Indonesian Journal of Educational Counseling (IJEC)
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    159 research outputs found

    Academic Hardiness Level of Guidance and Counseling Study Program Students Post Covid 19 Pandemic

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    The purpose of this study is to inform the condition of Academic hardiness of Ahmad Dahlan University Guidance and Counseling Study Program students after the Covid-19 pandemic. Academic hardiness is a personality that is resilient in various obstacles, especially stress. Academic hardiness is a variable that must be possessed by students in order to achieve achievement while studying. The research population is 152 active students for the 2019-2021 academic year. This type of research uses quantitative descriptive. Data were obtained using an academic hardiness scale developed based on Kobasa's theory and Dweck's theory related to academic motivation. The scale developed refers to 3 aspects of academic hardiness namely commitment, challenge, and control. The developed scale was analyzed using the Rach Model. The results of the analysis stated that the 17 items developed contained several notes and needed to be revised. The results showed that the level of student academic hardiness of 89.5% was in the high category, 10.5% was in the medium category, and 0% was in the low category. Based on the research results, it is recommended that further researchers develop a counseling model to develop students' Academic hardiness, especially those who are still in the moderate category

    Konseling Behavioral Teknik Self-Management untuk Meningkatkan Penyesuaian Diri pada Siswa

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    The problem in this study is the lack of self-adjustment in first year students at public junior high schools. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. The experimental research design used in this study was Single Subject Research (SSR) with a single subject type (single subject design). The subjects of this study were two class VII students of SMP Negeri 2 Kelapa Dua. Data collection techniques used the Adjustment Inventory for School Students (AISS) instrument and interviews. The results showed that there was an increase in self-adjustment to students who were given individual counseling services using a behavioral approach to self-management techniques to improve self-adjustment in first-year students at state junior high schools. This is evidenced by the changes in the two subjects after the implementation of counseling. It can be concluded that individual counseling with a behavioral approach to self-management techniques is effective in improving self-adjustment in first-year students at public junior high schools. &nbsp

    Kajian Filsafiah dan Ilmiah Bimbingan Spiritual untuk Mengembangkan Welas Asih Mahasiswa Broken Home

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    This article contains a study of spiritual guidance to develop compassion in Broken Home students. Having an incomplete family makes some children become victims so they have bad experiences and cause problems both physically and psychologically, such as blaming themselves, trauma, blaming their parents, etc. The highest cognitive experience that has a major impact on individual psychology is meaning. Through meaning (spirituality), individuals find and believe in their life purpose, which has an impact on the way they live their lives, including the way they solve problems. Spiritual experiences can help individuals understand problems and make the best decisions to solve them, related to transcendent experiences and related to awareness of sacred and eternal things, thereby increasing feelings of compassion, love and affection towards oneself and others. The methodological procedure used is understanding literature from various sources. It is hoped that the results of this paper will contribute to research and development of spiritual guidance models to develop students' compassion

    A Psychological Pressure in Novels: “MENYUSU CELENG”

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    The content of the research aims to: 1) find out what factors or causes of psychological pressure are contained in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" 2) knowing the forms of psychological pressure contained in the novel "Menyusu Celeng".  3) find out what the effects of psychological pressure are contained in the novel " Menyusu Celeng". In this study, the researcher used the mixed method used to analyze documents in the novel "Menyusu Celeng".  The researcher use Qualitative Data Analyze Miner (4.0) as an application to help classify and analyze data. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was found: 1) The psychological pressure factor that has the greatest percentage in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" derived from the environment around a person or individual.  2) The greatest impact of psychological pressure identified in the novel "Menyusu Celeng" the emotion which is also divided into positive emotions (eustress) and negative emotions (distress). 3) Psychological pressure received by individuals is most revealed in the novel " Menyusu Celeng" with aggressive behavior. &nbsp

    Fenomena Childfree Ditinjau dari Perspektif Forum Genre Provinsi Jambi

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    The childfree phenomenon, which has become a topic of conversation in Indonesia after a YouTuber and influencer revealed his choice, has had its pros and cons. This research aims to understand the childfree phenomenon from the perspective of the Indonesian Genre Forum, Jambi Province. The problem definition includes this forum's views on the factors and impacts of the childfree phenomenon. The decision to be childfree is considered to require mental and physical readiness. There are five factors why someone chooses to be childfree, namely personal, psychological, economic, philosophical and environmental factors. The informants for this research are members of the Jambi Province Genre Forum and genre ambassadors 2023. Using a purposive sampling technique, 8 informants were selected. The research uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe the conditions in the field. The research results concluded that every individual has the right to decide to have children, for varying reasons. The childfree decision has both positive and negative impacts. The research is expected to provide new understanding to readers, including prospective counselors, parents, prospective parents, and the wider community. The implications of the research results include various aspects related to the childfree phenomenon from the perspective of the Jambi Province Genre Forum

