638 research outputs found

    Relationships between the perceived quality of life and the personality styles measured with the The Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised (MIPS-R)

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    This exploratory study aims to determine whether the personality styles measured with the Portuguese adaptation of Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised, MIPS-R affect the perceived quality of life. The MIPS-R is a theory-based inventory that measures 24 personality styles in normally functioning adults. Life satisfaction was measured with the Portuguese version of the Quality of Life Inventory, QOLI (Fagulha, Duarte & Miranda, 2000). It refers to a person’s subjective evaluation of the degree to which his/her most important needs, goals and wishes have been fulfilled. This study was carried out with a sample of 43 college students, 36 females (age mean = 19,7; SD = 3,1) and 7 males (age mean = 27,4; SD = 11,4). Based on the participants’ overall life satisfaction score three groups were defined: (1) Low/Very Low quality of life, (2) Average quality of life, (3) High quality of life. Discriminant Factor Analysis (DFA) and the Kruskal-Wallis Test were used to identify the styles that most differentiate these groups and to compare each style in the groups. The Other-Nurturing style is the one that best differentiates the groups. DFA results will be further exploited. Considering the Kruskal-Wallis Test, differences are observed in the Pleasure-Enhancing (p=.006), the Actively Modifying (p=.002), the Gregarious/Outgoing (p=.012), the Passively Accommodating (p=.027), the Asocial/Withdrawing (p=.036), the Unconventional/Dissenting (p=.041) and in the Dissatisfied/Complaining (p=.019) styles. Multiple comparisons were used to compare these styles in the groups. The authors believe that the discussion of these results will provide a better understanding of the MIPS-R.Instituto de Psicologia das Relações Humana

    A case of cycloid psychotic disorder

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    Based on a case of an acute and transient psychotic disorder with full recovery between recurrences, the authors remind the concept of cycloid psychoses. This diagnosis has been neglected in modern psychiatry and in the current nosological systems. However, the cycloid psychoses concept may offer an alternative diagnosis for some psychotic disorders in spite of the need of more studies to improve the understanding of its etiology and treatment

    As Migrações como desafi o de segurança para os países Mediterrânicos. Uma análise de longo-prazo das tendências demográfi cas (1950-2050)

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    Esta comunicação centra-se na análise da dinâmica demográfi ca dos países do Mediterrâneo, visto como um indicador de segurança para a década actual e futuras. A ligação entre demografi a e segurança é estabelecida a partir de uma perspectiva histórica (1950-2010) e inclui dinâmicas naturais (i) (fertilidade, mortalidade) e migratórias, assim como (ii) os resultados mais recentes da investigação sobre este tópico. Uma vez estabelecidas as directrizes principais de cada um dos 21 países banhados pelo Mar Mediterrâneo, de acordo com equilíbrios micro demográfi cos e movimentos migratórios, reuniu-se informação importante de forma a (a) obter uma perspectiva integrada da realidade actual baseada em indicadores demográfi cos e socioeconómicos, (b) caracterizar comportamentos migratórios colectivos no passado recente, (c) identifi car tendências e comportamentos desiguais actuais e futuros, com base em cenários ofi ciais médios de previsão até 2050, (d) sublinhar a natureza crucial que os movimentos migratórios assumiram nas sub-regiões do Mediterrâneo, (e) avaliar os desafi os que os movimentos migratórios representam para a segurança do Mediterrâneo nas próximas décadas, e (f ) assinalar para debate futuro a efi cácia real das políticas migratórias actuais para ambos os lados do Mar Mediterrâneo


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    As Convenções da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) são tratados multilaterais abertos compostos de acordos vinculantes juridicamente para os Estados que as adotem. No Brasil, a utilização das Convenções ocorre em razão da força normativa e influência no ordenamento nacional. O objetivo desta proposta é investigar aspectos sobre a produção do trabalho científico e a escolha das Convenções da Organização Internacional do Trabalho para a composição do corpo teórico da pesquisa em Direito. Na construção do artigo foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, sendo realizados procedimentos de revisão bibliográfica e documental, demonstrados por análise dos dados


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    O trabalho infantil doméstico prejudica o completo desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes, pois o ambiente pode expor os menores a maus tratos, agressões físicas e verbais, dentre outras problemáticas. Nesse sentido, a Convenção 182 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) dispõe que o trabalho infantil doméstico é uma das piores formas de trabalho infantil. O objetivo desta proposta é analisar a aplicação das Convenções 138 e 182 OIT no enfrentamento do trabalho infantil doméstico no Brasil.

    Quercus rotundifolia bark as a source of polar extracts: structural and chemical characterization

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    Quercus rotundifolia bark was studied regarding anatomical, chemical, and antioxidant properties from trees in two sites in southern Portugal and are here reported for the first time. The general structure and anatomy of Q. rotundifolia bark showed a rhytidome with sequential undulated and anastomosed periderms with a small proportion of cork, while the phloem included broad rays with strong cell sclerification, groups of sclereids with embed large prismatic crystals, and abundant druses in parenchyma cells. The mean chemical composition was 15.5% ash, 1.6% dichloromethane extractives, 6.4% ethanol and 9.3% water extractives, 3.0% suberin, 30.5% total lignin, and 33.8% carbohydrates. Carbohydrates included mainly glucose (50.7% of total monomers) and xylose (23.8%), with uronic (3.0%) and acetic acids (1.0%). Suberin was mainly composed of !-hydroxyacids (48.0% of all compounds) and ,!-diacids (19.5%). The main compounds found in the lipophilic extracts were triterpenes (43.6%–56.2% of all compounds) and alkanoic acids (32.7%–41.7%). Phenolic content was high especially in the ethanol extracts, ranging from 219.5–572.9 mg GAE/g extract and comprising 162.5–247.5 CE/g extract of flavonoids and 41.2–294.1 CE/g extract of condensed tannins. The extracts revealed very good antioxidant properties with IC50 values of 4.4 g ethanol extract/mL and 4.7 g water extract/mL. Similar anatomical, chemical, and antioxidant characteristics were found in the bark from both sites. The high phenolic content and excellent antioxidant characteristics of polar extracts showed holm oak barks to be a promising natural source of antioxidants with possible use in industry and pharmaceutical/medical areasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Localization System for Optimization of Picking in a Manual Warehouse

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    Inbound logistics assumes increasing importance in retail operations, because there are usually hidden inefficiencies that contribute to higher labour costs and more time spent in the usual procedures in warehouses. The work developed was carried out in a manual warehouse of a retail company, with the main goal being the optimization of picking tasks and the improvement of the warehouse operations, as well as stock management. The solution is based on the development and implementation of a localization system, to reduce one of the most time-consuming components of picking, the search time for products in the warehouse. This application led to a reduction of this unproductive time by 93% to 100%, meaning the complete elimination of this component, which led to an optimization of the picking activity, by increasing the warehouse preparation capacity by 63%. Apart from the software upgrade, the operators now use Personal Digital Assistants to perform and validate the picking of items, increasing the accuracy of picking and the traceability of stock.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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