488 research outputs found

    Suelos volcanicos endurecidos

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    In the sedimentary basin of Rieti (Central Italy) a Mollic Fragiudalf was studied in order to verify, through the analysis of differential dissolution kinetics of Si and Al, wether the presence of this two elements could be involved in determining the fragic characters of its deep horizons. The reuslts of the main physico-chemical analysis confirmed the fragic features of the deep horizons Bt3x and Ctgx which have been already observed in the field study. Differential dissolution of Si and Al was performed using 0,5 N NaOH at 25°C, and the values of silica and alumina obtained after each of ten consecutive extractions were cumulated to trace the cumulative curves of dissolution. Slope changes of the curves, which indicate changes in dissolution rate, allowed os to recognize three mineralogical phases with different degree of solubility. The total quantity of SiO2 and Al2O3 dissolved in all the extractions and relative to each of these three phases was estimated, by a graphic method, together with SiO2(Al2O3 molar ratio. This one was indicative of the mineralogical composition and behaviour of each horizon. This study showed an accumulation of free silica which could be present in the form of phytoliths or diatoms as well as a fine precipitate of opal-A and silica-gel in the whole soil, mainly in teh Ap and Ctgx horizons. Moreover neogenesis of clay was more evident in Bt3x horizon. The volcanic origin of the parent material, a trachytic ash fall, probably deposited in a lacustrine environment, could have favoured the availability of Si and the authigenic formation of halloysitic clay from the weathering of galss and feldspars. Our study therefore corroborates the findings of previous studies by Chadwick et al. (1987) and Karathanasis (1989) indicating the important role played by silica, probably as bonding agent, in contributing to produce characteristics of a fragipan. (Résumé d'auteur)

    40. The gas-phase ammoxidation of n-hexane to unsaturated C6 dinitriles, intermediates for hexamethylenediamine synthesis

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    This paper reports about an investigation on the catalytic gas-phase ammoxidation of n-hexane aimed at the production of 1,6-C6 dinitriles, precursors for the synthesis of hexamethylenediamine. Catalysts tested were those also active and selective in the ammoxidation of propane to acrylonitrile: rutile-type V/Sb and Sn/V/Nb/Sb mixed oxides. Several N-containing compounds formed; however, the selectivity to cyano-containing aliphatic linear C6 compounds was low, due to the relevant contribution of side reactions such as combustion, cracking and formation of heavy compounds.INGLES

    Generation of Impulses from Single Frequency Inputs Using Non-linear Propagation in Spherical Chains

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    This paper investigates the use of chains of spheres to produce impulses. An ultrasonic horn is used to generate high amplitude sinusoidal signals. These are then input into chains of spheres, held together using a minimal force. The result is a non-linear, dispersive system, within which solitary waves can exist. The authors have discovered that resonances can be created, caused by the multiple reflection of solitary waves within the chain. The multiply-reflecting impulses can have a wide bandwidth, due to the inherent nonlinearity of the contact between spheres. It is found that the effect only occurs for certain numbers of spheres in the chain for a given input frequency, a result of the creation of a nonlinear normal mode of resonance. The resulting impulses have many applications, potentially creating high amplitude impulses with adjustable properties, depending on both the nature and number of spheres in the chain, and the frequency and amplitude of excitatio

    Stability in a long length NbTi CICC

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    A crucial issue for a superconducting coil in order to be safely used in the magnetic system of a fusion reactor is stability against all foreseen disturbances. To simulate the fusion machine conditions, including off-normal events, e.g. plasma disruptions, the energy deposition has to be spread over a "long length" cable in conduit conductor (CICC) and a background magnetic field is needed. We have therefore designed and built an experiment consisting of an instrumented NbTi test module inserted in a pair of co-axial pulsed copper coils. A 0.6 m diameter superconducting coil provides a background magnetic field up to 3 T. Calibration of the energy inductively coupled between the pulsed coils and the module has been obtained measuring the system temperature increase just after the pulse by means of thermometers positioned along the conductor. Stability vs. operating current I/sub op/ has been examined for different helium temperatures and different background magnetic fields. The finite element code Gandalf for the stability and quenching transients analysis in forced flow cooled superconducting coils has been run to check the matching with the experimental results. (3 refs)

    Smith-Magenis sindrome and growth hormone deficiency

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    Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a multiple congenital anomaly/mental retardation syndrome including physical and neurobehavioural features. The disease is commonly associated with a ca. 3.7 Mb interstitial deletion of chromosome 17p11.2, while a 1.1 Mb critical region has been identified, containing about 20 genes expressed in multiple tissues. Haploinsufficiency of one of them, RAI1, seems to be responsible for the neurobehavioural, craniofacial and otolaryngological features of the syndrome, but not for short stature, commonly seen in SMS patients with chromosome deletion, implying the role of other genes in the 17p11.2 region. Growth failure is a final result of several different mechanisms involving decreased growth hormone (GH) production, reduced tissue response to GH, or impaired activity of epistatic factors. To our knowledge, the association of GH deficiency with SMS has never been reported and rarely investigated, despite the very short stature of SMS patients. We describe a girl with a full SMS phenotype and a typical 3.7 Mb deletion of 17p11.2 who also has GH deficiency. After starting replacement therapy, growth has significantly improved, her stature being now above both the 10th percentile and her genetic target. CONCLUSION: we suggest that an investigation of both growth hormone secretion and function is carried out in patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome and 17p11.2 deletion

