1,348 research outputs found

    Efecto de dos citocininas y un inhibidor del crecimiento en la tuberización in vitro de dos genotipos de Solanum tuberosum L. vars. Atlantic y Alpha

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    This investigation was carried out to evaluate the effect of two cytokinins: 6-benzilaminopurine (BAP) (6.5 mg l-1) and kinetin (K) (2.5 mg l-1), as well as the growth inhibitor abscisic acid (ABA) (1.0 mg l-1) on the in vitro tuberization capacity of two potato varieties: Atlantic and Alpha. The basal culture medium MS (1962) was used as a control. The responses were different between varieties. In cv. Atlantic, the analysis of the number (NM), weight (WM) and diameter (DM) of microtubers indicated that the addition of growth regulators did not affect induction and development of microtubers. However, when BAP was used, a non-significant increment of 41 % was observed in the number of the microtubers compared to the control treatment, from 2.6 to 4.4. The addition of cytokinins and ABA to the medium did not have a significant impact on the development of microtubers. In cv. Alpha the cytokinins used without ABA increased the number of microtubers, which were larger and heavier than those of the control treatment. In this variety, ABA significantly reduced the values of the NM, WM and DM variables. The exogenous action of cytokinins in the culture medium is likely to have caused an endogenous hormonal imbalance in the Atlantic and Alpha genotypes which interfered with their innate microtuberization ability, a result that was even more evident for cv. Alpha, which showed the need to continue optimizing protocols of genotype-specific systems in potato tissue culture to increase yield and seed quality.La presente investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de dos citocininas 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) (6.5 mg l-1) y kinetina (K) (2.5 mg l-1), más un inhibidor de crecimiento ácido abscísico (ABA) (1.0 mg l-1) sobre la capacidad de tuberización in vitro de dos variedades de papa, Atlantic y Alfa. El medio de cultivo usado como testigo fue el básico MS (1962) sin reguladores del crecimiento. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron una respuesta diferente entre variedades. En la variedad Atlantic, el análisis de los datos en relación con las variables número (NM), peso (PM) y diámetro (DM) de microtubérculos indicó que la adición de reguladores de crecimiento no afectó favorablemente la inducción y el desarrollo de microtubérculos, con respecto al testigo. Al utilizar BAP, se notó un incremento no significativo de 41 % en el número promedio de microtubérculos en comparación con el tratamiento control, pasando de 2.6 a 4.4. La adición de citocininas y ABA al medio no provocó efectos positivos en el desarrollo de los microtubérculos. En la variedad Alfa, la utilización de citocininas en ausencia de ABA estimuló el NM y estos fueron más pesados y de mayor diámetro que en el tratamiento testigo. En esta variedad, el ABA causó un efecto negativo en el NM, así como en las variables PM y DM. Probablemente la acción exógena de las citocininas en los medios de cultivo ocasionó un desbalance hormonal endógeno en los genotipos Atlantic y Alfa, que interfirió sobre la capacidad innata de microtuberización, resultado que se evidenció en mayor magnitud para la variedad Alfa, lo cual reveló la necesidad de continuar optimizando los protocolos genotipo-específicos de los sistemas de cultivo de tejidos en papa para aumentar el rendimiento y la calidad de la semilla

    Infección postoperatoria en las fracturas de cadera: La transfusión y su efecto inmunomodulador

