204 research outputs found

    Co-branding strategies? : assessing the influence of gender on consumer evaluations of new co-branded products

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    Co-branding strategies arise from the brands’ need to reinvent themselves and are commonly defined as an alliance between two brands in order to create a new product that will carry both brands’ names. The goal of our research is to assess the influence of brand gender on consumers’ evaluation of a new co-branded product. Previous studies have shown that consumers tend to choose brands that enhance their gender identity. Moreover, consumers associate human personality traits with brands, since they tend to see brands as if they were their family or friends. With the aim of studying this influence, we started by doing a pre-test in order to find out the brands that are more strongly associated to each gender, and more familiar among a list of brands belonging to two product categories – personal care and fashion. The results of the pre-test showed that the brands that have a more favorable relation between gender and familiarity are Axe, Dove, Levis, and Mango. Following we created two co-branding scenarios: Axe by Mango – targeting females – and Dove by Levis – targeting males. We collected data using and online survey. Our sample was composed mainly by students from different University classes in Porto and Faro. We started our analyses by doing a sociodemographic characterization of our sample and a brief descriptive statistical analysis. This was followed by reliability tests to measure the internal consistency of our variables. Finally, we used Linear Regressions to test our hypotheses. Our results show that brand gender has a significant and favorable influence on consumers’ attitude towards the new co-branded product, in the case of a masculine co-branding scenario

    Entre a atenção individualizada e a gestão de um grupo de crianças em contextos de Creche e jardim de infância – estratégias de Intervenção

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    Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarEnquadrado no Mestrado de Educação Pré-Escolar, este relatório, intitulado por “Entre a atenção individualizada e a gestão de um grupo de crianças em contextos de creche e Jardim de Infância – Estratégias de Intervenção”, resultou da Prática Profissional Supervisionado, realizada nos contextos de Creche e Jardim de Infância. Em contexto de Creche, a prática pedagógica decorreu numa Instituição Particular de Solidariedade Social, ao longo do mês de janeiro, e foi realizada com um grupo constituído por 16 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 24 e os 36 meses. Em contexto de Jardim de Infância, decorreu numa instituição pública, com a duração de três meses, e foi realizada com um grupo constituído por 25 crianças, com idades compreendidas entre os 4 e os 6 anos. O presente relatório contempla uma análise fundamentada e uma avaliação reflexiva da ação pedagógica desenvolvida e a investigação e aprofundamento daquela que foi a problemática mais significativa da Prática Profissional Supervisionada. A dificuldade sentida na gestão do grupo, em contexto de JI, perante situações de indisciplina e conflito foram a génese do tema de aprofundamento deste relatório. A abordagem a este tema é realizada através da construção de um quadro conceptual que partiu dos conceitos de disciplina, indisciplina, conflito e autorregulação, com o objetivo de encontrar e verificar os impactos de estratégias que auxiliassem a regulação de um grupo de crianças, em geral, e de uma criança, em particular. De um modo geral, os resultados desta investigação foram positivos, pois foi encontrado um conjunto de estratégias, adequadas a este contexto, que auxiliou na regulação do grupo, diminuindo as situações de indisciplina e conflito. Deste modo, as dificuldades sentidas ao nível da gestão diminuíram significativamente.Abstract As part of the Master’s Degree in Preschool Education, this report, titled as "Among the individualized attention and the children’s group management in Infant Daycare and kindergarten contexts - Intervention Strategies", resulted from the Supervised Professional Practice, held in Infant Daycare and Kindergarten contexts. In the Infant Daycare context, the pedagogical practice held in one Private Institution of Social Solidarity, during the month of January, and it was performed with a group of 16 children, aged 24 and 36 months. In context of Kindergarten, held in one public institution, lasting three months, and it was performed with a group of 25 children, aged 4 and 6 years. This report includes a reasoned analysis and a reflexive assessment of the developed pedagogical action and the investigation and deepening of the most significant problematic of the Supervised Professional Practice. The difficulty experienced in the group management, in conflict and indiscipline situations was the genesis of the deepening theme of this report. The approach to this theme is performed by building a conceptual framework that emerged to the concepts of discipline, indiscipline, conflict and self-regulation, in order to find and verify the strategies impacts that could help in a children’s group regulation, in general, and of a child, in particular. In general, the investigation results were positive, it was found a set of strategies, appropriate to the context, that assisted in group regulation, decreasing indiscipline and conflict situations. Therefore, the difficulties experienced at management level reduced significantly