    Pengaruh Kelekatan Orang Tua dan Kecerdasan Emosi terhadap Agresivitas Remaja

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    In the evolution of individual personality, the adolescent phase holds unique and critical significance as during this period, adolescents have various responsibilities, including exploring and establishing their identity. Parents play a vital role during this phase as adolescents tend to have a high level of curiosity, which can lead to negative actions or aggressive behavior. This research aims to determine the correlation between parental attachment and emotional intelligence on adolescent aggression in Bogor. Aggressive behavior is a significant contributor factor to the high morbidity and mortality rates among adolescents worldwide. This research utilizes a quantitative correlational research method. The sampling technique used in this study is the convenience sampling method. The research was conducted from October to November 2023, with respondents from SMA Plus Bina Bangsa Sejahtera students. The research findings indicate that among the respondents, 25 percent fell under the insecure attachment category, 64 percent fell within the moderate aggression category, followed by 7 percent who fell under the high aggression category, while the remaining respondents were under the low aggression category. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of parental attachment and emotional intelligence in adolescent aggression. The findings show that secure attachment and high emotional intelligence play an important role in reducing aggressive behavior among adolescents

    Etika Profesi Bimbingan dan Konseling: Menghadapi Tantangan Kerahasiaan dalam Layanan Konseling Online

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    Rapid changes in the world of education triggered by technological advances have stimulated interest in the use of online counseling as a method of mental health services. The COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated the shift to online counseling as a primary option. The research results show that online counseling has equivalent effectiveness to face-to-face counseling. However, there are a number of ethical issues that need to be considered in online counseling practices, especially those related to the confidentiality and security of client data. Efforts to maintain confidentiality are a priority, including the use of secure technology and communication via encrypted platforms. Counselors need to understand the potential risks involved and continually increase their knowledge of online counseling ethics. This study used a systematic literature review (SLR) approach to investigate the development of online counseling practices and related ethical issues. In Indonesia, ABKIN has not yet issued standard guidelines for counseling services via the internet, so this is a challenge in maintaining client confidentiality in this country

    Dinamika Bullying di Sekolah: Faktor dan Dampak

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    The problem of bullying has become a serious concern which has a psychological and emotional impact on teenagers. These include mental health problems, low self-esteem, social isolation, and even the potential risk of dangerous behavior. Based on this, this article aims to understand the dynamics of bullying in adolescents regarding the factors involved, the extent of its impact, and how society and the authorities or counselors can overcome this problem. This article uses a library research method that focuses on empirical research indexed by Google Scholar regarding the dynamics of bullying among teenagers in the last 5 years (2019-2023). In this literature review, 20 articles related to the dynamics of bullying in adolescents were identified, including factor aspects (11 articles) and impact aspects (9 articles). Research conducted in a variety of social contexts, such as school, online, or community settings, will be included in this analysis. The research results briefly show that there are factors that influence bullying behavior, including individuals, families, peers, the school environment, and the mass media. These factors play an important role in bullying behavior which has an impact on teenagers such as emotional problems including stress, depression, isolation and thoughts of suicide. Bullying can occur in various forms, including conventional (offline) and cyberbullying (online). Treatment and prevention efforts involve adolescents, families, schools and communities in building values, effective communication, prevention programs and social interventions. All parties need to play an active role in overcoming the problem of bullying

    Pengembangan dan Validitas Instrumen Perilaku Asertif Pada Siswa SMP

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    Teenagers have a strong interest in being accepted by their peers, so some teenagers have difficulty behaving assertively. The aim of this research is to obtain an inventory that can be used to determine the level of assertive behavior in junior high school students. This research adapts the Gregory model instrument development steps which consist of defining tests, selecting scales, constructing items, testing items, revising, and developing norms. The instrument was developed from Alberti and Emmons' theory which reveals that aspects of assertive behavior are the ability to do something according to one's abilities, express oneself, defend oneself, express opinions and respect the rights of others. The assessment of the instrument developed was carried out based on input from two experts and trials carried out on 137 students in the city of Yogyakarta. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively based on expert input and quantitatively to test the validity and reliability of the instrument using the RASCH model. This research produces an inventory of assertive behavior that has been declared appropriate by experts, with reliability in the sufficient category, the quality of statement items in the special category and statement items declared to have model fit. It is hoped that the inventory developed can be used by guidance and counseling teachers in identifying students' assertive behavior so that it can be used as consideration in preparing service programs

    Systematic Literature Review: Penerapan Layanan Konseling Kelompok Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) pada Peserta Didik di Sekolah Menengah

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    The era of disruption due to the pandemic has caused a decline in the mental condition of students, especially in secondary schools. Efforts to overcome this problem include implementing guidance and counseling services in schools, one of which is group counseling. The study aims to determine how the application of group counseling services with a Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) approach to students in secondary school (adolescents) which includes the understanding of SFBT group counseling, the scope of problems overcome, the procedure for implementing and the success of SFBT group counseling as an alternative to counseling that is considered to meet the needs of generation Z students. Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Data collection using documentation techniques. The amount of literature studied after data selection amounted to 21 literatures. The data analysis used is content analysis. The results revealed that the application of SFBT group counseling is a short therapeutic focusing on solutions because it can be done with 4 to 8 sessions with a duration of 40 to 70 minutes and the counseling process does not well on problems but focuses on awareness and the ability of counsellors to solve problems. SFBT group counseling has been proven effective in various problems as well as the development of students in secondary schools covering the fields of Guidance Counseling services, namely personal, social, academic and career


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