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    Se han estudiado 163 fracturas pertrocantéreas tratadas en el hospital comarcal de Barbastro (Huesca) durante los años 2000-2001, con clavo proximal de fémur sin fresado PFN. Se ha recogido la edad, sexo, tipo de fractura según la clasificación AO para las fracturas y se ha valorado la necesidad de transfusión sanguínea y el volumen transfundido, así como la aparición de complicaciones de tipo infeccioso, la mortalidad en el postoperatorio inmediato y la estancia hospitalaria. El 22% de los pacientes presentaron un cuadro infección postoperatoria. El 44% de las fracturas intervenidas fueron transfundidas. Las mujeres fueron transfundidas más que los varones. No hubo diferencias en los valores hematimétricos al ingreso respecto al sexo pero sí en el postoperatorio con cifras inferiores en las mujeres. El 15% de los pacientes transfundidos presentaron infección postoperatoria mientras que los no transfundidos un 20% (p<0.001). Respecto a la mortalidad la presentaron el 5% de los no transfundidos frente al 30% de los transfundidos (p<0.05). Así mismo se ha observado que los pacientes que sufrieron una infección postoperatoria presentaban una estancia hospitalaria mayor que los que no la sufrieron (15.1 vs 12.8 días) (p<0.05). Conclusiones: la administración de sangre alogénica en las fracturas pertrocantéreas se encuentra relacionada con la aparición de una mayor tasa de infecciones postoperatorias, estancia hospitalaria y de mortalidad postoperatoria, posiblemente por el efecto inmunomodulador de la misma.We have reviewed 163 trochanteric hip fractures treated during 2000 and 2001 with proximal femoral unreamed nail PFN. The following variables were analysed: age, gender, kina of hip fracture (AO classification); haemoglobin (Hb) and haematocrit (Hct) at the admission day, the day before surgery and two days later, transfusion needs, infection morbidity, total hospital stay and post surgical mortality (before 28 day). The 33% patients were diagnosed of post surgical infection, 44% of them were transfused. Women were transfused more than men. There were no differences by gender in haematocrit values at post surgical day. A post surgical infection as diagnosed in 51% of transfused patients, but only in 20% of non-transfused (p<0.001). The mortality rate was 43% if the post surgical Hb value was lower than 80 g/l. If Hb was higer 80 g/l the mortality rare was 24% in transfused patients but 5% in non-transfused ones (p<0.005). Conclusions: In the patients affected by trochanteric hip fracture the allogenic blood is associatetd with a higher rate of post surgical infection, higher mortality rate and longer hospital stays

    Autotransfusión predepósito en cirugía ortopédica mayor en España

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    Objetivo: Analizar las comunicaciones a congresos nacionales e internacionales de grupos multidisciplinarios españoles, y realizar un metaanálisis para estimar el posible beneficio de la autotransfusión predepósito (ATPD) en nuestro entorno. Material y métodos: Se han revisado los resúmenes de las comunicaciones de los congresos de la AEHH y de la SETS desde 1995, de la AABB y de la NATA (2000, 2001 y 2002). Variables recogidas: período de estudio, números de pacientes, tipo de cirugía, tasa de rechazo, unidades autólogas solicitadas, extraídas y transfundidas, total transfundido, rendimiento (unidades transfundidas/extraídas) y efectividad. Resultados: La selección incluyó en Cirugía Ortopédica Programada, 2933 pacientes, con una tasa de rechazo del 9,3% (IC95%: 8,1-10,7) (extremos: 5,5-19,5%), con un rendimiento67,8% (IC95%: 66,1-69,5) (extremos: 17-94%), donando2,35 U (IC95%: 2,337-2,367) (extremos 1,73-3,6), transfundiendo1,84 U unidades autólogas/paciente (IC95%: 1,818-1,853) (extremos 0,74-2,85) y sólo con autóloga al 75,9% (IC95%: 74,2-77,6) (extremos 10-100%). Conclusiones: Creemos que hay una escasa comunicación de la experiencias transfusional con ATDP en España. Los resultados resultan bastante dispares entre los diferentes centros de trabajo. En los estudios finalmente seleccionados por su calidad metodológica, se podría afirmar que en nuestro país se excluye a un pacientes de cada 10, transfundiéndose dos de cada tres unidades extraídas y evitando transfundir con sangre alogénica en cuatro de cada cinco pacientes.Objetive: Reviewed and analyzed the Spanish communications defended at different national and international congress or meetings, and done an meta-analysis to estimate the possible preoperative autologous blood donation (PABD) benefit at Spain. Patients and Methods: We hav reviewed abstracts presented by Spanish groups in several national (AEHH and SETS from 1995) and international congresses and meetings (AABB and NATA from 2000 to 2002). A meta-analysis estimating the benefit of PABD in our country has been performed. The variables analyzed were: period, number, surgery, rejection rate, autologous units wished, drawn and transfused; total transfusion; yield (transfused/drawn) and effectiveness. Results: The selection (only Orthopedic Surgery) included 2,933 patients, rejected rate 9.3% (C95%: 8.1-10.7) (range: 5.5 and 19.5%), yield 67.8% (CI95%: 66.1-69.5) (range: 17-94), donation 2.35 U (CI95%: 2.337-2.367) (range 1.73-3.6), transfused 1.84 autologous U (CI95%: 1.818-1.853) (range 0.74-2.85), and only autologous 75.9% (CI95%: 74.2- 77.6) (range 10-100%). Conclusion: There is little communication of the Spanish National transfusion experience of PABD which shows the large differences between groups and regions. In our analysis we found that in Spain one patient in 10 is rejected; we transfuse 2 of 3 autologous drawn, avoiding allogeneic use in 4 of each 5 of our patients

