405 research outputs found

    The large‐scale freshwater cycle of the Arctic

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    This paper synthesizes our understanding of the Arctic\u27s large‐scale freshwater cycle. It combines terrestrial and oceanic observations with insights gained from the ERA‐40 reanalysis and land surface and ice‐ocean models. Annual mean freshwater input to the Arctic Ocean is dominated by river discharge (38%), inflow through Bering Strait (30%), and net precipitation (24%). Total freshwater export from the Arctic Ocean to the North Atlantic is dominated by transports through the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (35%) and via Fram Strait as liquid (26%) and sea ice (25%). All terms are computed relative to a reference salinity of 34.8. Compared to earlier estimates, our budget features larger import of freshwater through Bering Strait and larger liquid phase export through Fram Strait. While there is no reason to expect a steady state, error analysis indicates that the difference between annual mean oceanic inflows and outflows (∌8% of the total inflow) is indistinguishable from zero. Freshwater in the Arctic Ocean has a mean residence time of about a decade. This is understood in that annual freshwater input, while large (∌8500 km3), is an order of magnitude smaller than oceanic freshwater storage of ∌84,000 km3. Freshwater in the atmosphere, as water vapor, has a residence time of about a week. Seasonality in Arctic Ocean freshwater storage is nevertheless highly uncertain, reflecting both sparse hydrographic data and insufficient information on sea ice volume. Uncertainties mask seasonal storage changes forced by freshwater fluxes. Of flux terms with sufficient data for analysis, Fram Strait ice outflow shows the largest interannual variability

    Torsional flexibility in zinc–benzenedicarboxylate metal–organic frameworks

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    We explore the role and nature of torsional flexibility of carboxylate–benzene links in the structural chemistry of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on Zn and benzenedicarboxlyate (bdc) linkers. A particular motivation is to understand the extent to which such flexibility is important in stabilising the unusual topologically aperiodic phase known as TRUMOF-1. We compare the torsion angle distributions of TRUMOF-1 models with those for crystalline Zn/1,3-bdc MOFs, including a number of new materials whose structures we report here. We find that both periodic and aperiodic Zn/1,3-bdc MOFs sample a similar range of torsion angles, and hence the formation of TRUMOF-1 does not require any additional flexibility beyond that already evident in chemically-related crystalline phases. Comparison with Zn/1,4-bdc MOFs does show, however, that the lower symmetry of the 1,3-bdc linker allows access to a broader range of torsion angles, reflecting a greater flexibility of this linker

    Contrasting Patterns of Population Genetic Structure in Two Great Basin Stoneflies

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    Shifts in species distributions caused by climatic oscillations may lead to geographic isolation of populations and fewer opportunities for genetic exchange among locations. Examining trends in genetic relationships among stonefly populations can help us predict how organisms might respond to environmental changes. Prior work established that isolated montane populations of the stonefly Doroneuria baumanni had high levels of genetic structure within the Great Basin and that this diversification occurred during the Pleistocene. This differentiation may have resulted from historical climatic oscillations. With this in mind, we evaluated the contemporary genetic structure of another Great Basin stonefly, Hesperoperla pacifica. Because H. pacifica has relatively broader habitat requirements, we predicted its populations would display less genetic structure than those of D. baumanni. We estimated genetic differentiation among and within 12 populations of H. pacifica using 568 base pairs of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b gene. FST estimates indicate that H. pacifica populations are less structured than D. baumanni, which had showed deep levels of divergence across limited geographic distances. These results confirm the benefits of a comparative approach to understanding the phylogeography and population genetic structure of stoneflies of the Great Basin

    PinR mediates the generation of reversible population diversity in Streptococcus zooepidemicus

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    Opportunistic pathogens must adapt to and survive in a wide range of complex ecosystems. Streptococcus zooepidemicus is an opportunistic pathogen of horses and many other animals, including humans. The assembly of different surface architecture phenotypes from one genotype is likely to be crucial to the successful exploitation of such an opportunistic lifestyle. Construction of a series of mutants revealed that a serine recombinase, PinR, inverts 114 bp of the promoter of SZO_08560, which is bordered by GTAGACTTTA and TAAAGTCTAC inverted repeats. Inversion acts as a switch, controlling the transcription of this sortase-processed protein, which may enhance the attachment of S. zooepidemicus to equine trachea. The genome of a recently sequenced strain of S. zooepidemicus, 2329 (Sz2329), was found to contain a disruptive internal inversion of 7 kb of the FimIV pilus locus, which is bordered by TAGAAA and TTTCTA inverted repeats. This strain lacks pinR and this inversion may have become irreversible following the loss of this recombinase. Active inversion of FimIV was detected in three strains of S. zooepidemicus, 1770 (Sz1770), B260863 (SzB260863) and H050840501 (SzH050840501), all of which encoded pinR. A deletion mutant of Sz1770 that lacked pinR was no longer capable of inverting its internal region of FimIV. The data highlight redundancy in the PinR sequence recognition motif around a short TAGA consensus and suggest that PinR can reversibly influence the wider surface architecture of S. zooepidemicus, providing this organism with a bet-hedging solution to survival in fluctuating environments

