JPMI (Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Indonesia)
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    124 research outputs found

    Application of Realistic Mathematics Learning Approach to Improve Geometry and Measurement Learning Outcomes Of Aquaculture Students

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    This study aims to improve the achievement of students in aquaculture technology study program (TBP) for geometry and measurement subject through Indonesian Realistic mathematics Education (PMRI) approach using aquaculture context. This research used mixed method, namely classroom action research method and pre-experimental research methods with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The CAR method was used to find out how to improve student achievement in geometric and measurement topic for students of TBP study program in state polytechnic of Agriculture Kupang using PMRI approach. Meanwhile, the One Group Pretest-Posttest Design method was used to test whether there were significant differences of students’ achievement before and after the implementation of PMRI approach using aquaculture context. This research was conducted in TBP study program, Fisheries and Marine Department, state polytechnic of Agriculture Kupang. The research subjects consisted of all 67 students in semester 1 of the 2019/2020 academic year of TBP study program. The results showed that the implementation of PMRI Learning Approach using aquaculture Context was able to improve student achievement of the TBP study program, Fisheries and Marine Department, State Polytechnic Of Agriculture Kupang, where the percentage of classical completeness increase from 40.30% in the 1st cycle, 54% in the second cycle, and 88.05 % in the third cycle. While the results of the statistical test showed Sig. (2-tailed) or p-value <0.05 so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that there are significant differences in student achievement before and after the implementation of PMRI learning approach using aquaculture contex

    The Effectiveness Of Application Geomath In Integrative Geometry Learning To Improve Cognitive Learning Outcomes

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    Digital technology is a hot topic among students, we cannot be separated from digital technology in our lives. There are still many students who are not interested in mathematics subjects which are considered very challenging to understand, troublesome and boring. This means that researchers consider learning media that make it easier for students to understand the material. Therefore, researchers tried to examine how to increase the effectiveness of GeoMath media in integrative geometry learning. GeoMath is an Android-based ICT media that is useful for assisting students in handling learning, especially geometry material in mathematics lessons. From the data obtained, it was found that using Geomath media was proven to increase effectiveness in improving learning outcome

    The Impact of Lecture Involvement in the Mathematics Learning Process on Student Satisfaction

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    The main focus of this study revolves around the dimension of faculty involvement, encompassing direct interaction, support, and guidance within the context of mathematics instruction, vis-Γ -vis student satisfaction. This research adopts a quantitative approach employing a survey methodology aimed at exploring the impact of faculty involvement in the mathematics leraning process on student satisfaction levels. The respondents consist of 13 male and 31 female students. The research instrument utilized is a questionnaire comprising 10 questions, employing a Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree (score 1) to strongly agree (score 5). Indicators within the questionnaire cover various aspects such as the clarity of instructional materials, information related to recent developments in the field of mathematics, and support in overcoming learning difficulties. Data analysis for this research utilizes descriptive statistics and the student's t-test with the assistance of the JASP software. The criterion for drawing conclusions is if the Sig value < 0.05, then H0 is rejected, indicating a significant influence of lecturer involvement on student satisfaction. The results of the hypothesis test using the paired sample T-Test show a t-test value of 0.106 with a p-value of 0.917. The interpretation of the hypothesis test results supports the null hypothesis (H0), stating the absence of differences in the perceptions of male and female students regarding lecturer involvement in teaching mathematics and its impact on student satisfaction. With a high p-value of 0.917, indicating homogeneity in perceptions, further research is recommended to explore factors that may influence students' perceptions of lecturer involvement. The conclusion of this study is expected to provide in-depth insights into the relationship between lecturer involvement and student satisfaction, laying the groundwork for efforts to enhance the quality of mathematics education at the university level

    Mathematical Resilience and Bis-VOLKS Misconceptions in School Mathematics Learning

