141 research outputs found

    Systematics of geometric scaling

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    Using all available data on the deep-inelastic cross-sections at HERA at x<0.01, we look for geometric scaling of the form \sigma^{\gamma^*p}(\tau) where the scaling variable \tau behaves alternatively like \log(Q^2)-\lambda Y, as in the original definition, or \log(Q^2)-\lambda \sqrt{Y}, which is suggested by the asymptotic properties of the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation with running QCD coupling constant. A ``Quality Factor'' (QF) is defined, quantifying the phenomenological validity of the scaling and the uncertainty on the intercept \lambda. Both choices have a good QF, showing that the second choice is as valid as the first one, predicted for fixed coupling constant. A comparison between the QCD asymptotic predictions and data is made and the QF analysis shows that the agreement can be reached, provided going beyond leading logarithmic accuracy for the BK equation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    QCD at small x and nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    At large collision energy sqrt(s) and relatively low momentum transfer Q, one expects a new regime of Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) known as "saturation". This kinematical range is characterized by a very large occupation number for gluons inside hadrons and nuclei; this is the region where higher twist contributions are as large as the leading twist contributions incorporated in collinear factorization. In this talk, I discuss the onset of and dynamics in the saturation regime, some of its experimental signatures, and its implications for the early stages of Heavy Ion Collisions.Comment: Plenary talk given at QM2006, Shanghai, November 2006. 8 pages, 8 figure

    Les Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report

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    This Report summarizes the proceedings of the 2013 Les Houches workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders. Session 1 dealt primarily with (1) the techniques for calculating standard model multi-leg NLO and NNLO QCD and NLO EW cross sections and (2) the comparison of those cross sections with LHC data from Run 1, and projections for future measurements in Run 2.Comment: Proceedings of the Standard Model Working Group of the 2013 Les Houches Workshop, Physics at TeV Colliders, Les houches 3-21 June 2013. 200 page

    Model for SU(3) vacuum degeneracy using light-cone coordinates

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    Working in light-cone coordinates, we study the zero-modes and the vacuum in a 2+1 dimensional SU(3) gauge model. Considering the fields as independent of the tranverse variables, we dimensionally reduce this model to 1+1 dimensions. After introducing an appropriate su(3) basis and gauge conditions, we extract an adjoint field from the model. Quantization of this adjoint field and field equations lead to two constrained and two dynamical zero-modes. We link the dynamical zero-modes to the vacuum by writing down a Schrodinger equation and prove the non-degeneracy of the SU(3) vacuum provided that we neglect the contribution of constrained zero-modes.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    FastJet user manual

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    FastJet is a C++ package that provides a broad range of jet finding and analysis tools. It includes efficient native implementations of all widely used 2-to-1 sequential recombination jet algorithms for pp and e+e- collisions, as well as access to 3rd party jet algorithms through a plugin mechanism, including all currently used cone algorithms. FastJet also provides means to facilitate the manipulation of jet substructure, including some common boosted heavy-object taggers, as well as tools for estimation of pileup and underlying-event noise levels, determination of jet areas and subtraction or suppression of noise in jets.Comment: 69 pages. FastJet 3 is available from http://fastjet.fr

    Exploring the QCD landscape with high-energy nuclear collisions

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    Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram is usually plotted as temperature (T) versus the chemical potential associated with the conserved baryon number (\mu_{B}). Two fundamental properties of QCD, related to confinement and chiral symmetry, allows for two corresponding phase transitions when T and \mu_{B} are varied. Theoretically the phase diagram is explored through non-perturbative QCD calculations on lattice. The energy scale for the phase diagram (\Lambda_{QCD} ~ 200 MeV) is such that it can be explored experimentally by colliding nuclei at varying beam energies in the laboratory. In this paper we review some aspects of the QCD phase structure as explored through the experimental studies using high energy nuclear collisions. Specifically, we discuss three observations related to the formation of a strongly coupled plasma of quarks and gluons in the collisions, experimental search for the QCD critical point on the phase diagram and freeze-out properties of the hadronic phase.Comment: Submitted to the New Journal of Physics focus issue "Strongly Correlated Quantum Fluids: From Ultracold Quantum Gases to QCD Plasmas

    Prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes: perturbative QCD models and nuclear effects

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    We evaluate the prompt atmospheric neutrino flux at high energies using three different frameworks for calculating the heavy quark production cross section in QCD: NLO perturbative QCD, kTk_T factorization including low-xx resummation, and the dipole model including parton saturation. We use QCD parameters, the value for the charm quark mass and the range for the factorization and renormalization scales that provide the best description of the total charm cross section measured at fixed target experiments, at RHIC and at LHC. Using these parameters we calculate differential cross sections for charm and bottom production and compare with the latest data on forward charm meson production from LHCb at 77 TeV and at 1313 TeV, finding good agreement with the data. In addition, we investigate the role of nuclear shadowing by including nuclear parton distribution functions (PDF) for the target air nucleus using two different nuclear PDF schemes. Depending on the scheme used, we find the reduction of the flux due to nuclear effects varies from 10%10\% to 50%50 \% at the highest energies. Finally, we compare our results with the IceCube limit on the prompt neutrino flux, which is already providing valuable information about some of the QCD models.Comment: 61 pages, 25 figures, 11 table

    Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV Colliders Standard Model Working Group Report

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    This Report summarizes the proceedings of the 2015 Les Houches workshop on Physics at TeV Colliders. Session 1 dealt with (I) new developments relevant for high precision Standard Model calculations, (II) the new PDF4LHC parton distributions, (III) issues in the theoretical description of the production of Standard Model Higgs bosons and how to relate experimental measurements, (IV) a host of phenomenological studies essential for comparing LHC data from Run I with theoretical predictions and projections for future measurements in Run II, and (V) new developments in Monte Carlo event generators.Comment: Proceedings of the Standard Model Working Group of the 2015 Les Houches Workshop, Physics at TeV Colliders, Les Houches 1-19 June 2015. 227 page

    Non-linear QCD dynamics in two-photon interactions at high energies

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    Perturbative QCD predicts that the growth of the gluon density at high energies should saturate, forming a Color Glass Condensate (CGC), which is described in mean field approximation by the Balitsky-Kovchegov (BK) equation. In this paper we study the γγ\gamma \gamma interactions at high energies and estimate the main observables which will be probed at future linear colliders using the color dipole picture. We discuss in detail the dipole - dipole cross section and propose a new relation between this quantity and the dipole scattering amplitude. The total γγ\gamma \gamma, γγ\gamma^{*} \gamma^{*} cross-sections and the real photon structure function F2γ(x,Q2)F_2^{\gamma}(x,Q^2) are calculated using the recent solution of the BK equation with running coupling constant and the predictions are compared with those obtained using phenomenological models for the dipole-dipole cross section and scattering amplitude. We demonstrate that these models are able to describe the LEP data at high energies, but predict a very different behavior for the observables at higher energies. Therefore we conclude that the study of γγ\gamma \gamma interactions can be useful to constrain the QCD dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Version to be published in European Physical Journal