189 research outputs found

    Vida más allá del PowerPoint: Un esfuerzo por superar la presente involución tecnológica de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje hacia prácticas docentes pretéritas retrotraídas

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    La tradicional clase magistral se ha vestido o disfrazado, en el marco de la revolución digital, con tecnología para convertirse, en la pràctica, en una versión más cara y compleja, con grandes costes para los centros de enseñanza y universidades. Sigue siendo una lectura comentada por el profesor donde el alumno no tiene un papel activo, ya que es el profesor el que se considera que tiene el conocimiento, y trabaja. Los alumnos pueden preguntar si se considera necesario, ahora el estudiante no necesita ya tomar apuntes siquiera, las diapositivas de las editoriales carecen casi de erratas… Se propone con este poster dar un salto cualitativo siguiendo metodologías del mundo anglosajón para plantear presentaciones adecuadas a los objetivos de enseñanza-aprendizaje propuestos en las guías docentes, donde el alumno participe activamente, tenga un papel protagonista o central, y pueda recibir feedback o retroalimentación tanto del profesor como de sus propios compañeros en el tiempo de clase, facilitando un aprendizaje integral y promoviendo el pensamiento crítico. Nuestra aportación consiste en aportar un esfuerzo por superar la presente involución tecnológica de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje hacia prácticas docentes pretéritas retrotraídas, desde una perspectiva crítica y de aprendizaje integral.Traditional old fashion class, lecture style, today has been dressed with technology at the digital age to become, in practice, a more expensive and complex version of a lecture, with expensive costs for schools and universities. It is still a reading commented by the teacher where students do not have an active role, since the teacher works, as he is considered to have the knowledge. Students could ask if it is considered necessary, and students do not even need to take notes as the slides from professional editors have no mistakes or errors. It is proposed in this poster to make a qualitative leap following methodologies of the Anglo-Saxon world to suggest presentations appropriate to the objectives of teaching-learning proposed in the teaching guides. Student should actively participate, it plays a leading or central role, and they would be able to receive feedback from both the teacher and their classmates during class time, facilitating a comprehensive learning and promoting a critical thinking learning. Our contribution consists of an effort to overcome the present technological involution of teaching-learning processes towards past teaching practices, to give a new vision from an holistic and critical perspective approach to learn

    Culicoides species communities associated with wild ruminant ecosystems in Spain: Tracking the way to determine potential bridge vectors for arboviruses

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    The genus Culicoides Latreille 1809 is a well-known vector for protozoa, filarial worms and, above all, numerous viruses. The Bluetongue virus (BTV) and the recently emerged Schmallenberg virus (SBV) are responsible for important infectious, non-contagious, insect-borne viral diseases found in domestic ruminants and transmitted by Culicoides spp. Both of these diseases have been detected in wild ruminants, but their role as reservoirs during the vector-free season still remains relatively unknown. In fact, we tend to ignore the possibility of wild ruminants acting as a source of disease (BTV, SBV) and permitting its reintroduction to domestic ruminants during the following vector season. In this context, a knowledge of the composition of the Culicoides species communities that inhabit areas where there are wild ruminants is of major importance as the presence of a vector species is a prerequisite for disease transmission. In this study, samplings were conducted in areas inhabited by different wild ruminant species; samples were taken in both 2009 and 2010, on a monthly basis, during the peak season for midge activity (in summer and autumn). A total of 102, 693 specimens of 40 different species of the genus Culicoides were trapped; these included major BTV and SBV vector species. The most abundant vector species were C. imicola and species of the Obsoletus group, which represented 15% and 11% of total numbers of specimens, respectively. At the local scale, the presence of major BTV and SBV vector species in areas with wild ruminants coincided with that of the nearest sentinel farms included in the Spanish Bluetongue Entomological Surveillance Programme, although their relative abundance varied. The data suggest that such species do not exhibit strong host specificity towards either domestic or wild ruminants and that they could consequently play a prominent role as bridge vectors for different pathogens between both types of ruminants. This finding would support the hypothesis that wild ruminants could act as reservoirs for such pathogens, and subsequently be involved in the reintroduction of disease to livestock on neighbouring farms

    Description of the bioluminescent emission spectrum of \u3ci\u3eBicellonycha amoena\u3c/i\u3e Gorham, 1880 (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) in Guatemala

