16 research outputs found

    Taxonomy and distribution of diatoms on the Turkish Mediterranean Coast, Dalyan (Muğla)

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    Diatoms are one of the components in the littoral zone and the most productive in terms of O2 production and primary production. Despite their importance in these coastal ecosystems, the diatoms of littoral zones of Turkish coastlines have been understudied.  In this report, we document the littoral diatoms from Dalyan Iztuzu Beach at the southeast coasts of Aegean Sea. Samples were collected from 6 stations in Dalyan Beach between 2012 and 2016. We report here on the occurrence of 9 genera including, Catenula Mereschkowsky, Cymatosira Grunow, Dimeregramma Ralfs, Diplomenora Blazé, Eunotogramma Weisse, Meloneis Louvrou, Danielidis & Economou-Amilli, Neohuttonia Kuntze, Plagiogramma Greville and Tetramphora Mereschkowsky, as well as 40 taxa as newly-recorded from Turkey. The newly-recorded diatoms are characterized in terms of their morphology and illustrated with light micrographs. For each species, their habitat and geographic distribution along the coasts are discussed

    Ecological assessment of Great Lota Lake (Turkey) on the base of diatom communities

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    The diatoms are very important component for aquatic ecosystems. Turkey has a rich lake potential and many of the lakes have high level of endemism. For this reason, the Great Lota Lake was investigated between October 2000 and October 2001 in sampling periods of approximately per 15 days from one station. Totally, 104 diatom taxa were identified and used for ecological analysis by statistic methods. Chronological analysis, indication in respect to temperature, habitat preferences, streaming and oxygenation, organic pollution by Pantle-Buck and Watanabe’s saprobity system, N-uptake metabolism, and trophic states were evaluated, and the aquatic ecosystem state index (WESI) was calculated. As a result, the diatoms in the lake preferred temperate, low saline and alkaline water. The saprobity is oligo- and betamesosaprobic when, the trophic state is eutrophic condition according to Van Dam’s system.Keywords: Bio-indication, CCA, diatoms, Great Lota Lake, monitoring, organic pollution, TurkeyAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(5), pp. 453-46

    Usporedba struktura zajednica bentoskih dijatomeja na prirodnim i umjetnim podlogama u morskom jezeru (Jadransko more)

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    In this study, the diatoms of three alternative habitats (epilithon, epiphyton and artificial sub- strate) were compared to understand the differences in composition on artificial and natural sub-strates. For this purpose, the samples were collected weekly between 11th August and 2nd Septem-ber 2016 at a sampling site in a shallow marine lake, Mrtvo More (Dead Sea) on Lokrum Island near Dubrovnik (South Adriatic, Croatia). In addition to detailed light microscopic analysis, ultrastructural analysis of benthic diatoms from Lake Mrtvo More was performed for the first time using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A total of 97 taxa were identified in 12 samples. Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg and Halamphora coffeiformis (C.Agardh) Levkov were the most frequent taxa in the samples. Shannon-Wiener diver-sity index (H’) values varied from 1.78 (in September on Padina sp.) to 4.52 (in August on glass). According to non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination, there were two groups: epilithon and artificial glass substrate as Group1 and macroalgae as Group2. The results of the analysis showed that the diatom communities developing on artificial sub-strates accurately corresponed to the diatom community of a rock substrate and thus can be used as a representative alternative tool for studies of epilithic diatoms in further experiments.Kako bi se razumjele razlike između naseljavanja na umjetnim i prirodnim podlogama, u ovom istraživanju uspoređivani su sastavi dijatomeja s tri alternativna staništa (epiliton, epifiton i umjetni supstrat). U tu svrhu uzorci su sakupljani tjedno između kolovoza i rujna 2016. na jednoj lokaciji u plitkom morskom jezeru Mrtvo More na otoku Lokrumu kod Dubrovnika (Južni Jadran, Hrvatska). Osim detaljne analize svjetlosnim mikroskopom, po prvi put je provedena i ultrastrukturna analiza bentoskih dijatomeja iz jezera Mrtvo More pomoću elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). U 12 uzoraka identificirano je ukupno 97 vrsta dijatomeja. Vrste Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg i Halamphora coffeiformis (C.Agardh) Levkov bile su najčešće vrste u uzorcima. Vrijednosti Shannon-Wiener (H’) indeksa varirale su od 1,78 (u rujnu na vrsti Padina sp.) do 4,52 (u kolovozu na staklu). Prema nMDS ordinaciji, razlikuju se dvije skupine zajednica bentoskih dijatomeja: epiliton i umjetna staklena podloga kao Grupa 1 i makroalge kao Grupa 2. Rezultati analize pokazali su da zajednice bentoskih dijatomeja koje se razvijaju na umjetnim podlogama, odgovaraju dijatome-jskoj zajednici kamene podloge i da se stoga mogu koristiti kao reprezentativni alternativni alat za proučavanje epilitskih dijatomeja u daljnjim eksperimentima

