129 research outputs found

    Trypanosomosis risk factors and impact assessment of a tsetse and trypanosomosis eradication campaign in Burkina Faso

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    Tsetse and animal trypanosomosis (T&T) are the main constraints to animal production in Africa, especially in Burkina Faso where the economy relies mainly on the rural sector. To eliminate this scourge in Africa, the Heads of States and Governments have decided in July 2000, during the summit of the African Union in Lomé, Togo, to create the Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC). The experimental work that is presented in this thesis aimed at i) evaluating the parasitological and baseline situation in the Region of the Boucle du Mouhoun, the PATTEC intervention area, ii) evaluating drug resistance in the area, iii) assessing the competitiveness of irradiated male tsetse from a 40-year-old colony to be used in the Sterile Insect Technique and finally iv) assessing the impact of the campaign of elimination of T&T

    Les DiatomĂ©es Sub-fossiles de L’estuaire du Saloum, SĂ©nĂ©gal: inventaire floristique et palĂ©o-environnement fournis par la carotte de Ndangane Babou

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    Dans le programme de reconstitution de l’histoire des estuaires et lagunes du SĂ©nĂ©gal et de l’inventaire de la microflore Ă  diatomĂ©es de la SĂ©nĂ©-Gambie, une carotte de sondage de 400 cm de long a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  Ndangane Babou sur un des bras de l’estuaire du Saloum (14°07â€Č53.86″ N/16°17â€Č40.08″ W) Ă  95 km de l’embouchure. L’analyse comparĂ©e de la lithologie et de la microflore a montrĂ© une corrĂ©lation significative entre la fraction pĂ©litique, l’abondance absolue des diatomĂ©es et leur diversitĂ© spĂ©cifique. Le faible taux de sable, majoritairement d’origine marine tout au long de la carotte pourrait s’expliquer par l’éloignement du site de prĂ©lĂšvement par rapport Ă  l’embouchure du fleuve. L’étude a permis d’inventorier 89 espĂšces et variĂ©tĂ©s de diatomĂ©es appartenant Ă  48 genres. Les genres les plus reprĂ©sentĂ©s sont Nitzschia (11 espĂšces), Coscinodiscus (7 espĂšces), Amphora et Navicula (4 espĂšces chacune). Huit espĂšces sont citĂ©es pour la premiĂšre fois en SĂ©nĂ©-Gambie. La dominance des espĂšces euryhalines tout au long de la carotte ainsi que la prĂ©sence constante des formes d’eau douce tĂ©moignent de variations de la salinitĂ© entre les saisons hivernales marquĂ©es par des apports d’eau douce et les saisons sĂšches. D’un milieu deltaĂŻque ouvert aux influences marines (Zone A), le Saloum a Ă©tĂ© marquĂ© par des upwellings qui ont apportĂ©s des sels nutritifs jusqu’à la hauteur de Ndangane Babou durant le dĂ©pĂŽt de la zone B. Par la suite, l’installation d’un climat chaud et humide a entrainĂ© une augmentation de la pluviomĂ©trie et permis d’atteindre une palĂ©o-productivitĂ© primaire et une palĂ©o-biodiversitĂ© maximales au sommet de la zone C, avant l’installation d’un climat aride Ă  l’origine du caractĂšre inverse de l’estuaire (zone D). Dans ce milieu, l’hydrodynamisme serait Ă  l’origine de l’augmentation du taux de sable et corrĂ©lativement la diminution des diatomĂ©es suivie de leur disparition.   As part of the program to rebuilt the estuaries and lagoons history in Senegal and the inventory of the diatom microflora in Senegal and Gambia, a 400 cm long core was taken at Ndangane Babou on one of the arms from the Saloum estuary (14°07â€Č53.86″ N/16°17â€Č40.08″ W), 95 km from the ocean. The comparative analysis of the lithology and the microflora showed a significant correlation between the lutite fraction, the absolute abundance of diatoms and their specific diversity. The low rate of sand, mostly of marine origin throughout the core, could be explained by the distance of the site from the mouth of the estuary. The study allowed to inventory 89 species and varieties of diatom belonging to 48 genera. The most represented genera are Nitzschia (11 species), Coscinodiscus (7 species each), Amphora and Navicula (4 species each). Eight species are cited for the first time in Sene-Gambia. The dominance of euryhaline species throughout the core as well as the constant presence of freshwater forms attest to variations in salinity between the rainy seasons marked by freshwater inflows and the dry seasons. From a delta environment open to marine influences (Zone A), the Saloum estuary was marked by upwellings brought nutritive salts up to the height of Ndangane Babou during Zone B deposit. Subsequently, the installation of a hot and humid climate led to an improvement in rainfall and allowed to achieve maximum primary paleo-productivity and paleo-biodiversity at the top of zone C, before the installation of an arid climate at the origin of the opposite character of the estuary (zone D). In this environment, hydrodynamics would be the cause of the increase in the rate of sand and correlatively the decrease in diatoms followed by their disappearance

