50 research outputs found

    Black hole spin inferred from 3:2 epicyclic resonance model of high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations

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    Estimations of black hole spin in the three Galactic microquasars GRS 1915+105, GRO J1655-40, and XTE J1550-564 have been carried out based on spectral and timing X-ray measurements and various theoretical concepts. Among others, a non-linear resonance between axisymmetric epicyclic oscillation modes of an accretion disc around a Kerr black hole has been considered as a model for the observed high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HF QPOs). Estimates of spin predicted by this model have been derived based on the geodesic approximation of the accreted fluid motion. Here we assume accretion flow described by the model of a pressure-supported torus and carry out related corrections to the mass-spin estimates. We find that for dimensionless black hole spin a<0.9, the resonant eigenfrequencies are very close to those calculated for the geodesic motion. Their values slightly grow with increasing torus thickness. These findings agree well with results of a previous study carried out in the pseudo-Newtonian approximation. The situation becomes different for a>0.9, in which case the resonant eigenfrequencies rapidly decrease as the torus thickness increases. We conclude that the assumed non-geodesic effects shift the lower limit of the spin, implied for the three microquasars by the epicyclic model and independently measured masses, from a~0.7 to a~0.6. Their consideration furthermore confirms compatibility of the model with the rapid spin of GRS 1915+105 and provides highly testable predictions of the QPO frequencies. Individual sources with a moderate spin (a<0.9) should exhibit a smaller spread of the measured 3:2 QPO frequencies than sources with a near-extreme spin (a~1). This should be further examined using the large amount of high-resolution data expected to become available with the next generation of X-ray instruments, such as the proposed Large Observatory for X-ray Timing (LOFT).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Timing of accreting neutron stars with future X-ray instruments: towards new constraints on dense matter equation of state

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    The Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarimetry (eXTP) mission is a space mission to be launched in the late 2020s that is currently in development led by China in international collaboration with European partners. Here we provide a progress report on the Czech contribution to the eXTP science. We report on our simulation results performed in Opava (Institute of Physics of the Silesian University in Opava) and Prague (Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences), where the advanced timing capabilities of the satellite have been assessed for bright X-ray binaries that contain an accreting neutron star (NS) and exhibit the quasi-periodic oscillations. Measurements of X-ray variability originating in oscillations of fluid in the innermost parts of the accretion region determined by general relativity, such as the radial or Lense-Thirring precession, can serve for sensitive tests enabling us to distinguish between the signatures of different viable dense matter equations of state. We have developed formulae describing non-geodesic oscillations of accreted fluid and their simplified practical forms that allow for an expeditious application of the universal relations determining the NS properties. These relations, along with our software tools for studying the propagation of light in strong gravity and neutron star models, can be used for precise modeling of the X-ray variability while focusing on properties of the intended Large Area Detector (LAD). We update the status of our program and set up an electronic repository that will provide simulation results and gradual updates as the mission specifications progress toward their final formulation.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, proceedings of IBWS conference, eds. Martin Jelinek and Marianna Dafcikova, 22-26 May 2023 (Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic), ISSN: 1336-033

    Severe steroid-related neuropsychiatric symptoms during paediatric acute lymphoblastic leukaemia therapy—An observational Ponte di Legno Toxicity Working Group Study

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    \ua9 2024 The Author(s). British Journal of Haematology published by British Society for Haematology and John Wiley &amp; Sons Ltd.Steroids are a mainstay in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in children and adolescents; however, their use can cause clinically significant steroid-related neuropsychiatric symptoms (SRNS). As current knowledge on SRNS during ALL treatment is limited, we mapped the phenotypes, occurrence and treatment strategies using a database created by the international Ponte di Legno Neurotoxicity Working Group including data on toxicity in the central nervous system (CNS) in patients treated with frontline ALL protocols between 2000 and 2017. Ninety-four of 1813 patients in the CNS toxicity database (5.2%) experienced clinically significant SRNS with two peaks: one during induction and one during intensification phase. Dexamethasone was implicated in 86% of SRNS episodes. The most common symptoms were psychosis (52%), agitation (44%) and aggression (31%). Pharmacological treatment, mainly antipsychotics and benzodiazepines, was given to 87% of patients while 38% were hospitalised due to their symptoms. Recurrence of symptoms was reported in 29% of patients and two previously healthy patients required ongoing pharmacological treatment at the last follow up. Awareness of SRNS during ALL treatment and recommendation on treatment strategies merit further studies and consensus

