265 research outputs found

    Do Government Purchases Affect Unemployment?

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    We investigate empirically the effect of government purchases on unemployment in 20 OECD countries, for the period 1960-2007. Compared to earlier studies we use a data set with more variation in unemployment, and which allows for controlling for a host of factors that influence the effect of government purchases. We find that increased government purchases lead to lower unemployment; an increase equal to one percent of GDP reduces un-employment by 0.2 percentage point in the same year. The effect is greater in downturns than in booms, and also greater under a fixed exchange rate regime than under a floating regime.fiscal policy, unemployment

    Participatory research with/and social media

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    EltĂ©rƑ vĂĄrosnövekedĂ©si tendenciĂĄk EurĂłpĂĄban, demogrĂĄfiai hĂĄttĂ©rrel

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    Barnkulturforskningen vilar pĂ„ en lĂ„ng tradition inom Ă€mnen som estetiskt skapande, medier, leksaker, kamratkulturer, folklore, lek, litteratur, musik, teater och dans. Begreppet barnkultur definieras ofta som den samhĂ€llsstödda (kanoniserade) kultur som skapas av vuxna för barn (Hanson & Sommansson, 1998). Barns kultur kan dĂ€remot definieras som de sociala handlingar barn utför inom ramarna för friutrymmen som de skapar sig eller har att tillgĂ„ inom sociala institutioner som fritidshem, familj eller skola (Hanson & Sommansson, 1998; James, Jenks & Prout, 1998). Barnkulturforskning studerar och analyserar inte enbart samhĂ€llsstödd kultur. Den gemensamma nĂ€mnaren för denna forskningstradition Ă€r att de flesta inom omrĂ„det studerar och analyserar kulturella uttryck som vĂ€nder sig till barn, sĂ„ som barnlitteratur, barnteater, data- och videospel, samt reklam riktad till barn alternativt förestĂ€llande barn. Det har inte bedrivits lika mycket forskning om barns kultur som om barnkultur. Merparten av den forskning som finns inom omrĂ„det bygger pĂ„ likartade metodologiska utgĂ„ngspunkter. Oftast utgĂ„r studierna frĂ„n etnografiskt material eller frĂ„n intervjusamtal. Allison James, Chris Jenks och James Prout (1998) argumenterar för empiriska studier av barns kultur som synliggör dynamiken mellan individ och samhĂ€lle. Författarna beskriver barns kultur som ett sĂ€tt att vara barn bland andra barn med en speciell kulturell stil men de menar samtidigt att detta alltid hĂ€nger samman med specifika tider, rum och platser. Deras perspektiv pĂ„ barns kultur definieras som samhĂ€lleligt kontextualiserade sociala handlingar och inte enkom som skĂ€mt, ramsor eller folklore vilket var vanligt i tidigare forskning (jfr exempelvis Opie & Opie, 1970). Författarna menar att barn inte endast anpassar sig till de strukturer eller institutioner de omges av. Genom tillĂ€gnande, transformering och motstĂ„nd blir barnen aktörer i förhĂ„llande till rĂ„dande diskurser (James et al., 1998). Barns kultur blir dĂ€rmed ett begrepp som prĂ€glas av bĂ„de rörelse, pluralism och fragmentering, vilket i sin tur innebĂ€r att barns kultur egentligen bör benĂ€mnas barns kulturer. Att studera barns kultur medför en förstĂ„else av barn som individer med aktörskap. Att studera barn som aktörer kan innebĂ€ra olika saker. I detta arbete menas med aktörskap ett studium av barns egna handlingar i vardagen. Det innebĂ€r att vĂ„r förstĂ„else av barn Ă€r att de Ă€r samhĂ€llsvarelser som bĂ„de influeras av och blir influerade av sin omvĂ€rld. En vanlig vuxeninitierad barnkulturpraktik Ă€r sagostunden, vanligast förekommande inom förskolan (se till exempel Asplund Carlsson & Graneld, 1995) och pĂ„ bibliotekens barnavdelning. Barns sprĂ„kutveckling och metod för att utlĂ€sa och förstĂ„ sin tillvaro börjar lĂ„ngt tidigare Ă€n förmĂ„gan att tala och lĂ€sa, hĂ€vdar Shirley Brice Heath i What no bedtime story means: Narrative skills at home and school (1982). Heath refererar bl a till ett medelklassomrĂ„de med stark anknytning till skolkulturen i sydöstra USA, kallat Maintown. DĂ€r uppmuntras barnen tidigt av sina förĂ€ldrar att lĂ€ra sig lĂ€sa och tolka sin tillvaro genom identifikation av objekt och föremĂ„l i till exempel bilderböcker. Dessutom uppmanas dessa medelklassbarn att se samband mellan avbildade föremĂ„l och bild; en metod som Heath kallar what-reasoning. Genom att studera barn som leker1 en sĂ„dan vuxeniniterad barnkulturpraktik – sagostund – kan man fĂ„ ökad kunskap om hur barn ser pĂ„ kulturevenemang som vuxna förser dem med. Denna studie kan dĂ€rmed sĂ€gas anlĂ€gga ett dubbelt fokus: pĂ„ barns kultur och pĂ„ barnkultur

