87 research outputs found

    Primer registro de Nebalia troncosoi Moreira, Cacabelos & Domínguez, 2003 (Crustacea: Phyllocarida) en el Mediterráneo ibérico

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    Leptostracans from western Iberian Peninsula are comparatively better known than in the Mediterranean coasts. The presence of Nebalia troncosoi Moreira, Cacabelos & Domínguez, 2003 is reported for the first time for the Iberian Mediterranean from specimens collected in 2014 off the Ebro Delta river mouth. Material examined fits well with original description including the following diagnostic features: long rostrum (four times as long as wide), a short carapace, one distal spine on the antennule peduncle fourth article, antennule flagellum shorter than the peduncle and provided with 6–7 articles, maxilla II exopod longer than endopod first article, posterodorsal borders of pleonites VI–VII provided with distally acute denticles and anal plates lacking defined ‘shoulders’.Los leptostráceos de las costas occidentales de la península Ibérica han sido comparativamente mejor estudiados que los de las mediterráneas en los últimos años. En este trabajo se reporta por primera vez la presencia de Nebalia troncosoi Moreira, Cacabelos & Domínguez, 2003 en las costas del Mediterráneo ibérico a partir de ejemplares recogidos en 2014 frente al Delta del Ebro. El material examinado coincide con la descripción original de la especie, que está caracterizada por presentar un rostro largo (cuatro veces más largo que ancho), un caparazón corto en relación a su altura, el cuarto artejo del pedúnculo de la anténula con una única espina distal, el flagelo antenular más corto que el pedúnculo y compuesto por 6–7 artejos, el exopodio de la maxilla II más largo que el primer artejo del endopodio, el borde dorsal y posterodorsal de los pleonitos VI–VII con dentículos agudos y las escamas anales sin una meseta definida en el borde medial

    Biodiversitat i biogeografia de les aranyes de mar (Pycnogonida) ibèriques

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    Els resultats d'aquest treball, que ha estudiat les 65 espècies d'aranyes de mar presents en aigües ibèriques, mostren una major riquesa en diversitat de picnogònids a la regió mediterrània respecte l'atlàntica i sobretot, a l'estret de Gibraltar i el mar d'Alboran. Finalment, es conclou que cal un major coneixement de la biodiversitat marina profunda en aigües ibèriques.Las arañas de mar (picnogónidos) son unos artrópodos marinos que habitan desde las aguas más tropicales a las polares, en aguas superficiales y hasta grandes profundidades. Los resultados de este trabajo, que ha estudiado las 65 especies de arañas de mar presentes en aguas ibéricas, muestran una mayor riqueza en diversidad de picnogónidos en la región mediterránea respecto a la atlántica y sobre todo, en el estrecho de Gibraltar y el mar de Alborán. Finalmente, se concluye que es necesario un mayor conocimiento de la biodiversidad marina profunda en aguas ibéricas.Sea spiders (pycnogonids) are marine arthropods that inhabit all waters: from tropical to polar and from very shallow to very deep. In this work 65 species of sea spiders found in Iberian waters were studied. The results show a greater richness in pycnogonid diversity in the Mediterranean region compared to the Atlantic, and even more diversity in the Straits of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea, leading to the conclusion that a better understanding of marine biodiversity in Iberian deep waters is needed

    The occurrence of pycnogonids associated with the volcanic structures of Bransfield Strait central basin (Antarctica)

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    Fifty-four specimens of pycnogonids belonging to twenty-two species, eight genera and six families were collected with a rocky dredge during the cruise Gebrap-96 in the central basin of Bransfield Strait, from depths between 647 and 1592 m. The richest station in terms of abundance and biomass was DR6 (south of Livingston Island), which was also the shallowest one; at this relatively shallow depth food is more available than in deeper waters. The families Nymphonidae and Colossendeidae had the same number of specimens (21 specimens; 39% abundance each). The most abundant species were Nymphon villosum and N. proximum. Pallenopsis buphthalmus was collected for only the third time. The collections increased the geographical distribution of three species and the depth range of six species. The volcanic structures sampled were inactive during 1996, since none of the specimens showed signs of hydrothermal phenomena. This collection was typically representative of the west Antarctic benthic zone

