50 research outputs found

    Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Representational Ability on Comparative Subject Based on Gender

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    The study aims to which is a quantitative descriptive research, is to examine the ability of junior high school students to represent mathematical concepts comparatively, based on their gender. The participants were students in 7th grade at Cimindi Advent Middle School during the 2023/2024 academic year, with a total of 20 female and 19 male students. The research utilized a test to evaluate the mathematical representation abilities of the students. The collected data was analyzed by using techniques as data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The findings of the study revealed that the average mathematical representation ability score of the female students was 45.42%, while the average score of male students was 34.06%. Female and male students can represent mathematically on the subject of comparison in the low category. But when viewed from gender, three female students are in high sort with average of 76.85%. In medium category, there are two people with average of 66.67%, and in low class, there are 15 people with an average – average 36.30%. There is one male student with a high ability with average of 75%. In the medium category, there are three people with average of 61.11%, and in the low sort, there are 15 people with an average of 25.93%. While the overall results for KRM were based on indicators of female visual representation 42.5% and male visual representations 31.6%, while the overall results for KRM were based on hands of representation of female mathematical equations/expressions 39% and representation of male mathematical equations/expressions 39.5%, and the overall result for KRM based on indicators of representation of written words/texts for women is 46.7% and model for words/written texts for men is 25.9%. Based on the overall results of female and male students for KRM based on indicators, there is no difference in the low category


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    Penelitan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan buku pengayaan pengetahuan fisika dengan judul “Matahari Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan” untuk siswa SMA. Buku pengayaan tersebut dibuat dengan menghubungkan ilmu pengetahuan sains khususnya di bidang fisika dan teknologi yang berkaitan dengan sumber energi terbarukan matahari dengan memuat gambar-gambar atau ilustrasi yang dapat mendukung dan memperjelas isi materi yang disampaikan. Selain itu, dalam setiap bab terdapat beberapa komponen yang memuat informasi tambahan seperti “Orang Hebat” dan “Ternyata”, pertanyaan dalam komponen “Kalau Bisa, Keren!”, maupun permainan dalam komponen “Alfabet” yang dapat menarik minat siswa dalam membaca buku tersebut. Dalam setiap bab juga terdapat “Intisari” sebagai rangkuman dari materi yang dibahas dalam setiap bab. Hasil uji kelayakan oleh ahli materi adalah80,6%, ahli media 89,7%%, ahli pembelajaran 89%, dan ahli grafika 81,25% dengan interpretasi “sangat baik”. Uji lapangan melalui angket siswa terhadap buku pengayaan mendapat persentase rata-rata sebesar 79,74% dengan interpretasi “baik”. Berdasarkan uji kelayakan dan uji lapangan dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku pengayaan pengetahuan “Matahari Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan” dinyatakan layak menjadi buku pengayaan pengetahuan sebagai bahan ajar pengayaan fisika siswa SMA. This study aims to produce a science enrichment book, designed and titled "Matahari Sebagai Energi Terbarukan" for high school students. This enrichment book is made by connecting science especially in physics and technology related to solar sources as renewable energy, which uses pictures and illustrations that can support and clarify the content of materials submitted. In each chapter, there are some components that contain additional information by “Orang Hebat” and “Ternyata”, a questionable component by “Kalau Bisa, Keren!”,and also a game component by “Alfabet” that can interest students in reading the book. Besides, at the end of each chapter there are discussions reviewed, of the components called “Intisari”. The result of feasibility study by material experts is 80,6%, media experts is 89,7%, learning experts is 89%, and graph experts is 81,25, with all interpretations are “excellent”. Field test by student’s questionnaire of the book results obtained percentation 79,74% with “good” interpretation. Based on feasibility test and field test can be conclude that knowledge enrichment book “Matahari Sebagai Sumber Energi Terbarukan” was qualified as enrichment book for physics in high school


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    Penggunaan gadget tidak hanya orang dewasa dan remaja saja yang gemar menggunakan gadget, tetapi anak pra sekolah sudah gemar bermain gadget dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, hal ini menjadi masalah yang dominan terjadi pada anak usia dini. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dengan gangguan interaksi sosial anak usia 3-4 tahun di PAUD Taman Pembina Anak Sholeh Sidoarjo. Desain penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini orang tua murid PAUD Taman Pembina Anak Sholeh Sidoarjo sebesar 50 orang. Sampel sebesar 45 responden, diambil dengan menggunakan Simple Random Sampling. Variabel independen kebiasaan penggunaan gadget sedangkan variabel dependen gangguan interaksi sosial. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Data di analisis menggunakan uji Rank Spearman dengan nilai signifikan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian 39 responden yang mempuyai kebiasaan penggunaan gadget aman sebagian besar 30 (76,9 %) responden mempunyai gangguan interaksi sosial ringan, dan dari 6 responden yang menggunakan gadget berbahaya hampir seluruh 5 (83,3%) responden mempunyai gangguan interaksi sosial berat, didapatkan nilai ρ = 0,02 < α = 0,05 yang menunjukkan bahwa Ho ditolak artinya ada hubungan kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dengan gangguan interaksi sosial anak. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan kebiasaan penggunaan gadget dengan gangguan interaksi sosial anak usia 3-4 tahun di PAUD Taman Pembina Anak Sholeh Sidoarjo. Sarannya terhadap profesi keperawatan diharapkan memberikan dorongan untuk selalu mendukung anak dalam berinteraksi sosial dan dapat menjadi salah satu asuhan keperawatan dalam mengembangkan interaksi sosial anak

