219 research outputs found

    Forsterking av vegetasjonsdekke i Rødsmoen - skyte- og øvingsfelt – 7 år etter

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    Magnetoencefalografija (MEG) je metoda funkcionalnog oslikavanja mozga koja ima izrvrsnu vremensku rezoluciju od 1 ms, a uz to i dovoljno dobru prostornu rezoluciju od 2-3 mm, što je čini sjajnim alatom za proučavanje funkcije mozga u stvarnom vremenu, na milisekundnoj razini. Cilj ove radnje je proučavanje učinaka endogene, prikriveno usmjerene, prostorne vidne pažnje na najranije vidne odgovore, koji uključuju prvih 100 ms od prezentacije vidnog podražaja. Donedavno se smatralo da je aktivnost primarnog vidnog korteksa V1 modulirana prostornom vidnom pažnjom tek na latencijama nakon 100 ms od prezentacije vidnog podražaja, i to putem povratnih veza iz viših područja vidnog sustava, poput V2 i V3, međutim nekoliko EEG studija poput Kelly i suradnici [15] i dosad samo jedna MEG studija Poghosyan i suradnici [24] nalaze modulaciju endogenom prikrivenom prostornom vidnom pažnjom čak i te najranije aktivnosti. Pitanje je i dalje otvoreno i predstavlja glavni cilj naše radnje. Neuromagnetska mjerenja su napravljena na 15 ispitanika prosječne dobi 26 godina u MEG laboratoriju u Biomagnetism Center, Department of Neurology, Jena University Clinic u Jeni, u okviru bilateralne sveučilišne suradnje izmedu sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Technical University of Ilmenau. Korišteni su Gabor vidni podražaj i target podražaj (Gabor sa superponiranim prstenom promjenjive osvijetljenosti), pažljivo izabrane veličine, prostorne frekvencije, kontrasta i osvijetljenosti prstena te položaja prikazivanja u vidnom polju, kao i adaptivna eksperimentalna paradigma. Provjeru postoji li modulacija aktivnosti prostornom vidnom pažnjom vršili smo usporedbom slučajeva kada je prostorna vidna pažnja bila i kad nije bila usmjerena vidnim usmjerivačem na dio vidnog polja u kojem je prezentiran Gabor podražaj, izravno iz izmjerenih neuromagnetskih odgovora, kao i pomoću izračunate kortikalne dinamike dobivene koristeći CSST (Constrained Start Spatio-Temporal) metodu. Rezultati naše MEG analize pokazuju modulaciju prostornom vidnom pažnjom, čak i najranijeg vidnog odgovora, u slučajevima nasumično usmjeravane i održavane prostorne vidne pažnje, što je u skladu s nedavnim studijama poput [15] [24]. Rezultat analize za održavano usmjeravanje, kao i usporedba među nasumičnom i održavanom pažnjom, koja je pokazala jače izražen učinak modulacije u slučaju održavane pažnje, predstavljaju novi doprinos razumijevanju najranijih učinaka moduliranja endogenom prikrivenom prostornom vidnom pažnjom. Također, pokazali smo da nema utjecaja pažnje na latenciju maksimuma najranijeg vidnog odgovora, što je u skladu sa svim prethodnim studijama.Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is functional brain imaging method with great temporal resolution of 1 ms and good enough spatial resolution of 2-3 mm, what makes it a great tool for studying brain functioning in real time, on the milisecond level. The goal of this work is to study effects of endogenous, covertly oriented, spatial visual attention on the earliest visual responses, involving first 100 ms from the presentation of the visual stimulus. Until recently it was considered that the activity of the primary visual cortex V1 is modulated by spatial visual attention only on the latencies later than 100 ms after the stimulus presentation, by feedback connections from the higher visual areas, like V2 or V3, but few recent EEG studies, like Kelly et al. [15], and until now only one MEG study, Poghosyan et al. [24], find attentional modulatin of even the earliest evoked visual activity. The question is still open and represents the main goal of our study. Neuromagnetic measurements were made on 15 subjects, of average age 26, in the MEG laboratory in Biomagnetism Center, Department of Neurology, Jena University Clinic in Jena, as a part of bilateral university collaboration between University of Zagreb and Technical University of Ilmenau. We used Gabor visual stimulus and target stimulus (Gabor with superimposed ring of changing luminosity), with specifically chosen size, spatial frequency, contrast, luminosity of the ring and position of appearing in the visual field, just as adaptive experimental paradigm. Checking of the activity modulation by attention was done by comparing tasks when spatial visual attention was and when it was not oriented on the part of visual field where the stimulus was presented, directly from the measured neuromagnetic responses and by using cortical dynamics calculated using CSST (Constrained Start Spatio-Temporal) method. The results of our MEG analysis show activity modulation by spatial visual attention of the earliest visual response, in the tasks of random and sustained orienting, what is in accordance with recent studies like [15] [24]. Result of the analysis for sustained orienting and comparison between the random and sustained orienting, which showed greater effect of attentional modulation, represent the new contribution to understanding of the earliest effects of modulation by endogenous covertly oriented spatial visual attention. We also showed that there is no effect of attention on the latency of maximal earliest visual response, which is in accordance with all the studies

