19 research outputs found

    Characterizing outdoor air using microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs)

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    Exposure to bioaerosols containing airborne microorganisms and their by-products from outdoor environments such as industrial, urban or agricultural sites is of great concern as it is linked to adverse health effects in humans including respiratory diseases and infections. The risk exposure from outdoor emissions is difficult to quantify in real-time as the microbial concentration in air is low and varies depending on meteorological factors, anthropogenic activities, and sampling conditions. In addition, the collection of sufficient amount of sample to generate statistically distinguishable and reproducible patterns to characterize and quantify bioaerosols is still a challenge, and this analysis cannot be performed in real time yet. Microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) can be used to chemically characterize ambient bioaerosols and identify pathogens early in air overcoming the inherent limitations of culturing. This book chapter aims to critically review the sampling techniques and analytical approaches that are currently available for the study of MVOCs from industrial, agricultural and rural emissions. Current challenges in MVOCs sample collection, analytical and speciation analysis are addressed, and recommendation for the implementation of a rapid, reproducible and sensitive analytical framework for fingerprinting bioaerosols is provided

    Sampling microbial volatile organic compounds: optimisation of flow rate and sampling time

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    The impact of bioaerosols emissions from urban, agricultural and industrial environments on local air quality is of growing policy concern. However, there is no standardised protocol established yet, despite a large number of bioaerosols sampling methods in use. Additionally, capturing sufficient amounts of material to allow reproducible separation and detection of molecular patterns is still difficult. Chemical fingerprint analysis of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) is a potentially rapid and reproducible approach for the early detection and identification of outdoor contamination as it has been shown to be a successful approach for indoor environments and it can be done on a fine-scale, allowing the identification of species-specific volatiles that may serve as marker compounds for the selective detection of pathogens. In this study we have tested the number and concentration of MVOCs collected using different sampling conditions: 10 min sampling time with variable flow rate (100, 500 and 1000 ml min–1) and 100 ml min–1 flow rate during 10, 20 and 30 min using Tenax®-Carbotrap thermal desorption (TD) tubes attached to portable GilAir® air pumps. Our aim was to determine the best sampling conditions in order to get enough material allowing reproducible data of the microbial markers present in outdoor environments. Substantial loses (>50%) of MVOCs occurred when sampling at flow rates higher than 100 ml min–1. 10 min sampling time allowed the collection of most of the MVOCs present in the air (~96%). The optimal sampling settings that allowed the collection of higher concentrations of MVOCs without breakthrough was 10 min sampling at 100 ml min–1 flow rate. Ketones were the predominant group of MVOCs identified in the WWTP (34–42%), acetone being the compound present at higher concentration (6476–11731 ng m–3)

    Real time detection and characterisation of bioaerosol emissions from wastewater treatment plants

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    Bioaerosol emissions from wastewater treatment plants may pose adverse health impact on workers and nearby communities. To detect and characterise bioaerosol emissions from wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), a novel real-time bioaerosol sensor, Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS) was employed at a WWTP and a background site. The SIBS records a range of data (size, shape, and fluorescence emission across 16 wavelength bands from 298 to 735 nm for two excitation wavelengths (285 nm and 370 nm)) on single particles in real time. Additionally, excitation-emission matrix (EEM) of wastewater samples obtained by a spectrofluorometer was compared with SIBS spectra from WWTP. The results showed that the average number concentrations of total particles (NT) and fluorescence particles (NF) were both higher at the WWTP (NT = 2.01 cm−3, NF = 1.13 cm−3) than the background site (NT = 1.79 cm−3, NF = 1.01 cm−3). The temporal variation of NF and NT was highly variable at the WWTP and the concentration peaks were consistent with on-site activities. Moreover, the time-resolved number-size distribution of fluorescent particles revealed the predominance of fine scale particles (<1 μm) and the time-series channel by channel number concentrations demonstrated the temporal variability of dominant bio-fluorophores. Furthermore, the overall and size-segregated fluorescence spectra at two sites were multimodal. In particular, the fluorescence intensity increases with increasing particle size in WWTP spectra, which is not present in the background spectra. In addition, the highly resolved SIBS fluorescence spectra were broadly similar to EEM of wastewater. These findings confirmed that the spectrally resolved fluorescence detected by SIBS is capable of providing reliable bio-fluorophores information of bioaerosol emissions generated from wastewater, thus holding the potential for better characterisation of bioaerosols in real time

