47 research outputs found

    Usporedba statističkih klaster metoda u analizi proteina elektroforezom

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    Standard electrophoresis methods were used in the qualitative and quantitative protein analyses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Disc electrophoresis was carried out for detection of oligoclonal IgG bands in cerebrospinal fluid on polyacrylamide gel. Pairs of CSF and serum were taken from 30 patients, mainly with multiple sclerosis and other central nervous system dysfunctions, polyradiculoneuritis, known as Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, paraproteinemia, and analyzed. ImageMaster 1D Elite and GelPro specialized software packages were used for fast accurate image and gel analysis. The results obtained from different hierarchic cluster analysis methods were compared. In some cases, despite substantial similarities between electropherograms, different cluster methods produced different dendrograms. Therefore, the cluster analysis should be used cautiously. It offers only additional diagnostic information on the inflammatory conditions of the central nervous system.Standardne metode elektroforeze upotrebljene su u kvalitativnoj i kvantitativnoj analizi proteina cerebrospinalne tekućine (CSF). Detekcija oligoklonalnih IgG proteina u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini provedena je disk elektroforezom na poliakrilamidnom gelu. Analizirani su uzorci CSF i seruma od 30 pacijenata s multiplom sklerozom i drugim oboljenjima središnjeg živčanog sustava kao što su poliradikuloneuritis, poznat kao Guillain-Barre sindrom, encefalitis i paraproteinemia. ImageMaster 1D Elite i GelPro specijalizirani kompjutorski programi upotrebljeni su za brzu analizu slike i gela. Usporedbom rezultata dobivenih iz različitih hijerarhijskih klaster analiza utvđeno je da različite klaster metode ne daju iste rezultate. Usprkos sličnostima elektroferograma različite klaster metode u nekim slučajevima daju različite dendrograme pa je potreban oprez u interpretaciji rezultata. Klaster analiza daje samo dodatne dijagnostičke informacije o upalnom stanju središnjeg živčanog sustava

    From A Climate Action Plan (CAP) to a Microgrid: The SEEU Sustainability Concept Including Social Aspects

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    Following new global trends, the South East European University (SEEU), besides excellence in teaching and research, is committed to contributing to climate change effects and energy efficiency. SEEU will introduce a microgrid as a further step from the CAP towards energy sustainability. This paper presents the SEEU CAP and microgrid and also highlights benefits that are related to socio-economic conditions and the environment, including social aspects and sustainability

    Realization of a Low Emission University Campus Trough the Implementation of a Climate Action Plan

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    AbstractThe Climate Action Plan (CAP) experience started a few years ago with the aim to manage carbon and energy more efficiently. CAP is a roadmap to get Universities to the goals of climate protection, defining a carbon footprint, identifying priority actions, milestones to measure progresss and target dates, raising funding opportunities. The methodological approach for the realization of a Low Emission Campus through the implementation of a CAP at the South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo (Macedonia) foresees the analysis of the current energy consumptions and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and the integrated planning for the implementation of carbon friendly measures. CAP provides the cost-benefit analysis of the most suitable projects and associated yearly and cumulative GHG reductions, and defines the schedule for their gradual implementation. The Climate Action Planning process represents a valuable learning opportunity for the whole SEEU campus community, especially for students, providing additional opportunities for educational and research activities

    Usporedba statističkih klaster metoda u analizi proteina elektroforezom

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    Standard electrophoresis methods were used in the qualitative and quantitative protein analyses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Disc electrophoresis was carried out for detection of oligoclonal IgG bands in cerebrospinal fluid on polyacrylamide gel. Pairs of CSF and serum were taken from 30 patients, mainly with multiple sclerosis and other central nervous system dysfunctions, polyradiculoneuritis, known as Guillain-Barre syndrome, encephalitis, paraproteinemia, and analyzed. ImageMaster 1D Elite and GelPro specialized software packages were used for fast accurate image and gel analysis. The results obtained from different hierarchic cluster analysis methods were compared. In some cases, despite substantial similarities between electropherograms, different cluster methods produced different dendrograms. Therefore, the cluster analysis should be used cautiously. It offers only additional diagnostic information on the inflammatory conditions of the central nervous system.Standardne metode elektroforeze upotrebljene su u kvalitativnoj i kvantitativnoj analizi proteina cerebrospinalne tekućine (CSF). Detekcija oligoklonalnih IgG proteina u cerebrospinalnoj tekućini provedena je disk elektroforezom na poliakrilamidnom gelu. Analizirani su uzorci CSF i seruma od 30 pacijenata s multiplom sklerozom i drugim oboljenjima središnjeg živčanog sustava kao što su poliradikuloneuritis, poznat kao Guillain-Barre sindrom, encefalitis i paraproteinemia. ImageMaster 1D Elite i GelPro specijalizirani kompjutorski programi upotrebljeni su za brzu analizu slike i gela. Usporedbom rezultata dobivenih iz različitih hijerarhijskih klaster analiza utvđeno je da različite klaster metode ne daju iste rezultate. Usprkos sličnostima elektroferograma različite klaster metode u nekim slučajevima daju različite dendrograme pa je potreban oprez u interpretaciji rezultata. Klaster analiza daje samo dodatne dijagnostičke informacije o upalnom stanju središnjeg živčanog sustava

