members of the community, it does not correspond to the values and norms in society, so it does not close the possibility of being imitated by adolescents around the place. The aim of this study is to see how big the impact that is given by the underground music community towards the deviant behavior among adolescents. This study used quantitative approach and descriptive method along with data collection technique, which is closed questionnaire as the primer data. The research findings are firstly, underground music community existence level is in the medium level, means that adolescents know its existence and some of members of munderground music community, follow its expansion until save some collections of underground music, participate in its activities and witnes the event of underground music although in half duration of the whole event, dress like others in the underground music community by wearing all black and show their enthusiasm in every performance from underground bands. Secondly, the level of deviant behavior among adolescents is in the low level which means in the daily life, adolescents only have deviant behavior which does not correspond to the values and norms at certain moments fairly and the society is still accepting because people do not consider it as harm things. Thirdly, underground music community affects significant positive towards deviant behavior among adolescents in Kecamatan Karangnunggal and if it is being interpreted, the effect is in low category, it still has another factor which affects the deviant behavior

    Analisis Makroekonomi Dalam Pasar Modal Di Indonesia Tahun 2008 – 2016 Melalui Error Correction Model (ECM)

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    Capital market is one of the driving tools of the economy in a country, because the capital market is a means of capital formation and the accumulation of long-term funds directed to increase public participation in the mobilization of funds to support the financing of national development. In addition, the capital market is also a representation to assess the condition of companies in a country, because almost all industries in all countries are represented by the capital market. To measure stock performance on the stock exchange used Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). This study was conducted to analyze the variables affecting the Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Movement Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI). Very volatile. A country's macroeconomic change is one of the factors affecting the movement of Composite Stock Price Index (CSPI)), this research focuses on macro economy fariabel. The macro variables used are inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, and money supply. This study uses a quantitative approach. The analysis tool used is error correction model (ECM). 2 The type of data used is quarterly data from 2008 - 2016. The sites used in this study are www.bi.go.id, www.bps.go.id, and www.finance.yahoo.com, kemenda


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    ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the factors that influence online impulse buying. The population in this study are people who have shopped impulsively at various e-stores in Indonesia such as Shopee, Lazada, Bukalapak and Tokopedia. The research sample size is 325 respondents. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires through social media and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with SmartPLS software. The results show that flow state, product affect and social interaction have a positive influence on online impulse buying so that the pleasure felt by consumers when browsing e-stores, positive (emotional) responses to products and social interactions can encourage the online impulse buying. Meanwhile, product risk has no effect on impulse buying, so product risk will not be related to the occurrence of online impulse buying. Online businessmen can encourage impulse buying by presenting attractive e-stores and providing communication space for fellow consumers through various media to be able to share information about products and shopping experiences. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi online impuls buying. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah orang-orang yang pernah berbelanja secara impulsif pada berbagai e-store di Indonesia seperti Shopee, Lazada, Bukalapak dan Tokopedia. Ukuran sampel penelitian adalah 325 responden. Data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner melalui media sosial dan dianalisis menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan software SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan keadaan mengalir, persepsi produk dan interaksi sosial mempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap pembelian online secara impulsif sehingga kesenangan yang dirasakan konsumen ketika menelusuri e-store, respon (emosi) positif terhadap produk dan interaksi sosial yang dilakukan konsumen dapat mendorong munculnya pembelian impulsif online. Sementara resiko produk tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap pembelian impulsif sehingga besar kecilnya resiko produk tidak akan berhubungan dengan terjadinya online impuls buying. Pelaku bisnis online dapat mendorong terjadinya pembelian impulsif dengan menghadirkan e-store yang menarik dan menyediakan ruang komunikasi antarkonsumen melalui berbagai media untuk dapat saling berbagi informasi mengenai produk dan pengalaman berbelanja.JEL : M3

    Hubungan Asuhan Antenatal dengan Preeklampsia di RSUP M. Djamil Padang periode 1 Januari 2013 – 31 Desember 2013

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    Preeklampsia adalah sindrom spesifik pada kehamilan yang menyebabkan disfungsi organ serta ditandai dengan terjadinya peningkatan tekanan darah dan ditemukannya proteinuria. Preeklampsia ringan yang tidak dikontrol dengan baik melalui asuhan antenatal dapat berkembang menjadi preeklampsia berat. Asuhan antenatal merupakan asuhan yang diajurkan kepada wanita hamil untuk mencegah komplikasi dan menurunkan insiden perinatal dan maternal morbiditas/mortalitas. Asuhan antenatal sebaiknya dilakukan secara berkualitas dengan kuantitas yang sesuai. Kualitas asuhan antenatal ialah kemampuan tenaga kesehatan untuk melakukan konseling dan penyediaan layanan selama kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan hubungan antara kualitas asuhan antenatal dan preeklampsia. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 orang pasien preeklampsia yang melahirkan di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil periode 1 Januari 2013 sampai 31 Desember 2013. Data dikumpulkan melalui catatan rekam medik yang kemudian di analisis melalui uji chi-square dengan derajat kepercayaan 95% (0,05). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan insiden preeklampsia pada ibu melahirkan sebanyak 13,6%. Hasil uji statistik chi-square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara kualitas asuhan antenatal dan preeklampsia (p=0,106). Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara asuhan antenatal dengan preeklampsia