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    Bicellonycha amoena (Gorham, 1880) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) usually flies one meter above ground level over grass, water, or open areas, where males produce a simple single flash every 2–4 seconds, having their most active flashing period from mid to late dusk and early night. In addition, nothing else is known about the behavior of this species. We conducted field observations at the “Mayan Golf Club” in Guatemala Department, and Santiago Sacatepéquez, Sacatepéquez Department, Guatemala; and analyzed B. amoena flashes with a spectroscope. Fireflies displayed a lime-green bioluminescence color. The male flash­ing activity began ~30 minutes after sunset and lasted approximately 70 minutes. For B. amoena, the spectral composition of the flash is intermediate between those known from twilight-active fireflies and nocturnal-active fireflies. Bicellonycha amoena (Gorham, 1880) (Coleoptera: Lampyridae) por lo general, vuela a un metro del nivel del suelo sobre pasto, agua o áreas abiertas, donde los machos producen un destello simple cada 2–4 segundos, siendo más activos desde que inicia a oscurecer hasta principios de la noche. Además de esto, no se conoce más sobre el comportamiento de esta especie. Realizamos observaciones de campo en el “Mayan Golf Club” en el Departamento de Guatemala, y en Santiago Sacatepéquez, Departamento de Sacatepéquez, Guatemala; y analizamos los destellos de B. amoena con un espectroscopio. Las luciérnagas mostraron un color de bioluminiscencia verde limón. La actividad de destello del macho comenzó ~30 minutos después de la puesta del sol, y duró aproximadamente 70 minutos. Para B. amoena, la composición espectral de s

    Opposite trends in the consumption of manufactured and roll-your-own cigarettes in Spain (1991-2020)

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    Objective: the aim of this study is to describe trends in the consumption of manufactured and roll-your-own cigarettes between 1991 and 2012 in Spain, and to project these trends up to 2020. Methods: we estimated daily consumption per capita during 1991-2012 using data on sales of manufactured cigarettes (20-packs) and rolling tobacco (kg) from the Tobacco Market Commission, and using data of the Spanish adult population from the National Statistics Institute. We considered different weights (0.5, 0.8 and 1 g) to compute the number of rolled cigarettes per capita. We computed the annual per cent of change and assessed possible changes in trends using joinpoint regression, and projected the consumption up to 2020 using Bayesian methods. Results: daily consumption per capita of manufactured cigarettes decreased on average by 3.0% per year in 1991-2012, from 7.6 to 3.8 units, with three trend changes. However, daily consumption per capita of roll-your-own cigarettes increased on average by 14.1% per year, from 0.07 to 0.92 units of 0.5 g, with unchanged trends. Together, daily consumption per capita decreased between 2.9% and 2.5%, depending on the weight of the roll-your-own cigarettes. Projections up to 2020 indicate a decrease of manufactured cigarettes (1.75 units per capita) but an increase of roll-your-own cigarettes (1.25 units per capita). Conclusions: while the consumption per capita of manufactured cigarettes has decreased in the past years in Spain, the consumption of roll-your-own cigarettes has increased at an annual rate around 14% over the past years. Whereas a net decrease in cigarette consumption is expected in the future, use of roll-your-own cigarettes will continue to increase

    Sistema nervioso de Bovícola Capraeo Gurlt, 1843 (insecta: Mallophaga).

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    Se ha estudiado la anatomía del sistema nervioso en ejemplares adultos de Bovicola caprae Gurlt, 1843 (Mallophaga) empleando secciones en parafina. En las fotografías incluidas se muestran los ganglios cerebral y subesofageal así como los 3 ganglios torácicos.In thjs paper the anatomy of the nervous system of adult specimens of Bovicola caprae Gurlt, 1843 using paraffin sections is described. Photographs of the sections showing the cerebral and suboesophageal ganglia, as well as the three thoracic ganglia are presented

    Sistema nervioso de Bovícola Capraeo Gurlt, 1843 (insecta: Mallophaga).

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    In thjs paper the anatomy of the nervous system of adult specimens of Bovicola caprae Gurlt, 1843 using paraffin sections is described. Photographs of the sections showing the cerebral and suboesophageal ganglia, as well as the three thoracic ganglia are presented.Se ha estudiado la anatomía del sistema nervioso en ejemplares adultos de Bovicola caprae Gurlt, 1843 (Mallophaga) empleando secciones en parafina. En las fotografías incluidas se muestran los ganglios cerebral y subesofageal así como los 3 ganglios torácicos

    Denitrification in a hypersaline lake–aquifer system (Pétrola Basin, Central Spain): The role of recent organic matter and Cretaceous organic rich sediments

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    Agricultural regions in semi-arid to arid climates with associated saline wetlands are one of the most vulnerable environments to nitrate pollution. The Pétrola Basin was declared vulnerable to NO3 − pollution by the Regional Government in 1998, and the hypersaline lake was classified as a heavily modified body of water. The study assessed groundwater NO3 − through the use of multi-isotopic tracers (δ15N, δ34S, δ13C, δ18O) coupled to hydrochemistry in the aquifer connected to the eutrophic lake. Hydrogeologically, the basin shows two main flow components: regional groundwater flow from recharge areas (Zone 1) to the lake (Zone 2), and a density-driven flow from surface water to the underlying aquifer (Zone 3). In Zones 1 and 2, δ15NNO3 and δ18ONO3 suggest that NO3 − from slightly volatilized ammonium synthetic fertilizers is only partially denitrified. The natural attenuation of NO3 − can occur by heterotrophic reactions. However, autotrophic reactions cannot be ruled out. In Zone 3, the freshwater–saltwater interface (down to 12–16 m below the ground surface) is a reactive zone for NO3 − attenuation. Tritium data suggest that the absence of NO3 − in the deepest zones of the aquifer under the lake can be attributed to a regional groundwater flow with long residence time. In hypersaline lakes the geometry of the density-driven flow can play an important role in the transport of chemical species that can be related to denitrification processes.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUECastilla–La Mancha GovernmentSpanish GovernmentCatalan Governmentpu

