2,274 research outputs found

    A garantia da ordem pública como fundamento para a prisão preventiva e o desenvolvimento de seu conceito no Supremo Tribunal Federal

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    Resumo: Esta monografia tem como objetivo tratar de forma pormenorizada a garantia da ordem pública, circunstância legal autorizadora da decretação da prisão preventiva do imputado trazida pelo artigo 312, do Código de Processo Penal. Trata-se de instituto dotado de um conceito vago que enseja custódia provisória, a qual deveria apresentar natureza cautelar, porém, assume contornos diversos da instrumentalidade lhe exigida. No mais das vezes é adotada como medida de defesa social, assumindo a função de prevenção especial quando objetiva evitar a prática de novos crimes, ou utilizada para satisfazer o sentimento de justiça da sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, o Supremo Tribunal Federal, guardião da Constituição, assume papel de extrema relevância para promover a interpretação desse instituto à luz das garantias constitucionais trazidas pela Constituição Federal de 1988, notadamente o princípio da presunção de inocênci

    A Centralidade do Trabalho no Processo de Valorização do Capital

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    O artigo analisa a questão da centralidade do trabalho no capitalismo contemporâneo sob a regência das finanças. Apresenta a dinâmica do mercado de trabalho no período conhecido como regime de acumulação flexível, no qual se observa que o capital combina novas estratégias de exploração da força de trabalho com formas pretéritas de extração de mais valia pari passu ao desenvolvimento de mecanismos que levam à expansão do capital financeiro. Nessemomento o capital, parcialmente, queima etapas do ciclo D-M-D ́ (D-M...P...M-D’), passando a se valorizar na forma D-D’. Apesar da constatação da dominância das finanças no regime de acumulação flexível, a esfera da produção não é eliminada e o trabalho continua a ser central para o capitalismo

    A questão agrária e o “novo” rural brasileiro

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    Este texto se propõe a discutir a questão agrária e verificar de queforma o Estado, mediante políticas públicas, pode impulsionar odesenvolvimento social e econômico. Centrado nas transformações ocorridasno rural brasileiro na década de 1990 e nas implicações do desenvolvimento“sustentável”, o estudo apresenta dados, bem como o posicionamento depesquisadores da Academia sobre a pluriatividade, previdência e reforma agráriae conclui: a pluriatividade no Nordeste está longe de ser “a solução” para aproblemática do rural; as mudanças na previdência exerceram grande impactona economia rural; a reforma agrária apesar de ter saído do foco do debateainda é de fundamental importância para se pensar no desenvolvimentohumano no campo e na cidade

    The Homa-adiponectin (homa-ad) Closely Mirrors The Homa-ir Index In The Screening Of Insulin Resistance In The Brazilian Metabolic Syndrome Study (brams)

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)The major adverse consequences of obesity are associated with the development of insulin resistance (IR) and adiposopathy. The Homeostasis Model Assessment-Adiponectin (HOMA-AD) was proposed as a modified version of the HOMA1-IR, which incorporates adiponectin in the denominator of the index. Objectives To evaluate the performance of the HOMA-AD index compared with the HOMA1-IR index as a surrogate marker of IR in women, and to establish the cutoff value of the HOMA-AD. Subjects/Methods The Brazilian Metabolic Syndrome Study (BRAMS) is a cross-sectional multicenter survey. The data from 1,061 subjects met the desired criteria: 18-65 years old, BMI: 18.5-49.9 Kg/m(2) and without diabetes. The IR was assessed by the indexes HOMA1-IR and HOMA-AD (total sample) and by the hyperglycemic clamp(n = 49). Metabolic syndrome was defined using the IDF criteria. Results For the IR assessed by the clamp, the HOMA-AD demonstrated a stronger coefficient of correlation (r = -0.64) compared with the HOMA1-IR (r = -0.56); p 0.05). The optimal cutoff identified for the HOMA-AD for the diagnosis of IR was 0.95. Conclusions The HOMA-AD index was demonstrated to be a useful surrogate marker for detecting IR among adult women and presented a similar performance compared with the HOMA1-IR index. These results may assist physicians and researchers in determining which method to use to evaluate IR in light of the available facilities.118National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) [563664/2010-0]Sao Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP [2013/06195-8]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Use of big data in the surveillance of veterinary diseases: early detection of tick paralysis in companion animals