    Peran Cagar Biosfer Cibodas Dalam Penyerapan Co 2

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    Cagar biosfer merupakan kawasan konservasi yang keberadaanya diakui secara Internasional sebagai suatu kawasan yang mempromosikan keseimbangan hubungan antara manusia dan lingkungan. Cagar biosfer memiliki 3 zona yakni zona inti sebagai kawasan konservasi, zona penyangga sebagai kawasan pelindung zona inti, serta zona transisi yang diperuntukan bagi kawasan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Cagar Biosfer Cibodas merupakan salah satu dari tujuh cagar biosfer yang ada di Indonesia dengan ekosistem terbesar hutan hujan pegunungan. Salah satu jasa lingkungan yang diberikan oleh Cagar Biosfer Cibodas adalah kemampuannya dalam penyerapan CO2 . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga nilai penyerapan CO2 di Cagar Biosfer Cibodas menggunakan nilai fluks karbon yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai (NPP). Hasil dari penelitian ini memberikan nilai fluks karbon tertinggi pada zona inti, zona penyangga dan zona transisi terjadi pada tahun 2006 yaitu berturut-turut sebesar 1.689,2 gC/m /tahun, 1.543,4 gC/m /tahun dan 1.197,3 gC/m /tahun. Potensi total penyerapan CO2 pada zona inti tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 1991 sebesar 1.473.572,4 ton/tahun, pada zona penyangga terjadi pada tahun 2006 sebesar 705.096,4 ton/tahun, dan pada zona transisi terjadi pada tahun 1991 sebesar 1.036.069,6 ton/tahun

    Implementasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen melalui Platform Merdeka Mengajar untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    The need for greater and higher quality human resources is currently the demand of every country fighting for its civilization. In this regard, a special forum was created for teachers to develop their potential and skills as teachers. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of MMP (Merdeka Mengajar Platform) to improve the competence of primary school teachers. The research method is descriptive qualitative research with a literary research approach. This study analyzes the use of self-learning platforms to improve teacher competence by looking at various books and journals related to the subjects addressed. The findings of this study show that the use of MMP as a tool to improve teacher competence in elementary schools is very important and contributes to learning. In addition, teachers get services where they can improve their skills, increase their understanding and get many innovations and creative ideas through the features provided. However, researchers continued to find weaknesses in MMP, namely the lack of teachers in using MMP and implementation strategies that needed further development

    Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS) Dengan Pendekatan Project Based Learning (PjBL)Pembuatan Batu Merah Dalam Materi IPAS Gaya dan Gerak Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Inpres Wailiti Maumere

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    This study aims to develop Student Worksheets (LKS) through the application&nbsp; of the Project-Based Learning model of&nbsp; Red Stone Making. The material developed is the subject of Social Natural Sciences (IPAS) with the material Force and Motion. This research occurred on grade IV students of SD Negeri Wailiti Maumere which amounted to 25 people. The results showed that the development of LKS with a Project-Based Learning approach &nbsp;to making red bricks of force and motion materials in grade IV SD Negeri Wailiti has been successfully developed through research procedures based on the R&amp;D development model, and refers to several stages of 4D development, namely define, design, develop and disseminate, which is carried out only to the third stage. LKS validation is carried out by means of validation tests of media experts and material experts, and product trials. The effectiveness of LKS is shown at the field implementation test stage by filling out a questionnaire by sisswa. LKS &nbsp;with this Project-Based Learning approach&nbsp; received student assessments and responses that were included in the "Very Good" category with a score of 99.5. Based on the results of the data above, LKS with a Project-Based Learning approach &nbsp;is "Very Feasible" to be used as one of the learning resources for students in schools, especially in science subjects style and motion material for grade IV students of SD Negeri Wailiti

    Analisis Potensi Dan Strategi Pengembangan Obyek Wisata Alam Di Kecamatan Plaosan Kabupaten Magetan

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    Located on the slopes of Mount Lawu, Magetan Regency has tourism strength that supports it to be developed, which is in the Plaosan District area. Natural tourism objects in Plaosan District in the last four years, starting from 2019-2022 have had an unequal level of number of visits. To make Plaosan District an area that has a well-known natural tourist destination, so in this case a development strategy is needed that must maintain environmental sustainability. The purpose of this research is to analyze the potential level of natural tourism objects and to analyze the strategy for developing natural tourism in Plaosan District. The research method uses observation and interviews with related agencies and managers of each natural tourism object. The results showed a classification with high class potential: tourism objects Mojosemi Forest Park, Lawu Green Forest and Refugia Magetan Flower Garden. Medium-class potential classification: Telaga Wahyu, Tirtasari Waterfall and Tirto Gumarang tourism objects. Low class classification: tourist attraction Kampung Susu Lawu. Development strategies that can be carried out are implementing disaster mitigation at tourist sites, maintaining natural preservation in tourist areas, maintaining the cleanliness of tourist objects, adding new rides, increasing and improving tourism support facilities, expanding tourist areas and increasing promotional efforts