    FINANCIAMENTO DE VEĂŤCULOS E IMĂ“VEIS: bases histĂłricas e atuais

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    As Constituições Modernas dos Estados Democráticos de Direito, baseadas no preceito fundamental da Dignidade da Pessoa Humana

    Cyclic vomiting syndrome in children: a nationwide survey of current practice on behalf of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP)

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    Background: Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome (CVS) is a rare functional gastrointestinal disorder, which has a considerable burden on quality of life of both children and their family. Aim of the study was to evaluate the diagnostic modalities and therapeutic approach to CVS among Italian tertiary care centers and the differences according to subspecialties, as well as to explore whether potential predictive factors associated with either a poor outcome or a response to a specific treatment. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter web-based survey involving members of the Italian Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (SIGENP) and Italian Society of Pediatric Neurology (SINP). Results: A total of 67 responses were received and analyzed. Most of the respondent units cared for less than 20 patients. More than half of the patients were referred after 3 to 5 episodes, and a quarter after 5 attacks. We report different diagnostic approaches among Italian clinicians, which was particularly evident when comparing gastroenterologists and neurologists. Moreover, our survey demonstrated a predilection of certain drugs during emetic phase according to specific clinic, which reflects the cultural background of physicians. Conclusion: In conclusion, our survey highlights poor consensus amongst clinicians in our country in the diagnosis and the management of children with CVS, raising the need for a national consensus guideline in order to standardize the practice

    Electrical tuning of elastic wave propagation in nanomechanical lattices at MHz frequencies

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    Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) that operate in the megahertz (MHz) regime allow energy transducibility between different physical domains. For example, they convert optical or electrical signals into mechanical motions and vice versa. This coupling of different physical quantities leads to frequency-tunable NEMS resonators via electromechanical non-linearities. NEMS platforms with single- or low-degrees of freedom have been employed to demonstrate quantum-like effects, such as mode cooling, mechanically induced transparency, Rabi oscillation, two-mode squeezing and phonon lasing. Periodic arrays of NEMS resonators with architected unit cells enable fundamental studies of lattice-based solid-state phenomena, such as bandgaps, energy transport, non-linear dynamics and localization, and topological properties, directly transferrable to on-chip devices. Here we describe one-dimensional, non-linear, nanoelectromechanical lattices (NEML) with active control of the frequency band dispersion in the radio-frequency domain (10–30 MHz). The design of our systems is inspired by NEMS-based phonon waveguides and includes the voltage-induced frequency tuning of the individual resonators. Our NEMLs consist of a periodic arrangement of mechanically coupled, free-standing nanomembranes with circular clamped boundaries. This design forms a flexural phononic crystal with a well-defined bandgap, 1.8 MHz wide. The application of a d.c. gate voltage creates voltage-dependent on-site potentials, which can significantly shift the frequency bands of the device. Additionally, a dynamic modulation of the voltage triggers non-linear effects, which induce the formation of a phononic bandgap in the acoustic branch, analogous to Peierls transition in condensed matter. The gating approach employed here makes the devices more compact than recently proposed systems, whose tunability mostly relies on materials’ compliance and mechanical non-linearities

    Differential predictors of acute post-surgical pain intensity after abdominal hysterectomy and major joint arthroplasty

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    Author's personal copyBACKGROUND Psychological factors have a significant role in post-surgical pain, and their study can inform pain management. PURPOSE The aims of this study are to identify psychological predictors of post-surgical pain following abdominal hysterectomy (AH) and major joint arthroplasty (MJA) and to investigate differential predictors by type of surgery. METHOD One hundred forty-two women undergoing AH and 110 patients undergoing MJA were assessed 24 h before (T1) and 48 h after (T2) surgery. RESULTS A predictive post-surgical pain model was found for AH and MJA yielding pre-surgical pain experience and pain catastrophizing as significant predictors and a significant interaction of pre-surgical optimism and surgery type. Separate regression models by surgery type showed that pre-surgical optimism was the best predictor of post-surgical pain after MJA, but not after AH. CONCLUSIONS Findings highlight the relevance of psychological predictors for both surgeries and the value of targeting specific psychological factors by surgery type in order to effectively manage acute post-surgical pain.Supported by a project grant (PTDC/SAU-NEU/108557/2008) and by a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/36368/2007) from the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology, COMPETE, and FEDE
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