131 research outputs found

    A MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS NEESIA * Blume (Bombacaceae)

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    1) Eight species are described: N. altissima, synandra, glabra, koster-mansiana, malayana, parpurascens, piluliflora and strigosa.2) N. kostermansiana is a species new to science.3) N. glabra and synandra, formerly included in N. altissima are reinstated as distinct species.4) The area of distribution of the genus covers Lower Siam, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java and Borneo, with Borneo as centre

    Dimensión de la justicia de la restauración del paradigma de justicia en el sistema penal por violencia sexual en Indonesia

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    The act of sexual violence is a crime that is classified as a violation of human rights (HAM). The increase in cases of sexual violence in the world, including in Indonesia, shows that this shows that the existing justice system is unable to guarantee justice for victims, and most importantly recovery for victims. For this reason, a justice restoration approach is needed as an alternative in law enforcement against sexual crimes. In practice, marriage is used as a way to approach justice restoration. This article uses a normative and juridical approach to discuss law enforcement on sexual crimes through a restoration justice approach. It can be concluded that law enforcement on sexual crimes must look at the criminological, victimological and ontological aspects, in order to be able to place the problem objectively. As a complaint offense, sexual crimes may not be passed on to the criminal process, if there is peace between the victim and the perpetrator, provided that there is an agreement between the victim, the perpetrator, the family and the community without coercion from various parties. The main thing in the justice restoration approach for sexual crimes is to provide protection and assistance to victims from various parties, so that victims can be separated from the trauma or psychological impact caused by sexual violence experienced by the victim or the impact received after the occurrence of the sexual crime.El acto de violencia sexual es un delito tipificado como violación de los derechos humanos (DH). El aumento de casos de violencia sexual en el mundo, incluso en Indonesia, muestra que esto demuestra que el sistema de justicia existente no puede garantizar justicia para las víctimas y, lo que es más importante, recuperación para las víctimas. Por esta razón, se necesita un enfoque de restauración de la justicia como alternativa en la aplicación de la ley contra los delitos sexuales. En la práctica, el matrimonio se utiliza como una forma de abordar la restauración de la justicia. Este artículo utiliza un enfoque normativo y jurídico para discutir la aplicación de la ley en delitos sexuales a través de un enfoque de justicia restaurativa. Se puede concluir que la aplicación de la ley sobre delitos sexuales debe mirar los aspectos criminológicos, victimológicos y ontológicos, para poder ubicar el problema de manera objetiva. Como delito de denuncia, los delitos sexuales no podrán pasarse al proceso penal, si existe paz entre la víctima y el autor, siempre que exista un acuerdo entre la víctima, el autor, la familia y la comunidad sin coacción de diversas fiestas. Lo principal en el enfoque de restitución de justicia para los delitos sexuales es brindar protección y asistencia a las víctimas de diversas partes, para que las víctimas puedan ser separadas del trauma o impacto psicológico causado por la violencia sexual vivida por la víctima o el impacto recibido después de la ocurrencia. del delito sexua

    Phytobiotic Utilization as Feed Additive in Feed for Pancreatic Enzyme Activity of Broiler Chicken

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of turmeric water extract, garlic and combination turmeric and garlic as a feed additive in the broiler diet on pancreatic enzyme activity of broiler chicken. Effectivity of treatments was assessed by addition of phytobiotic (control, 015% zinc bacitracin, 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE, 2.5% TGE) which were arranged Completely Randomized Design with 4 replications. The variables measured were pancreatic enzyme activity(amylase enzyme activity, protease enzyme activity  and lipase enzyme activity).The results showed that enzyme protein activity content of 2.5% TE supplementation is also high at 82.02 U/ml, then supplemented 2.5% TGE, 2.0% GE, negative control and positive control respectively 75.98 ; 72.02; 68.74; and 66.57 U/ml. The lipase enzyme activity whereas the negative control and a positive control differ significantly higher (P<0.05) to treatment with the addition of 2.5% TE, 2.0% GE and 2.5% TGE phytobiotic. The research concluded that the incorporation of 2.5% TE, 2% GE and combined 2.5% TGE as feed additive enhanced pancreatic enzyme activity