    Profil épidémiologique de la Tuberculose, Sénégal, 2009-2018: Epidemiological profile of Tuberculosis, Senegal, 2009-2018

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    Introduction: Le fardeau de la tuberculose (TB) pose un grave problème de santé publique au Sénégal. Nous avons analysé les données de surveillance de la tuberculose pour décrire le poids et la tendance de la tuberculose au Sénégal. MĂ©thodes: Nous avons effectué une analyse secondaire des données de surveillance de la tuberculose du 1er janvier 2009 au 31 décembre 2018 du programme national de lutte contre la tuberculose (PNT). RĂ©sultats: Au total, 128 836 cas de tuberculose toutes formes ont été analysées dont 67,42% de nouveaux cas de TB pulmonaire confirmée par microscopie. Les personnes âgées de 25-34 ans représentaient 29,66%. Le sex-ratio H/F était de 2,33. Dakar avait rapporté la plupart des cas 44,17%. L'incidence pour 100 000 habitants était de 91, 87 et 86 en 2009, 2008 et 2011, de 93, 95 et 95 en 2012, 2013 et 2014 et de 92, 86, 87 et 84 en 2015, 2016, 2017 et 2018. La majorité des cas (77%) avaient été testés pour le VIH, dont 6,84% co-infectés. Le taux de TB multirésistante (TB-MR) était de 11%. Conclusion: Au Sénégal, l'incidence de la tuberculose a légèrement diminué en raison du faible taux de détection qui était de 62% en 2018. Le nombre de cas détecté a augmenté entre 2013 et 2014, mais elle restait inférieure à celle estimée par l'organisation mondiale de la santé. Une surveillance accrue de la tuberculose et un suivi des tuberculeux pour éviter la pharmaco-résistance sont nécessaires. Introduction: The burden of tuberculosis (TB) is a serious public health problem in Senegal. We analysed TB surveillance data to describe the burden and trend of TB in Senegal. Method: We conducted a secondary analysis of TB surveillance data from 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2018 from the national TB control programme (NTP). Results: A total of 128,836 cases of all forms of tuberculosis were analysed, of which 67.42% were new cases of microscopically confirmed pulmonary TB. Persons aged 25-34 years accounted for 29.66%. The sex ratio M/F was 2.33. Dakar reported most cases 44.17%. The incidence per 100 000 populations was 91, 87 and 86 in 2009, 2008 and 2011, 93, 95 and 95 in 2012, 2013 and 2014 and 92, 86, 87 and 84 in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. The majority of cases (77%) had tested positive for HIV, with 6.84% co-infected. The rate of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) was 11%. Conclusion: In Senegal, the incidence of TB has slightly decreased due to the low detection rate which was 62% in 2018. The number of detected cases increased between 2013 and 2014, but it remained below that estimated by the World Health Organization. Increased surveillance of TB and monitoring of TB patients to avoid drug resistance is needed. &nbsp

    About a case of a specific complication of monoamniotic twin pregnancy: umbilical cord entanglement

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    Monoamniotic twin pregnancies are uncommon and often complicated by umbilical cord entanglement. It is important to investigate a umbilical cord entanglement during antenatal ultrasound examinations. The diagnosis is based on ultrasound with color and pulsed Doppler. Despite the high percentage of cord entanglement, the perinatal mortality rate remains very low. Rigorous ultrasound monitoring and recording of fetal heart rhythms can improve the prognosis. We report a case of umbilical cord entanglement in a monoamniotic twin pregnancy discovered during a caesarean section with a favorable outcome