    Three new Achnanthidium (Bacillariophyceae) species from Lake Salda (Anatolia, Turkey), a deep soda lake

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    [EN] Background and aims – Kützing separated the genus Achnanthidium from the genus Achnanthes based on two species: Achnanthes minutissima and Achnanthidium microcephalum. These two genera were distinguished by the presence of stalks in the Achnanthes genus and their absence in Achnanthidium. Before electron microscopy, the difference between Achnanthes and Achnanthidium was not clear, especially in Achnanthidium minustissimum sensu lato. The aim of the study is to describe three new species of Achnanthidium from Lake Salda. Material and methods – Lake Salda is located in southwestern Anatolia, in Turkey. The diatoms were collected seasonally from four stations in the lake between 2016 and 2020, from different substrata (epipelic, epiphytic, and epilithic). Key results – Three new species belonging to the genus Achnanthidium have been found in Lake Salda, Turkey. Based on the morphological observations, all new taxa are part of the Achnanthidium minutissimum complex. Achnanthidium barlasii sp. nov. and A. dumlupinarii sp. nov. show a high degree of similarity to each other, but can be separated based on valve outline and a denser areolation, especially in striae close to the apices of the raphe valve. Both species can be distinguished from A. minutissimum based on more separate apices and less elliptic valves. In the case of A. dumlupinarii sp. nov., large specimens show slight undulations of the valve, which is a unique feature. Achnanthidium anatolicum sp. nov. is the most characteristic based on its valve width, broadly rounded valve apices, and almost straight valves in girdle view. All newly described Achnanthidium species can be found in lentic environments, with alkaline water and high calcium ion content. Conclusion – The newly described taxa occurred in the unique habitat of a soda lake. The environment of the lake is highly alkaline, rich in magnesium and calcium, and derived from limestone and dolomitic limestone rocksS

    Nitzschia anatoliensis sp. nov., a cryptic diatom species from the highly alkaline Van Lake (Turkey)

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    In this article we describe Nitzschia anatoliensis Górecka, Gastineau & Solak sp. nov., an example of a diatom species inhabiting extreme habitats. The new species has been isolated and successfully grown from the highly alkaline Van Lake in East Turkey. The description is based on morphology (light and scanning electron microscopy), the sequencing of its organellar genomes and several molecular phylogenies. This species could easily be overlooked because of its extreme similarity to Nitzschia aurariae but molecular phylogenies indicate that they are only distantly related. Furthermore, molecular data suggest that N. anatoliensis may occur in several alkaline lakes of Asia Minor and Siberia, but was previously misidentified as Nitzschia communis. It also revealed the very close genetic proximity between N. anatoliensis and the endosymbiont of the dinotom Kryptoperidinium foliaceum, providing additional clues on what might have been the original species of diatoms to enter symbiosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cymbella yerlii C. N. Solak, S. Blanco & N. Balkis-Ozdelice 2021, sp. nov.