    Decadal nitrogen addition alters chemical composition of soil organic matter in a boreal forest

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    Boreal forests store approximately 470 Pg of carbon (C) in the soil, and rates of soil C accumulation are significantly enhanced by long-term nitrogen (N) enrichment. Dissecting the compositional profile of soils could help better understand the potential mechanisms driving changes in C cycling under enriched N conditions.We examined the impacts of long-term N addition on the chemical composition of soil organic matter (SOM) in a mature boreal forest. Two large experimental plots (15 ha each) were established: a control and a fertilised plot. The latter received NH4NO3 fertilizer at an average rate of 75 kg N ha(-1) year for 12 years. While the centre of this plot received the prescribed amounts of fertilizer, the year-to-year variation in distribution of fertilizer around the designated edges of the plot created a gradient in N-loading. Along this gradient, a compositional shift in SOM in the organic horizon was assessed using two methods: pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (C-13 NMR).Both of these methods revealed that the chemical composition of SOM changed with increasing N loading, with an increased fraction of lignin derivatives (i.e., aromatic, methoxy/N-alkyl C) relative to that of carbohydrate (i.e., 0-alkyl C), accompanied by increased soil C mass (kg m(-2)) at the fertilised plot. Also, the relative abundance of N compounds in the pyrolysis products increased with the N loading, mainly due to increased methyl N-acetyl-alpha(D)-glucosaminide in the F/H horizon, plausibly of microbial origin. Microbial N processing likely contributed to soil accumulation of fertilizer-derived N.Our results corroborate the hypothesis that addition of inorganic N suppresses enzymatic white-rot decomposition relative to non-enzymatic brown-rot oxidation. Taken together, our study suggests that N enrichment leads to a selective accumulation of lignin-derived compounds and points to a key role of such compounds for N-induced SOM accumulation

    Sammensetningseffekter mellom nĂŠringer og veksten i gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn Teknisk dokumentasjon

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    Sammensetningseffekter mellom nĂŠringer trakk ned veksten i gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn med 0,3 prosentpoeng i 2016. Dette notatet utleder det analytiske rammeverket for Ă„ dekomponere lĂžnnsveksten i lĂžnns- og sammensetningseffekter. Notatet beskriver dermed i detalj det analytiske rammeverket bak Boks 2.5 i ØA 1/2017. Sammensetningseffekter bidro til at Ă„rslĂžnnsveksten ble sĂ„ lav som 1,7 prosent i 2016, mens rammen i lĂžnnsoppgjĂžret slik det ble anslĂ„tt av NHO i samrĂ„d med LO var 2,4. prosent. ÅrslĂžnn er i nasjonalregnskapet definert som den lĂžnn en lĂžnnstaker normalt vil motta i lĂžpet av kalenderĂ„ret gitt at vedkommende jobber full tid, ikke har fravĂŠr og ikke har betalt overtid. Gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn er en veid sum (antall Ă„rsverk/totalt antall Ă„rsverk) av Ă„rslĂžnn i hver enkelt nĂŠring. Gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn vil Ăžke over tid som fĂžlge av kollektive eller individuelle lĂžnnsoppgjĂžr, men veksten i gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn pĂ„virkes ogsĂ„ av at personer skifter jobb i og mellom nĂŠringer, at nye begynner i arbeidslivet, mens andre slutter. Endringer i omfang av skiftarbeid eller endringer i sammensetningen av arbeidsstyrken f.eks. etter alder, endret omfang av arbeidsinnvandring og endringer i andelen menn/kvinner, er alle endringer som normalt pĂ„virker lĂžnnsnivĂ„et i nĂŠringen og dermed veksten i gjennomsnittlig lĂžnn. NĂ„r det er smĂ„ sysselsettingsÂŹendringer i og mellom nĂŠringer vil lĂžnnsoppgjĂžrene normalt dominere utviklingen i Ă„rslĂžnn, selv om enkelte nĂŠringer har konjunkturelt pĂ„virkede bonuser og ikke alle jobber i omrĂ„der med tariffavtaler. I 2016 ble veksten i gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn pĂ„ den ene siden trukket ned av fĂŠrre sysselsatte i virksomheter relatert til petroleumsnĂŠringen, siden disse lĂžnningene normalt er hĂžyere enn gjennomsnittet. Årsverkene i petroleumsnĂŠringen ble redusert med 12 prosent i 2016. Gjennomsnittlig Ă„rslĂžnn trekkes ogsĂ„ ned av at det er en Ăžkning i antall Ă„rsverk i nĂŠringer der lĂžnnsnivĂ„et er lavere enn gjennomÂŹsnittet, som for eksempel i helse- og omsorgstjenester samt i overnatting- og serveringsvirksomheten