    Impact of day of delivery on obstetric and perinatal outcome: a 10 years retrospective descriptive and analytical study at the Phillipe Maguilen Senghor Health Centre, Dakar, Senegal

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    Background: For a lot of women, childbirth is still a feared moment. Despite considerable progress in the management of childbirth and its complications, maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality are still a major problem even in developed countries. To evaluate the influence of day of delivery on obstetrical and perinatal outcome.Methods: Retrospective cohort study conducted at the Philippe Maguilen SENGHOR health center maternity ward from January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2019, on patients with a pregnancy of more than 22 weeks of amenorrhea who were received for delivery management. The deliveries periods were divided according to whether they occurred on a working day (deliveries from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays) or on weekends and public holidays (deliveries on Saturdays, Sundays and days declared as public holidays according to the Gregorian and Senegalese event calendars). The data were extracted from our E-perinatal database and analysed in the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 24, Mac version).Results: Over 102 months, we recorded 42 870 deliveries. The average age of the patients was 27 years with extremes of 13 and 50 years. Nearly one in three deliveries took place on a holiday or weekend (n=13566-31.6%). The rate of caesarean delivery on weekends/holidays (18.8%) was lower than that on weekdays (21%). The odds ratio of having/benefiting from a weekend/holiday caesarean section was 0.87 (CI 0.83-0.92, p<0.0001). Our results suggest that patients who deliver on weekdays are more likely to receive a caesarean section than those who deliver on weekends or holidays. Perineal injury, World Health Organization obstetric complications, and neonatal outcome showed no significant difference by day of delivery.Conclusions: Our results contradict the idea that deliveries on weekends and holidays are more risky for patients and their children

    A Spatio-temporal Model of African Animal Trypanosomosis Risk

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    [b]Background[/b]African animal trypanosomosis (AAT) is a major constraint to sustainable development of cattle farming in sub-Saharan Africa. The habitat of the tsetse fly vector is increasingly fragmented owing to demographic pressure and shifts in climate, which leads to heterogeneous risk of cyclical transmission both in space and time. In Burkina Faso and Ghana, the most important vectors are riverine species, namely Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides, which are more resilient to human-induced changes than the savannah and forest species. Although many authors studied the distribution of AAT risk both in space and time, spatio-temporal models allowing predictions of it are lacking.[b]Methodology/Principal Findings[/b]We used datasets generated by various projects, including two baseline surveys conducted in Burkina Faso and Ghana within PATTEC (Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign) national initiatives. We computed the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) or tsetse challenge using a range of environmental data. The tsetse apparent density and their infection rate were separately estimated and subsequently combined to derive the EIR using a "one layer-one model" approach. The estimated EIR was then projected into suitable habitat. This risk index was finally validated against data on bovine trypanosomosis. It allowed a good prediction of the parasitological status (r(2) = 67%), showed a positive correlation but less predictive power with serological status (r(2) = 22%) aggregated at the village level but was not related to the illness status (r(2) = 2%).[b]Conclusions/Significance[/b]The presented spatio-temporal model provides a fine-scale picture of the dynamics of AAT risk in sub-humid areas of West Africa. The estimated EIR was high in the proximity of rivers during the dry season and more widespread during the rainy season. The present analysis is a first step in a broader framework for an efficient risk management of climate-sensitive vector-borne diseases

    Community of Practice (CoP) on climate informed advisory services for livestock farmers: The process of co-development and dissemination in Senegal

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    Livestock is an important source of income for millions of smallholder farmers, including women, in Senegal (Habanabakize, Ba, et al., 2022; Habanabakize, Diasse, et al., 2022). But drought, heat waves and extreme wet events, exacerbated by climate change, threaten food security, animal health and the livelihoods of many pastoral communities in the country. With the increased variability of the growing season, natural pasture and water availability, undernourished cattle must travel longer and longer distances.1 In order to reduce uncertainty and to protect their livelihoods and assets, herders utilise various adaptation strategies, including: (1) destocking by selling livestock at often low prices prior to and during to drought; (2) transhumance, which entails a higher risk of animal loss; (3) purchase of feeds which can be costly; (4) utilisation of residues from croplands which may lead to conflict with farmers. In this context, extension services, developed on knowledge and innovations sourced from local- national-international research, can play a vital role in building the capacity of livestock farmers to improve their productivity and profit (Pousga et al., 2022)