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    Background: Tick paralysis, resultant from envenomation by the scrub-tick Ixodes holocyclus, is a serious threat for small companion animals in the eastern coast of Australia. We hypothesise that surveillance systems that are built on Internet search queries may provide a more timely indication of high-risk periods more effectively than current approaches. Methods: Monthly tick paralysis notifications in dogs and cats across Australia and the states of Queensland (QLD) and New South Wales (NSW) were retrieved from Disease WatchDog surveillance system for the period 2011-2013. Internet search terms related to tick paralysis in small companion animals were identified using Google Correlate, and corresponding search frequency metrics were downloaded from Google Trends. Spearman's rank correlations and time series cross correlations were performed to assess which Google search terms lead or are synchronous with tick paralysis notifications. Results: Metrics data were available for 24 relevant search terms at national level, 16 for QLD and 18 for NSW, and they were all significantly correlated with tick paralysis notifications (P < 0.05). Among those terms, 70.8, 56.3 and 50 % showed strong Spearman's correlations, at national level, for QLD, and for NSW respectively, and cross correlation analyses identified searches which lead notifications at national or state levels. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that Internet search metrics can be used to monitor the occurrence of tick paralysis in companion animals, which would facilitate early detection of high-risk periods for tick paralysis cases. This study constitutes the first application of the rapidly emerging field of Internet-based surveillance to veterinary science


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    O trabalho abordou aspectos da recente reforma trabalhista, que trouxe um grande retrocesso social no que se trata da incompatibilidade com os princípios base do Estado Democrático de Direito. A investigação questiona se a reforma trabalhista pode ser encarada como retrocesso social, limitadora de direitos e garantias ante os direitos já conquistados pelos trabalhadores. O método utilizado foi à pesquisa bibliográfica contida em diversos autores renomados que abordam o tema buscando por fim, concluir que as alterações trazidas pela Lei nº 13.467/2017, em relação à terceirização trouxeram prejuízos e acentuaram a condição de trabalhadores em condições inadequadas

    Educação do Campo e ensino de Química: experiências em escola do campo de Mato Grosso