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    This study aims to determine how the educational punishment system is as an alternative to diversion against children as perpetrators of criminal acts. This research was a normative empirical study by taking a case study at the Tabanan District Court. The object examined in this study was the criminal case of theft that occurred to children in the Tabanan District Court. In the case of criminal acts of theft committed by children in the Tabanan District Court as in the case Number 6 / Pid.Sus-Anak / 2018 / PN Tab the judge faced problems in conducting diversions, namely related to the requirements for diversion as referred to in article 7 paragraph (2) of the Judicial System Law Child. Based on these facts, judges continue to make efforts to provide an educational criminal system against children by entrusting children to the Social Institution Development to provide an opportunity for children to become good people again through non-formal channels by involving community resources. This certainly seeks to provide justice to cases of children who have already committed criminal acts up to law enforcement officials. The educational system of punishment must be the priority of the judge in giving decisions against children who are in conflict with the law. In the Judge's decision, of course, it does not only pay attention to the facts of the trial in making the decision, but what is no less important is to consider the impact of punishment that will be received by children who are in conflict with the law in relation to the verdict


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    This paper deals with the names and typication of the 34 species recognized in Malesia. Specimens important for the knowledge of the distribution of each species have been cited with their locality. Indexes to names and to all examined specimens are given. Ten new species are described: Castanopsis clemensii, densinervia, endertii, microphylla,, oligoneura, oviformis, paucispina, peduneulata, psilophylla, all from Borneo, and johorensis from Malaya. C. hypophoenieea and C. lucida are new combinations based on Quercus hypophoenieea v. Seem, and Alseodaphne lucida Nees in Wall, respectively. Castanopsis ebneri and woodii are reduced to evansii, hullettii to lucida, pachycarpa to rhamnifolia, conspersispina, to tungurrut, dispersispina to hypophoenieea, ridleyi partly to tungurrut and partly to megacarpa, kinabaluensis to foxworthyi, pearsonii to mottleyana, junghuhnii and schlenkerae to acuniinatissima. Castanopsis selangorensis A. Cam. is regarded as a doubtful species. The number of endemic species is for Malaya 5, Borneo 11, the Philippines 1; the total number of species, is for Sumatra 11, Malaya 17, Java 4, Borneo 20, the Philippines 4, Celebes 2, the Moluccas 1, New Guinea 1, the Lesser Sunda Islands none

    The Criminal Justice for Autism in Indonesia Case Study

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    Abstract: This study aims to find out how law enforcement for crimes committed by autistic people in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative research with a normative juridical approach. The method used in this research is the study of literature, with descriptive data analysis. The protection of persons with disabilities has been regulated in Indonesian law listed in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities. The law refers to international conventions (The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities). Persons with disabilities as referred to in this law include autism as intellectual disabilities. Although it has been regulated in legislation that persons with autism get the same rights and obligations in law as other citizens, in reality it is not uncommon for cases to end in injustice for them. Some criminal cases involving autistic persons often experience difficulties in their resolution, due to lack of understanding of law enforcement officers. The study states that to provide the fairest possible action for persons with autism, law enforcement must be able to ascertain their physical and psychological condition. This is done through a special approach and assistance from experts and people who are able to create comfort for autistic people is very influential, so that the information received is accurate. An assembly in giving the fairest decision, must be able to consider the opinions of experts, especially those who understand autism.Title: Giustizia penale ed autismo, il caso di studio dell’IndonesiaRiassunto: Questo studio mira a scoprire in che modo l'applicazione della legge per i crimini commessi da persone autistiche in Indonesia. Questa ricerca è una ricerca qualitativa con un approccio giuridico normativo. Il metodo utilizzato in questa ricerca è lo studio della letteratura, con analisi descrittiva dei dati. La tutela delle persone con disabilità è stata regolamentata dalla legge indonesiana elencata nella legge della Repubblica di Indonesia n. 8 del 2016 relativa alle persone con disabilità. La legge fa riferimento alle convenzioni internazionali (Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti delle persone con disabilità). Le persone con disabilità, come indicato in questa legge, includono l'autismo come disabilità intellettuale. Anche se è stato regolamentato nella legislazione che le persone con autismo ottengono gli stessi diritti e gli stessi obblighi di legge degli altri cittadini, in realtà non è raro che&nbsp; i casi si concludano con un'ingiustizia per loro. Alcuni casi penali che coinvolgono persone autistiche spesso incontrano difficoltà nella loro risoluzione, a causa della mancanza di comprensione delle forze dell'ordine. Lo studio afferma che per fornire l'azione più equa possibile alle persone con autismo, le forze dell'ordine devono essere in grado di accertare le loro condizioni fisiche e psicologiche. Questo viene fatto attraverso un approccio speciale e l'assistenza di esperti e di persone che sono in grado di creare conforto per le persone autistiche è molto influente, in modo che le informazioni ricevute siano accurate. Un'assemblea nel dare la decisione più giusta, deve essere in grado di considerare le opinioni degli esperti, soprattutto di coloro che comprendono l'autismo.Parole chiave: Autismo, disabilità, giustizia penale, sistema legale indonesianoAutore: Nurianto Rachmad Soepadmo, lecturer in the postgraduate program at the law facult