    Participação dos idosos nas atividades de desenvolvimento pessoal

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    Nas sociedades atuais, o aumento do número de idosos é uma realidade inevitável e tendencialmente crescente, fruto de uma maior longevidade humana e das alterações demográficas das sociedades desenvolvidas. O envelhecimento tornou-se num problema social e tem despoletado desafios a vários níveis, entre os quais o aparecimento e crescimento de respostas sociais, sendo os lares uma delas. Neste contexto, é importante percebermos se os lares são espaços onde se vive de forma passiva e apática ou se são estruturas que promovem o envelhecimento ativo e a participação social. Este estudo vai debruçar-se sobre a participação social na vertente da manutenção das relações sociais e bem-estar dos idosos tendo sido, para tal, analisada a participação daqueles que estão institucionalizados na Residência Bella Vida Viana, com o objetivo de percebermos qual o grau de adesão às atividades e os seus motivos e adequação. Foi utilizada uma metodologia qualitativa que contemplou entrevistas aos idosos da amostra e aos técnicos - gerontóloga e diretora técnica -, observação participante e recolha de dados documentais. Na observação das condições físicas e de funcionamento, foram utilizados os instrumentos ICOF e ICAF do Sistema de Avaliação Multidimensional de Equipamentos Sociais - Lares de Idosos, adaptado do modelo “SERA – Sistema de Evaluación de Residencias de Ancianos”(Ballasteros, 1996), para a realidade portuguesa. Do estudo feito, verificou-se a existência de dois grupos de idosos: um, composto por aqueles que convivem bem com todos os outros, incluindo os mais dependentes e com demências; e o outro, um grupo composto por pessoas com formação académica e nível cultural superior ao dos outros residentes e que apresenta um comportamento mais “elitista”. A análise dos resultados mostrou-nos, no entanto, que ambos os grupos têm uma participação idêntica nas atividades socioculturais e lúdico-recreativas, sendo que o grupo mais “elitista” participa menos nas atividades quotidianas mais populares (jogos de mesa) e mais nas atividades religiosas. O grau de participação e satisfação é bom, sendo de salientar que o tipo de atividades desenvolvidas é compatível com as V exigências de um envelhecimento ativo com preocupação de estimulação cognitiva e de criação de laços entre os residentes

    Towards an interpretation of the Portuguese cultural tourist: motivations and constraints

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    The importance of cultural tourism for the development of tourist destinations has created a need for knowledge on both supply and demand sides, related to the motivations and constraints which can affect the decisions of the cultural tourist. The aim of this study is to develop and validate for the Portuguese tourists two scales to measure motivations to travel and its constraints, considering theories of needs and constraints, and to examine differences according to tourists’ socio-demographic characteristics. The scales were determined using a non-linear principal component analysis followed by bootstrap confirmatory factor analysis, and differences were examined using parametric tests. A six-dimensional model for motivations and a five-dimensional model for constraints were validated, both with good overall fit. Motives linked to culture, intellectual curiosity and cultural knowledge stand out with high levels of relevance. Lack of resources and other commitments are the most important constraints. Significant differences were found in almost all characteristics. The results reveal influential dimensions on travel decisions which are of utmost importance for the design of the cultural offer of destinations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy - European Report 2016

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    This report covers a wealth of policy initiatives across 32 European countries either implicitly or explicitly informed by behavioural insights (BIs). It reviews institutional developments around the application for behavioural insights for policy and puts forward a comparative framework (PRECIS) describing behavioural insights teams with six key features. The report reaches four main conclusions: i) in terms of capacity-building, there is significant dynamism and growing appetite to apply BIs to policy-making; ii) links between policy-making and academy communities can be strengthened and analysing large datasets offers great potential; iii) systematic application of BIs throughout the policy cycle can advance evidence-based policy-making; iv) there is a need for more research on the long-term impacts of policy interventions.JRC.DDG.02-Foresight and Behavioural Insight


