114 research outputs found

    Corticosterone selectively decreases humoral immunity in female eiders during incubation

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    Immunity is hypothesized to share limited resources with other physiological functions and this may partly account for the fitness costs of reproduction. Previous studies have shown that the acquired immunity of female common eider ducks (Somateria mollissima) is suppressed during their incubation, during which they entirely fast. Corticosterone was proposed to be an underlying physiological mechanism for such immunosuppression. Therefore, the current study aimed to assess the effects of exogenous corticosterone on acquired immunity in captive eiders. To this end, females were implanted with corticosterone pellets at different stages of their incubation fast. We measured total immunoglobulin levels, T-cell-mediated immune response, body mass and corticosterone levels in these females and compared them with those of control females prior to and after manipulation (i.e. corticosterone pellet implantation). To mimic corticosterone effects on body mass, we experimentally extended fasting duration in a group of females termed ;late fasters'..

    Triiodothyronine suppresses humoral immunity but not T-cell-mediated immune response in incubating female eiders (Somateria mollissima)

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    Immunity is believed to share limited resources with other physiological functions and this may partly account for the fitness costs of reproduction. Previous studies have shown that the acquired immunity of female common eiders (Somateria mollissima) is suppressed during the incubation fast. To save energy, triiodothyronine (T3) is adaptively decreased during fasting in most bird species, despite T3 levels are maintained throughout incubation in female eiders. However, the relationship between thyroid hormones and the immune system is not fully understood. The current study aimed to determine the endocrine mechanisms that underlie immunosuppression in incubating female eiders. ..

    Effects of sibling competition on growth, oxidative stress, and humoral immunity: a two-year brood-size manipulation

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    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . On the basis of annual differences in chicks' morphological traits and body masses close to fledging, we established that 2007 was a relative low-quality year and 2008 was a relatively high-quality year. Total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was significantly lower in experimentally enlarged broods, but only in the low-quality year (2007). Total oxidant status (TOS) was independent of brood size in both years but was 45% higher in the low-quality year. Consequently, plasma oxidative status (the ratio between TOS and TAC) was higher in 2007. In contrast, plasma IgY levels were higher in the experimentally enlarged broods and in the high-quality year (2008). Thus, immune function and oxidative stress showed inverse relationships with developmental conditions and annual variation in year quality. Finally, TOS and TAC were positively correlated, but only in the low-quality year (2007), and there was no relationship observed between IgY and markers of oxidative stress. Our results demonstrate the importance of taking into account year effects or ecological context when assessing environmental effects on physiological mechanisms underlying the life-history traits of chicks, such as oxidative stress. The University of Chicago Pres

    Feather corticosterone levels on wintering grounds have no carry-over effects on breeding among three populations of great skuas (<i>Stercorarius skua</i>)

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    Environmental conditions encountered by migratory seabirds in their wintering areas can shape their fitness. However, the underlying physiological mechanisms remain largely unknown as birds are relatively inaccessible during winter. To assess physiological condition during this period, we measured corticosterone concentrations in winter-grown primary feathers of female great skuas (Stercorarius skua) from three breeding colonies (Bjørnøya, Iceland, Shetland) with wintering areas identified from characteristic stable isotope signatures. We subsequently compared winter feather corticosterone levels between three wintering areas (Africa, Europe and America). Among females breeding in 2009, we found significant differences in feather corticosterone levels between wintering areas. Surprisingly, levels were significantly higher in Africa despite seemingly better local ecological factors (based on lower foraging effort). Moreover, contrary to our predictions, females sharing the same wintering grounds showed significant differences in feather corticosterone levels depending on their colony of origin suggesting that some skuas could be using suboptimal wintering areas. Among females wintering in Africa, Shetland females showed feather corticosterone levels on average 22% lower than Bjørnøya and Iceland females. Finally, the lack of significant relationships between winter feather corticosterone levels and any of the breeding phenology traits does not support the hypothesis of potential carry-over effects of winter feather corticosterone. Yet, the fitness consequences of elevated feather corticosterone levels remain to be determined

    Temporal Trends of Organochlorine and Perfluorinated Contaminants in a Terrestrial Raptor in Northern Europe Over 34 years (1986–2019)

