263 research outputs found

    América do Sul – a utopia no horizonte sangra aos golpes de Estado, às ditaduras e ao exílio

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    instauraram ditaduras e exílios como destinos compulsórios. O objetivo principal é refletir sobre as consequências disso para a democracia e os direitos humanos ao abordar acontecimentos cuja potencialidade permanece ainda hoje. Sua caracterização é marcada por transições políticas, atos de extrema violência, crises econômicas, imperialismo norte americano e ascensão neoliberal sob a tutela militar com forte presença de movimentos sociais. Justifica-se tanto pelo caráter histórico, ao discutir o passado, quanto pela utopia que estabelece com o presente/futuro na construção de sociedades mais igualitárias e menos autoritárias. Aponta-se que, ao analisar cenários comuns à América Latina, constitui a complexidade de experiências geradas por séculos de dominação hegemônica e colonizadora, mas com processos diferentes, numa tentativa universal de superação. Assim, recobrar memórias e investigar conjunturas é uma forma de tentar se impedir governos ditatoriais, recusar situações sociais de controle, de opressão, de exclusão e de violação de direitos, assim como é uma maneira de fortalecer a sociedade democrática, a Educação pública e socialmente referenciada e os princípios de liberdade e de vida

    Biophysical investigation on therapeutic proteins (Chaperonins, Hsp60 and CCT/TRiC) involved in human diseases

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    Molecular chaperones are indispensable cellular components that assist folding and assembly of newly synthesized proteins, translocation of proteins across membranes, as well as refolding and degrading of misfolded and aggregated proteins. In the last few years, innovative therapeutic strategies targeting stability and functionality of chaperones have received great attention, particularly in the field of neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, the growing number of diseases found linked to chaperone mutations, testifies to the importance of their role in the cellular protein-quality control mechanism. The investigation of the biophysical interactions between chaperones and specific proteins involved in diseases, including their structural and functional properties, are therefore a crucial step for both validating the chaperones’ role in physiological and pathological state, and developing effective chaperones-based treatment approaches. In the present PhD thesis work, we studied two representative examples of human molecular chaperones, Hsp60 and CCT/TRiC, appertaining to the class of the so-called “chaperonins” (Cpns). They are large, hollow, ATP-dependent nanomachines that promote correct folding of a wide range of proteins. Heat shock protein (Hsp60) is a molecular chaperone that assists protein folding in mitochondria. Hsp60 can accumulate in the cytosol, in various pathological conditions (i.e., cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases). Here we studied its functional oligomeric equilibrium as compared to that of its well-known bacterial homolog GroEL. We also show that Hsp60 is capable of inhibiting the fibrillogenesis of Aβ peptide (the protein involved in Alzheimer’s disease). The probable inhibition mechanism operating at molecular level is discussed. CCT/TriC is a chaperon universally found in Archaea and eukaryotes. Several chaperonopathies linked to CCT loci are clinically well characterized and, for those due to non-lethal genetic mutations, there is considerable information on their mode of inheritance. A protein model has been recently developed to investigate the mechanism of a crippling hereditary sensory neuropathy, due to a point mutation (His147Arg) in CCT5, one of the eight subunits of the human CCT. Here we report quantitative information on the loss of structural stability impaired by the pathogenic mutation. Finally, we tested if an efficient inhibition of amyloid formation can be achieved by chaperone-like systems, like as α-Caseins, which is known to exert a stabilizing function through direct interaction (similar to small Hsps). In fact, the evaluation of the mechanism of chaperone-like activity proved helpful for better understanding the structural basis of the substrate binding in sHsps

    ELIAS, Norbert. Mozart, sociologia de um gênio, do original Mozart, Zur Soziologie eines Genies. Organizado por Michael Schröter. Tradução de Sergio Goes de Paula. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar, 1995. 150 p.

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    Mozart, sociologia de um gênio. Norbert Elias. Organizado por Michael Schröter. Tradução Sergio Goes de Paula; revisão técnica Renato Janine Ribeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor Ltda, 150 p., 1995. ISBN: 978-85-7110-302-3

    Improving exercise tolerance in healthy young and older adults: possible role and mechanism of action of strength training

