242 research outputs found

    Coastal seascape variability in the intensifying East Australian Current Southern Extension

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    Funding: This study was funded by Australian Research Council Linkage Grants (LP110200603 awarded to RH, DS and Iain Field, and LP160100162 awarded to IJ, Martina Doublin, MC, GC, DS, Iain Suthers and RH) with contributions from the Taronga Conservation Society Australia, NSW National Parks and the Australian Antarctic Division.Coastal pelagic ecosystems are highly variable in space and time, with environmental conditions and the distribution of biomass being driven by complex processes operating at multiple scales. The emergent properties of these processes and their interactive effects result in complex and dynamic environmental mosaics referred to as “seascapes”. Mechanisms that link large-scale oceanographic processes and ecological variability in coastal environments remain poorly understood, despite their importance for predicting how ecosystems will respond to climate change. Here we assessed seascape variability along the path of the rapidly intensifying East Australian Current (EAC) Southern Extension in southeast Australia, a hotspot of ocean warming and ecosystem tropicalisation. Using satellite and in situ measures of temperature, salinity and current velocity coupled with contemporaneous measurements of pelagic biomass distribution from nine boat-based active acoustic surveys in five consecutive years, we investigated relationships between the physical environment and the distribution of pelagic biomass (zooplankton and fish) at multiple timescales. Survey periods were characterised by high variability in oceanographic conditions, with variation in coastal conditions influenced by meso-to-large scale processes occurring offshore, including the position and strength of eddies. Intra-annual variability was often of a similar or greater magnitude to inter-annual variability, suggesting highly dynamic conditions with important variation occurring at scales of days to weeks. Two seascape categories were identified being characterised by (A) warmer, less saline water and (B) cooler, more saline water, with the former indicating greater influence of the EAC on coastal processes. Warmer waters were also associated with fewer, deeper and less dense biological aggregations. As the EAC continues to warm and penetrate further south, it is likely that this will have substantial effects on biological activity in coastal pelagic ecosystems, including a potential reduction in the accessibility of prey aggregations to surface-feeding predators and to fisheries. These results highlight the import role of offshore oceanographic processes in driving coastal seascape variability and biological activity in a region undergoing rapid oceanic warming and ecological change.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Rab46 integrates Ca2+ and histamine signaling to regulate selective cargo release from Weibel-Palade bodies

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    Endothelial cells selectively release cargo stored in Weibel-Palade bodies (WPBs) to regulate vascular function, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we show that histamine evokes the release of the proinflammatory ligand, P-selectin, while diverting WPBs carrying non-inflammatory cargo away from the plasma membrane to the microtubule organizing center. This differential trafficking is dependent on Rab46 (CRACR2A), a newly identified Ca2+-sensing GTPase, which localizes to a subset of P-selectin–negative WPBs. After acute stimulation of the H1 receptor, GTP-bound Rab46 evokes dynein-dependent retrograde transport of a subset of WPBs along microtubules. Upon continued histamine stimulation, Rab46 senses localized elevations of intracellular calcium and evokes dispersal of microtubule organizing center–clustered WPBs. These data demonstrate for the first time that a Rab GTPase, Rab46, integrates G protein and Ca2+ signals to couple on-demand histamine signals to selective WPB trafficking

    The urothelial transcriptomic response to interferon gamma : implications for bladder cancer prognosis and immunotherapy

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    Interferon gamma (IFNγ) is central to the inflammatory immune response, such as that entrained by BCG immunotherapy for bladder cancer. However, immune-mediated tumour cell killing is subject to modulation by immunoinhibitory “checkpoint” receptors such as PD-L1. We investigated the effects of IFNγ on barrier-forming in vitro-differentiated normal human urothelium using mRNA-sequencing, and showed canonical upregulation of MHC class I/II and de novo expression of the T cell tropic CXCL9-11 chemokines. Normal urothelium constitutively expressed immunoinhibitory B7 family member VSIR (VISTA), while CD274 (PD-L1) expression was induced/upregulated by IFNγ. We generated a urothelial IFNγ response gene signature. When applied to the unsupervised clustering of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancers, the IFNγ-signature predicted longer recurrence-free survival. In muscle-invasive cancers, the IFNγ-signature split the basal/squamous consensus subtype, with significantly worse overall survival when weak or absent. This study offers novel insights into strategies to enhance immunotherapy via the IFNγ and VISTA/PD-L1 nexus

    Neustonic microplastic and zooplankton in the North Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Neustonic microplastic and zooplankton abundance was determined in the North Western Mediterranean Sea during a summer cruise between July 9th and August 6th 2010, with a break between July 22th and 25th due to a strong wind event. Ninety percent of the 40 stations contained microplastic particles (size 0.3-5 mm) of various compositions: e.g., filaments, polystyrene, thin plastic films. An average concentration of 0.116 particles/m² was observed. The highest abundances (> 0.36 particles/m²) were observed in the shelf stations. The neustonic plastic particles concentrations were 5 times higher before than after the strong wind event which increased the mixing and the vertical repartition of plastic particles in the upper layers of the water column. The values rise in the same order of magnitude than in the North Pacific Gyre. The average ratio between microplastics and mesozooplankton weights was 0.5 for the whole survey and might induce a potential confusion for zooplankton feeders.Peer reviewe

