22 research outputs found

    SPEKTRUM PETUGAS BIMBINGAN DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS : Studi Deskriptif-anaHtis dalam Rangka Kategorisasi Petugas Bimbingan Dilihat dari Segi Kualifikasi Pendidikan beserta Tugas dan Kompetensinya menurut Beberapa Pakar Bimbingan di Indonesia dan Keadaan pada Beberapa SMA di Jawa Barat

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    Berkenaan dengan upaya profesionalisasi petugas bimbingan di Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), studi ini diarahkan untuk menelaah spektrum petugas bimbingan di SMA, diUhat dari kuaUfikasi pendidikan serta tugas-kewenangan dan kompetensinya, menurut pandangan para pakar bimbingan dan keadaan di lapangan. Dengan menggunakan angket terhadap 10 pakar bimbingan dari beberapa perguruan tinggi di Indo nesia dan 52 petugas bimbingan dari beberapa SMA di Jawa Barat, yang dianalisis secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif, diperoleh suatu hasil peneli tian sebagai berikut ini. Secara garis besar, terdapat empat pandangan pakar yang ber beda dalam merumuskan spektrum petugas bimbingan di SMA. Perbedaan tersebut terjadi baik dalam-hal kategorisasi, sebutan, maupun dalam menentukan lingkup tugas-kewenangan dan kompetensi. Namun di sisi lain masih terdapat kesamaan pandangan di antara mereka, yakni bahwa semakin tinggi kua-lifikasi pendidikan petugas bimbingan dalam bidang bimbingan dipandang semakin tinggi pula kualifikasi profesionalnya. Lingkup tugas-kewenangan dan kompetensi petugas bimbingan yang tinggi kualifikasi profesionalnya lebih banyak berkenaan dengan aktivi tas bimbingan yang bersifat konseptual, kuratif, dan pengembangan; sedangkan yang rendah kualifikasi profesionalnya lebih banyak ber kenaan dengan aktivitas yang bersifat informatif dan teknis-administratif. Secara aktual, spektrum petugas bimbingan di SMA terdiri dari empat kategori, yakni petugas bimbingan bukan lulusan BP/PPB dan belum mengikuti pendidikan minor dan penataran bimbingan, bukan lulusan BP/PPB tetapi pernah mengikuti pendidikan minor dan/atau penataran bimbingan, lulusan sarjana muda atau D3 BP/PPB, dan pe tugas bimbingan lulusan SI BP/PPB. Semua petugas bimbintfan tersebut lajimnya disebut guru BP atau kadang-kadang guru BK. Pada dasarnya, tidak ada perbedaan mencolok di antara mereka, baik dalam lingkup tugas yang dilakukan maupun dalam lingkup kompetensi yang dikuasai. Sedikit perbedaan terjadi dalam segi visi bimbingan — para petugas bimbingan lulusan BP/PPB menunjukkan visi yang lebih tepat dan konsisten. Spektrum petugas bimbingan yang diperkirakan layak diterapkan di SMA terdiri dari tiga kategori, yakni guru pembimbing (guru bukan lulusan BP/PPB berpengalaman mengajar minimal dua tahun yang di tugasi bimbingan setelah mengikuti penyetaraan bimbingan), konselor muda. (lulusan sarjana muda atau D3 BP/PPB), dan konselor (minimal lu lusan SI BP/PPB). Sebutan umum bagi mereka adalah pembimbing. Fungsi utama guru pembimbing adalah "membantu" penyelenggaraan bimbingan. Lingkup tugas-kewenangannya berkisar pada aktivitasaktivitas administratif dan beberapa pelayanan bimbingan yang lebih ber-sifat informatif dan sederhana. Tugas utama konselor muda juga masih bersifat "membantu", tetapi dalam lingkup aktivitas yang lebih luas dan kompleks ditambah dengan membantu aktivitas manajemen bimbingan. Konselor dianggap berwenang penuh untuk menyelenggara kan seluruh aktivitas bimbingan dengan penekananan pada aktivitas pelayanan yang lebih kompleks dan mendalam, manajemen, serta aktivi tas penelitian dan pengembangan program

    Sustainable Counselling Values by Indonesian Preschool Teachers to Prepare More Tolerant Young Global Citizens

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    Issues of intolerance in Indonesia, even involving children, have become the concerns of all related agencies, particularly those in children’s education. Although character building has been mainstreamed in the national education system, little is known how preschool teachers contribute to the nurturance of tolerant young children as future global citizens. This study explores priority sustainable character values and their building strategies in counselling practices of pre-school teachers in West Java Province of Indonesia. Analysis of questionnaire, classroom observation and interview results by criteria of Global Citizenship Education (UNESCO, 2017) and character education in the 21st century of Bialik, Bogan, Fadel and Horvathova (2015) show that counselling topics of the participating teachers have included sustainable values of global partnership, independence, nationalism, integrity, and religiosity exercised through individual and team works. By involving social agencies such as parents, principals, and religious leaders, teachers involved their students in various characterbuilding activities. The study also recommends more detail indicators and activities for teachers to improve their students’ sense of tolerance as future global citizens


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    This study aims to analyze the Management of Work Motivation in Improving the Effectiveness of Educational Institutions at RAM NU As-Sholihi Tekung. This research uses a qualitative case study type approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis was carried out in stages, starting with data collection, data reduction and drawing conclusions. The results showed that there was a correlation between applying work motivation and increasing institutional effectiveness, as evidenced by the existence of new and old programs that continued to run effectively with support and cooperation. all educators and service users