    Pharmacokinetics of PEGylated Gold Nanoparticles: In Vitro—In Vivo Correlation

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    Data suitable for assembling a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for nanoparticles (NPs) remain relatively scarce. Therefore, there is a trend in extrapolating the results of in vitro and in silico studies to in vivo nanoparticle hazard and risk assessment. To evaluate the reliability of such approach, a pharmacokinetic study was performed using the same polyethylene glycol-coated gold nanoparticles (PEG-AuNPs) in vitro and in vivo. As in vitro models, human cell lines TH1, A549, Hep G2, and 16HBE were employed. The in vivo PEG-AuNP biodistribution was assessed in rats. The internalization and exclusion of PEG-AuNPs in vitro were modeled as first-order rate processes with the partition coefficient describing the equilibrium distribution. The pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained by fitting the model to the in vitro data and subsequently used for PBPK simulation in vivo. Notable differences were observed in the internalized amount of Au in individual cell lines compared to the corresponding tissues in vivo, with the highest found for renal TH1 cells and kidneys. The main reason for these discrepancies is the absence of natural barriers in the in vitro conditions. Therefore, caution should be exercised when extrapolating in vitro data to predict the in vivo NP burden and response to exposure

    Rapid identification of in vitro cell toxicity using an electrochemical membrane screening platform

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    This study compares the performance and output of an electrochemical phospholipid membrane platform against respective in vitro cell-based toxicity testing methods using three toxicants of different biological action (chlorpromazine (CPZ), colchicine (COL) and methyl methanesulphonate (MMS)). Human cell lines from seven different tissues (lung, liver, kidney, placenta, intestine, immune system) were used to validate this physicochemical testing system. For the cell-based systems, the effective concentration at 50 % cell death (EC₅₀) values are calculated. For the membrane sensor, a limit of detection (LoD) value was extracted as a quantitative parameter describing the minimum concentration of toxicant which significantly affects the structure of the phospholipid sensor membrane layer. LoD values were found to align well with the EC₅₀ values when acute cell viability was used as an end-point and showed a similar toxicity ranking of the tested toxicants. Using the colony forming efficiency (CFE) or DNA damage as end-point, a different order of toxicity ranking was observed. The results of this study showed that the electrochemical membrane sensor generates a parameter relating to biomembrane damage, which is the predominant factor in decreasing cell viability when in vitro models are acutely exposed to toxicants. These results lead the way to using electrochemical membrane-based sensors for rapid relevant preliminary toxicity screens

    Constitutively active Lyn kinase causes a cutaneous small vessel vasculitis and liver fibrosis syndrome

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    Neutrophilic inflammation is a hallmark of many monogenic autoinflammatory diseases; pathomechanisms that regulate extravasation of damaging immune cells into surrounding tissues are poorly understood. Here we identified three unrelated boys with perinatal-onset of neutrophilic cutaneous small vessel vasculitis and systemic inflammation. Two patients developed liver fibrosis in their first year of life. Next-generation sequencing identified two de novo truncating variants in the Src-family tyrosine kinase, LYN, p.Y508*, p.Q507* and a de novo missense variant, p.Y508F, that result in constitutive activation of Lyn kinase. Functional studies revealed increased expression of ICAM-1 on induced patient-derived endothelial cells (iECs) and of β2-integrins on patient neutrophils that increase neutrophil adhesion and vascular transendothelial migration (TEM). Treatment with TNF inhibition improved systemic inflammation; and liver fibrosis resolved on treatment with the Src kinase inhibitor dasatinib. Our findings reveal a critical role for Lyn kinase in modulating inflammatory signals, regulating microvascular permeability and neutrophil recruitment, and in promoting hepatic fibrosis

    Relationships of dietary patterns with body composition in older adults differ by gender and PPAR-γ Pro12Ala genotype