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    A gengivectomia (GV) é indicada para exposição da estrutura dentária com fins estéticos em pacientes com excesso de tecido gengival nos sextantes anteriores. Nestes casos, as mais frequentes etiologias envolvidas são a erupção dental passiva alterada (EDPA) e a hiperplasia gengival (HG). Objetivou-se descrever técnicas e resultados de GV realizada em dois pacientes com excesso gengival decorrente de HG e EPDA. Estes compareceram à Clínica do Complexo Odontológico São João Calábria da UNICATÓLICA, queixando-se de sorriso gengival, apresentando saúde sistêmica e periodontal. Os pacientes assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e receberam informações do presente estudo. As técnicas contemplaram incisões primárias em bisel externo (IBE) e interno (IBI) para os casos HG e EPDA, respectivamente, sem necessidade de ostectomia. A decisão por diferentes incisões decorreu da espessura e da quantidade de gengiva a ser excisada, e da necessidade de afinamento da margem gengival. No caso de HG, o posterior peeling gengival culminou, juntamente à IBE, em exposição de tecido conjuntivo e cicatrização por segunda intenção, porém com refinado tecido gengival após cicatrização e exposição satisfatória de gengiva ao sorrir. Paralelamente, a IBI no caso de EDPA consistiu em menor exposição de conjuntivo, com resultado similar à técnica envolvendo IBE. As técnicas referidas apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, com cicatrização mais cômoda e rápida na utilização de IBI. Porém a literatura ainda não apresenta consenso da utilização de IBI em GV sem necessidade de ostectomia

    Food Insecurity Is Associated with Low Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet and Adverse Health Conditions in Portuguese Adults

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    Background: Food insecurity is a limited or uncertain access to the adequate food and is a significant public health problem. We aimed to assess determinants of food insecurity and the corresponding health impact in Portugal, a southern European country that faced a severe economic crisis. Methods: Data were derived from the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study (EpiDoC), a population-based cohort of 10,661 individuals that were representative of the Portuguese adult population and followed since 2011. A cross-sectional analysis of the third wave of evaluation (EpiDoC 3) was performed between 2015 and 2016. Food insecurity was assessed with the household food insecurity psychometric scale. Socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle, adherence to Mediterranean diet (MD), self-reported non-communicable disease, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) (EQ-5D-3L), physical function (HAQ score), and health resource consumption information was also collected. Results: The estimated proportion of food insecurity was 19.3% among a total of 5,653 participants. Food insecure households had low adherence to the MD (OR = 0.44; 95% IC 0.31-0.62). In addition, diabetes (OR = 1.69; 95% IC 1.20-2.40), rheumatic disease (OR = 1.67; 95% IC 1.07-2.60), and depression symptoms (OR = 1.50; 95% IC 1.09-2.06) were independently associated with food insecurity. On average, food insecure households had a lower HRQoL (OR = 0.18; 95% IC 0.11-0.31) and a higher disability (OR = 2.59; 95% IC 2.04-3.29). A significantly higher proportion of food insecure households reported being hospitalized (OR = 1.57; 95% IC 1.18-2.07) and had more public hospital medical appointments (OR = 1.48; 95% IC 1.12-1.94) in the previous 12 months. Conclusion: We found that food insecurity is highly prevalent in Portugal. Food insecurity was associated with low adherence to the MD, non-communicable chronic diseases, lower quality of life, and higher health resource consumption. Therefore, this study provides valuable insight into the relationship between food security and the diet and health of the population during an economic crisis.publishersversionpublishe

