872 research outputs found

    Foreigners on the labour market in Poland

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    The goal of the paper is the analysis of the scale and structure of the phenomenon of labour immigration in Poland after its accession to the European Union. Gradual liberalisation of legal regulations concerning immi-grants on Polish labour market that occurred after 2004 has had an impact on continuous increase in the number of immigrants who work legally in Poland. Citizens of Ukraine are a predominant group of foreigners. Ukrainians have dominated labour market in Poland mainly in construction sector, services in households, agriculture and also in the sector of transport services and warehousing

    Work-in-Progress: Determining MPSoC Layout from Thermal Camera Images

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    In many safety-critical applications, Multi-Processor Systems-on- Chip (MPSoC) must operate within a given thermal envelope under harsh environmental conditions. Meeting the thermal requirements often requires using advanced task allocation and scheduling techniques that are guided by detailed power models. This paper introduces a method that has the potential to simplify the creation of such models. It constructs so-called heat maps from thermal camera images. By comparing the heat maps of different workloads, we identify the locations of on-chip components and the amount of heat produced by them. We demonstrate our method on the i.MX8QuadMax chip from NXP, where we identify the locations of CPU clusters, bigger CPU cores, GPUs, and DRAM controllers

    Patches in the Polar Ionosphere: UT and Seasonal Dependence

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    The seasonal and UT dependencies of patches in the polar ionosphere are simulated using the Utah State University time dependent ionospheric model (TDIM). Patch formation is achieved by changing the plasma convection pattern in response to temporal changes in the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) By component during periods of southward IMF. This mechanism redirects the plasma flow from the dayside high-density region, which is the source of the tongue of ionization (TOI) density feature, through the throat and leads to patches, rather than a continuous TOI. The model predicts that the patches are absent at winter solstice (northern hemisphere) between 0800 and 1200 UT and that they have their largest seasonal intensity at winter solstice between 2000 and 2400 UT. Between winter solstice and equinox, patches are strong and present all day. Patches are present in summer as well, although their intensity is only tens of percent above the background density. These winter-to-equinox findings are also shown to be consistent with observations. The model was also used to predict times at which patch observations could be performed to determine the contributions from other patch mechanisms. This observational window is ± 20 days about winter solstice between 0800 and 1200 UT in the northern hemisphere. In this observational window the TOI is either absent or reduced to a very low density. Hence the time dependent electric field mechanism considered in this study does not produce patches, and if they are observed, then they must be due to some other mechanism

    Determination of trace compounds and artifacts in nitrogen background measurements by proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry under dry and humid conditions

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    A qualitative analysis was applied for the determination of trace compounds at the parts per trillion in volume (pptv) level in the mass spectra of nitrogen of different qualities (5.0 and 6.0) under dry and humid conditions. This qualitative analysis enabled the classification and discovery of hundreds of new ions (e.g., [Sx]H+ species) and artifacts such as parasitic ions and memory effects and their differentiation from real gas impurities. With this analysis, the humidity dependency of all kind of ions in the mass spectrum was determined. Apart from the inorganic artifacts previously discovered, many new organic ions were assigned as instrumental artifacts and new isobaric interferences could be elucidated. From 1140 peaks found in the mass range m/z 0–800, only 660 could be analyzed due to sufficient intensity, from which 463 corresponded to compounds. The number of peaks in nitrogen proton transfer reaction (PTR) spectra was similarly dominated by nonmetallic oxygenated organic compounds (23.5%) and hydrocarbons (24.1%) Regarding only gas impurities, hydrocarbons were the main compound class (50.2%). The highest contribution to the total ion signal for unfiltered nitrogen under dry and humid conditions was from nonmetallic oxygenated compounds. Under dry conditions, nitrogen-containing compounds exhibit the second highest contribution of 89% and 96% for nitrogen 5.0 and 6.0, respectively, whereas under humid conditions, hydrocarbons become the second dominant group with 69% and 86% for nitrogen 5.0 and 6.0, respectively. With the gathered information, a database can be built as a tool for the elucidation of instrumental and intrinsic gas matrix artifacts in PTR mass spectra and, especially in cases, where dilution with inert gases plays a significant role