    UCO physical rehabilitation: new dataset and study of human pose estimation methods on physical rehabilitation exercises

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    Physical rehabilitation plays a crucial role in restoring motor function following injuries or surgeries. However, the challenge of overcrowded waiting lists often hampers doctors’ ability to monitor patients’ recovery progress in person. Deep Learning methods offer a solution by enabling doctors to optimize their time with each patient and distinguish between those requiring specific attention and those making positive progress. Doctors use the flexion angle of limbs as a cue to assess a patient’s mobility level during rehabilitation. From a Computer Vision perspective, this task can be framed as automatically estimating the pose of the target body limbs in an image. The objectives of this study can be summarized as follows: (i) evaluating and comparing multiple pose estimation methods; (ii) analyzing how the subject’s position and camera viewpoint impact the estimation; and (iii) determining whether 3D estimation methods are necessary or if 2D estimation suffices for this purpose. To conduct this technical study, and due to the limited availability of public datasets related to physical rehabilitation exercises, we introduced a new dataset featuring 27 individuals performing eight diverse physical rehabilitation exercises focusing on various limbs and body positions. Each exercise was recorded using five RGB cameras capturing different viewpoints of the person. An infrared tracking system named OptiTrack was utilized to establish the ground truth positions of the joints in the limbs under study. The results, supported by statistical tests, show that not all state-of-the-art pose estimators perform equally in the presented situations (e.g., patient lying on the stretcher vs. standing). Statistical differences exist between camera viewpoints, with the frontal view being the most convenient. Additionally, the study concludes that 2D pose estimators are adequate for estimating joint angles given the selected camera viewpoints

    An adaptive phase II/III safety and efficacy randomized controlled trial of single day or three-day fixed-dose albendazole-ivermectin co-formulation versus albendazole for the treatment of Trichuris trichiura and other STH infections. ALIVE trial protocol

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    Background: Soil-transmitted helminths (STH) are targeted for control through mass drug-administration campaigns to prevent morbidity affecting at-risk groups in endemic regions. Although broadly successful, the use of albendazole and mebendazole achieved variable progress, with deficiencies against Trichuris trichiura and a predictable low efficacy against Strongyloides stercoralis. Novel drug combinations offer a potential solution, providing they can be delivered safely and maintain efficacy against all STH species. Here we present the protocol of a clinical trial to evaluate a fixed-dose combination (FDC) tablet containing albendazole and ivermectin that will be compared against albendazole against STH. Methods: An adaptive phase II/III randomized controlled trial will be undertaken in STH endemic sites in Ethiopia, Kenya and Mozambique to evaluate an oral FDC of 400 mg albendazole and either 9- or 18 mg ivermectin. FDC will be administered as a single dose or single doses over three-consecutive days and assessed against a single dose of 400 mg albendazole. In the phase II trial, 126 T. trichiura-infected children weighting 15 to 45 kg will be treated in a dose-escalation manner to determine safety objectives. In the phase III trial, 1097 participants aged 5 to 18 years old infected with T. trichiura, hookworm and S. stercoralis will be recruited to determine safety and efficacy. The trial will be open-label with blinded outcome assessors. Cure rate measured 21-days after-treatment in duplicate Kato-Katz is the primary efficacy outcome. Secondary objectives include efficacy evaluation by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as an outcome measurement, description of pharmacokinetic parameters, palatability and acceptability evaluations, and monitoring of anthelmintic resistance. Conclusions: This trial with registrational goals seeks to evaluate an innovative fixed-dose combination of albendazole and ivermectin co-formulated tablets, with the goal of providing an anthelmintic regimen with improved efficacy and spectrum of coverage against STH. ClinicalTrials.gov registration: NCT05124691 (18/11/2021)

    Resistance to taxanes in triple negative breast cancer associates with the dynamics of a CD49f+ tumor initiating population

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    Taxanes are a mainstay of treatment for breast cancer, but resistance often develops followed by metastatic disease and mortality. Aiming to reveal the mechanisms underlying taxane resistance, we used breast cancer patient-derived orthoxenografts (PDX). Mimicking clinical behavior, triple-negative breast tumors (TNBCs) from PDX models were more sensitive to docetaxel than luminal tumors, but they progressively acquired resistance upon continuous drug administration. Mechanistically, we found that a CD49f+ chemoresistant population with tumor-initiating ability is present in sensitive tumors and expands during the acquisition of drug resistance. In the absence of the drug, the resistant CD49f+ population shrinks and taxane sensitivity is restored. We describe a transcriptional signature of resistance, predictive of recurrent disease after chemotherapy in TNBC. Together, these findings identify a CD49f+ population enriched in tumor-initiating ability and chemoresistance properties and evidence a drug holiday effect on the acquired resistance to docetaxel in triple-negative breast cancer