    Bioaerosol Biomonitoring: Sampling Optimisation for Molecular Microbial Ecology

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    Bioaerosols (or biogenic aerosols) have largely been overlooked by molecular ecologists. However, this is rapidly changing as bioaerosols play key roles in public health, environmental chemistry, and the dispersal ecology of microbes. Due to the low environmental concentrations of bioaerosols, collecting sufficient biomass for molecular methods is challenging. Currently, no standardised methods for bioaerosol collection for molecular ecology research exist. Each study requires a process of optimisation, which greatly slows the advance of bioaerosol science. Here, we evaluated air filtration and liquid impingement for bioaerosol sampling across a range of environmental conditions. We also investigated the effect of sampling matrices, sample concentration strategies, and sampling duration on DNA yield. Air filtration using polycarbonate filters gave the highest recovery, but due to the faster sampling rates possible with impingement, we recommend this method for fine scale temporal/spatial ecological studies. We found that in order to prevent bias for the recovery of Gram‐positive bacteria, the matrix for impingement should be phosphate buffered saline. The optimal method for bioaerosol concentration from the liquid matrix was centrifugation. However, we also present a method using syringe filters for rapid in‐field recovery of bioaerosols from impingement samples, without compromising microbial diversity for High Throughput Sequencing approaches. Finally, we provide a resource that enables molecular ecologists to select the most appropriate sampling strategy for their specific research question

    Fingerprinting ambient air to understand bioaerosol profiles in three different environments in the south east of England.

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    Molecular and chemical fingerprints from 10 contrasting outdoor air environments, including three agricultural farms, three urban parks and four industrial sites were investigated to advance our understanding of bioaerosol distribution and emissions. Both phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) and microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) profiles showed a different distribution in summer compared to winter. Further to this, a strong positive correlation was found between the total concentration of MVOCs and PLFAs (r = 0.670, p = 0.004 in winter and r = 0.767, p = 0.001 in summer) demonstrating that either chemical or molecular fingerprints of outdoor environments can provide good insights into the sources and distribution of bioaerosols. Environment specific variables and most representative MVOCs were identified and linked to microbial species emissions via a MVOC database and PLFAs taxonomical classification. While similar MVOCs and PLFAs were identified across all the environments suggesting common microbial communities, specific MVOCs were identified for each contrasting environment. Specifically, 3,4-dimethylpent-1-yn-3-ol, ethoxyethane and propanal were identified as key MVOCs for the industrial areas (and were correlated to fungi, Staphylococcus aureus (Gram positive bacteria) and Gram negative bacteria, R = 0.863, R = 0.618 and R = 0.676, respectively) while phthalic acid, propene and isobutane were key for urban environments (correlated to Gram negative bacteria, fungi and bacteria, R = 0.874, R = 0.962 and R = 0.969 respectively); and ethanol, 2-methyl-2-propanol, 2-methyl-1-pentene, butane, isoprene and methyl acetate were key for farms (correlated to fungi, Gram positive bacteria and bacteria, R = 0.690 and 0.783, R = 0.706 and R = 0.790, 0.761 and 0.768). The combination of MVOCs and PLFAs markers can assist in rapid microbial fingerprinting of distinct environmental influences on ambient air quality

    A Controlled Study on the Characterisation of Bioaerosols Emissions from Compost

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    Bioaerosol emissions arising from biowaste treatment are an issue of public concern. To better characterise the bioaerosols, and to assess a range of measurement methods, we aerosolised green waste compost under controlled conditions. Viable and non-viable Andersen samplers, cyclone samplers and a real time bioaerosol detection system (Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS)) were deployed simultaneously. The number-weighted fraction of fluorescent particles was in the range 22–26% of all particles for low and high emission scenarios. Overall fluorescence spectral profiles seen by the SIBS exhibited several peaks across the 16 wavelength bands from 298 to 735 nm. The size-fractionated endotoxin profile showed most endotoxin resided in the 2.1–9 μm aerodynamic diameter fraction, though up to 27% was found in a finer size fraction. A range of microorganisms were detected through culture, Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption and Ionisation Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), including Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. These findings contribute to our knowledge of the physico-chemical and biological characteristics of bioaerosols from composting sites, as well as informing future monitoring approaches and data interpretation for bioaerosol measurement

    Can chemical and molecular biomarkers help discriminate between industrial, rural and urban environments?

