135 research outputs found

    Picoflare jets power the solar wind emerging from a coronal hole on the Sun.

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    Coronal holes are areas on the Sun with open magnetic field lines. They are a source region of the solar wind, but how the wind emerges from coronal holes is not known. We observed a coronal hole using the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. We identified jets on scales of a few hundred kilometers, which last 20 to 100 seconds and reach speeds of ~100 kilometers per second. The jets are powered by magnetic reconnection and have kinetic energy in the picoflare range. They are intermittent but widespread within the observed coronal hole. We suggest that such picoflare jets could produce enough high-temperature plasma to sustain the solar wind and that the wind emerges from coronal holes as a highly intermittent outflow at small scales

    Ultra-high-resolution observations of persistent null-point reconnection in the solar corona

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    MMagnetic reconnection is a key mechanism involved in solar eruptions and is also a prime possibility to heat the low corona to millions of degrees. Here, we present ultra-high-resolution extreme ultraviolet observations of persistent null-point reconnection in the corona at a scale of about 390 km over one hour observations of the Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager on board Solar Orbiter spacecraft. The observations show formation of a null-point configuration above a minor positive polarity embedded within a region of dominant negative polarity near a sunspot. The gentle phase of the persistent null-point reconnection is evidenced by sustained point-like high-temperature plasma (about 10 MK) near the null-point and constant outflow blobs not only along the outer spine but also along the fan surface. The blobs appear at a higher frequency than previously observed with an average velocity of about 80 km s−1 and life-times of about 40 s. The null-point reconnection also occurs explosively but only for 4 minutes, its coupling with a mini-filament eruption generates a spiral jet. These results suggest that magnetic reconnection, at previously unresolved scales, proceeds continually in a gentle and/or explosive way to persistently transfer mass and energy to the overlying coron

    Extreme-ultraviolet fine structure and variability associated with coronal rain revealed by Solar Orbiter/EUI HRIEUV and SPICE

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    CONTEXT: Coronal rain is the most dramatic cooling phenomenon of the solar corona. Recent observations in the visible and UV spectrum have shown that coronal rain is a pervasive phenomenon in active regions. Its strong link with coronal heating through the thermal non-equilibrium (TNE) a-thermal instability (TI) scenario makes it an essential diagnostic tool for the heating properties. Another puzzling feature of the solar corona in addition to the heating is its filamentary structure and variability, particularly in the extreme UV (EUV). AIMS: We aim to identify observable features of the TNE-TI scenario underlying coronal rain at small and large spatial scales to understand the role it plays in the solar corona. METHODS: We used EUV datasets at an unprecedented spatial resolution of 240 km from the High Resolution Imager (HRI) in the EUV (HRIEUV) of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) and SPICE on board Solar Orbiter from the perihelion in March and April 2022. RESULTS: EUV absorption features produced by coronal rain are detected at scales as small as 260 km. As the rain falls, heating and compression is produced immediately downstream, leading to a small EUV brightening that accompanies the fall and produces a fireball phenomenon in the solar corona. Just prior to impact, a flash-like EUV brightening downstream of the rain, lasting a few minutes, is observed for the fastest events. For the first time, we detect the atmospheric response to the impact of the rain on the chromosphere, and it consists of upward-propagating rebound shocks and flows that partly reheat the loop. The observed widths of the rain clumps are 500a-±a-200 km. They exhibit a broad velocity distribution of 10a-a-A-150 km sa-1and peak below 50 km sa-1. Coronal strands of similar widths are observed along the same loops. They are co-spatial with cool filamentary structure seen with SPICE, which we interpret as the condensation corona transition region. Prior to the appearance of the rain, sequential loop brightenings are detected in gradually cooler lines from coronal to chromospheric temperatures. This matches the expected cooling. Despite the large rain showers, most cannot be detected in AIA 171 in quadrature, indicating that line-of-sight effects play a major role in the visibility of coronal rain. The AIA 304 and SPICE observations still reveal that only a small fraction of the rain can be captured by HRIEUV. CONCLUSIONS: Coronal rain generates EUV structure and variability over a wide range of scales, from coronal loops to the smallest resolvable scales. This establishes the major role that TNE-TI plays in the observed EUV morphology and variability of the corona