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    Fourteen legacy organochlorine (OC) contaminants and 12 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) were measured in eggs of tawny owls (Strix alueco) in central Norway (1986–2019). We expected OCs to have reached stable equilibrium levels due to bans, and that recent phase-out of some PFASs would have slowed the increase of these compounds. ∑OC comprised on average approximately 92% of the measured compounds, whereas ∑PFAS accounted for approximately 8%. However, whereas the ∑OC to ∑PFAS ratio was approximately 60 in the first 5 years of the study, it was only approximately 11 in the last 5 years. Both OC pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) showed substantial declines over the study period (~85%–98%): hexachlorocyclohexanes and chlordanes seemed to be levelling off, whereas p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE) and hexachlororbenzene (HCB), and most PCB congeners still seemed to decline at a more or less constant rate. While the concentration of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), the dominating PFAS, was reduced by approximately 43%, other perfluorinated sulfonates (PFSAs) showed only minor changes. Moreover, the median concentrations of seven perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) increased approximately five-fold over the study period. Perfluorononanoic acid and perfluoroundecanoate acid, however, seemed to be levelling off in recent years. In contrast, perfluorododecanoic acid, perfluorodecanoate acid, perfluorotridecanoic acid, and perfluorotetradecanoic acid seemed to increase more or less linearily. Finally, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was increasingly likely to be detected over the study period. Hence, most legacy OCs and PFOS have not reached a lower threshold with stable background levels, and voluntary elimination of perfluoroalkyl carboxylates still has not resulted in declining levels in tawny owls in central Norway

    Mid-winter temperatures, not spring temperatures, predict breeding phenology in the European starling Sturnus vulgaris

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    In many species, empirical data suggest that temperatures less than 1 month before breeding strongly influence laying date, consistent with predictions that short lag times between cue and response are more reliable, decreasing the chance of mismatch with prey. Here we show in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) that mid-winter temperature ca 50–90 days before laying (8 January–22 February) strongly (r2 = 0.89) predicts annual variation in laying date. Mid-winter temperature also correlated highly with relative clutch size: birds laid later, but laid larger clutches, in years when mid-winter temperatures were lower. Despite a high degree of breeding synchrony (mean laying date 5–13 April = ±4 days; 80% of nests laid within 4.8 days within year), European starlings show strong date-dependent variation in clutch size and productivity, but this appears to be mediated by a different temporal mechanism for integration of supplemental cue (temperature) information. We suggest the relationship between mid-winter temperature and breeding phenology might be indirect with both components correlating with a third factor: temperature-dependent development of the starling\u27s insect (tipulid) prey. Mid-winter temperatures might set the trajectory of growth and final biomass of tipulid larvae, with this temperature cue providing starlings with information on breeding season prey availability (though exactly how remains unknown)

    Mid-winter temperatures, not spring temperatures, predict breeding phenology in the European starling Sturnus vulgaris

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    In many species, empirical data suggest that temperatures less than 1 month before breeding strongly influence laying date, consistent with predictions that short lag times between cue and response are more reliable, decreasing the chance of mismatch with prey. Here we show in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) that mid-winter temperature ca 50–90 days before laying (8 January–22 February) strongly (r2 = 0.89) predicts annual variation in laying date. Mid-winter temperature also correlated highly with relative clutch size: birds laid later, but laid larger clutches, in years when mid-winter temperatures were lower. Despite a high degree of breeding synchrony (mean laying date 5–13 April = ±4 days; 80% of nests laid within 4.8 days within year), European starlings show strong date-dependent variation in clutch size and productivity, but this appears to be mediated by a different temporal mechanism for integration of supplemental cue (temperature) information. We suggest the relationship between mid-winter temperature and breeding phenology might be indirect with both components correlating with a third factor: temperature-dependent development of the starling\u27s insect (tipulid) prey. Mid-winter temperatures might set the trajectory of growth and final biomass of tipulid larvae, with this temperature cue providing starlings with information on breeding season prey availability (though exactly how remains unknown)

    Innate immunity, assessed by plasma NO measurements, is not suppressed during the incubation fast in eiders

