19 research outputs found

    Addressing the problem of Interaction in fully immersive Virtual Environments: from raw sensor data to effective devices

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    Immersion into Virtual Reality is a perception of being physically present in a non-physical world. The perception is created by surrounding the user of the VR system with images, sound or other stimuli that provide an engrossing total environment. The use of technological devices such as stereoscopic cameras, head-mounted displays, tracking systems and haptic interfaces allows for user experiences providing a physical feeling of being in a realistic world, and the term “immersion” is a metaphoric use of the experience of submersion applied to representation, fiction or simulation. One of the main peculiarity of fully immersive virtual reality is the enhancing of the simple passive viewing of a virtual environment with the ability to manipulate virtual objects inside it. This Thesis project investigates such interfaces and metaphors for the interaction and the manipulation tasks. In particular, the research activity conducted allowed the design of a thimble-like interface that can be used to recognize in real-time the human hand’s orientation and infer a simplified but effective model of the relative hand’s motion and gesture. Inside the virtual environment, users provided with the developed systems will be therefore able to operate with natural hand gestures in order to interact with the scene; for example, they could perform positioning task by moving, rotating and resizing existent objects, or create new ones from scratch. This approach is particularly suitable when there is the need for the user to operate in a natural way, performing smooth and precise movements. Possible applications of the system to the industry are the immersive design in which the user can perform Computer- Aided Design (CAD) totally immersed in a virtual environment, and the operators training, in which the user can be trained on a 3D model in assembling or disassembling complex mechanical machineries, following predefined sequences. The thesis has been organized around the following project plan: - Collection of the relevant State Of The Art - Evaluation of design choices and alternatives for the interaction hardware - Development of the necessary embedded firmware - Integration of the resulting devices in a complex interaction test-bed - Development of demonstrative applications implementing the device - Implementation of advanced haptic feedbac

    Technological competence is a precondition for effective implementation of virtual reality head mounted displays in human neuroscience:A technological review and meta-analysis

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    International audienceImmersive virtual reality (VR) emerges as a promising research and clinical tool. However, several studies suggest that VR induced adverse symptoms and effects (VRISE) may undermine the health and safety standards, and the reliability of the scientific results. In the current literature review, the technical reasons for the adverse symptomatology are investigated to provide suggestions and technological knowledge for the implementation of VR head-mounted display (HMD) systems in cognitive neuroscience. The technological systematic literature indicated features pertinent to display, sound, motion tracking, navigation, ergonomic interactions, user experience, and computer hardware that should be considered by the researchers. Subsequently, a meta-analysis of 44 neuroscientific or neuropsychological studies involving VR HMD systems was performed. The meta-analysis of the VR studies demonstrated that new generation HMDs induced significantly less VRISE and marginally fewer dropouts. Importantly, the commercial versions of the new generation HMDs with ergonomic interactions had zero incidents of adverse symptomatology and dropouts. HMDs equivalent to or greater than the commercial versions of contemporary HMDs accompanied with ergonomic interactions are suitable for implementation in cognitive neuroscience. In conclusion, researchers' technological competency, along with meticulous methods and reports pertinent to software, hardware, and VRISE, are paramount to ensure the health and safety standards and the reliability of neuroscientific results