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    Increase exercise efficiency is essential to sustain independently, effectively and at adequate speed the daily movement tasks and to acquire the dose-dependant health benefits of an active lifestyle. Exercise tolerance can be regarded relevant for exercise prescription and sport performance both. In older people strength training intervention can be therefore considered the only mode of training, regardless oxidative metabolism effects, because is dose adapted and has low contraindication for untrained/ low fitness people. Purpose: test the hypothesis that a strength intervention will reduce the magnitude of the excessVO2 and the VO2SC in young and in older healthy adults . Methods: 16 young adults subjects and 21 older adults were recruited to participate in a randomized controlled trail, splitted in two groups and involved in a 4-weeks strength training. Force was measured during both a 1RM field test on squat and deadlift and, olnly for the young adults, during a maximal isometric laboratory test (IS) on a force platform . Oxygen consumption was measured in a ramp incremental test (modelled using a double-linear fit) and in tri-replicate during a CWR exercise performed at 0650 (50% of the difference between the first ventilator threshold and the maximal oxygen consumption) (VO2 was modelled using a bi-exponential equation and the magnitude of the VO2SC quantified pre and post intervention). Young adults and older adults groups were compared using a two-way (time, group) analysis of variance. Results: the ability to produce force increased significantly in the strength-training group for both young and older adults 1RM (and IS test in the young adults), whereas no significant changes were observed in the control group (p > 0.05). In the young adults during the RI exercise, a significant excess VO2 (ml 19min-1) was present before training in the intervention group ( 06CI around the mean difference [0.73, 5.15], d = 1.5, p = 0.02). This difference disappeared after strength training ( 06CI [-2.96, 2.97], d = 0.01, p = 0.99). In the older adults no excess VO2 (ml 19min-1) was present before ( 06CI [-0.87, 3.03], d = -0,08, p = 0.24). After training older adults presented an excess VO2 (ml 19min-1) ( 06CI [-0.48, 4.28], d = -0,7, p = 0.02). In addiction 06VO2/ 06PO slope2 was significantly decreased ( 06= 20%, p=0.004). Before training all young adults subjects exhibited a significant slow component (d = 3.05, p = 0.001, 95% CI [0.37, 0.88]). After training a significant reduction of the VO2SC (ml 19min-1) was observed in the intervention group ( 06CI [-606, -351], d = -4.01, p = 0.001) with no difference detected for the control group ( 06CI [-220, 145], d = -0.21, p = 0.68). The VO2SC reduction in the training group was associated with a 74\ub156% (8\ub15 min) increase in the time to reach exhaustion while no comparable gain was detected in the control group (3\ub117% or 0.5\ub12 min). In older adults VO2SC (ml 19min-1) was present before training ( in both training and control group) After training was observed a significant slow component for both training ( 06CI [0.02, 0.93], d = 0.32, p = 0.001) and control group ( 06CI [-2, -0.77], d = -0.4, p = 0.31). The older adults training group was associated with a increase 32\ub167% , 6\ub13 min in time to teach exsaustion. Conclusions: In agreement with our hypothesis, strength training in young adults induced lowering of the excess VO2 and VO2 slow component. On the contrary, in the elderly strength training may be responsible for a recovered ability to recruit type II muscle fibers that may increase their contribution towards force production in the heavy-intensity domain of an incremental cycling exercise.That ability may increase also their contribution towards force production in the heavy-intensity domain during a constant work rate cycling exercise. This findings are relevant in terms of performance during everyday life, sporting activities and exercise prescription

    Experience-dependent plasticity in an innate social behavior is mediated by hypothalamic LTP

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    All animals can perform certain survival behaviors without prior experience, suggesting a “hard wiring” of underlying neural circuits. Experience, however, can alter the expression of innate behaviors. Where in the brain and how such plasticity occurs remains largely unknown. Previous studies have established the phenomenon of “aggression training,” in which the repeated experience of winning successive aggressive encounters across multiple days leads to increased aggressiveness. Here, we show that this procedure also leads to long-term potentiation (LTP) at an excitatory synapse, derived from the posteromedial part of the amygdalohippocampal area (AHiPM), onto estrogen receptor 1-expressing (Esr1⁺) neurons in the ventrolateral subdivision of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMHvl). We demonstrate further that the optogenetic induction of such LTP in vivo facilitates, while optogenetic long-term depression (LTD) diminishes, the behavioral effect of aggression training, implying a causal role for potentiation at AHiPM→VMHvl^(Esr1) synapses in mediating the effect of this training. Interestingly, ∼25% of inbred C57BL/6 mice fail to respond to aggression training. We show that these individual differences are correlated both with lower levels of testosterone, relative to mice that respond to such training, and with a failure to exhibit LTP after aggression training. Administration of exogenous testosterone to such nonaggressive mice restores both behavioral and physiological plasticity. Together, these findings reveal that LTP at a hypothalamic circuit node mediates a form of experience-dependent plasticity in an innate social behavior, and a potential hormone-dependent basis for individual differences in such plasticity among genetically identical mice