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    <i>Cymbella yerlii</i> C.N.Solak, S.Blanco & N.Balkis-Ozdelice, <i>sp. nov.</i> (Figs 16–35) <p> <b>Description:</b> Valves slightly to moderately dorsiventral, lanceolate, dorsal margin distinctly convex, ventral margin slightly tumid. Ends indistinctly protracted and rounded (Table 2). Length 31.8–45.8 μm, breadth 7.4–9.0 μm, maximal length/breadth ratio of the normal cells 5.3. Axial area narrow, linear, central area absent. Raphe slightly ventrally displaced, lateral, becoming filiform near the distal and filiform to weakly reverse-lateral near the proximal ends [type “ <i>e</i> ” according to Krammer (2002: Fig. 67: 3)]. Striae parallel at the central area, becoming slightly radiate near the ends, finely punctate. A distinct isolated 1–2 stigmata are visible just at the end of the central stria on the ventral side. In the SEM, 1–2 slit-like stigma foramina. Parallel arranged pore field alveoli only on the valve end. The margins of the stigma alveoli are provided with teeth-like structures. Striae in the middle portion (dorsal and ventral) 9–10/10 μm, rising to 13–15/10 μm towards the ends, puncta 24–28/10 μm.</p> <p> <b>Type:—</b> TURKEY, Sakarbaşı, Eskişehir (GPS 39°21’10.04’’N, 31°03’33.24’’E), 872 m a.s.l., collector: Cüneyt Nadir Solak 24.11.2019. Holotype: slide number 27354 (holotype designated here on Fig. 1) in the collection of Andrzej Witkowski at the University of Szczecin.</p> <p> <b>Isotype:—</b> Slide no. TR_ ESK _Sakarbası_ Nov2019 _EPF deposited at Kütahya Dumlupınar University (Turkey).</p> <p> <b>Etymology:—</b> The species was dedicated to Prof. Dr. Sedat YERLİ who is a hydrobiologist in Turkey.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis:—</b> <i>Cymbella parva</i> (W. Smith) Kirchner in Cohn (1878: 188), <i>C. perparva</i> Krammer (2002: 37) and <i>C. parviformis</i> Krammer (2002: 38) and <i>Cymbella tridentina</i> H.Lange-Bertalot, M.Cantonati & A.Scalfi in Cantonati <i>et al.</i> (2010: 778) are similar taxa. Among them, <i>C. parva</i> is the most similar taxon in all related ones with similar outline. However, length/width ratio is higher in <i>C. yerlii</i> than the other taxa. In <i>C. parviformis</i>, striae density in dorsal and ventral sides are lower than <i>C. yerlii</i>. Regarding to the apices, the shape is non protracted and narrowly rounded in <i>C. parva</i> and <i>C. parviformis</i> while, indistindtly protracted and rounded in <i>C. yerlii</i> and <i>C. parviformis</i>.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:—</b> Observed only in the type locality.</p> <p> <b>Ecology:—</b> The water temperature ranged from 21.4–22.9 oC, pH was 7.8–7.9, dissolved oxygen (DO) was 5.2– 6.1 mg /L and electrolytic conductivity was 545–575 µS/ cm-1.</p> <p> <b>Associated diatom flora:—</b> <i>Cymbella cymbiformis</i> (21.2%), <i>Encyonopsis minuta</i> Krammer & E.Reichardt in Krammer (1997: 95) (10.5%), <i>Amphora pediculus</i> (Kützing) Grunow [described as <i>Cymbella pediculus</i> Kützing (1844: 80)] (5.3%), <i>Navicula cryptotenella</i> Lange-Bertalot in Krammer & Lange-Bertalot (1985: 62) (4.1%), <i>Eunotia arcubus</i> Nörpel & Lange-Bertalot in Lange-Bertalot (1993: 24) (3.8%), <i>Nitzschia gracilis</i> Hantzsch (1860: 40) (2.9%), <i>Staurosira construens</i> Ehrenberg (1843: 424) (2.5%), <i>Pseudostaurosira brevistriata</i> (Grunow) D.M. Williams & Round (1988: 276) (2.2%), <i>Staurosirella pinnata</i> (Ehrenberg) D.M. Williams & Round (1988: 274) (1.9%), unidentified species of <i>Brachysira</i> Kützing, <i>Cocconeis</i> Ehrenberg, <i>Pseudostaurosira</i> D.M.Williams & Round and <i>Sellaphora</i> Kützing were the most frequent taxa in the sample.</p>Published as part of <i>Solak, Cüneyt Nadir, Balkis-Ozdelice, Neslihan, Yilmaz, Elif, Durmus, Turgay & Blanco, Saúl, 2021, Description of two new Cymbella (Bacillariophyta) species from Sakarbaşı spring, Turkey, pp. 195-206 in Phytotaxa 484 (2)</i> on pages 199-202, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.484.2.4, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/5421570">http://zenodo.org/record/5421570</a&gt

    Complete chloroplast genome of the mixotrophic chrysophyte Poterioochromonas malhamensis (Ochromonadales, Synurophyceae) from Van Lake in Eastern Anatolia

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    We sequenced the chloroplast genome of Poterioochromonas malhamensis (Pringsheim) R.A.Andersen strain SZCZR2049, which originates from Van Lake in Turkey. This genome is 133,923 bp long, and like those currently available for six phototrophic chrysophytes, it displays a long, gene-rich inverted repeat and a very short single-copy region. Compared to its chrysophyte counterparts, the P. malhamensis inverted repeat differs noticeably in gene content and the whole genome is missing 11 protein-coding genes. The maximum likelihood phylogeny inferred from concatenated protein-coding genes positioned P. malhamensis among the chrysophytes sensu lato as sister to the clade containing the Synurales (Synurophyceae) and Chromulinales (Chrysophyceae)

    A new diatom (Surirellaceae: Bacillariophyta) species - Surirella caljoniana sp. nov. - in Göydün Spring, Sivas in Eastern Anatolia, Republic of Türkiye

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    A new species Surirella caljoniana sp. nov. is described from a unique microenvironment in the mountainous region of Turkiye. The taxon was found in a small soda spring which is an important water source for the Kizilirmak River. Surirella caljoniana is similar to Surirella brebissonii Krammer & Lange-Bertalot, S. brebissonii var. kuetzingii Krammer and Lange-Bertalot, S. lacrimula J.D.English, S. neglecta Reichardt and S. subsalsa W.Smith in morphology and shape. Unlike the other taxa, S. caljoniana has an oval-elliptic, slightly heteropolar outline, larger length/width ratio and a narrowly rounded, slightly protracted foot pole. Over the striae, distinct fimbriate silica protrusions are evident and similar to some marine species within the Pinnatae