    The Application of Playing in Early Childhood Education Based on Piaget’s Way of Thinking

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    Childhood is identic with playing, and children are also said to be Homo Ludens or creatures of play. The Indonesian government is promoting criteria emphasizing play as a learning process. In addition, an emancipated curriculum means that children are given the opportunity for freedom of choice and activities so that students can build their knowledge. This policy contributes to Piaget's concept of thinking, which sees how children learn by constructing their knowledge. This study looks at the application of play in early childhood education based on Piaget's way of thinking. This study uses a systematic literature review research method. The results of this study discuss how Piaget views the concept of play in early childhood. The update of this article from the previous article is that it will explain early childhood play activities more precisely according to Piaget's views. Piaget asserts that knowledge development occurs through imagination in new experiences, which actively builds and modifies prior knowledge, and play is the primary medium in which this process occurs. The results of this paper are useful for educators and parents who know better how play can provide an unconscious learning process in children

    Kindergartners’ morphological awareness, its instruction and guidance in the Indonesian context

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    Children's language development is an arguably integral part of early childhood education. This research departs from the assumption that morphological awareness encompassing sensitivity to word units plays a critical role in ascertaining the success of children's reading skills in school. The purpose of the present study was two-fold: i) to assess the level of morphological awareness of preschool children, and ii) to reveal the types of learning and guidance activities in the classroom that facilitate the development of children's linguistic awareness and early literacy in general. Data were obtained through a set of morphological awareness tasks (a judgment task and a word analogy task) to kindergarten students aged 4-6 years, classroom observations, and interviews with the teachers. By virtue of an exploratory nature of this research, the data stemmed from one kindergarten in a North Bandung area, Indonesia. Findings reveal that the kindergarten children, in general, have demonstrated early signs of morphological awareness owing to ongoing language development. Their morphological awareness level appears to be contingent on the extent of their morphological knowledge. Pedagogically, it is found that the teachers have provided the students with various types of morphological knowledge learning and guidance activities in the school to help hone the awareness. Implicationally, explicit morphological awareness and vocabulary instruction need to be implemented in a preschool context to prepare children’s later academic success

    Profil Perilaku Narsisme Remaja Serta Implikasinya Bagi Bimbingan dan Konseling

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    The behavior of narcissism on adolescent became one of some focuses by teachers of Guidance and Counseling to more comprehend the problem of students. The approach of Freudian traditional psychodynamic put narcissism as a failure of running progress passing through lower level in psychosexual development. The research is aimed to know general description of student narcissism in adolescence. The approach that was used in this research is quantitative approach where the research method is descriptive method. The result of research showed that generally narcissism level of students is categorized average, where it was obtained by data collection tool exactly using questionnaire narcissism behavior that were scattered randomly to students grade VIII SMP Negeri 29 Bandung year 2015/2016. Based on the research result, some student was found in high category, it means that should to hand over the case to the expert who can help more accurate. Meanwhile, some students who are in average and low category need some guidance service for preventing narcissism behavior that psychologically disrupt them

    Characteristics of Relative Deprivation of Disadvantaged Children In School Setting

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    Relative deficiencies develop in two types of society: poor (deprived) and disadvantaged (unfortunate), little research for this arrangement has been conducted in the field of education. This will discuss the relative deprivation character of underprivileged children in the realm of education. This research uses a descriptive method. The descriptive survey was used to describe the relative character of deprivation among underprivileged children at school, knowing the differences between boys and girls. The subjects in this study were grade 5 and grade 6 elementary school students in the Bekasi area with a total of 77 students: 37 boys and 40 girls. The instrument used in this study is an instrument that has been tested by experts, validity and reliability. It uses a relative deprivation scale for disadvantaged children. The data were analyzed descriptively by describing the minimum and maximum scores of each item, thus showing strength of each characteristic. In addition, the frequency score also described to highlight differences in the relative characteristics of deprivation among male and female students. The results explained that the participants had a very strong deprivation character, males were more dominant than females. The strongest characters reflected their lesser curiosity about things, but the girls exhibit better score related to rule obedience. The results of this study could be used as a reference to treat students' relative deficiencies through  guidance and counseling services

    Penerapan Cerita Bergambar Berbasis Dilema Moral pada Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh dan Tatap Muka dalam Mengembangkan Pertimbangan Moral Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Pada masa pandemic, pembelajaran cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral dilaksanakan pada pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dari penerapan cerita bergambar berbasis dilema moral pada pembelajaran jarak jauh dan tatap muka dalam mengembangkan pertimbangan moral siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuasi eksperimen dengan partisipan sebanyak 60 orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan tes DIT dan teknis analisis data menggunakan penghitungan statistic uji Kruskal wallis serta N-gain dari rata-rata skor pre dan posttest. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data statistic Kruskal wallis diperoleh hasil Asymp. Sig sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 sesuai dengan dasar pengambilan keputusan dapat disimpulkan bahwa “H0 ditolak” dan “H1 diterima” dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil belajar tatap muka dengan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Persentase keefektifan kelas tatap muka sebesar 82% kategori efektif dan kelas jarak jauh sebesar 22.92% kategori tidak efektif. Hal lain yang mempengaruhi kematangan pertimbangan siswa adalah metode pembelajaran yang digunakan, kepiawaian guru, support orang tua, kematangan kognisi siswa, kematangan usia, dan pengalaman siswa