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    O trabalho integra o conjunto de fontes sobre Elza Freire, denominado “Escritos Íntimos”, cujo recorte prioriza fragmentos de seus manuscritos num caderno de receitas. Há um arcabouço teórico-metodológico com base na escrita de si – fundamental à formação e às práticas docentes, e como forma de resistência. Tais manuscritos traçam percursos seus e de Paulo Freire – seu esposo, como leituras possíveis do real entrecruzadas a uma memória individual e coletiva. A abordagem qualitativa vincula a eles, subjetividades e objetividades, dando visibilidade a ela, de modo indissociável das relações entre pensar, fazer e sentir nos tempos/lugares de professora. Processos de pesquisa revelam fontes primárias com complexas e minúsculas relações entre Elza – a mulher, o mundo e as páginas nas quais se arquivou parte de sua vida; eles aguçam evidências empíricas que provocam o enlaçamento, a busca e o encontro de/com uma mulher que talvez quisesse se prender ao anonimato ou se libertar na conquista de si mesma. O teor sensível e o rigor acadêmico, ao abrir esse material, é como lidar com a alquimia de elementos potentes entremeados por temáticas igualmente fortes. Por fim, ao trazer fragmentos desses “Escritos Íntimos”, a escolha é não decifrá-los e sim se aproximar dos sentidos e significados neles contidos.

    General modeling of vertical jump height with countermovement aids from arms (CMJa) and Squat Jump (SJ) techniques for young soccer players

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    In the training of youngest soccer players, the knowledge of components of the explosive strength power as the contractile, elastic series and parallel series is fundamental in the sports preparation. Consequently, it is important to seek general models used as parameter for athletes, whether with morphofunctional characteristics, of sports preparation aspects or structure of competitive activity. So, this study aimed to seek an general model of vertical jump height with countermovement aids from arms (CMJa) and Squat Jump (SJ) techniques for young soccer players. Participants were 164 young soccer players (17.42±1.06 years) of juvenile and junior championship of Soccer Paulista Federation in 2008. They executed the vertical jump with countermovement aids from arms (CMJa) and Squat Jump (SJ) techniques. It was used software and contact plataform Jump Test® for the calculation of the height of the jump CMJa (elastic component in series) and SJ (contractile component). It is worthy to know that for SJ the number of athletes was 88. Then the data was kept in computational bank and it was produced descriptive information (mean and standard deviation). The main results showed values of 32.82±4.02 cm for CMJa and 42.97±4.53 cm for SJ. Finally, the general model presented can serve as a parameter for the juvenile and junior categories in soccer

    Estado, exílio e educação: diálogos contemporâneos a partir da sociedade brasileira

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    O trabalho objetiva pensar as possíveis relações entre Estado, Exílio e Educação, ao estabelecer diálogos contemporâneos a partir da sociedade brasileira. Sua caracterização alinhava o golpe de 1964, a ditadura instaurada e o exílio brasileiro até 1980, orientando-se a partir dos percursos de Elza Freire entrelaçados ao de Paulo Freire, seu esposo. Justifica-se tanto pelo caráter histórico ao discutir fatos passados, quanto pela ponte que estabelece com o presente/futuro na construção de sociedades mais igualitárias e menos autoritárias. Os cenários compõem-se entre o nacional e o internacional, onde foram inseridos brasileiros como parte do processo que acometeu homens e mulheres exilados, sempre vinculados às questões do seu país de origem. O foco é o exílio – enquanto ato imposto pelo Estado, como experiência social, coletiva e ao mesmo tempo individual e, sua relação com a dimensão político-pedagógica. O teórico-metodológico se fundamenta na abordagem qualitativa com mapeamento bibliográfico, fontes documentais e não documentais. Assim, descrever percursos, reunir memórias, investigar processos, são formas de impedir a repetição de governos ditatoriais, de recusar situações sociais de controle, opressão, exclusão e, violação de direitos; é fortalecer a educação e a sociedade civil e os princípios de liberdade e vida

    Estado, exílio e educação: diálogos contemporâneos a partir da sociedade brasileira

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    O trabalho objetiva pensar as possíveis relações entre Estado, Exílio e Educação, ao estabelecer diálogos contemporâneos a partir da sociedade brasileira. Sua caracterização alinhava o golpe de 1964, a ditadura instaurada e o exílio brasileiro até 1980, orientando-se a partir dos percursos de Elza Freire entrelaçados ao de Paulo Freire, seu esposo. Justifica-se tanto pelo caráter histórico ao discutir fatos passados, quanto pela ponte que estabelece com o presente/futuro na construção de sociedades mais igualitárias e menos autoritárias. Os cenários compõem-se entre o nacional e o internacional, onde foram inseridos brasileiros como parte do processo que acometeu homens e mulheres exilados, sempre vinculados às questões do seu país de origem. O foco é o exílio – enquanto ato imposto pelo Estado, como experiência social, coletiva e ao mesmo tempo individual e, sua relação com a dimensão político-pedagógica. O teórico-metodológico se fundamenta na abordagem qualitativa com mapeamento bibliográfico, fontes documentais e não documentais. Assim, descrever percursos, reunir memórias, investigar processos, são formas de impedir a repetição de governos ditatoriais, de recusar situações sociais de controle, opressão, exclusão e, violação de direitos; é fortalecer a educação e a sociedade civil e os princípios de liberdade e vida