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    This research was conducted on February to May 2009 in Jonooge village, Biromaru sub district Sigi regency Central Sulawesi province.  A 3x3 factorial experiment in a randomized block design was used. The first factor was nitrogen fertilizer 200 kg N/ha applied at different times and rates: single application at sowing (W1), 1/3 rate at sowing and 2/3 rate at 15 d after sowing (W2), 1/3 rate at sowing and 2/3 at 30 d after sowing (W3), and 1/3 rate at sowing and 2/3 at 45 d after sowing (W4).  The second factor was thickness of mulch:  3 cm (J1), 5 cm (J2) and 7 cm (J3).  The research results showed that there was no interaction effect between nitrogen fertilizer applications and mulch thickness.  Better plant height (164.78 cm), weight of 10 corncobs (2.43 kg), girth (7.70 cm), number of kernel rows, and corncob length (18.3 cm) was found in treatment W3 than the other nitrogen fertilizer treatments. Mulch added at 7 cm thickness resulted in larger sugar content (26.55%), plant height (166.94 cm), and weight of 10 corncobs than the other mulch treatmen


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    The objective of this research was to identify entomopathogenic fungi associated with green leafhopper (Nephotetix virescens) and to determine its virulence toward N. viresnes mortality. The indicators of pathogenicity were symptoms, time of symptom appeared, and mortality of green leafhopper after inoculation of the entomopathogenic fungi. The research was conducted in three phases. The first phase was collecting green leafhopper infected by entomopathogenic fungi in the field. The second phase was isolation, inoculation, and re-isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from the infected green leafhopper (wereng). The third was pathogenicity assay conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University. The research was conducted for four months from February to May 2010.  Five isolates of entomopathogenic fungi were collected in Donggala Regency: Metharizium sp., Asperigillus sp., Beauveria sp., Cladosporium sp. and Fusarium sp. Two isolates were found potential as entomopathogenic             fungi: Metarhizium sp. and Beauveria sp. Mortality of nimpha green leafhopper (wereng hijau) caused by both fungi were 80.75%, and 80.25% respectively

    TOKSISITAS SENYAWA BIOAKTIF TUMBUHAN “SIDONDO” (Vitex negundo L.) PADA Spodoptera exigua Hubner dan Plutella xylostella Linnaeus

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate bioactive compound contents of the ”Sidondo” plant (Vitex negundo L.) especially those compound that are potentially used as botanical pesticide and to test the plant extract influence on tested Spodoptera exigua and Plutella xylostella larvae mortality and toxicity. This study was conducted in Plant Protection and Biotecnology Laboratories, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University from March to October 2008. Results of the study indicated that     crude extract of the V. negundo could kill both S. exigua and P. xylostella larvae. The highest mortality rate for S. exigua (32%) was found when the plant was extracted with ethanol and for P. xylostella (27%) was seen with methanol extraction. The effective extract concentration was 0.3% for S. exigua and 0.2% for                               P. xylostella.  The extract sub-lethal concentration (LC50) was 0.49% for S. exigua and 0.42% for P. xylostella.  The extract of V.  negundo contained Saponin which could be used as a botanical insecticide active ingredien

    Pertumbuhan Stek Tanaman Lada (Piper Nigrum Linn) pada Komposisi Media Tumbuh dan Dosis Air Kelapa yang Berbeda

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    This experiment aimed to determine the best growing media composition and coconut water in stimulating the growth of pepper plant cuttings. It used a two factorial randomized block design. The first factor was various proportions of media compositions of manure, sand and top soil i.e. 1:4:12; 1:4:6; and 1: 4:4. The second factor was different rates of coconut water i.e. A0 (no coconut water added), A1 (40 cc), A2 (80 cc), and A3 (120 cc). There were 12 combination treatments and each was replicated three times with each treatment consisting of three plants. Parameter observed included shoot length, leaf number, leaf area size, root length, and fresh root weight. The research results showed that there was no significant interaction effect between the media composition and the coconut water on the shoot length at 45 days after planting (DAP), 60 DAP, and 90 DAP but it was significant at 75 DAP. The interaction effect was also significant on the leaf number at 60 DAP. Only the coconut water had significant effect on the total leaf area size, the root length, and the fresh weight. The stimulation of the pepper cutting growth was best under the 120 cc coconut water treatment per week and the sand, manure and top soil proportion of 1:4:4 treatment

    Aplikasi Mulsa dan Biokultur Urin Sapi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Bawang Merah