    Préparation à la conduite automatisée en Réalité Mixte

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    Driving automation is an ongoing process that is radically changing how people travel and spend time in their cars during journeys. Conditionally automated vehicles free human drivers from the monitoring and supervision of the system and driving environment, allowing them to perform secondary activities during automated driving, but requiring them to resume the driving task if necessary. For the drivers, understanding the system’s capabilities and limits, recognizing the system’s notifications, and interacting with the vehicle in the appropriate way is crucial to ensuring their own safety and that of other road users. Because of the variety of unfamiliar driving situations that the driver may encounter, traditional handover and training programs may not be sufficient to ensure an effective understanding of the interaction between the human driver and the vehicle during transitions of control. Thus, there is the need to let drivers experience these situations before their first ride. In this context, Mixed Reality provides potentially valuable learning and skill assessment tools which would allow drivers to familiarize themselves with the automated vehicle and interact with the novel equipment involved in a risk-free environment. If until a few years ago these platforms were destined to a niche audience, the democratization and the large-scale spread of immersive devices since then has made their adoption more accessible in terms of cost, ease of implementation, and setup. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the role of Mixed Reality in the acquisition of competences needed for a driver’s interaction with a conditionally automated vehicle. In particular, we explored the role of immersion along the Mixed Reality continuum by investigating different combinations of visualization and manipulation spaces and the correspondence between the virtual and the real world. For industrial constraints, we restricted the possible candidates to light systems that are portable, cost-effective and accessible; we thus analyzed the impact of the sensorimotor incoherences that these systems may cause on the execution of tasks in the virtual environment. Starting from these analyses, we designed a training program aimed at the acquisition of skills, rules and knowledge necessary to operate a conditionally automated vehicle. In addition, we proposed simulated road scenarios with increasing complexity to suggest what it feels like to be a driver at this level of automation in different driving situations. Experimental user studies were conducted in order to determine the impact of immersion on learning and the pertinence of the designed training program and, on a larger scale, to validate the effectiveness of the entire training platform with self-reported and objective measures. Furthermore, the transfer of skills from the training environment to the real situation was assessed with test drives using both high-end driving simulators and actual vehicles on public roads.L'automatisation de la conduite est un processus en cours qui est en train de changer radicalement la façon dont les gens voyagent et passent du temps dans leur voiture pendant leurs dĂ©placements. Les vĂ©hicules conditionnellement automatisĂ©s libĂšrent les conducteurs humains de la surveillance et de la supervision du systĂšme et de l'environnement de conduite, leur permettant d'effectuer des activitĂ©s secondaires pendant la conduite, mais requiĂšrent qu’ils puissent reprendre la tĂąche de conduite si nĂ©cessaire. Pour les conducteurs, il est essentiel de comprendre les capacitĂ©s et les limites du systĂšme, d’en reconnaĂźtre les notifications et d'interagir de maniĂšre adĂ©quate avec le vĂ©hicule pour assurer leur propre sĂ©curitĂ© et celle des autres usagers de la route. À cause de la diversitĂ© des situations de conduite que le conducteur peut rencontrer, les programmes traditionnels de formation peuvent ne pas ĂȘtre suffisants pour assurer une comprĂ©hension efficace de l'interaction entre le conducteur humain et le vĂ©hicule pendant les transitions de contrĂŽle. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire de permettre aux conducteurs de vivre ces situations avant leur premiĂšre utilisation du vĂ©hicule. Dans ce contexte, la RĂ©alitĂ© Mixte constitue un outil d'apprentissage et d'Ă©valuation des compĂ©tences potentiellement efficace qui permettrait aux conducteurs de se familiariser avec le vĂ©hicule automatisĂ© et d'interagir avec le nouvel Ă©quipement dans un environnement sans risque. Si jusqu'Ă  il y a quelques annĂ©es, les plates-formes de RĂ©alitĂ© Mixte Ă©taient destinĂ©es Ă  un public de niche, la dĂ©mocratisation et la diffusion Ă  grande Ă©chelle des dispositifs immersifs ont rendu leur adoption plus accessible en termes de coĂ»t, de facilitĂ© de mise en Ɠuvre et de configuration. L'objectif de cette thĂšse est d'Ă©tudier le rĂŽle de la rĂ©alitĂ© mixte dans l'acquisition de compĂ©tences pour l'interaction d'un conducteur avec un vĂ©hicule conditionnellement automatisĂ©. En particulier, nous avons explorĂ© le rĂŽle de l'immersion dans le continuum de la rĂ©alitĂ© mixte en Ă©tudiant diffĂ©rentes combinaisons d'espaces de visualisation et de manipulation et la correspondance entre le monde virtuel et le monde rĂ©el. Du fait des contraintes industrielles, nous avons limitĂ© les candidats possibles Ă  des systĂšmes lĂ©gers portables, peu chers et facilement accessibles; et avons analysĂ© l’impact des incohĂ©rences sensorimotrices que ces systĂšmes peuvent provoquer sur la rĂ©alisation des activitĂ©s dans l’environnement virtuel. À partir de ces analyses, nous avons conçu un programme de formation visant l'acquisition des compĂ©tences, des rĂšgles et des connaissances nĂ©cessaires Ă  l'utilisation d'un vĂ©hicule conditionnellement automatisĂ©. Nous avons proposĂ© des scĂ©narios routiers simulĂ©s de plus en plus complexes pour permettre aux apprenants d’interagir avec ce type de vĂ©hicules dans diffĂ©rentes situations de conduite. Des Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer l'impact de l'immersion sur l'apprentissage, la pertinence du programme de formation conçu et, Ă  plus grande Ă©chelle, de valider l'efficacitĂ© de l'ensemble des plateformes de formation par des mesures subjectives et objectives. Le transfert de compĂ©tences de l'environnement de formation Ă  la situation rĂ©elle a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par des essais sur simulateurs de conduite haut de gamme et sur des vĂ©hicules rĂ©els sur la voie publique