    Recent Developments

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    Context. Tracing nuclear inflows and outflows in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), determining the mass of gas involved in them, and their impact on the host galaxy and nuclear black hole requires 3D imaging studies of both the ionized and molecular gas. Aims. We map the distribution and kinematics of molecular and ionized gas in a sample of active galaxies to quantify the nuclear inflows and outflows. Here, we analyze the nuclear kinematics of NGC 1566 via ALMA observations of the CO J:2-1 emission at 24 pc spatial and ∌2.6 km s−1 spectral resolution, and Gemini-GMOS/IFU observations of ionized gas emission lines and stellar absorption lines at similar spatial resolution, and 123 km s−1 of intrinsic spectral resolution. Methods. The morphology and kinematics of stellar, molecular (CO), and ionized ([N II]) emission lines are compared to the expectations from rotation, outflows, and streaming inflows. Results. While both ionized and molecular gas show rotation signatures, there are significant non-circular motions in the innermost 200 pc and along spiral arms in the central kpc (CO). The nucleus shows a double-peaked CO profile (full width at zero intensity of 200 km s−1), and prominent (∌80 km s−1) blue- and redshifted lobes are found along the minor axis in the inner arcseconds. Perturbations by the large-scale bar can qualitatively explain all features in the observed velocity field. We thus favor the presence of a molecular outflow in the disk with true velocities of ∌180 km s−1 in the nucleus and decelerating to 0 by ∌72 pc. The implied molecular outflow rate is 5.6 M⊙ yr−1, with this gas accumulating in the nuclear 2″ arms. The ionized gas kinematics support an interpretation of a similar but more spherical outflow in the inner 100 pc, with no signs of deceleration. There is some evidence of streaming inflows of ∌50 km s−1 along specific spiral arms, and the estimated molecular mass inflow rate, ∌0.1 M⊙ yr−1, is significantly higher than the SMBH accretion rate (áč = 4.8 × 10−5 M⊙ yr−1)

    Exploration of the polymorphic solid-state landscape of an amide-linked organic cage using computation and automation

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    Organic cages can possess complex, functionalised internal cavities that make them promising candidates for synthetic enzyme mimics. Conformationally flexible but chemically robust structures are needed for adaptable guest binding and catalysis, but these rapidly exchanging systems are difficult to resolve in solution. Here, we use inexpensive calculations and high-throughput crystallisation experiments to identify accessible cage conformations for a recently reported organic cage by ‘locking’ them in the solid state. The conformers identified exhibit a range of distances between the carboxylic acid groups in the internal cavity, suggesting adaptability towards binding a wide array of target guest molecules. The complexity of the observed crystal structures goes beyond what is possible with state-of-the-art crystal structure prediction

    Spin-ice physics in cadmium cyanide

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    Spin-ices are frustrated magnets that support a particularly rich variety of emergent physics. Typically, it is the interplay of magnetic dipole interactions, spin anisotropy, and geometric frustration on the pyrochlore lattice that drives spin-ice formation. The relevant physics occurs at temperatures commensurate with the magnetic interaction strength, which for most systems is 1–5 K. Here, we show that non-magnetic cadmium cyanide, Cd(CN)2, exhibits analogous behaviour to magnetic spin-ices, but does so on a temperature scale that is nearly two orders of magnitude greater. The electric dipole moments of cyanide ions in Cd(CN)2 assume the role of magnetic pseudospins, with the difference in energy scale reflecting the increased strength of electric vs magnetic dipolar interactions. As a result, spin-ice physics influences the structural behaviour of Cd(CN)2 even at room temperature.ISSN:2041-172

    Experimental Confirmation of a Predicted Porous Hydrogen‐Bonded Organic Framework

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    AbstractHydrogen‐bonded organic frameworks (HOFs) with low densities and high porosities are rare and challenging to design because most molecules have a strong energetic preference for close packing. Crystal structure prediction (CSP) can rank the crystal packings available to an organic molecule based on their relative lattice energies. This has become a powerful tool for the a priori design of porous molecular crystals. Previously, we combined CSP with structure‐property predictions to generate energy‐structure‐function (ESF) maps for a series of triptycene‐based molecules with quinoxaline groups. From these ESF maps, triptycene trisquinoxalinedione (TH5) was predicted to form a previously unknown low‐energy HOF (TH5‐A) with a remarkably low density of 0.374 g cm−3 and three‐dimensional (3D) pores. Here, we demonstrate the reliability of those ESF maps by discovering this TH5‐A polymorph experimentally. This material has a high accessible surface area of 3,284 m2 g−1, as measured by nitrogen adsorption, making it one of the most porous HOFs reported to date.</jats:p