    Factors Associated with the Prevalence of Circulating Antigens to Porcine Cysticercosis in Three Villages of Burkina Faso

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    Taenia solium cysticercosis is a neglected tropical infection transmitted between humans and pigs. This infection is particularly common in areas where sanitation, hygiene and pig management practices are poor, and can sometimes lead to epilepsy in humans. There is very little information about the importance of this infection in Burkina Faso, even though pork meat is widely consumed in many villages. We conducted a pilot study in three villages: two villages where pig rearing and pork consumption are common (Batondo and Pabré) but with different pig management practices, and one village with limited pig farming and pork consumption (Nyonyogo). Blood tests were done on pigs and information on pig raising was collected from farmers. Our study demonstrated that at least one third of pigs are infected with cysticercosis in villages where they are raised, and, particularly when pigs are left to roam some or all of the time. It also demonstrated that farmers may not be aware of this disease until one of their animals is found to be infected. Thus, the study concluded that there is an urgent need for improving education in order to control this tropical disease

    Child deaths caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia: a secondary analysis of Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) data

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    Background: Klebsiella pneumoniae is an important cause of nosocomial and community-acquired pneumonia and sepsis in children, and antibiotic-resistant K pneumoniae is a growing public health threat. We aimed to characterise child mortality associated with this pathogen in seven high-mortality settings. Methods: We analysed Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) data on the causes of deaths in children younger than 5 years and stillbirths in sites located in seven countries across sub-Saharan Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and South Africa) and south Asia (Bangladesh) from Dec 9, 2016, to Dec 31, 2021. CHAMPS sites conduct active surveillance for deaths in catchment populations and following reporting of an eligible death or stillbirth seek consent for minimally invasive tissue sampling followed by extensive aetiological testing (microbiological, molecular, and pathological); cases are reviewed by expert panels to assign immediate, intermediate, and underlying causes of death. We reported on susceptibility to antibiotics for which at least 30 isolates had been tested, and excluded data on antibiotics for which susceptibility testing is not recommended for Klebsiella spp due to lack of clinical activity (eg, penicillin and ampicillin). Findings: Among 2352 child deaths with cause of death assigned, 497 (21%, 95% CI 20–23) had K pneumoniae in the causal chain of death; 100 (20%, 17–24) had K pneumoniae as the underlying cause. The frequency of K pneumoniae in the causal chain was highest in children aged 1–11 months (30%, 95% CI 26–34; 144 of 485 deaths) and 12–23 months (28%, 22–34; 63 of 225 deaths); frequency by site ranged from 6% (95% CI 3–11; 11 of 184 deaths) in Bangladesh to 52% (44–61; 71 of 136 deaths) in Ethiopia. K pneumoniae was in the causal chain for 450 (22%, 95% CI 20–24) of 2023 deaths that occurred in health facilities and 47 (14%, 11–19) of 329 deaths in the community. The most common clinical syndromes among deaths with K pneumoniae in the causal chain were sepsis (44%, 95% CI 40–49; 221 of 2352 deaths), sepsis in conjunction with pneumonia (19%, 16–23; 94 of 2352 deaths), and pneumonia (16%, 13–20; 80 of 2352 deaths). Among K pneumoniae isolates tested, 121 (84%) of 144 were resistant to ceftriaxone and 80 (75%) of 106 to gentamicin. Interpretation: K pneumoniae substantially contributed to deaths in the first 2 years of life across multiple high-mortality settings, and resistance to antibiotics used for sepsis treatment was common. Improved strategies are needed to rapidly identify and appropriately treat children who might be infected with this pathogen. These data suggest a potential impact of developing and using effective K pneumoniae vaccines in reducing neonatal, infant, and child deaths globally