    Tør vi å spørre og tåler vi å lytte når temaet er selvmord? En studie av hjelperes kompetanse til å gi førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare

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    Formålet med denne oppgaven er å finne ut om hjelpere som har deltatt på kurset Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare er i stand til å oppdage og gi førstehjelp til mennesker i selvmordsfare. Oppgavens problemstilling er: «Har hjelpere som har deltatt på kurset Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare, kompetanse til å oppdage og gi førstehjelp til mennesker i selvmordsfare?» Hjelperne som inkluderes i oppgaven representerer ulike faggrupper, som sosialarbeidere, sykepleiere, ungdomsarbeidere, vernepleiere og helsesøstre.acceptedVersio

    The burden of mental disorders, substance use disorders and self-harm among young people in Europe, 1990–2019: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Mental health is a public health issue for European young people, with great heterogeneity in resource allocation. Representative population-based studies are needed. The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2019 provides internationally comparable information on trends in the health status of populations and changes in the leading causes of disease burden over time. Methods Prevalence, incidence, Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) and Years of Life Lost (YLLs) from mental disorders (MDs), substance use disorders (SUDs) and self-harm were estimated for young people aged 10-24 years in 31 European countries. Rates per 100,000 population, percentage changes in 1990-2019, 95% Uncertainty Intervals (UIs), and correlations with Sociodemographic Index (SDI), were estimated. Findings In 2019, rates per 100,000 population were 16,983 (95% UI 12,823 – 21,630) for MDs, 3,891 (3,020 - 4,905) for SUDs, and 89·1 (63·8 - 123·1) for self-harm. In terms of disability, anxiety contributed to 647·3 (432–912·3) YLDs, while in terms of premature death, self-harm contributed to 319·6 (248·9–412·8) YLLs, per 100,000 population. Over the 30 years studied, YLDs increased in eating disorders (14·9%;9·4-20·1) and drug use disorders (16·9%;8·9-26·3), and decreased in idiopathic developmental intellectual disability (–29·1%;23·8-38·5). YLLs decreased in self-harm (–27·9%;38·3-18·7). Variations were found by sex, age-group and country. The burden of SUDs and self-harm was higher in countries with lower SDI, MDs were associated with SUDs. Interpretation Mental health conditions represent an important burden among young people living in Europe. National policies should strengthen mental health, with a specific focus on young people

    Handlingskompetanse etter kurset "Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare" - en kvantitativ studie fra ti norske kommuner