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    ABSTRACT. Rural Schools are faced with multiple challenges, among them to guarantee a Chemistry teaching based on the local reality, which gives access to Science without losing the sociocultural characteristic of each community. Problematized by such a challenge, this article deals with experiences carried out during the course Bachelor of Sciences (Major: Chemistry) and promoted by the articulation between Undergraduate Studies and Extension Projects. The study aims to report and reflect on two experiences within a Rural School (“Escola&nbsp;do Campo”, in Brazil), and to analyze how the approach of different themes is pertinent to the specificities of Rural Education. In this investigation, the report on experiences is considered as a methodological strategy that enables a reflexive analysis of our educational practice. Workshops were carried out, divided by thematic approach. In the first workshop entitled "Cleaning with Chemistry" seventeen students took part;&nbsp;The&nbsp;second workshop, entitled "Water and Its Importance", had twenty-six participants. On the one hand, we recognize that we discuss a previously established subject matter, which remains far from the school curriculum and the specific conditions of the local context, on the other hand, we perceive thematic advances and challenges with the&nbsp;problematization&nbsp;of pertinent topics of rural living, in the sense of a scientific training, and of the social valorization of the struggles of rural living.ABSTRACT. Rural Schools are faced with multiple challenges, among them to guarantee a Chemistry teaching based on the local reality, which gives access to Science without losing the sociocultural characteristic of each community. Problematized by such a challenge, this article deals with experiences carried out during the course Bachelor of Sciences (Major: Chemistry) and promoted by the articulation between Undergraduate Studies and Extension Projects. The study aims to report and reflect on two experiences within a Rural School (“Escola&nbsp;do Campo”, in Brazil), and to analyze how the approach of different themes is pertinent to the specificities of Rural Education. In this investigation, the report on experiences is considered as a methodological strategy that enables a reflexive analysis of our educational practice. Workshops were carried out, divided by thematic approach. In the first workshop entitled "Cleaning with Chemistry" seventeen students took part;&nbsp;The&nbsp;second workshop, entitled "Water and Its Importance", had twenty-six participants. On the one hand, we recognize that we discuss a previously established subject matter, which remains far from the school curriculum and the specific conditions of the local context, on the other hand, we perceive thematic advances and challenges with the&nbsp;problematization&nbsp;of pertinent topics of rural living, in the sense of a scientific training, and of the social valorization of the struggles of rural living.ABSTRACT. Rural Schools are faced with multiple challenges, among them to guarantee a Chemistry teaching based on the local reality, which gives access to Science without losing the sociocultural characteristic of each community. Problematized by such a challenge, this article deals with experiences carried out during the course Bachelor of Sciences (Major: Chemistry) and promoted by the articulation between Undergraduate Studies and Extension Projects. The study aims to report and reflect on two experiences within a Rural School (“Escola&nbsp;do Campo”, in Brazil), and to analyze how the approach of different themes is pertinent to the specificities of Rural Education. In this investigation, the report on experiences is considered as a methodological strategy that enables a reflexive analysis of our educational practice. Workshops were carried out, divided by thematic approach. In the first workshop entitled "Cleaning with Chemistry" seventeen students took part;&nbsp;The&nbsp;second workshop, entitled "Water and Its Importance", had twenty-six participants. On the one hand, we recognize that we discuss a previously established subject matter, which remains far from the school curriculum and the specific conditions of the local context, on the other hand, we perceive thematic advances and challenges with the&nbsp;problematization&nbsp;of pertinent topics of rural living, in the sense of a scientific training, and of the social valorization of the struggles of rural living.As escolas do Campo estão diante de múltiplos desafios, dentre eles o de garantir um Ensino de Química baseado na realidade local, que dê acesso à ciência sem perder a característica sociocultural de cada comunidade. Problematizados por tal desafio, o presente artigo trata de experiências realizadas ao longo de uma Licenciatura em Química e promovidas pela articulação entre a graduação e projetos de Extensão. O objetivo é relatar e refletir sobre duas experiências junto a uma Escola do Campo, e, analisar como a abordagem de distintas temáticas são pertinentes às especificidades da Educação do Campo. Nesta investigação, o relato de experiência é tido como estratégia metodológica que possibilita uma análise reflexiva de nossa prática educacional. A realização de oficinas deu-se por abordagem temática. Na primeira oficina intitulada “Limpando com a química” participaram dezessete estudantes, na segunda, intitulada “A água e sua importância” foram vinte e seis participantes. Reconhecemos, por um lado, que abordarmos conteúdo previamente estabelecido, mantidos distantes do currículo da escola e das condições concretas do contexto local, por outro percebemos avanços temáticos e desafios junto a problematização de temas pertinentes ao Campo, no sentido de uma formação científica e da valorização social da luta do Campo. Palavras-chave: Formação Inicial de Professores, Educação do Campo, Ensino de Química. &nbsp; Rural Education and Chemistry teaching: experiments in schools of the countryside in the Mato Grosso state ABSTRACT. Rural Schools are faced with multiple challenges, among them to guarantee a Chemistry teaching based on the local reality, which gives access to Science without losing the sociocultural characteristic of each community. Problematized by such a challenge, this article deals with experiences carried out during the course Bachelor of Sciences (Major: Chemistry) and promoted by the articulation between Undergraduate Studies and Extension Projects. The study aims to report and reflect on two experiences within a Rural School (“Escola&nbsp;do Campo”, in Brazil), and to analyze how the approach of different themes is pertinent to the specificities of Rural Education. In this investigation, the report on experiences is considered as a methodological strategy that enables a reflexive analysis of our educational practice. Workshops were carried out, divided by thematic approach. In the first workshop entitled "Cleaning with Chemistry" seventeen students took part;&nbsp;The&nbsp;second workshop, entitled "Water and Its Importance", had twenty-six participants. On the one hand, we recognize that we discuss a previously established subject matter, which remains far from the school curriculum and the specific conditions of the local context, on the other hand, we perceive thematic advances and challenges with the&nbsp;problematization&nbsp;of pertinent topics of rural living, in the sense of a scientific training, and of the social valorization of the struggles of rural living. Keywords: Initial Teacher Training, Rural Education, Chemistry Teaching. &nbsp; Educación del Campo y enseñanza de la Química: experiencias en una escuela en el campo de estado de Mato Grosso RESUMEN. Las escuelas en el campo enfrentan múltiples desafíos, incluyendo asegurar una Enseñanza de Química basada en la realidad local, que da acceso a la ciencia sin perder la característica sociocultural de cada comunidad. Problematizado por tal desafío, este artículo trata de experimentos realizados durante un Grado en Química y promovido por la articulación entre proyectos de pregrado y extensión. El objetivo es informar y reflexionar sobre dos experiencias con una escuela rural, y analizar cómo el enfoque de diferentes temas es pertinente a las especificidades de la educación rural. En esta investigación, el informe de experiencia se considera como una estrategia metodológica que permite un análisis reflexivo de nuestra práctica educativa. La celebración de talleres se realizó por enfoque temático. En el primer taller titulado "Limpieza con química" participaron diecisiete estudiantes, en el segundo taller titulado "El agua y su importancia" participaron veintiséis participantes. Reconocemos, por un lado, que abordamos contenido previamente establecido, alejado del currículo escolar y de las condiciones concretas del contexto local, por otro, percibimos avances temáticos y desafíos con la problematización de temas relevantes en el campo, en el sentido de la formación científica y Apreciación social de la lucha del campo. Palabras clave: Formación Inicial de Profesores, Educación del Campo, Enseñanza de Química