    First perihelion of EUI on the Solar Orbiter mission

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    CONTEXT: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) on board Solar Orbiter consists of three telescopes: the two High Resolution Imagers, in EUV (HRIEUV) and in Lyman-α (HRILya), and the Full Sun Imager (FSI). Solar Orbiter/EUI started its Nominal Mission Phase on 2021 November 27. AIMS: Our aim is to present the EUI images from the largest scales in the extended corona off-limb down to the smallest features at the base of the corona and chromosphere. EUI is therefore a key instrument for the connection science that is at the heart of the Solar Orbiter mission science goals. METHODS: The highest resolution on the Sun is achieved when Solar Orbiter passes through the perihelion part of its orbit. On 2022 March 26, Solar Orbiter reached, for the first time, a distance to the Sun close to 0.3 au. No other coronal EUV imager has been this close to the Sun. RESULTS: We review the EUI data sets obtained during the period 2022 March–April, when Solar Orbiter quickly moved from alignment with the Earth (2022 March 6), to perihelion (2022 March 26), to quadrature with the Earth (2022 March 29). We highlight the first observational results in these unique data sets and we report on the in-flight instrument performance. CONCLUSIONS: EUI has obtained the highest resolution images ever of the solar corona in the quiet Sun and polar coronal holes. Several active regions were imaged at unprecedented cadences and sequence durations. We identify in this paper a broad range of features that require deeper studies. Both FSI and HRIEUV operated at design specifications, but HRILya suffered from performance issues near perihelion. We conclude by emphasizing the EUI open data policy and encouraging further detailed analysis of the events highlighted in this paper

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation

    Quality-Controlled Small-Scale Production of a Well-Defined Bacteriophage Cocktail for Use in Human Clinical Trials

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    We describe the small-scale, laboratory-based, production and quality control of a cocktail, consisting of exclusively lytic bacteriophages, designed for the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus infections in burn wound patients. Based on succesive selection rounds three bacteriophages were retained from an initial pool of 82 P. aeruginosa and 8 S. aureus bacteriophages, specific for prevalent P. aeruginosa and S. aureus strains in the Burn Centre of the Queen Astrid Military Hospital in Brussels, Belgium. This cocktail, consisting of P. aeruginosa phages 14/1 (Myoviridae) and PNM (Podoviridae) and S. aureus phage ISP (Myoviridae) was produced and purified of endotoxin. Quality control included Stability (shelf life), determination of pyrogenicity, sterility and cytotoxicity, confirmation of the absence of temperate bacteriophages and transmission electron microscopy-based confirmation of the presence of the expected virion morphologic particles as well as of their specific interaction with the target bacteria. Bacteriophage genome and proteome analysis confirmed the lytic nature of the bacteriophages, the absence of toxin-coding genes and showed that the selected phages 14/1, PNM and ISP are close relatives of respectively F8, φKMV and phage G1. The bacteriophage cocktail is currently being evaluated in a pilot clinical study cleared by a leading Medical Ethical Committee

    The Influence of Perceptual Training on Working Memory in Older Adults

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    Normal aging is associated with a degradation of perceptual abilities and a decline in higher-level cognitive functions, notably working memory. To remediate age-related deficits, cognitive training programs are increasingly being developed. However, it is not yet definitively established if, and by what mechanisms, training ameliorates effects of cognitive aging. Furthermore, a major factor impeding the success of training programs is a frequent failure of training to transfer benefits to untrained abilities. Here, we offer the first evidence of direct transfer-of-benefits from perceptual discrimination training to working memory performance in older adults. Moreover, using electroencephalography to evaluate participants before and after training, we reveal neural evidence of functional plasticity in older adult brains, such that training-induced modifications in early visual processing during stimulus encoding predict working memory accuracy improvements. These findings demonstrate the strength of the perceptual discrimination training approach by offering clear psychophysical evidence of transfer-of-benefit and a neural mechanism underlying cognitive improvement