    Southern Ocean biogeographic patterns in Pycnogonida

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    Genetic signature of Last Glacial Maximum regional refugia in a circum-Antarctic sea spider

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    The evolutionary history of Antarctic organisms is becoming increasingly important to understand and manage population trajectories under rapid environmental change. The Antarctic sea spider Nymphon australe, with an apparently large population size compared with other sea spider species, is an ideal target to look for molecular signatures of past climatic events. We analysed mitochondrial DNA of specimens collected from the Antarctic continent and two Antarctic islands (AI) to infer past population processes and understand current genetic structure. Demographic history analyses suggest populations survived in refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum. The high genetic diversity found in the Antarctic Peninsula and East Antarctic (EA) seems related to multiple demographic contraction–expansion events associated with deep-sea refugia, while the low genetic diversity in the Weddell Sea points to a more recent expansion from a shelf refugium. We suggest the genetic structure of N. australe from AI reflects recent colonization from the continent. At a local level, EA populations reveal generally low genetic differentiation, geographically and bathymetrically, suggesting limited restrictions to dispersal. Results highlight regional differences in demographic histories and how these relate to the variation in intensity of glaciation–deglaciation events around Antarctica, critical for the study of local evolutionary processes. These are valuable data for understanding the remarkable success of Antarctic pycnogonids, and how environmental changes have shaped the evolution and diversification of Southern Ocean benthic biodiversity

    Escriure Biologia a la Universitat

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    Podeu consultar la versió anglesa al recurs relacionat.Guia que ajuda els destinataris (professorat i alumnat) a comunicar-se, sobretot per escrit, en la seva disciplina acadèmica; biologia en aquest cas

    Assessment of the health status of the European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) in the NW Mediterranean Sea from an interdisciplinary approach and implications for food safety

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICThe European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) is a small pelagic fish with an outstanding commercial value supporting important fisheries and is a key component of pelagic ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea. Progressive reductions in the population size of this species has been observed in the Mediterranean Sea during recent decades, accompanied by a decline in the body condition, as well as the size/age of maturation. Nonetheless, the health status has not been yet assessed using a holistic approach. Herein, we analyse the health status of the European anchovy, integrating distinct indicators from fish condition, enzymatic biomarkers, presence of tissue alterations, and parasite descriptors. In addition, we analyse the presence of anthropogenic items (AIs) in the digestive tract of fish and their potential impact on health status. Additionally, we assess the differences between current AIs values and those recorded over 12 years ago. None of the health indicators studied provided evidence of relevant pathologic conditions affecting this fish species in the studied area. However, changes in the pattern of liver parenchyma were found. Compared with anchovy populations from other distribution areas, no zoonotic parasites were recorded in this study, demonstrating a reduced risks associated with foodborne transmission to humans. AIs, such as fibres and plastic particles, were found in the digestive tract of half of the fish analysed. A significant increase was detected in AIs prevalence between 2007 (40 %) and 2019 (70 %), alongside differences in the abundance and typology of the AIs, though this does not seem to have impacted fish health yet. Therefore, our work underscores the importance of implementing a regular program to monitor the health status of this key species to better understand population dynamics and their drivers

    Information impact on consumers' perceptions towards aquaculture : Dismantling the myth about feeds for farmed fish