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    Na mina da empresa Nacional de Grafite em Itapecerica (MG), localizada no interior do Craton São Francisco Meridional, ocorre uma associação de rochas paraderivadas de alto grau metamórfico que inclui gnaisses, quartzitos e grafita xistos, além de granitoides peraluminosos. Provenientes de um sillimanita-cordierita-granada-biotita gnaisse desta associação, cristais de monazita internamente homogêneos tiveram suas composições químicas determinadas nas suas porções de borda e centro através da microssonda eletrônica. Os seus teores de U, Th e Pb permitiram a obtenção de uma idade química média (não isotópica) orosiriana de 2010 +/- 19 Ma, que parece indicar que as monazitas tenham sido geradas durante o metamorfismo de alto grau da transição das fácies anfibolito/granulito relacionado às últimas fases da Orogenia Riaciano-Orosiriana regional. Estas monazitas guardam o registro da atuação desta orogenia bem no interior do Craton São Francisco Meridional, junto aos limites externos da Província Sul Mineira paleoproterozóica

    Rehabilitation with implant-supported overdentures in total edentulous patients: a review

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    Objectives: The main aim of this review article is to discuss implant-supported overdentures (ISOs) as treatment in edentulous patients. Besides, we will try to discuss among the different treatment options in such patients and to analyze their validity when ISOs are compared with other clinical modalities. At the same time, we will try to suggest clinical guidelines supported by current clinical studies. Material and methods: We performed a Medline search and review of pertinent articles on the mentioned subject from 1986 to 2011. As a searching strategy, we used the following words: implant-supported overdentures, attachment systems, Locator attachment, cantilever, fixed prosthesis. Results and conclusions: Implant-supported overdentures constitute an accurate and predictable treatment option and achieve a higher patient's satisfaction. This type of treatment constitutes a cheaper treatment than fixed prostheses and in some patients, with loss of lip support or with an interoclusal space larger than 15 mm, the choice of implant-supported overdentures seems to prevent future aesthetic or phonetic problems


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    Fuel moisture knowledge is essential to estimate several fire behavior variables. The objective of this research was to estimate fuel moisture basing on meteorological variables. The fuel used in the research was the accumulated needles over the forest floor in a Pinus elliottii plantation in the Federal University of Paraná Experimental Station located in Rio Negro county, Paraná State, southern Brazil (26º04’S latitude and 49º45’W longitude).Two methodologies were used to measure the fuel moisture: i) samples were collected and placed in a basket to be weighted along the days; ii) samples were collected along the days directly from the forest floor. Samples from both methodologies were weighted in pre-established time intervals and oven dried for moisture determination. The samples collected directly from the forest floor presented better results and the equation with best fit included the air temperature and wind speed (UMC = b0 + b1*T + b2*V), with R2 = 0,86 and Sxy = 8,74%.O conhecimento da umidade dos materiais combustíveis é imprescindível para a estimativa de parâmetros ligados ao comportamento do fogo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a predição da umidade do material combustível utilizando variáveis meteorológicas. O material combustível avaliado foi o da camada superficial de acículas em um reflorestamento de Pinus elliottii na Estação Experimental de Rio Negro, Paraná (UFPR). Foram utilizadas duas metodologias diferentes para a quantificação da umidade do material combustível, uma baseada em amostras retiradas diretamente do piso da floresta e a outra utilizando amostras também retiradas do piso florestal, mas colocadas em cestos feitos de telas plásticas e utilizadas durante todo o processo de determinação de umidade. Ambos os tipos de amostra foram pesadas em intervalos definidos de tempo, sendo posteriormente submetidas à secagem para a determinação da umidade. A metodologia que apresentou melhores resultados foi a de amostras distintas, que teve seu melhor modelo matemático incorporando a temperatura e a velocidade do vento (UMC = b0 + b1*T + b2*V), apresentando um coeficiente de determinação (R²) de 0,86 e um erro padrão da estimativa porcentual (Sxy%) de 8,74%