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    When mastering mathematical concepts, it is rather difficult to avoid misconceptions. Beginner's understanding that does not match scientific concepts is often found in learners and even teachers. The effect of a learner's misconception is certainly different from the teachers. An educator's misconception can be misleading for himself and around his friends only. However as a teacher, misconceptions can affect many learners. Especially those who do not have stability and resilience in concept mastery. The reliance or resilience that learners have is not only emotional and attitudinal, but cognitive resilience or mastery that is measurable and ready with scientific reasons should reach many learners. There are many theories of misconception from experts. The author introduces the Bis-VOLKS misconceptions, namely: (1) visual misconceptions; (2) operational misconceptions; (3) literational misconceptions; (4) correlational misconceptions; and (5) spatial misconceptions. Visual can be defined as anything that the eye can see.Β  Visual misconception means an error in perceiving something through eye observation. There are four visual elements that need to be known. Operational misconceptions are errors that arise as a result of incorrect basic and advanced operations. Literacy can be defined as the ability to read, write, and understand written texts. Literacy includes the ability to process, analyze and present information through text. About literational, the concept is broader and includes more than just the ability to read and write. Correlational can be interpreted as a study that explores the causal relationship of two or more aspects. Correlational misconceptions result from errors that arise in uncovering different causes and effects in scientific concepts. Spatial misconceptions. Spatial ability is an ability that includes spatiality and all its applications.Β  Spatial ability refers to a person's ability to understand and manipulate objects in space. It involves the perception and understanding of spatial relationships between objects, directions, and surrounding space

    Development of Discovery Learning-Based Modules for PGSD Students at PGRI Silampari University

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    This research aims to determine the development of a Discovery Learning-based module for PGSD students that is valid and practical. This research was carried out on first semester PGSD students at PGRI Silampari University. The module development research procedure was adapted from the 4-D learning device development model. Based on the research results, the development of discovery learning-based modules on number sequences and series is in the valid and practical category. This is shown from the results of validation by material, construction/media and language experts who obtained an average score of 0.82, 0.8 and 0.89 respectively with the high validity category. Practicality is shown from the results of observing the implementation of the module, the results of the questionnaire analysis of lecturer and student responses with average scores of 4.7, 4.6 and 4.4 respectively, all in the very practical category

    Analysis of Student’s Mathematical Communication Skills in Terms of Self Confidence in Class XII Statistics Material

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    In the learning process, only a few students were involved in learning, others preferred to remain silent. When given the opportunity to work on questions in front of the class, only those students were brave. In the learning process, students' mathematical communication skills are also seen. Knowledge: When students are given story questions, students are not able to find the information contained in the questions, students have difficulty understanding the information presented in pictures or graphs. This makes students experience difficulty in solving questions. For this reason, this research aims to explain and determine students' mathematical communication abilities (KKM) based on students' self-confidence in class XII statistics material. This research will describe the KKM of students with high, medium and low self-confidence. The research method used in this research is qualitative descriptive research. The research subjects were 9 students of class XII MIPA A SMAN 1 Ngabang. Research subjects were selected based on the results of a self-confidence questionnaire that had been filled out by students. Data collection uses questionnaires to collect data on self-confidence, test questions and interviews to collect data on mathematical communication skills. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation and data verification. The results of the research and discussion showed that students with high self-confidence can fulfill the four KKM indicators well. By obtaining KKM scores of 81%, 75% and 69%. Students with moderate self-confidence can fulfill the four KKM indicators quite well. By obtaining KKM scores of 44%, 44% and 38%. Students with low self-confidence are less able to fulfill the four KKM indicators. By obtaining KKM scores of 13%, 6% and 6%.

    Implementation of Discovery Learning Learning Strategies in View of Prior Knowledge on Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Junior High School Students

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    The purposes of study to describe and analyze: (1) the effect of Discovery Learning strategy of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) direct learning in mathematics learning outcomes, (2) the effectsof prior knowledge direct learning in mathematics learning outcomes, (3) interaction Discovery Learning strategy of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in terms of prior knowledge direct learning in mathematics learning outcomes. The research was conducted students of VII Grade of SMP N 4 Mojosongo, Boyolali with the population all students of VII a number of 144 students, 2 classes were taken as samples, each consisting of 24 students. Type of the research is experiment with quasi experimental design. Methods of data collection use documentation and test. Data analyzed by analysis of variance with two different cell lines. The results of data analysis with a significance level of 5% was obtained: (1) there is effect Discovery Learning strategy of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) direct learning in mathematics learning outcomes, (2) there is effects prior knowledge direct learning in mathematics learning outcomes, (3) there is no interaction Discovery Learning strategy of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) and Teams Games Tournament (TGT) in terms of prior knowledge direct learning in mathematics learning outcome