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAquaculture products are commonplace in markets around the world. However, despite efforts to minimize the negative perceptions towards aquaculture, several misbeliefs or myths still persist, and thus globally consumers tend to value wild fish more highly than farmed fish. The lack of information has been shown to be one of the most important causes of this preference, driving buying decisions to be more emotional than rational. The aim of this study was to determine whether scientific-supported information contrasting one myth could contribute to a better perception of farmed products. To that end, consensus on a series of aquaculture-related issues among different scientists, external experts, and aquaculture societies was used to build up the scientific information. This information was provided to 300 Spanish consumers using two different communication tools (150 consumers each tool): an interactive web documentary and a written and printed document, to detect possible differences in the change of consumers' perception. Consumers were asked for their degree of agreement on a set of 14 statements before and after providing the scientific information. A variable collecting the assessment of each of the statements was calculated as the Overall-perception. Possible significant differences between the scores before and after providing the information and for the 'overall perception' were analysed separately for each communication tool as well as for the combined sample. Possible relationship between the consumers' perception with the sociodemographic factors, the consumers' knowledge and the fish consumption habits were also assessed. Results show that consumer's perception of aquaculture before the query were moderate (5.6 average in a 0 to 10 scale) but that it increased slightly but significantly and regardless of the communication tool used. Among sociodemographic factors, age and gender were the ones that most influenced consumer's perceptions, being older people those who exhibited a generally more positive opinion towards aquaculture. The effects of consumption habits and knowledge about aquaculture were also the two most explicative factors for change in perception. Importantly, the opinion of consumers with less knowledge about seafood products in general and production methods or consuming only wild fish products, improved after being exposed to the information. These results demonstrate the utility of science- and fact-based communication campaigns to improve the societal perception of aquaculture practices and products, regardless of the tool used to transmit this information

    Soft corals assemblages in deep environments of the Menorca Channel (Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    Image-based research in mesophotic and deep environments of the Mediterranean Sea has significantly increased during the past decades. So far, this research has been focused on the ecology of key structuring organisms such as scleractinians, antipatharians, gorgonians or large demosponges. However, the ecology of true soft corals has barely been studied and is still in a very preliminary stage. To overcome this situation, soft coral assemblages in shelf and slope environments of the Menorca Channel (Western Mediterranean Sea) have been studied through the quantitative analysis of 85 video transect recorded over 38500 m2. Highest soft coral diversity was encountered on the shelf edge, resembling deep Mediterranean gorgonian patterns. Three soft coral assemblages, segregated by depth, substrate, and slope were identified: two monospecific ones composed by Nidalia studeriand Alcyonium palmatum, respectively and a multispecific one composed by Paralcyonium spinulosum, Alcyonium sp., Chironephthya mediterranea and Daniela koreni. The evaluated species presented average densities within the same range as other deep Mediterranean anthozoans ranging from 1 to 9 col.·m−2. However, N. studeri and P. spinulosum punctually formed dense monospecific aggregations, reaching maximum densities of 49 col.·m−2 and 60 col.·m−2 respectively. Both species monopolized vast extensions of the continental shelf and shelf edge. The identification and ecological characterization of these assemblages brings new insight about deep Mediterranean anthozoan communities, and provides baseline for future management plans in the study area.En prensa3,26

    Anthropogenic pollutants in Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the NW Mediterranean Sea : Uptake assessment and potential impact on health

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya. Departament d'Agricultura ARP059/19/00003 ; Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2019-000940-MAltres ajuts: acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAnthropogenic pollution is considered one of the main threats to the marine environment, and there is an imperious need to assess its potential impact on ecologically and economically relevant species. This study characterises plastic ingestion and tissue levels of potentially toxic metallic elements in Nephrops norvegicus and their simultaneous levels in abiotic compartments from three locations of the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean Sea). A multidisciplinary assessment of the health condition of N. norvegicus through condition indices, enzymatic biomarkers and histological techniques is provided, and its relationship with anthropogenic pollutant levels explored. Plastic fibres were commonly found in stomachs of N. norvegicus (85% of the individuals), with higher abundances (13 ± 21 fibres · ind) in specimens captured close to Barcelona. The presence of long synthetic fibres in near-bottom waters, as well as the mirroring trends in abundance among locations for water and ingested plastics, suggest that uptake from water may be occurring potentially through suspension feeding. The spatial variability in the levels of metallic elements in N. norvegicus was poorly correlated to the variability in sediments. In any case, present levels in abdominal muscle are considered safe for human consumption. Levels of ingested plastics only showed significant, yet weak, correlations with glutathione S-transferase and catalase activities. However, no other health parameter analysed showed any trend potentially associated to anthropogenic pollutant levels. Neither the condition indices nor the histopathological assessment evidenced any signs of pathologic conditions affecting N. norvegicus. Thus, it was concluded that presently there is no evidence of a negative impact of the studied pollutants on the health condition of N. norvegicus in the studied grounds
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