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    ABSTRACTMost upland soils are poor in organic matter and have high temperature. The utilization ofmulch and organic manure with appropriate dosage are expected to enhance the physical andchemical conditions of the soil and the production of shallot. This study aimed to determine the effectof applying various types of mulch and cow urine bioculture on the growth and yield of shallot. Theresearch was conducted in March to June 2017 in Oloboju Village, Sigi Biromaru District, SigiRegency, Central Sulawesi Province. A randomized block design factorial with two factors was usedin this study. The first factor was the various types of mulch, namely: Gliricidia sepium leaves, ricestraw, and plastic mulch. The second factor was the frequency of bioculture, namely: without cowurine bioculture, two times and four times application. Thus, there are nine in the combination oftreatments and repeated three times and therefore there were 27 experimental units. The resultsshowed that interaction of rice straw mulch and four times cow urine bioculture application have avery significant effect on the growth and production of shallot. The use of 3 ton ha-1 rice straw andfour times cow urine bioculture application frequency produced 11.25 ton ha-1 shallot bulb.Keywords: chemical properties, gliricidia leaf, organic matter, rice straw, soil physicalABSTRAKLahan kering umumnya memiliki kandungan bahan organik yang rendah dengan suhu yangtinggi. Penggunaan mulsa dan pupuk organik pada lahan kering dengan dosis yang cukup diharapkandapat memperbaiki sifat fisik, sifat kimia tanah dan sifat biologi tanah serta meningkatkan hasilbawang merah. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh jenis mulsa dan frekuensi pemberianbiokultur urin sapi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulanMaret sampai Juni 2017 di Desa Oloboju, Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru, Kabupaten Sigi, ProvinsiSulawesi Tengah. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan pola faktorial yangterdiri atas dua faktor. Faktor pertama adalah jenis mulsa yang terdiri atas: mulsa daun tanaman gamal(Gliricidia sepium), mulsa jerami padi dan mulsa plastik hitam perak. Faktor kedua yaitu frekuensipemberian biokultur urin sapi yang terdiri atas: tanpa biokultur, dua kali pemberian biokultur danempat kali pemberian biokultur selama satu musim tanam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mulsajerami padi memberikan hasil lebih baik dibandingkan dengan mulsa plastik hitam perak dan mulsadaun tanaman gamal, sedangkan frekuensi pemberian biokultur empat kali memberikan hasil lebihbaik dibandingkan frekuensi biokultur dua kali dan tanpa biokultur. Interaksi keduanya berpengaruhterhadap komponen pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Penggunaan mulsa jerami padi 3ton ha-1 dan frekuensi biokultur urin sapi sebanyak empat kali menghasilkan umbi bawang merah11.25 ton ha-1.Kata kunci: bahan organik, daun tanaman gamal, jerami padi, sifat fisik tunas, sifat kimia tana


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    Abstrak: Produksi sayuran yang dihasilkan oleh petani pada umumnya ditengarai memiliki residu pestisida yang tinggi. Kecurigaan ini didasari atas perlakuaan petani yang sangat intensif melakukan penyemprotan pestisida, terutama untuk sayuran yang rentan terhadap serangan hama dan penyakit. Pemakaian pestisida yang kebablasan tersebut merupakan salah satu dampak dari revolusi hijau yang mengagungkan paket teknologi pertanian yang salah satu diantaranya pemanfaatan pupuk anorganik dan pestisida kimia. Program pengabdian desa mitra ini bertujuan untuk membimbing petani penyediakan sarana produksi usaha tani organik berupa penyediaan pupuk organik dan pestisida organik, serta melatih petani mengembangkan usaha tani sayuran organik agar produk yang dihasilkan bebas dari residu bahan kimia. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pelatihan dan bimbingan teknologi (bimtek) pembuatan pupuk organik dan pestisida organik serta budidaya sayuran organik, dengan mitra program adalah anggota kelompok tani ‘Mandiri’ UPTD Bulupountu Jaya Kabupaten Sigi.  Hasil pelaksanaan program memperlihatkan keseriusan peserta dalam setiap sesi pelatihan, dan adanya adopsi teknologi dari peserta yang diimplementasikan di lahan usaha taninya masing-masing. Hasil demplot sayuran organik adalah produk berbagai jenis tanaman sayuran seperti tomat, bayam, gambas, kangkung, terong dan pakchoy. Abstract:  Vegetable production by farmers is generally tought to have a high pesticide residue. This suspicion is based on the treatment of farmers who are very intensive in spraying pesticides, especially for vegetables that are vulnerable to pests and diseases. The excessive use of pesticides is one of the effects of the green revolution that glorifies agricultural technology packages, one of which is the use of chemical pesticides. The service program of the partner villages is aimed at guiding farmers to provide organic farming production facilities in the form of supplying organic fertilizers and organic pesticides, as well as training farmers to develop organic vegetable farming so that the products produced are free of chemical residues. The method applied was training and technological guidance (bimtek) for making organic fertilizers and organic pesticides as well as organic vegetable cultivation, with program partners being members of the farmer group 'Mandiri' UPTD Bulupountu Jaya, Sigi Regency.  The results of the implementation of the program show the seriousness of the participants in each training session, and the adoption of technology from the participants which was implemented in their respective farms. The results of the organic vegetable demonstration plot are products of various types of vegetable crops such as tomatoes, spinach, luffa, water spinach, eggplant and pakcho