    Cognitive Flexibility in Learning Mathematics Senior High School

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    Cognitive flexibility in learning mathematics is necessary to solve problems with various mathematical ideas. In completing assignments, students have different perspectives so as to bring up creative solutions that encourage problem-solving skills. This study aims to determine students' cognitive flexibility level in high school mathematics learning. This quantitative descriptive research aims to describe the contents of a variable in research, without being intended to test a particular hypothesis. The source of data used in this study was class XI students in Pontianak City totaling 173 people. Data is collected by questionnaire with data analysis calculating the percentage index results of questionnaire answers. Based on the results of the questionnaire categorizing the level of cognitive flexibility ability of students in learning mathematics, it was found that there were 39 students with the category "very high" cognitive abilities, 115 students in the "high" category, and 19 students in the "moderate" category. This shows that most high school students in Pontianak City on average have high cognitive flexibility abilities in mathematics learning. This data is supported by the statements of mathematics teachers who describe the ability of students to achieve cognitive flexibility, of course, with maximum effort in teaching. From a teaching point of view, mathematics teachers have certainly considered more innovative teaching techniques in order to grow these abilities

    Analysis Of Students' Learning Motivation In DGMATH Based Problem-Based Learning On Number Operations Materials

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    Mathematics is a basic subject that is important to master. Since the 2019 covid pandemic, student learning at the elementary school level has been neglected. Online learning is an alternative, but student learning outcomes are still not optimal. Student motivation needs to get attention, because student learning motivation is a driving force for enthusiasm and student interest in learning. The purpose of this study is to provide quantitative calculation results and describe the calculation results for each indicator of student learning motivation using the Project Based Learning (PBL) model based on the DGMATH application in mathematics learning, especially material on number operations for low grade elementary school students. The method of this research is to use quantitative methods, where the research sample is 56 students with the sample selection technique is random sampling technique. The results showed that DGMATH-based Project Based Learning (PBL) learning had an average level of learning motivation of 85.90%, where the results consisted of seven indicators the result was 81.96% on the first indicator which means that almost all students are interested in participating in activities learning mathematics, for the second indicator that is independence in doing math tasks is 85.42%, the third indicator is the frequency in learning mathematics is 89.29%, the fourth indicator is 82.14% which means that almost all students have the urge to learn and high achievement, while the fifth indicator is 87.95% which means that almost all have persistence in doing assignments and participating in mathematics learning, for the sixth indicator is 83.93% where almost all students have high self-confidence in participating in mathematics learning and indicators Finally, the level of discipline in following defenders math jargon of 90.63%. So it can be concluded that almost all students have high motivation in participating in DGMATH-based PBL learning activities

    Analysis Of Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills In Terms Of Gender In Class VIII Material of Cube

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    This study aims to describe mathematical critical thinking skills in terms of gender and determine the factors that influence student errors in completing mathematical critical thinking skills in the Cube material for class VIII MTs Negeri 1 Singkawang. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were 30 students in class XI MTs Negeri 1 Singkawang. Data collection using an instrument in the form of a mathematical critical thinking ability test in the form of a description test that is adapted to mathematical critical thinking skills. The data analysis technique was carried out with steps of data validity, data reduction, data presentation, as well as verification and conclusion. The results showed that: 1) The mathematical critical thinking ability of male students on the Cube material was included in the low category, while the mathematical Critical Thinking ability of female students on the Cube material was included in the medium category; 2) the factors that cause male and female students' errors are the same in solving mathematical critical thinking skills in terms of gender in the Cube material for class VIII MTs Negeri 1 Singkawang, namely internal factors and cognitive factors


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