    Using accelerometers to develop time-energy budgets of wild fur seals from captive surrogates

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    Background Accurate time-energy budgets summarise an animal’s energy expenditure in a given environment, and are potentially a sensitive indicator of how an animal responds to changing resources. Deriving accurate time-energy budgets requires an estimate of time spent in different activities and of the energetic cost of that activity. Bio-loggers (e.g., accelerometers) may provide a solution for monitoring animals such as fur seals that make long-duration foraging trips. Using low resolution to record behaviour may aid in the transmission of data, negating the need to recover the device. Methods This study used controlled captive experiments and previous energetic research to derive time-energy budgets of juvenile Australian fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus) equipped with tri-axial accelerometers. First, captive fur seals and sea lions were equipped with accelerometers recording at high (20 Hz) and low (1 Hz) resolutions, and their behaviour recorded. Using this data, machine learning models were trained to recognise four states—foraging, grooming, travelling and resting. Next, the energetic cost of each behaviour, as a function of location (land or water), season and digestive state (pre- or post-prandial) was estimated. Then, diving and movement data were collected from nine wild juvenile fur seals wearing accelerometers recording at high- and low- resolutions. Models developed from captive seals were applied to accelerometry data from wild juvenile Australian fur seals and, finally, their time-energy budgets were reconstructed. Results Behaviour classification models built with low resolution (1 Hz) data correctly classified captive seal behaviours with very high accuracy (up to 90%) and recorded without interruption. Therefore, time-energy budgets of wild fur seals were constructed with these data. The reconstructed time-energy budgets revealed that juvenile fur seals expended the same amount of energy as adults of similar species. No significant differences in daily energy expenditure (DEE) were found across sex or season (winter or summer), but fur seals rested more when their energy expenditure was expected to be higher. Juvenile fur seals used behavioural compensatory techniques to conserve energy during activities that were expected to have high energetic outputs (such as diving). Discussion As low resolution accelerometry (1 Hz) was able to classify behaviour with very high accuracy, future studies may be able to transmit more data at a lower rate, reducing the need for tag recovery. Reconstructed time-energy budgets demonstrated that juvenile fur seals appear to expend the same amount of energy as their adult counterparts. Through pairing estimates of energy expenditure with behaviour this study demonstrates the potential to understand how fur seals expend energy, and where and how behavioural compensations are made to retain constant energy expenditure over a short (dive) and long (season) period

    Estimation and simulation of foraging trips in land-based marine predators

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    The behavior of colony-based marine predators is the focus of much research globally. Large telemetry and tracking data sets have been collected for this group of animals, and are accompanied by many empirical studies that seek to segment tracks in some useful way, as well as theoretical studies of optimal foraging strategies. However, relatively few studies have detailed statistical methods for inferring behaviors in central place foraging trips. In this paper we describe an approach based on hidden Markov models, which splits foraging trips into segments labeled as “outbound”, “search”, “forage”, and “inbound”. By structuring the hidden Markov model transition matrix appropriately, the model naturally handles the sequence of behaviors within a foraging trip. Additionally, by structuring the model in this way, we are able to develop realistic simulations from the fitted model. We demonstrate our approach on data from southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) tagged on Kerguelen Island in the Southern Ocean. We discuss the differences between our 4-state model and the widely used 2-state model, and the advantages and disadvantages of employing a more complex model

    Understanding meta-population trends of the Australian fur seal, with insights for adaptive monitoring

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    Effective ecosystem-based management requires estimates of abundance and population trends of species of interest. Trend analyses are often limited due to sparse or short-term abundance estimates for populations that can be logistically difficult to monitor over time. Therefore it is critical to assess regularly the quality of the metrics in long-term monitoring programs. For a monitoring program to provide meaningful data and remain relevant, it needs to incorporate technological improvements and the changing requirements of stakeholders, while maintaining the integrity of the data. In this paper we critically examine the monitoring program for the Australian fur seal (AFS) Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus as an example of an ad-hoc monitoring program that was co-ordinated across multiple stakeholders as a range-wide census of live pups in the Austral summers of 2002, 2007 and 2013. This 5-yearly census, combined with historic counts at individual sites, successfully tracked increasing population trends as signs of population recovery up to 2007. The 2013 census identified the first reduction in AFS pup numbers (14,248 live pups, -4.2% change per annum since 2007), however we have limited information to understand this change. We analyse the trends at breeding colonies and perform a power analysis to critically examine the reliability of those trends. We then assess the gaps in the monitoring program and discuss how we may transition this surveillance style program to an adaptive monitoring program than can evolve over time and achieve its goals. The census results are used for ecosystem-based modelling for fisheries management and emergency response planning. The ultimate goal for this program is to obtain the data we need with minimal cost, effort and impact on the fur seals. In conclusion we identify the importance of power analyses for interpreting trends, the value of regularly assessing long-term monitoring programs and proper design so that adaptive monitoring principles can be applied
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