    Theoretical Study of the Effect of Ionospheric Return Currents on the Electron Temperature

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    An electron heat flow can occur in a partially ionized plasma in response to either an electron temperature gradient (thermal conduction) or an electron current (thermoelectric heat flow). The former process has been extensively studied, while the latter process has received relatively little attention. Therefore a time-dependent three-dimensional model of the high-latitude ionosphere was used to study the effect of field-aligned ionospheric return currents on auroral electron temperatures for different seasonal and solar cycle conditions as well as for different upper boundary heat fluxes. The results of this study lead to the following conclusions: (1) The average, large-scale, return current densities, which are a few microamps per square meter, are too small to affect auroral electron temperatures. (2) Current densities greater than about 10−5 A m−2 are needed for thermoelectric heat flow to be important. (3) The thermoelectric effect displays a marked solar cycle and seasonal dependence. (4) Thermoelectric heat transport corresponds to an upward flow of electron energy. (5) This energy flow can be either a source or sink of electron energy, depending on the altitude and geophysical conditions. (6) Thermoelectric heat transport is typically a sink above 300 km and acts to lower ambient electron temperatures by as much as 2000 K for field-aligned return current densities of the order of 5 × 10−5 A m−2. For this case, the electron temperature decreases with altitude above 300 km with a gradient that can exceed 1 K km−1. Also, the electron temperature can drop below both the ion and neutral temperatures in the upper F region owing to thermoelectric cooling. (7) A downward magnetospheric heat flux in combinations with an upward thermoelectric heat flux can produce steep positive electron temperature gradients in the topside ionosphere

    What is the Source of Observed Annual Variations in Plasmaspheric Density?

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    Plasmaspheric densities have been observed previously to be higher in December than in June, with the ratio varying between 1.5 and 3.0 and with larger variations at lower L shells. In order to search for the cause of the observed annual variations, we have modeled plasmaspheric density, using a time-dependent hydrodynamic model. On an L = 2 field line with geomagnetic longitude equal to 300°, the modeled plasmaspheric densities were a factor of 1.5 times higher in December than in June. The modeled December to June density ratio was found to increase slightly with L shell, in contrast to observations; this discrepancy may be due to the fact that outer plasmaspheric flux tubes are never completely full. In addition, for an L = 2 field line with geomagnetic longitude equal to 120°, the modeled plasmaspheric density was higher in June than in December by a factor of about 1.2. Various numerical tests were also performed in order to examine the sensitivity of plasmaspheric density to various parameters. In particular, a large vertical neutral wind was applied in order to raise the O+ profile, which had the effect of raising plasmaspheric density by a factor of 6. This in conjunction with a theoretical analysis suggests that plasmaspheric density levels are very sensitive to O+ levels in the upper ionosphere. We conclude that annual variations in plasmaspheric density are due to similar variations in ionospheric O+

    Promising emission behavior in Pr 3+ /In selenide-chalcogenide-glass small-core step index fiber (SIF)

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    Selenide-chalcogenide glass, small-core, step-index fiber (SIF), core-doped with Pr3+: 9.51 × 1024 ions m−3 (500 ppmw) is fabricated for the first time with indium to help solubilize Pr3+. Core diameters of 20 or 40 μm are confirmed using scanning electron microscopy and near-field imaging; fibre numerical aperture is ∼0.4. Optical loss is ≥ 4.9 dB m−1 across the 3–9 μm mid-infrared (MIR) spectral range. On pumping at 1.55 μm or 2.013 μm, the SIFs give broad MIR emission across 3.5–6 μm assigned to 3H6 → 3H5 and 3H5 → 3H4. The Pr3+ emission-lifetime at 4.7 μm decreases from bulk-glass (10.1 ± 0.3 ms), to intermediately processed fiber (8.10 ± 0.5 ms) to SIF (7.1 ± 0.5 ms) induced by the processing. On end-pumping SIFs at 2.013 μm, the output pump-power and emission intensity at 4.7 μm became sub-linear and super-linear, respectively, suggesting MIR excited-state saturation is occurring