141 research outputs found

    Queer Rebels

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    Queer Rebels is a study of gay narrative writings published in Spain at the turn of the 20th century. The book scrutinises the ways in which the literary production of contemporary Spanish gay authors – José Luis de Juan, Luis G. Martín, Juan Gil-Albert, Juan Goytisolo, Eduardo Mendicutti, Luis Antonio de Villena and Álvaro Pombo – engages with homophobic and homophile discourses, as well as with the vernacular and international literary legacy. The first part revolves around the metaphor of a rebellious scribe who queers literary tradition by clandestinely weaving changes into copies of the books he makes. This subversive writing act, named ‘Mazuf’s gesture’ after the protagonist of José Luis de Juan’s This Breathing World (1999), is examined in four highly intertextual works by other writers. The second part of the book explores Luis Antonio de Villena and Álvaro Pombo, who in their different ways seek to coin their own definitions of homosexual experience in opposition both to the homophobic discourses of the past and to the homonormative regimes of the commercialised and trivialised gay culture of today. In their novels, ‘Mazuf’s gesture’ involves playing a sophisticated queer game with readers and their expectations

    Queer Rebels

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    Queer Rebels is a study of gay narrative writings published in Spain at the turn of the 20th century. The book scrutinises the ways in which the literary production of contemporary Spanish gay authors – José Luis de Juan, Luis G. Martín, Juan Gil-Albert, Juan Goytisolo, Eduardo Mendicutti, Luis Antonio de Villena and Álvaro Pombo – engages with homophobic and homophile discourses, as well as with the vernacular and international literary legacy. The first part revolves around the metaphor of a rebellious scribe who queers literary tradition by clandestinely weaving changes into copies of the books he makes. This subversive writing act, named ‘Mazuf’s gesture’ after the protagonist of José Luis de Juan’s This Breathing World (1999), is examined in four highly intertextual works by other writers. The second part of the book explores Luis Antonio de Villena and Álvaro Pombo, who in their different ways seek to coin their own definitions of homosexual experience in opposition both to the homophobic discourses of the past and to the homonormative regimes of the commercialised and trivialised gay culture of today. In their novels, ‘Mazuf’s gesture’ involves playing a sophisticated queer game with readers and their expectations

    El peso de la moda : joyas, perlas y pamelas en la trilogía esperpéntica de Terenci Moix

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    El artículo analiza el papel de las joyas, perlas y moda de lujo en la trilogía esperpéntica de Terenci Moix (Garras de astracán, Mujercísimas, Chulas y famosas). Partiendo de la observación de que los personajes moixianos se prestan a una lectura en términos del drag, se compara la realidad social retratada en la trilogía con el fenómeno cultural neoyorquino llamado ball culture, documentado en la película Paris Is Burning (Jennie Livingston, 1990). El trabajo defiende la tesis de que los protagonistas femeninos y masculinos hacen uso de todo tipo de accesorios y prendas de ropa para encarnar diferentes identidades fantasmáticas. A través de este recurso, el novelista catalán lleva a cabo una crítica de la sociedad española del periodo de la postransición en el contexto de la cultura moderna, trivializada por el capitalismo neoliberal.The paper analyses the role of jewels, pearls and luxury fashion in Terenci Moix's esperpento trilogy (Garras de astracán, Mujercísimas, Chulas y famosas). Following the observation that Moix's heroes can be read in terms of drag, the social reality depicted by Terenci Moix is compared with the New York's ball culture, as shown in the documentary film Paris Is Burning (Jennie Livingston, 1990). It is argued that both male and female characters make use of all kinds of accessories and pieces of clothing in order to embody different phantasmatic identities. The Catalan writer uses this means to criticise the post-Transition Spanish society in the context of the modern culture, trivialised by the neoliberal capitalism

    Entre la distopía y la heterotopía: espacios de la crisis en las novelas de Isaac Rosa

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    This paper analyses urban spaces of crisis in Isaac Rosa’s novels La mano invisible (2011), La habitación oscura (2013), and the graphic novel Aquí vivió. Historia de un desahucio (2016) by Cristina Bueno and Isaac Rosa. It explores the dystopian and realistic elements in Rosa’s fiction and proposes to read his works through the lens of Michel Foucault’s essay on other spaces. The article argues that the unusual, quasi-dystopian spaces are of a double nature, typical for heterotopias, and play a significant role in the manner in which Rosa depicts the consequences of the economic crisis in Spain at the beginning of the 21st century.This paper analyses urban spaces of crisis in Isaac Rosa’s novels La mano invisible (2011), La habitación oscura (2013), and the graphic novel Aquí vivió. Historia de un desahucio (2016) by Cristina Bueno and Isaac Rosa. It explores the dystopian and realistic elements in Rosa’s fiction and proposes to read his works through the lens of Michel Foucault’s essay on other spaces. The article argues that the unusual, quasi-dystopian spaces are of a double nature, typical for heterotopias, and play a significant role in the manner in which Rosa depicts the consequences of the economic crisis in Spain at the beginning of the 21st century