    Pollination by the locally endangered island flying fox (Pteropus hypomelanus) enhances fruit production of the economically important durian (Durio zibethinus)

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    Fruit bats provide valuable pollination services to humans through a unique coevolutionary relationship with chiropterophilous plants. However, chiropterophily in the Old World and the pollination roles of large bats, such as flying foxes (Pteropus spp., Acerodon spp., Desmalopex spp.), are still poorly understood and require further elucidation. Efforts to protect these bats have been hampered by a lack of basic quantitative information on their role as ecosystem service providers. Here, we investigate the role of the locally endangered island flying fox Pteropus hypomelanus in the pollination ecology of durian (Durio zibethinus), an economically important crop in Southeast Asia.On Tioman Island, Peninsular Malaysia, we deployed 19 stations of paired infrared camera and video traps across varying heights at four individual flowering trees in a durian orchard. We detected at least nine species of animal visitors, but only bats had mutualistic interactions with durian flowers. There was a clear vertical stratification in the feeding niches of flying foxes and nectar bats, with flying foxes feeding at greater heights in the trees. Flying foxes had a positive effect on mature fruit set and therefore serve as important pollinators for durian trees. As such, semi-wild durian trees—particularly tall ones—may be dependent on flying foxes for enhancing reproductive success. Our study is the first to quantify the role of flying foxes in durian pollination, demonstrating that these giant fruit bats may have far more important ecological, evolutionary, and economic roles than previously thought. This has important implications and can aid efforts to promote flying fox conservation, especially in Southeast Asian countries

    Tree Resin Composition, Collection Behavior and Selective Filters Shape Chemical Profiles of Tropical Bees (Apidae: Meliponini)

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    The diversity of species is striking, but can be far exceeded by the chemical diversity of compounds collected, produced or used by them. Here, we relate the specificity of plant-consumer interactions to chemical diversity applying a comparative network analysis to both levels. Chemical diversity was explored for interactions between tropical stingless bees and plant resins, which bees collect for nest construction and to deter predators and microbes. Resins also function as an environmental source for terpenes that serve as appeasement allomones and protection against predators when accumulated on the bees' body surfaces. To unravel the origin of the bees' complex chemical profiles, we investigated resin collection and the processing of resin-derived terpenes. We therefore analyzed chemical networks of tree resins, foraging networks of resin collecting bees, and their acquired chemical networks. We revealed that 113 terpenes in nests of six bee species and 83 on their body surfaces comprised a subset of the 1,117 compounds found in resins from seven tree species. Sesquiterpenes were the most variable class of terpenes. Albeit widely present in tree resins, they were only found on the body surface of some species, but entirely lacking in others. Moreover, whereas the nest profile of Tetragonula melanocephala contained sesquiterpenes, its surface profile did not. Stingless bees showed a generalized collecting behavior among resin sources, and only a hitherto undescribed species-specific “filtering” of resin-derived terpenes can explain the variation in chemical profiles of nests and body surfaces from different species. The tight relationship between bees and tree resins of a large variety of species elucidates why the bees' surfaces contain a much higher chemodiversity than other hymenopterans