14 research outputs found

    Altmetrics : tools for measuring the impact of polar publications on public discourse

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    Papers, posters, and keynote presented at the 26th Polar Libraries Colloquy, hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA 10 – 15 July 2016

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    Published July 2023 by the University of Alaska Anchorage, UAA/APU Consortium Library, and edited by Daria O. Carle. Copyright in individual papers is held by the contributors. A digital copy of this publication can be found at https://polarlibraries.org/colloquy-proceedings/ and in ScholarWorks, the University of Alaska’s Institutional Repository, https://scholarworks.alaska.edu/. A copy of the 2016 Colloquy program is also available at https://polarlibraries.org/colloquy-proceedings/. Further information on the Polar Libraries Colloquy, including details of membership and upcoming conferences, is available at https://polarlibraries.orgHistory of Polar Information Science / Working in Antarctica: Mapping a Changing Experience through the British Antarctic Survey / Géoindex+: A Geospatial Platform for Northern Historical and Research Data / Establishing Criteria for the Development of the “Northern Collection” at Université Laval’s Library: An Exploratory Approach / Introducing Two New Reserach Platforms: seaiceportal.de and expedition.awi.de (abstract only) / Establishing a Digital Library Service for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region / Changing Patterns of Polar Research / Mapping the Rescue of an Archive / Byrd 1933: Films from the Discovery Lecture Series / History of the Elmer E. Rasmuson Library and Its Rare Books Collection / A Roadmap to Navigate the Range of Polar Libraries, Databases, and Archives Now Available Online / Mapping Change with Finna in an Arctic Research Joint Library (paper not listed in program) / Mapping Chang in a Small Library Environment: From Reading Room to Communications Center (abstract only) / The Continued Evolution of the Cold Regions Bibliography Project: Current Status of the Antarctic Bibliography and the Antarctic Journal of the United States and its Predecessors / Connect the North: The Arctic Connect Project / Languages and Dialects in the Digital Library North (abstract only) / Bridging Arctic Indigenous Knowledge with the Digital World: Sharing Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Partnership with Arctic Communities (abstract only) / The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (abstract and poster

    Creation of a Continent Urinary Bladder Reservoir Vascularized by Omentum as a Possible Surgical Option for Canine Trigonal/Urethral Urothelial Carcinoma

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    Surgical procedures that maintain continence with minimal complication following resection of trigono-urethral urothelial carcinoma (UC) are limited in canines; therefore, palliative options are often pursued. A feasible tumor resection option may improve disease control and survival. The study’s objective was to evaluate a continent urine reservoir created from the urinary bladder body and vascularized solely by omentum. We hypothesized that a viable urine reservoir could be created, and staged omentalization would provide improved vascularity. Nine normal female Beagles were randomized to one of three groups. Group A urinary bladders were transected cranial to the ureteral papillae to create a closed bladder vesicle which was concomitantly omentalized. Group B underwent omentalization two weeks prior to vesicle creation. Based on Group A and B results, Group C underwent neoureterocystostomy and omentalization followed by neoreservoir formation and tube cystostomy 2 weeks later. Serial ultrasounds and histopathology confirmed adequate omental neovascularization in Groups B and C with continent Group C neoreservoirs maintained for 2 months. Some pylectasia and ureteral dilation was documented in all Group C dogs at variable timepoints. Progressive hydroureteronephrosis developed in 2/6 kidneys. Transient azotemia was noted in only 1 Group C dog, although all developed treatable urinary tract infections. The sample size is limited, and the efficacy of this technique in providing disease control for UC is unknown. However, this novel option could allow for primary UC resection while providing continence and limiting complications. Postoperative local or systemic adjuvant therapy, ultrasonographic neoreservoir monitoring, and BRAF analysis would be indicated