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    Immunity is hypothesized to share limited resources with other physiological functions and may mediate life history trade-offs, for example between reproduction and survival. However, vertebrate immune defense is a complex system that consists of three components. To date, no study has assessed all of these components for the same animal model and within a given situation. Previous studies have determined that the acquired immunity of common eiders (Somateria mollissima) is suppressed during incubation. The present paper aims to assess the innate immune response in fasting eiders in relation to their initial body condition. Innate immunity was assessed by measuring plasma nitric oxide (NO) levels, prior to and after injection of lipopolysaccharides (LPS), a method which is easily applicable to many wild animals. Body condition index and corticosterone levels were subsequently determined as indicators of body condition and stress level prior to LPS injection. The innate immune response in eiders did not vary significantly throughout the incubation period. The innate immune response of eiders did not vary significantly in relation to their initial body condition but decreased significantly when corticosterone levels increased. However, NO levels after LPS injection were significantly and positively related to initial body condition, while there was a significant negative relationship with plasma corticosterone levels. Our study suggests that female eiders preserve an effective innate immune response during incubation and this response might be partially determined by the initial body condition

    Implications of Regurgitative Feeding on Plastic Loads in Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis): A Study from Svalbard

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    Procellariiform seabirds like northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) are prone to ingest and accumulate floating plastic pieces. In the North Sea region, there is a long tradition to use beached fulmars as biomonitors for marine plastic pollution. Monitoring data revealed consistently lower plastic burdens in adult fulmars compared to younger age classes. Those findings were hypothesized to partly result from parental transfer of plastic to chicks. However, no prior study has examined this mechanism in fulmars by comparing plastic burdens in fledglings and older fulmars shortly after the chick-rearing period. Therefore, we investigated plastic ingestion in 39 fulmars from Kongsfjorden (Svalbard), including 21 fledglings and 18 older fulmars (adults/older immatures). We found that fledglings (50–60 days old) had significantly more plastic than older fulmars. While plastic was found in all fledglings, two older fulmars contained no and several older individuals barely any plastic. These findings supported that fulmar chicks from Svalbard get fed high quantities of plastic by their parents. Adverse effects of plastic on fulmars were indicated by one fragment that perforated the stomach and possibly one thread perforating the intestine. Negative correlations between plastic mass and body fat in fledglings and older fulmars were not significant

    The impact of climate sensitive factors on the exposure to organohalogenated contaminants in an aquatic bird exploiting both marine and freshwater habitats

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    To assess how climate-sensitive factors may affect the exposure to organochlorines (OCs) and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), we monitored concentrations in eggs of the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) over two decades (1999–2019) in central Norway. The goldeneye alternates between marine and freshwater habitats and is sensitive to climate variation, especially due to alterations in ice conditions which may affect feeding conditions. We assessed how biological factors such as diet (stable isotopes δ13C and δ15N), the onset of egg laying, and physical characteristics such as winter climate (North Atlantic Oscillation: NAOw) influenced exposure. We predicted compounds to show different temporal trends depending on whether they were still in production (i.e. some PFASs) or have been banned (i.e. legacy OCs and some PFASs). Therefore, we controlled for potential temporal trends in all analyses. There were declining trends for α- and γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), oxychlordane, cis-chlordane, cis-nonachlor, p,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (p.p′-DDT) and less persistent polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners (e.g. PCB101). In contrast, the dominant compounds, such as p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE) and persistent PCB congeners, were stable, whereas hexachlorobenzene (HCB) increased over time. Most OCs were positively related to δ15N, suggesting higher exposure in birds feeding at upper trophic levels. Chlordanes and HCB were positively associated with δ13C, indicating traces of marine input for these compounds, whereas the relationships to most PCBs were negative. Among PFASs, perfluorooctanesulfonamide (PFOSA) and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) declined. Most PFASs were positively associated with δ13C, whereas there were no associations with δ15N. Egg laying date was positively associated to perfluoroheptanesulfonic acid (PFHpS), perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), suggesting that some of the PFAS load originated from the wintering locations. Although NAOw had little impact on the exposure to organohalogenated contaminants, factors sensitive to climate change, especially diet, were associated with the exposure to OHCs in goldeneyes
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