    Get ready for automated driving with Mixed Reality

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    L'automatisation de la conduite est un processus en cours qui est en train de changer radicalement la façon dont les gens voyagent et passent du temps dans leur voiture pendant leurs dĂ©placements. Les vĂ©hicules conditionnellement automatisĂ©s libĂšrent les conducteurs humains de la surveillance et de la supervision du systĂšme et de l'environnement de conduite, leur permettant d'effectuer des activitĂ©s secondaires pendant la conduite, mais requiĂšrent qu’ils puissent reprendre la tĂąche de conduite si nĂ©cessaire. Pour les conducteurs, il est essentiel de comprendre les capacitĂ©s et les limites du systĂšme, d’en reconnaĂźtre les notifications et d'interagir de maniĂšre adĂ©quate avec le vĂ©hicule pour assurer leur propre sĂ©curitĂ© et celle des autres usagers de la route. À cause de la diversitĂ© des situations de conduite que le conducteur peut rencontrer, les programmes traditionnels de formation peuvent ne pas ĂȘtre suffisants pour assurer une comprĂ©hension efficace de l'interaction entre le conducteur humain et le vĂ©hicule pendant les transitions de contrĂŽle. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire de permettre aux conducteurs de vivre ces situations avant leur premiĂšre utilisation du vĂ©hicule. Dans ce contexte, la RĂ©alitĂ© Mixte constitue un outil d'apprentissage et d'Ă©valuation des compĂ©tences potentiellement efficace qui permettrait aux conducteurs de se familiariser avec le vĂ©hicule automatisĂ© et d'interagir avec le nouvel Ă©quipement dans un environnement sans risque. Si jusqu'Ă  il y a quelques annĂ©es, les plates-formes de RĂ©alitĂ© Mixte Ă©taient destinĂ©es Ă  un public de niche, la dĂ©mocratisation et la diffusion Ă  grande Ă©chelle des dispositifs immersifs ont rendu leur adoption plus accessible en termes de coĂ»t, de facilitĂ© de mise en Ɠuvre et de configuration. L'objectif de cette thĂšse est d'Ă©tudier le rĂŽle de la rĂ©alitĂ© mixte dans l'acquisition de compĂ©tences pour l'interaction d'un conducteur avec un vĂ©hicule conditionnellement automatisĂ©. En particulier, nous avons explorĂ© le rĂŽle de l'immersion dans le continuum de la rĂ©alitĂ© mixte en Ă©tudiant diffĂ©rentes combinaisons d'espaces de visualisation et de manipulation et la correspondance entre le monde virtuel et le monde rĂ©el. Du fait des contraintes industrielles, nous avons limitĂ© les candidats possibles Ă  des systĂšmes lĂ©gers portables, peu chers et facilement accessibles; et avons analysĂ© l’impact des incohĂ©rences sensorimotrices que ces systĂšmes peuvent provoquer sur la rĂ©alisation des activitĂ©s dans l’environnement virtuel. À partir de ces analyses, nous avons conçu un programme de formation visant l'acquisition des compĂ©tences, des rĂšgles et des connaissances nĂ©cessaires Ă  l'utilisation d'un vĂ©hicule conditionnellement automatisĂ©. Nous avons proposĂ© des scĂ©narios routiers simulĂ©s de plus en plus complexes pour permettre aux apprenants d’interagir avec ce type de vĂ©hicules dans diffĂ©rentes situations de conduite. Des Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es afin de dĂ©terminer l'impact de l'immersion sur l'apprentissage, la pertinence du programme de formation conçu et, Ă  plus grande Ă©chelle, de valider l'efficacitĂ© de l'ensemble des plateformes de formation par des mesures subjectives et objectives. Le transfert de compĂ©tences de l'environnement de formation Ă  la situation rĂ©elle a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© par des essais sur simulateurs de conduite haut de gamme et sur des vĂ©hicules rĂ©els sur la voie publique.Driving automation is an ongoing process that is radically changing how people travel and spend time in their cars during journeys. Conditionally automated vehicles free human drivers from the monitoring and supervision of the system and driving environment, allowing them to perform secondary activities during automated driving, but requiring them to resume the driving task if necessary. For the drivers, understanding the system’s capabilities and limits, recognizing the system’s notifications, and interacting with the vehicle in the appropriate way is crucial to ensuring their own safety and that of other road users. Because of the variety of unfamiliar driving situations that the driver may encounter, traditional handover and training programs may not be sufficient to ensure an effective understanding of the interaction between the human driver and the vehicle during transitions of control. Thus, there is the need to let drivers experience these situations before their first ride. In this context, Mixed Reality provides potentially valuable learning and skill assessment tools which would allow drivers to familiarize themselves with the automated vehicle and interact with the novel equipment involved in a risk-free environment. If until a few years ago these platforms were destined to a niche audience, the democratization and the large-scale spread of immersive devices since then has made their adoption more accessible in terms of cost, ease of implementation, and setup. The objective of this thesis is to investigate the role of Mixed Reality in the acquisition of competences needed for a driver’s interaction with a conditionally automated vehicle. In particular, we explored the role of immersion along the Mixed Reality continuum by investigating different combinations of visualization and manipulation spaces and the correspondence between the virtual and the real world. For industrial constraints, we restricted the possible candidates to light systems that are portable, cost-effective and accessible; we thus analyzed the impact of the sensorimotor incoherences that these systems may cause on the execution of tasks in the virtual environment. Starting from these analyses, we designed a training program aimed at the acquisition of skills, rules and knowledge necessary to operate a conditionally automated vehicle. In addition, we proposed simulated road scenarios with increasing complexity to suggest what it feels like to be a driver at this level of automation in different driving situations. Experimental user studies were conducted in order to determine the impact of immersion on learning and the pertinence of the designed training program and, on a larger scale, to validate the effectiveness of the entire training platform with self-reported and objective measures. Furthermore, the transfer of skills from the training environment to the real situation was assessed with test drives using both high-end driving simulators and actual vehicles on public roads