    Interaction of a poly(acrylic acid) oligomer with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers

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    We studied the influence of 5 kDa poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) on the phase state, thermal properties, and lateral diffusion in bilayered systems of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) using 31P NMR spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 1H NMR with a pulsed field gradient, and 1H nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY). The presence of PAA does not change the lamellar structure of the system. 1H MAS NOESY cross-peaks observed for the interaction between lipid headgroups and polyion protons demonstrated only surface PAA-biomembrane interaction. Small concentrations of PAA (up to ∌4 mol %) lead to the appearance of a new lateral phase with a higher main transition temperature, a lower cooperativity, and a lower enthalpy of transition. Higher concentrations lead to the disappearance of measurable thermal effects. The lateral diffusion coefficient of DMPC and the apparent activation energy of diffusion gradually decreased at PAA concentrations up to around 4 mol %. The observed effects were explained by the formation of at least two types of PAA-DMPC lateral complexes as has been described earlier (Fujiwara, M.; Grubbs, R. H.; Baldeschwieler, J. D. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1997, 185, 210). The first one is characterized by a stoichiometry of around 28 lipids per polymer, which corresponds to the adsorption of the entire PAA molecule onto the membrane. Lipid molecules of the complex are exchanged with the "pure" lipid bilayer, with the lifetime of the complex being less than 0.1 s. The second type of DMPC-PAA complex is characterized by a stoichiometry of 6 to 7 lipids per polymer and contains PAA molecules that are only partially adsorbed onto the membrane. A decrease in the DMPC diffusion coefficient and activation energy for diffusion in the presence of PAA was explained by the formation of a new cooperative unit for diffusion, which contains the PAA molecule and several molecules of lipids. © 2011 American Chemical Society

    ‘Unboxing’ videos: co-construction of the child as cyberflñneur

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    This paper draws on data from a study of a four-year-old child, Gareth, in his first year of formal schooling in England. The aim of the study was to identify the nature of Gareth's literacy practices across home and school spaces. The focus for this paper is an analysis of one aspect of Gareth's home digital literacy practices: his repeated viewings at home of ‘unboxing’ videos on YouTube. These include videos that feature the unpacking of commercial products. It is argued that the child viewer/reader is co-constructed in these practices as cyberflñneur and that this mode of cultural transmission is a growing feature of online practices for this age group in the twenty-first century. The paper addresses issues concerning young children's online practices and their relationship to material culture before analysing the growth of interest in peer-to-peer textual production and consumption in the digital age

    Downregulation of RWA genes in hybrid aspen affects xylan acetylation and wood saccharification

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    High acetylation of angiosperm wood hinders its conversion to sugars by glycoside hydrolases, subsequent ethanol fermentation and (hence) its use for biofuel production. We studied the REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION (RWA) gene family of the hardwood model Populus to evaluate its potential for improving saccharification. The family has two clades, AB and CD, containing two genes each. All four genes are expressed in developing wood but only RWA-A and -B are activated by master switches of the secondary cell wall PtNST1 and PtMYB21. Histochemical analysis of promoter:: GUS lines in hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) showed activation of RWA-A and -B promoters in the secondary wall formation zone, while RWA-C and -D promoter activity was diffuse. Ectopic downregulation of either clade reduced wood xylan and xyloglucan acetylation. Suppressing both clades simultaneously using the wood-specific promoter reduced wood acetylation by 25% and decreased acetylation at position 2 of Xylp in the dimethyl sulfoxide-extracted xylan. This did not affect plant growth but decreased xylose and increased glucose contents in the noncellulosic monosaccharide fraction, and increased glucose and xylose yields of wood enzymatic hydrolysis without pretreatment. Both RWA clades regulate wood xylan acetylation in aspen and are promising targets to improve wood saccharification.Peer reviewe