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    Dietary patterns may better capture the multifaceted effects of diet on body composition than individual nutrients or foods. The objective of this study was to investigate the dietary patterns of a cohort of older adults, and examine relationships of dietary patterns with body composition. The influence of a polymorphism in the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPAR-γ) gene was considered. The Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study is a prospective cohort study of 3,075 older adults. Participants’ body composition and genetic variation were measured in detail. Food intake was assessed with a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (Block Dietary Data Systems, Berkeley, CA), and dietary patterns of 1,809 participants with complete data were derived by cluster analysis. Six clusters were identified, including a ‘Healthy foods’ cluster characterized by higher intake of low-fat dairy products, fruit, whole grains, poultry, fish and vegetables. An interaction was found between dietary patterns and PPAR-γ Pro12Ala genotype in relation to body composition. While Pro/Pro homozygous men and women in the ‘Healthy foods’ cluster did not differ significantly in body composition from those in other clusters, men with the Ala allele in the ‘Healthy foods’ cluster had significantly lower levels of adiposity than those in other clusters. Women with the Ala allele in the ‘Healthy foods’ cluster differed only in right thigh intermuscular fat from those in other clusters. Relationships between diet and body composition in older adults may differ by gender and by genetic factors such as PPAR-γ Pro12Ala genotype

    Influência do resfriamento dinâmico na medição da tensão limite de escoamento

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    Non-Newtonian fluids may present several complex characteristics, such as viscoelasticity, plasticity and thixotropy. Understanding the behaviour of these materials is essential to facilitate its applicability, since many of them are present in daily life, such as gels, chocolate, and mayonnaise. The material studied on the present work was an waxy crude oil. The oil, present in reservoirs located in deep water, when subjected to low temperatures during production shutdowns, precipitates its paraffin, creating a structure which may be very resistant to flow. Thus, the formed material may represent a great difficulty to production restart. The design of pumps and compressors used in these systems depend on a rheological property called yield stress and therefore, it is essential to obtain reliable values of this rheological parameter. However, the complex behaviour, and the dependence of the crude oil characteristics on the shearing and temperature history make this a challenging task. Besides these, other factors may influence the measurement of yield stress, as the effect of wall slip and if the cooling is static or dynamic. This work shows the variation of yield stress for tests with dynamic cooling. The imposition of a stress during cooling caused the reduction in yield stress 0. Increasing the imposed stress, 0 decreased until it reached a minimum. Next, it was noticed an increase in yield stress with increasing imposed stress. The experiments carried out in this work were made in a commercial stress control rheometer. The effect of wall slip was tested by comparing smooth and rough geometries and it was verified signs of its presence, with the reduction of yield stress for smooth geometries. The equation of Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch, used for correction of the inhomogeneity of the shear stress along the radius geometry, seemed to be not necessary for the demonstrated results.Fluidos não newtonianos podem apresentar diversas características complexas, como a viscoelasticidade, plasticidade e tixotropia. Entender o comportamento de materiais tão complexos é fundamental para facilitar sua aplicabilidade, já que muitos estão presentes no cotidiano das pessoas, como géis, chocolate e maionese. O material estudado no presente trabalho foi um petróleo parafínico. O petróleo, presente em bacias localizadas em águas profundas, quando submetido a baixas temperaturas durante paradas de produção, precipita suas parafinas dando origem a uma estrutura que pode ser muito resistente ao escoamento. Dessa forma, o material formado pode representar uma grande dificuldade para o reinício da produção. O dimensionamento das bombas e compressores utilizados para retomada da produção depende de uma propriedade reológica denominada tensão limite de escoamento e, por isso, é fundamental obter valores confiáveis desse parâmetro reológico. No entanto, o comportamento complexo, e a dependência das características do petróleo com o histórico de cisalhamento e temperatura tornam a tarefa desafiadora. Outros fatores podem influenciar na medição da tensão limite de escoamento, como o efeito do escorregamento na parede do sensor da geometria e se o resfriamento é estático ou dinâmico. Este trabalho mostra a variação da tensão limite de escoamento para ensaios com resfriamento dinâmico. A imposição de tensão durante o resfriamento causou a redução da tensão limite de escoamento 0. Elevando-se a tensão imposta, 0 reduziu até atingir um valor mínimo. Em seguida, percebeu-se um aumento da tensão limite de escoamento com o aumento da tensão imposta. Os experimentos realizados neste trabalho foram feitos em um reômetro comercial do tipo tensão controlada (“stress controlled”). O efeito de escorregamento da amostra foi testado comparando geometrias com superfícies lisas e ranhuradas e foi possível verificar sinais de sua presença, com a redução da tensão limite de escoamento para geometrias lisas. A equação de Weissenberg-Rabinowitsch, utilizada para correção da não homogeneidade da tensão de cisalhamento ao longo do raio da geometria, mostrou-se não necessária para os resultados demonstrados