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    Kurset «Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare» formidles av Vivat selvmordsforebygging som er et av Helsedirektoratets selvmordsforebyggende tiltak. Gjennom en kvantitativ spørreundersøkelse har vi sett på deltakeres selvrapporterte handlingskompetanse etter gjennomført kurs. Studien omfatter en intervensjonsgruppe (N = 146) bestående av respondenter som har deltatt på kurset og en kontrollgruppe (N = 137) som ikke har deltatt på kurset. Over 90 % av respondentene i begge grupper oppgir å ha opplevd bekymring for om et menneske har tanker om å ta sitt eget liv. Resultatene viser videre signifikante forskjeller knyttet til respondentenes selvrapporterte handlingskompetanse. Respondentene i intervensjonsgruppa oppgir å ha opplevd bekymring for selvmordstanker signifikant flere ganger enn respondentene i kontrollgruppa. Videre oppgir signifikant flere i intervensjonsgruppa å ha stilt direkte spørsmål om selvmordstanker, lyttet til historien om selvmordstankene og bidratt til å lage en plan for beskyttelse mot selvmord. 92 % av kursdeltakerne oppgir at de helt eller i noen grad opplever å ha den kompetansen de trenger for å kunne gi førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare mot 42 % av de som ikke har tatt kurset. Funnene fra vår studie underbygger at kurset øker hjelpernes kompetanse til å yte førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare, og at denne økte kompetansen kan påvises mer enn et år etter gjennomført kurs.publishedVersio

    Veien til en inkluderende og god fremtid i Norge. En kvalitativ studie om hva som kan fremme og hemme for gjennomføring i introduksjonsprogrammet

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    Dette er en kvalitativ studie om hva i introduksjonsprogrammet som kan fremme og hemme deltakernes gjennomføring sett ut fra deltakers perspektiv. Det er fem bosatte kvinnelige flyktninger, med rett og plikt til deltakelse, som har delt av sine erfaringer og sine opplevelser av introduksjonsprogrammet. Vi ønsket, gjennom erfaringer fra de som kjenner «hvor skoen trykker», å bidra til å finne mulige faktorer til hva som kan gjøres annerledes eller suppleres med i introduksjonsprogrammet slik at flere lykkes med gjennomføringen. Undersøkelsen viser at introduksjonsprogrammet har et forbedringspotensial i forhold til å være et av de viktigste virkemidlene for nyankomne migranter til raskt å komme inn i og forbli i arbeidslivet. Det vil være essensielt å lytte til deltakeres erfaringer og opplevelser av introduksjonsprogrammet og programmets innhold for å tilrettelegge for en god språklæring og integrering. Deltakeres tidligere utdanning og yrkeserfaring bør vektlegges dersom læringsutbytte skal bli best mulig. På tross av at dette er en kvalitativ studie med få respondenter kan man anta at funnene illustrerer en felles problematikk. Nøkkelord: Introduksjonsprogrammet, individuell plan, resiliens, språk, brukermedvirkning, nettverk, migrasjon, migrasjonsproses

    Met and unmet need for mental health care before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    There is a concern that the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic will generate large unmet needs for mental health care. Using data from an epidemiological psychiatric diagnostic interview survey (n = 2159) conducted on a probability sample from the general population, the proportions of met and unmet need for mental health care among individuals with and without mental disorders were compared before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results showed no statistical difference in met and unmet need for mental health care, but point estimates were suggestive of a higher unmet need for care among those with a current mental disorder after the lock-down period.publishedVersio

    Prevalence of mental disorders, suicidal ideation and suicides in the general population before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: A population-based repeated cross-sectional analysis