    Conductively filled Poly(methyl methacrylate) composites; manufacture and testing processes for EMI shielding effectiveness

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    Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is an escalating concern in the modern electronic climate. As such it has become a critical area to consider when designing and packaging electronics. With the growing volume of electronic devices available and with processor frequencies increasing, the electromagnetic environment is becoming ever more congested. The need for adequate EMI shielding has become an essential consideration.The desire for high performance combined with reductions in size, weight and manufacturing cost suggests that polymers should be ideal materials for parts such as electronic housings. Unfortunately polymers generally do not provide shielding from electromagnetic waves.The research detailed in this thesis investigates the manufacture and testing of conductively filled poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) composites. Samples of PMMA resin and various electrically conductive filler materials were manufactured. The processing methods, electrical properties and electromagnetic behaviour were all investigated. Composite polymer coatings were printed with a K-Control Coater and evaluated for surface resistivity and EMI shielding effectiveness. Samples were produced with a range of filler materials including nickel, carbon, copper/aluminium and silver coated glass spheres. Shielding effectiveness values of approximately 70 dB were obtained for coatings of PMMA filled with silver coated hollow glass microspheres.Attempts were made to produce an alternaalternative filler material by electroless nickel plating of expanded graphite powder. Successful plating was achieved using conventional methods of surface sensitisation of the graphite. This however resulted in agglomerations of the powder and a loss of the desired physical properties. Alternative thermal surface treatments proved to be unsuccessful in activating the graphite surface with no nickel deposition occurring.Furthermore, electroless nickel plating techniques were successfully utilised in the development of an alternative manufacturing process for producing electrically conductive PMMA composites which contained a reduced metallic content, in relation to a more traditional production technique. Plaques were manufactured by compression moulding of nickel plated PMMA granules. These were compared against samples manufactured with nickel powder mixed in a Brabender Plasti-Corder. The electroless plating method produced samples that outperformed the comparative method and were shown to contain a reduced metallic content. Shielding effectiveness of the electroless plated granule samples achieved approximately 34 dB compared to a maximum of only 2.5 dB for the Brabender compounded samples.Outwith these areas of empirical testing a computer model was produced to simulate the electromagnetic shielding behaviour of composite materials using Comsol Multiphysics. This model appears to successfully simulate the waveguide testing apparatus. However the theoretical conductivity values as calculated from effective media theory resulted in disproportionate shielding effectiveness values obtained.Further research into the electroless plated and compression moulded PMMA composites would be beneficial in order to fully optimise the process. Equally the theoretical model would require further investigating and validating before more accurate simulations could be achieved

    Introducción: Hacia un hispanismo (todavía más) queer

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    Cuatro secciones principales conforman el dossier. La primera reúne nueve artículos seleccionados a partir del call por papers; la segunda, una serie de notas breves de investigadoras e investigadores a quienes invitamos a colaborar, con la certeza de que sus aportes serían relevantes en el marco de este número; la tercera sección propone un abandono momentáneo del cauce más estrictamente académico, para descubrir, con Elena Madrigal, algunos recovecos literarios del deseo lesbiano; para degustar —en la pluma Spanglish de Susana Chávez-Silverman y en la lengua loca y enloquecida de Alejandro Modarelli— dos ejemplos de crónica latinoamericana decididamente torcida; para recorrer, finalmente, de la mano de Javier Sáez, las hipotéticas estaciones LGTBQ de la ciudad de Madrid, en un homenaje a las figuras que, desde las más diversas épocas y latitudes, han hecho una contribución significativa a las comunidades disidentes de lesbianas, maricas, trans*, bisexuales, intersex, queers… Por eso ese mapa, aunque madrileño, podría haberse desplegado en Barcelona, o Buenos Aires, o Santiago de Chile, o Río de Janeiro, o Ciudad de México: su objetivo no es otro que recordar(nos) unos tránsitos y unas luchas que nos conciernen a todos/as, independientemente de nuestra localización particular. Finalmente, se incluye una serie de reseñas de diferentes libros vinculados con el estudio del género y la sexualidad en España y Latinoamérica, a fin de ofrecer un panorama de la bibliografía recientemente aparecida.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Introduction: Towards an (Even More) Queer Hispanism