    Real Overview of Injuries Regarding Work Activities and Implementation of Heath and Safety Law in Bitola Area

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    Purpose and Originality: The basic aim of the paper is to present a real overview of the spotted injuries in Bitola area into the year 2017 on one hand, and on the other to present a real picture about the injuries considering time frame years 2013 –2017 in Bitola region. Actually the paper presents three key elements which are really an important thing from which we could see how the Health and Safety Law regulations are really implemented among business entities. Method:\ud Actually the paper presents three key elements which are really an important thing from which we could see how the Health and Safety Law regulations are really implemented among business entities The same ones are: the spotted injuries, some key elements from spotted injuries regarding several key elements and also the correlation between the number of employees in Bitola area and the number of spotted injuries into the same ones (business entities). Having in mind that the Health and Safety Law regulations in Macedonia are in action from the year 2007 and that they realy had the implementation since the year 2012 (among most of the entities) as a starting point we had a situation where we are expecting a significant reducement of the spotted injuries into Bitola area among business entities. And at the end of this section, we could also mention that the paper presents only a small part from an extensive research which could and will be presented into some future following papers. Results: At this point we could say that the starting point while the research was done was to prove that the Health and Safety law regulations really works among business entites in Bitola. So in that way the presented data shown are a real prove that from year to year the numbers are lower


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    : Myocardial involvement of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) varies and is considered to be more serious in patients with severe COVID-19 clinical presentation. Although myocarditis is usually recognized in the setting of acute SARS-CoV-2 infection, delayed manifestations are recognized as well. Case report. A 51-year-old male patient was admitted due to the clinical signs of congestive heart failure, two months after moderate clinical expression of COVID-19 pneumonia, treated as an outpatient. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) revealed dilated cardiomyopathy with the presence of diffuse left ventricular (LV) hypokinesia, severely reduced ejection fraction (EF 18%) and diastolic dysfunction with increased left atrial filling pressure. Baseline laboratory tests revealed elevated hs-troponin I, NT-proBN. Diagnostic workout excluded coronary artery disease. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging strongly pointed in the direction of unrecognized post-COVID myocarditis. The patient was treated according to current guidelines for heart failure with reduced EF. Eight months after discharge, the patient had no limitations of physical activity and TTE showed significant improvement in the systolic function of the left ventricle, EF was 47%, with normal LV filling pressure. Conclusion: Myocarditis is not an infrequent manifestation of COVID-19 infection, especially in hospitalized patients with severe clinical presentation, and commonly manifests within the first week after initial symptoms. Our case report represents an example that also patients with mild form of COVID-19 treated as outpatients can have delayed onset of heart failure as a consequence of COVID-19-induced myocarditis. Therefore, COVID-19 patients deserve a comprehensive approach with systematic clinical and echocardiographic follow-up in order to establish a timely diagnosis, provide appropriate treatment, and prevent serious complications.Zahvaćenost miokarda koronavirusnom bolešću 2019 (COVID-19) varira i smatra se ozbiljnijom u bolesnika s teškom kliničkom slikom COVID-19. Iako se miokarditis obično prepoznaje u okruženju akutne infekcije SARS-CoV-2, prepoznaju se i odgođene manifestacije. Prikaz slučaja: Bolesnik u dobi od 51 godine primljen je zbog kliničkih znakova kongestivnog zatajenja srca dva mjeseca nakon umjerene kliničke manifestacije pneumonije COVID-19, liječen ambulantno. Transtorakalna ehokardiografija (TTE) otkrila je dilatiranu kardiomiopatiju s prisutnošću difuzne hipokinezije lijevog ventrikla (LV), ozbiljno smanjenu ejekcijsku frakciju (18%) i dijastoličku disfunkciju s povećanim osjećajem tlaka u lijevom atriju. Osnovni laboratorijski testovi otkrili su povišen hs-troponin I, NT-proBN. Dijagnostička vježba isključila je koronarnu bolest. Magnetska rezonancija srca snažno je pokazala u smjeru neprepoznatog miokarditisa nakon COVID-a. Bolesnik je liječen prema važećim smjernicama za zatajenje srca sa smanjenom ejekcijskom frakcijom. Osam mjeseci nakon otpusta bolesnik nije imao ograničenja tjelesne aktivnosti, a TTE je pokazao značajno poboljšanje sistoličke funkcije lijeve klijetke, ejekcijska frakcija je iznosila 47%, uz normalan tlak punjenja LV. Zaključak. Miokarditis nije rijetka manifestacija infekcije COVID-19, osobito u hospitaliziranih pacijenata s teškom kliničkom slikom, i obično se manifestira unutar prvog tjedna nakon početnih simptoma. Naš prikaz bolesnika je primjer da i pacijenti s blagim oblikom COVID-19 koji se liječe ambulantno mogu imati odgođeni početak zatajenja srca kao posljedicu miokarditisa izazvanog COVID-19. Stoga bolesnici s COVID-19 zaslužuju cjelovit pristup uz sustavno kliničko i ehokardiografsko praćenje kako bi se pravodobno postavila dijagnoza, omogućilo odgovarajuće liječenje i spriječile ozbiljne komplikacije