    Get ready for automated driving using Virtual Reality

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    International audienceIn conditionally automated vehicles, drivers can engage in secondary activities while traveling to their destination. However, drivers are required to appropriately respond, in a limited amount of time, to a takeover request when the system reaches its functional boundaries. Interacting with the car in the proper way from the first ride is crucial for car and road safety in general. For this reason, it is necessary to train drivers in a risk-free environment by providing them the best practice to use these complex systems. In this context, Virtual Reality (VR) systems represent a promising training and learning tool to properly familiarize drivers with the automated vehicle and allow them to interact with the novel equipment involved. In addition, Head-Mounted Display (HMD)-based VR (light VR) would allow for the easy deployment of such training systems in driving schools or car dealerships. In this study, the effectiveness of a light Virtual Reality training program for acquiring interaction skills in automated cars was investigated. The effectiveness of this training was compared to a user manual and a fixed-base simulator with respect to both objective and self-reported measures. Sixty subjects were randomly assigned to one of the systems in which they went through a training phase followed by a test drive in a high-end driving simulator. Results show that the training system affects the takeover performances. Moreover, self-reported measures indicate that the light VR training is preferred with respect to the other systems. Finally, another important outcome of this research is the evidence that VR plays a strategic role in the definition of the set of metrics for profiling proper driver interaction with the automated vehicle

    On-Road Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Training

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    International audienceDriver interaction with increasingly automated vehicles requires prior knowledge of system capabilities, operational know-how to use novel car equipment and responsiveness to unpredictable situations. With the purpose of getting drivers ready for autonomous driving, in a between-subject study sixty inexperienced participants were trained with an on-board video tutorial, an Augmented Reality (AR) program and a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator. To evaluate the transfer of training to real driving scenarios, a test drive on public roads was conducted implementing, for the first time in these conditions, the Wizard of Oz (WoZ) protocol. Results suggest that VR and AR training can foster knowledge acquisition and improve reaction time performance in takeover requests. Moreover, participants' behavior during the test drive highlights the ecological validity of the experiment thanks to the effective implementation of the WoZ methodology

    An immersive Virtual Reality system for semi-autonomous driving simulation: a comparison between realistic and 6-DoF controller-based interaction

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    International audienceThis paper presents a preliminary study of the use of Virtual Reality for the simulation of a particular driving task: the control recovery of a semi-autonomous vehicle by a driver engaged in an attention-demanding secondary activity. In this paper the authors describe a fully immersive simulator for semi-autonomous vehicles and present the pilot study that has been conducted for determining the most appropriate interface to interact with the simulator. The interaction with the simulator is not only limited to the actual car control; it also concerns the execution of a secondary activity which aims to put the driver out of the loop by distracting him/her from the main driving task. This study evaluates the role of a realistic interface and a 6-DoF controller-based interaction on objective and subjective measures. Preliminary results suggest that subjective indicators related to comfort, ease of use and adaptation show a significant difference in favor of realistic interfaces. However, task achievement performances do not provide decisive parameters for determining the most adequate interaction modality

    Learn how to operate semi-autonomous vehicles with Extended Reality

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    International audienceThis paper presents an ongoing work aimed at evaluating Extended Reality training for the interaction of general public with mobile robots, with a particular focus on semi-autonomous cars

    Light Virtual Reality systems for the training of conditionally automated vehicle drivers

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    International audienceIn conditionally automated vehicles, drivers can engage in secondary activities while traveling to their destination. However, drivers are required to appropriately respond, in a limited amount of time, to a takeover request when the system reaches its functional boundaries. In this context, Virtual Reality systems represent a promising training and learning tool to properly familiarize drivers with the automated vehicle and allow them to interact with the novel equipment involved. In this study, the effectiveness of an Head-Mounted display (HMD)-based training program for acquiring interaction skills in automated cars was compared to a user manual and a fixed-base simulator. Results show that the training system affects the takeover performances evaluated in a test drive in a high-end driving simula-tor. Moreover, self-reported measures indicate that the HMD-based training is preferred with respect to the other systems