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    Abstract Air samples from four contrasting outdoor environments including a park, an arable farm, a waste water treatment plant and a composting facility were analysed during the summer and winter months. The aim of the research was to study the feasibility of differentiating microbial communities from urban, rural and industrial areas between seasons with chemical and molecular markers such as microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) and phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs). Air samples (3 l) were collected every 2 h for a total of 6 h in order to assess the temporal variations of MVOCs and PLFAs along the day. MVOCs and VOCs concentrations varied over the day, especially in the composting facility which was the site where more human activities were carried out. At this site, total VOC concentration varied between 80 and 170 μg m−3 in summer and 20–250 μg m−3 in winter. The composition of MVOCs varied between sites due to the different biological substrates including crops, waste water, green waste or grass. MVOCs composition also differed between seasons as in summer they are more likely to get modified by oxidation processes in the atmosphere and in winter by reduction processes. The composition of microbial communities identified by the analysis of PLFAs also varied among the different locations and between seasons. The location with higher concentrations of PLFAs in summer was the farm (7297 ng m−3) and in winter the park (11,724 ng m−3). A specific set of MVOCs and PLFAs that most represent each one of the locations was identified by principal component analyses (PCA) and canonical analyses. Further to this, concentrations of both total VOCs and PLFAs were at least three times higher in winter than in summer. The difference in concentrations between summer and winter suggest that seasonal variations should be considered when assessing the risk of exposure to these compounds

    Scoping studies to establish the capability and utility of a real-time bioaerosol sensor to characterise emissions from environmental sources

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    A novel dual excitation wavelength based bioaerosol sensor with multiple fluorescence bands called Spectral Intensity Bioaerosol Sensor (SIBS) has been assessed across five contrasting outdoor environments. The mean concentrations of total and fluorescent particles across the sites were highly variable being the highest at the agricultural farm (2.6 cm−3 and 0.48 cm−3, respectively) and the composting site (2.32 cm−3 and 0.46 cm−3, respectively) and the lowest at the dairy farm (1.03 cm−3 and 0.24 cm−3, respectively) and the sewage treatment works (1.03 cm−3 and 0.25 cm−3, respectively). In contrast, the number-weighted fluorescent fraction was lowest at the agricultural site (0.18) in comparison to the other sites indicating high variability in nature and magnitude of emissions from environmental sources. The fluorescence emissions data demonstrated that the spectra at different sites were multimodal with intensity differences largely at wavelengths located in secondary emission peaks for λex 280 and λex 370. This finding suggests differences in the molecular composition of emissions at these sites which can help to identify distinct fluorescence signature of different environmental sources. Overall this study demonstrated that SIBS provides additional spectral information compared to existing instruments and capability to resolve spectrally integrated signals from relevant biological fluorophores could improve selectivity and thus enhance discrimination and classification strategies for real-time characterisation of bioaerosols from environmental sources. However, detailed lab-based measurements in conjunction with real-world studies and improved numerical methods are required to optimise and validate these highly resolved spectral signatures with respect to the diverse atmospherically relevant biological fluorophores

    Fingerprinting outdoor air environment using microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs) – A review

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    © 2016 The Authors The impact of bioaerosol emissions from urban, agricultural and industrial environments on local air quality is of growing policy concern. Yet the risk exposure from outdoor emissions is difficult to quantify in real-time as microbial concentration in air is low and varies depending on meteorological factors and land use types. While there is also a large number of sampling methods in use, there is yet no standardised protocol established. In this review, a critical insight into chemical fingerprint analysis of microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOC) is provided. The most suitable techniques for sampling and analysing MVOCs in outdoor environments are reviewed and the need for further studies on MVOCs from outdoor environments including background levels is highlighted. There is yet no rapid and portable technique that allows rapid detection and analysis of MVOCs on site. Further directions towards a portable GC–MS coupled with SPME or an electronic nose are discussed