    Postoperative complications in patients undergoing thyroid surgery

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    Background and objectives: Postoperative complications from thyroid surgery are numerous and may be shown on different levels. Some of these complications may be detrimental for patients, so minimization of the risks should be always considered. We evaluated the postoperative complications in patients after surgery of the thyroid gland at the Clinic for Thoracic Surgery, Skopje. Material and method: In retrospective manner, all patients undergoing thyroid surgery during the one-year period (1. January- 31. December 2017) were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups, whereas group ST included patients who underwent goiter removal and subtotal thyroidectomy while group TT included patients in who total thyroidectomy was done. In both groups we analyzed the demographic data and the occurrence of postoperative (in the first 48 hours) complications (stridor, hoarseness, hemorrhage, nerve dysfunction, tracheomalacia, hypocalcemia and the need for reintubation and tracheostomy). Results: Total data from 197 patients was evaluated. 120 patients had subtotal thyroidectomy while total thyroidectomy had 77 patients. Postoperative complications occurred in significantly larger number of patients in the TT group (64.9 vs. 40%). Hoarseness (8.4% vs. 18.5%), stridor (18.3% vs. 9.2%) tracheomalacia (5% vs. 1.2%) and hematoma (2.5% vs. 3.8%) occurred in respect to the groups. Hypocalcaemia occurred in significantly larger number of patients in TT group. Permanent nerve injury was found in one patient in the same group and tracheotomy was done only in one patient. Conclusion: Overall results from our study show that the complications after thyroid surgery occur in all patients who undergo thyroid surgery. However, more severe complications and outnumbered are complications in patients who undergo total thyroidectomy. Key words: complications, occurrence, thyroid surgery, total thyroidectomy

    The ventrolateral medulla and medullary raphe in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy

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    Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a leading cause of premature death in patients with epilepsy. One hypothesis proposes that sudden death is mediated by post-ictal central respiratory depression, which could relate to underlying pathology in key respiratory nuclei and/or their neuromodulators. Our aim was to investigate neuronal populations in the ventrolateral medulla (which includes the putative human pre-Bötzinger complex) and the medullary raphe. Forty brainstems were studied comprising four groups: 14 SUDEP, six epilepsy controls, seven Dravet syndrome cases and 13 non-epilepsy controls. Serial sections through the medulla (from obex 1 to 10 mm) were stained for Nissl, somatostatin, neurokinin 1 receptor (for pre-Bötzinger complex neurons) and galanin, tryptophan hydroxylase and serotonin transporter (neuromodulatory systems). Using stereology total neuronal number and densities, with respect to obex level, were measured. Whole slide scanning image analysis was used to quantify immunolabelling indices as well as co-localization between markers. Significant findings included reduction in somatostatin neurons and neurokinin 1 receptor labelling in the ventrolateral medulla in sudden death in epilepsy compared to controls (P < 0.05). Galanin and tryptophan hydroxylase labelling was also reduced in sudden death cases and more significantly in the ventrolateral medulla region than the raphe (P < 0.005 and P < 0.05). With serotonin transporter, reduction in labelling in cases of sudden death in epilepsy was noted only in the raphe (P ≤ 0.01); however, co-localization with tryptophan hydroxylase was significantly reduced in the ventrolateral medulla. Epilepsy controls and cases with Dravet syndrome showed less significant alterations with differences from non-epilepsy controls noted only for somatostatin in the ventrolateral medulla (P < 0.05). Variations in labelling with respect to obex level were noted of potential relevance to the rostro-caudal organization of respiratory nuclear groups, including tryptophan hydroxylase, where the greatest statistical difference noted between all epilepsy cases and controls was at obex 9-10 mm (P = 0.034), the putative level of the pre-Bötzinger complex. Furthermore, there was evidence for variation with duration of epilepsy for somatostatin and neurokinin 1 receptor. Our findings suggest alteration to neuronal populations in the medulla in SUDEP with evidence for greater reduction in neuromodulatory neuropeptidergic and mono-aminergic systems, including for galanin, and serotonin. Other nuclei need to be investigated to evaluate if this is part of more widespread brainstem pathology. Our findings could be a result of previous seizures and may represent a pathological risk factor for SUDEP through impaired respiratory homeostasis during a seizure