    Linear and circular UWB millimeter-wave and terahertz monostatic near-field synthetic aperture Iimaging

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    Millimeter-wave and terahertz frequencies offer unique characteristics to simultaneously obtain good spatial resolution and penetrability. In this paper, a robust near-field monostatic ocusing technique is presented and successfully applied for the internal imaging of different penetrable geometries. These geometries and environments are related to the growing need to furnish new vehicles with radar-sensing devices that can visualize their surroundings in a clear and robust way. Sub-millimeter-wave radar sensing offers enhanced capabilities in providing information with a high level of accuracy and quality, even under adverse weather conditions. The aim of this paper was to research the capability of this radar system for imaging purposes from an analytical and experimental point of view. Two sets of measurements, using reference targets, were performed in the W band at 100 GHz (75 to 110 GHz) and terahertz band at 300 GHz (220 to 330 GHz). The results show spatial resolutions of millimeters in both the range (longitudinal) and the cross-range (transversal) dimensions for the two different imaging geometries in terms of the location of the transmitter and receiver (frontal or lateral views). The imaging quality in terms of spatial accuracy and target material parameter was investigated and optimized.This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Spain (TEC2016-78028-C3-1-P and TEC2016-78028-C3-2-P) and by the European FEDER funds

    Risk Factors for Relapse in People with Severe Mental Disorders during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Retrospective Study

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    Background: Evidence suggests that different variables associated with the COVID-19 pandemic may increase the risk of relapse in people with Severe Mental Disorders (SMDs). However, no studies have yet looked closely at the different risk factors involved to determine their influence on the worsening of these patients’ illnesses. Objective: To analyze which variables related to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased the risk of relapse in patients with SMDs. Method: A multicenter retrospective cohort study in which data were collected from 270 patients with mental disorders who had been under follow-up in day hospitals during the year 2020. Results: The proportion of full mental health inpatient admissions was significantly higher in those who lost their employment (40.7% vs. 18.1%; p = 0.01), in those who were not receiving psychotherapy interventions (33.9% vs. 16.6%; p = 0.006), and in those who were not receiving occupational therapy (25.7% vs. 13.6%: p = 0.013). Significant associations were detected between urgent mental health consultations, the number of COVID-19 symptoms (B = 0.274; p = 0.02), and the low-income group (1.2424 vs. 0.4583; p = 0.018). Conclusions: COVID-19 symptoms and certain consequences of the pandemic, such as loss of employment, economic hardship, and loss of interventions, have brought about clinical worsening in people with SMDs. Knowledge of these factors is important for health-related decision-making in future outbreaks or pandemics

    Terahertz frequency-scaled differential imaging for Sub-6 GHz vehicular antenna signature analysis

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    The next generation of connected and autonomous vehicles will be equipped with high numbers of antennas operating in a wide frequency range for communications and environment sensing. The study of 3D spatial angular responses and the radiation patterns modified by vehicular structure will allow for better integration of the associated communication and sensing antennas. The use of near-field monostatic focusing, applied with frequency-dimension scale translation and differential imaging, offers a novel imaging application. The objective of this paper is to theoretically and experimentally study the method of obtaining currents produced by an antenna radiating on top of a vehicular platform using differential imaging. The experimental part of the study focuses on measuring a scaled target using an imaging system operating in a terahertz band—from 220 to 330 GHz—that matches a 5G frequency band according to frequency-dimension scale translation. The results show that the induced currents are properly estimated using this methodology, and that the influence of the bandwidth is assessed.This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Spain (PID2019-107885GB-C33/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, TEC2016-78028-C3-1-P, TEC2016-78028-C3-2-P and TEC2016-78028-C3-3-P, MDM2016-O6OO), Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219, and the European FEDER funds