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    This volume is subdivided into four main sections. The first one collects articles selected out of the submissions received in response to our call for papers; the second one—a series of short “notes” by scholars whom we, as the editors, invited to take part in the project, convinced that their contributions would be valuable for the issue; the third one offers a possibility to abandon for a while the strictly academic considerations in order to discover, along with Elena Madrigal, some of the literary nooks of the lesbian desire; to taste three examples of deliberately “twisted” Latin American chronicles: two of them written in Spanglish by Susana Chávez-Silverman and one in a campy style by Alejandro Modarelli; and finally to take a trip, guided by Javier Sáez, through the imaginary underground LGTBQ stations in the city of Madrid, conceived as a way of paying tribute to the figures that—in different times and places—made a significant contribution to the dissident communities of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans*, intersex, and queer people. On that score, this map could have equally well been spread out in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile or Mexico City: its goal is to remind (us) about some passages and some fights that concern all of us, regardless of our particular location. The last part of the issue gathers several reviews of books on topics related to gender and sexuality studies in Spain and Latin America, offering a survey of the recent publications.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Polish academic economists of the transformation period. A few reflections on the basis of the test results

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    Zmiana systemu w Polsce u progu lat dziewięćdziesiątych sprawiła, że podobnie jak inne dziedziny życia społecznego i gospodarczego, ekonomia akademicka podlegała głębokiej transformacji. Wiązało się to ze zmianą dotychczasowego sposobu analizy zjawisk gospodarczych, a także z poszukiwaniem nowych podejść teoretycznych. Wyrazem tego było przede wszystkim odejście od teorii marksistowskiej i asymilacja tradycji neoklasycznej oraz keynesowskiej. Znalazło to również odzwierciedlenie w programach nauczania ekonomii. Celem arykułu jest spojrzenie na środowisko polskich ekonomistów akademickich w kontekście ich wyborów teoretycznych. Podstawą formułowanych refleksji są wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w ramach projektu badawczego nt. „Identyfikacja polskich ekonomistów ze szkołami myśli ekonomicznej” zrealizowanego w latach 2014-2016 w Instytucie Badań Runku Konsumpcji i Koniunktur-PIB oraz studia literaturowe. Na szerszą charakterystykę środowiska naukowego ekonomistów pozwalają zebrane podczas realizacji projektu dane na temat ich wyborów teoretycznych, poglądów na temat stanu nauk ekonomicznych, barier występujących w rozwoju polskiej ekonomii, a także cech osobowych. Badania potwierdziły, że istotnymi zmiennymi różnicującymi dokonywane przez ekonomistów wybory szkół myśli ekonomicznych są płeć i wiek. W kontekście dalszego rozwoju polskiej ekonomii akademickiej szczególną uwagę zwrócono na poglądy ekonomistów w wieku 36-45 lat, gdyż w następnych latach będą oni w decydującym stopniu wpływać na treści przekazywane w ramach nauczania ekonomii na wyższych uczelniach. Dokonywane przez nich wybory teoretyczne wskazują, że nowa ekonomia instytucjonalna może stracić na znaczeniu, a w kwestiach preferowanych rozwiązań polityki gospodarczej przeważać będą poglądy ortodoksyjnych szkół myśli ekonomicznej. Wskazuje to na utrwalenie się przewagi orientacji liberalnej w polskiej ekonomii w najbliższych latach.The change of the system in Poland in the early 1990s meant that, like other areas of social and economic life, academic economics was subject to the profound transformation. It was connected with the change of the existing method of analyzing economic phenomena, as well as with the search for new theoretical approaches. The expression of this was, above all, the departure from Marxist theory and the assimilation of the neoclassical and Keynesian tradition. This was also reflected in the economic programs. The aim of the article is to take a look at the environment of Polish academic economists in the context of their theoretical choices. The basis of the formulated reflections are the results of research carried out as a part of the research project "Identifying Polish economists with schools of economic thought" conducted in 2014-2016 at the Institute of Consumption and Research of Business Cycles and research on PIB and literature studies. The broad characteristics of the scientific community of economists is enabled by the data collected during the project implementation on their theoretical choices, views on the state of economic sciences, barriers to the development of the Polish economy, as well as personal characteristics. Studies have confirmed that sex and age are important variables that differentiate economic school choices made by economists. In the context of the further development of the Polish academic economy, particular attention was paid to the views of economists aged 36-45, because they will have a decisive influence on the content transferred within the framework of teaching economics at universities in the following years. Their theoretical choices indicate that the new institutional economy may lose its importance, and the views of the orthodox schools of economic thought will dominate reagrding the preferred solutions of economic policy. 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