    Results From the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3

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    Introduction: The public health problem of food insecurity also affects the elderly population. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of household food insecurity and its associations with chronic disease and health-related quality of life characteristics in individuals ≥65 years of age living in the community in Portugal. Methods: The data were collected from the Epidemiology of Chronic Diseases Cohort Study 3 (EpiDoC3)-Promoting Food Security Study (2015-2016), which was the third evaluation wave of the EpiDoC and represented the Portuguese adult population. Food insecurity was assessed using a psychometric scale adapted from the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale. The data on sociodemographic variables, chronic disease, and management of chronic disease were self-reported. Health-related quality of life were assessed using the European Quality of Life Survey (version validated for the Portuguese population). Logistic regression models were used to determine crude and adjusted odds ratios (for age group, gender, region, and education). The dependent variable was the perceived level of food security. Results: Among older adults, 23% were living in a food-insecure household. The odds of living in a food-insecure household were higher for individuals in the 70-74 years age group (odds ratio (OR) = 1.405, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.392-1.417), females (OR = 1.545, 95% CI 1.534-1.556), those with less education (OR = 3.355, 95% CI 3.306-3.404), low income (OR = 4,150, 95% CI 4.091-4.210), and those reporting it was very difficult to live with the current income (OR = 16.665, 95% CI 16.482-16.851). The odds of having a chronic disease were also greater among individuals living in food-insecure households: diabetes mellitus (OR = 1.832, 95% CI 1.818-1.846), pulmonary diseases (OR = 1.628, 95% CI 1.606-1.651), cardiac disease (OR = 1.329, 95% CI 1.319-1.340), obesity (OR = 1.493, 95% CI 1.477-1.508), those who reduced their frequency of medical visits (OR = 4.381, 95% CI 4.334-4.428), and who stopped taking medication due to economic difficulties (OR = 5.477, 95% CI 5.422-5.532). Older adults in food-insecure households had lower health-related quality of life (OR = 0.212, 95% CI 0.210-0.214). Conclusions: Our findings indicated that food insecurity was significantly associated with economic factors, higher values for prevalence of chronic diseases, poor management of chronic diseases, and decreased health-related quality of life in older adults living in the community.publishersversionpublishe

    Is food insecurity related to health-care use, access and absenteeism?

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    © The Authors 2019. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedObjective: Food insecurity (FI) is defined as uncertain access to healthy food in quantity and quality. We hypothesize that FI may be associated with greater health-care use and absenteeism because it may amplify the effect of diseases; also, FI may be associated with reduced health-care access because it reflects economic vulnerability. The present study estimates the association between FI and health-care use and access, and absenteeism. Design: Cross-sectional data collected in 2015-2016. Health-care use was measured as the number of consultations, taking any drug and having been hospitalized in the past year. Health-care access was measured by the suspension of medication and having fewer consultations due to financial constraints. Absenteeism was measured by the weeks of sickness leave. Binary variables were modelled as a function of FI using logistic regressions; continuous variables were modelled as a function of FI using negative binomial and zero-inflated negative binomial regressions. Covariates were included sequentially. Setting: Portugal. Participants: Non-institutionalized adults from the EpiDoc3 cohort (n 5648). Results: FI was significantly associated with health-care use before controlling for socio-economic conditions and quality of life. Moderate/severe FI was positively related to the suspension of medicines (adjusted OR = 4·68; 95 % CI 3·11, 6·82) and to having fewer consultations (adjusted OR = 3·98; 95 % CI 2·42, 6·37). FI and absenteeism were not significantly associated. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that FI reflects precariousness, which hinders access to health care. The greater use of health care among food-insecure people is explained by their worse quality of life and lower socio-economic condition, so that the specific role of poor nutrition is unclear.This study was funded by a NOVASaude unrestricted research grant; and the Public Health Initiatives Programme (PT06), financed by EEA Grants Financial Mechanism 2009–2014info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A Doença do Enxerto contra o Hospedeiro (DECH) representa um conjunto de desordens multissistêmicas que consistem na reação imunológica resultante do transplante alogênico de células-tronco hematopoiéticas em pacientes imunocomprometidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma revisão de literatura acerca da DECH, analisando suas manifestações clínicas bem como seu diagnóstico e tratamento. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica onde foram utilizadas as seguintes bases de dados: PUBMED e SCIELO, nas quais usaram-se descritores doença do enxerto–hospedeiro, transplante de células-tronco e transplante de medula. Encontraram-se 18 artigos que, após análise, foram selecionados 10 com base nos critérios de inclusão e 8 descartados pelos critérios de exclusão. Evidenciou-se que a DECH representa uma condição que afeta vários órgãos, dentre os quais se destacam a pele, fígado e trato gastrointestinal. Na boca essa desordem se manifesta como múltiplas mucosites, lesões liquenóides e eritema difuso acometendo principalmente as mucosas jugal e lingual além do acometimento das glândulas salivares que poderá repercutir na redução da sua função, causando xerostomia e, portanto, afetando a proteção contra doenças e infecções oportunistas. É essencial que os cirurgiões-dentistas tenham conhecimento desta condição para um correto diagnóstico e manejo da doença propiciando um acompanhamento odontológico, reduzindo possíveis morbidades e melhorando a qualidade de vida destes pacientes uma vez que estes encontram-se debilitados por conta do procedimento de transplante de medula