    Calidad del agua potable que consume la población en la zona central urbana del municipio la Libertad Chontales, permitiendo la verificación de la salud de los mismos, en septiembre del 2017

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    La investigación presenta el análisis de la Calidad del agua potable que consume la población en la zona central urbana del municipio de La Libertad Chontales, permitiendo la Verificación de la salud de los mismos, en septiembre del 2017

    On differential imaging using electromagnetic simulation for vehicular antenna signature analysis

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    The current trend in vehicles is to integrate a wide number of antennae and sensors operating at a variety of frequencies for sensing and communications. The integration of these antennae and sensors in the vehicle platform is complex because of the way in which the antenna radiation patterns interact with the vehicle structure and other antennae/sensors. Consequently, there is a need to study the radiation pattern of each antenna or, alternatively, the currents induced on the surface of the vehicle to optimize the integration of multiple antennae. The novel concept of differential imaging represents one method by which it is possible to obtain the surface current distribution without introducing any perturbing probe. The aim of this study was to develop and confirm the assumptions that underpin differential imaging by means of full-wave electromagnetic simulation, thereby providing additional verification of the concept. The simulation environment and parameters were selected to replicate the conditions in which real measurements were taken in previous studies. The simulations were performed using Ansys HFSS simulation software. The results confirm that the approximations are valid, and the differential currents are representative of the induced surface currents generated by a monopole positioned on the top of a vehicle.This research was funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, Spain (PID2019-107885GB-C33 / Agencia Estatal de Investigación AEI / 10.13039/501100011033), and the Catalan Research Group 2017 SGR 219


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    This paper offers a preview of the excavations of a Palaeolithic site in the southern Iberian Peninsula, the Cueva del Ángel (Lucena, Córdoba). Since 1995, the year in which its archaeological potential was discovered, there have been four excavation campaigns and there is now a 5-metre deep stratigraphic sequence. Together with the on-site excavations, there is also the technological and typological analysis of the lithic industry, an on-going zoological study, as well as a geological exploration of both the cavity and the sedimentary deposit that filled it. The fauna and material produced by the lithic industry recovered, together with the absolute dating offered by the stratigraphic sequence, enables us to conclude that this is a Middle and late Pleistocene site.En el presente artículo se da cuenta de los trabajos realizados en la Cueva del Ángel (Lucena,Córdoba), un nuevo yacimiento paleolítico en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Desde el descubrimiento en el año 1995 de su gran potencial arqueológico, se ha excavado durante cuatro campañas y, hasta el momento, presenta una estratigrafía de unos 5 metros de potencia. Paralelamente se analizan también la tecnología y tipología lítica, la fauna, la geología de la cavidad y su relleno sedimentario. La fauna, la industria lítica y las dataciones absolutas obtenidas hasta el momento sitúan el yacimiento en el Pleistoceno medio y el Pleistocenosuperior antiguo

    Modelo numérico de un colector solar plano. Validación y análisis de los mecanismos de transferencia de calor

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    Se ha desarrollado y validado un modelo numérico global 3D que permite estudiar el funcionamiento de captadores solares térmicos destinados a la producción de agua caliente sanitaria. El modelo simula de forma acoplada los distintos mecanismos de transferencia de calor que tienen lugar en el interior del equipo: las pérdidas externas, la convección natural en la cavidad de aire, la conducción a través del conjunto tubo-absorbedor, así como la convección mixta en el interior de los conductos. Esta herramienta permitirá analizar la influencia sobre la curva de eficiencia térmica de posibles cambios en la operación o el diseño del colector, identificando aquéllos con mayor potencialAsociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Cartagena, (AJICT). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT, (ETSII). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronónica, (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales, y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas, (EICM). Fundación Séneca, Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Grupo Aquilin