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    Background Self-report data on mental distress indicate a deterioration of population mental health in many countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Norwegian epidemiological diagnostic psychiatric interview survey was conducted from January to September 2020, allowing for comparison of mental disorder and suicidal ideation prevalence from before through different pandemic periods. Prevalence of suicide deaths were compared between 2020 and 2014–2018. Methods Participants from the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT) in Trondheim were recruited through repeated probability sampling. Using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI 5.0) (n = 2154), current prevalence of mental disorders and suicidal ideation was examined in repeated cross-sectional analyzes. Data on suicide deaths was retrieved from the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry and compared for the months March to May in 2014–2018 and 2020. Findings Prevalence of current mental disorders decreased significantly from the pre-pandemic period (January 28th to March 11th 2020; 15•3% (95% CI 12•4–18•8)) to the first pandemic period (March 12th – May 31st; 8•7% (6•8–11•0)). Prevalences were similar between the pre-pandemic period and the interim (June 1st July 31st; 14•2% (11•4–17•5)) and second periods (August 1st-September 18th; 11•9% (9•0–15•6)). No significant differences were observed in suicidal ideation or in suicide deaths. Interpretation Except for a decrease in mental disorders in the first pandemic period, the findings suggest stable levels of mental disorders, suicidal ideation and suicide deaths during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic compared to pre-pandemic levels. Potential methodological and contextual explanations of these findings compared with findings from other studies are discussed.publishedVersio

    High resolution prediction maps of solitary bee diversity can guide conservation measures

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    Wild bees are key ecosystem components making their decline a cause for concern. An effective measure to increase wild bee diversity is to enhance plant diversity. However, the effect on bee diversity of augmenting plant diversity depends on site-specific environmental conditions. We aimed to make spatial predictions of where: (a) environmental conditions maximize bee diversity, so that such areas can be prioritized for augmenting plant diversity; and (b) populations of threatened wild bee species are most likely to occur. We surveyed bee communities in traditionally managed hay meadows in SE Norway and modelled bee diversity as a function of climate, habitat area, and distance to nesting substrates. We used independent data to validate our predictions and found that plant and predicted bee species richness together explained 76% and 69% of the variation in observed solitary bee species richness in forested and agricultural ecosystems, respectively. In urban areas, the predicted bee species richness alone explained 31% of the variation in observed solitary bee species richness. Using data from online species occurrence records, we found that – compared to species of lower conservation concern – threatened solitary bee species were more typically recorded in areas with a high predicted solitary bee species richness. We show that spatial predictions of bee diversity can identify sites where augmenting plant diversity is likely to be most effective. Maps of predicted bee diversity can guide species surveys and monitoring projects and increase the chances of locating populations of threatened bees.publishedVersio

    The contributions of flower strips to wild bee conservation in agricultural landscapes can be predicted using pollinator habitat suitability models

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    1. Sowing flower strips along field edges is a widely adopted method for conserving pollinating insects in agricultural landscapes. To maximize the effect of flower strips given limited resources, we need spatially explicit tools that can prioritize their placement, and for identifying plant species to include in seed mixtures. 2. We sampled bees and plant species as well as their interactions in a semicontrolled field experiment with roadside/field edge pairs with/without a sown flower strip at 31 sites in Norway and used a regional spatial model of solitary bee species richness to test if the effect of flower strips on bee species richness was predictable from the modelled solitary bee species richness. 3. We found that sites with flower strips were more bee species rich compared to sites without flower strips and that this effect was greatest in areas that the regional solitary bee species richness model had identified to be particularly important for bees. Spatial models revealed that even within small landscapes there were pronounced differences between field edges in the predicted effect of sowing flower strips. 4. Of the plant species that attracted the most bee species, the majority mainly attracted bumblebees and only few species also attracted solitary bees. Considering both the taxonomic diversity of bees and the species richness of bees attracted by plants we suggest that seed mixes containing Hieracium spp. such as Hieracium umbellatum, Pilosella officinarum, Taraxacum spp., Trifolium repens, Lotus corniculatus, Stellaria graminea and Achillea millefolium would provide resources for diverse bee communities in our region 5. Spatial prediction models of bee diversity can be used to identify locations where flower strips are likely to have the largest effect and can thereby provide managers with an important tool for prioritizing how funding for agri-environmental schemes such as flower strips should be allocated. Such flower strips should contain plant species that are attractive to both solitary and bumblebees, and do not need to be particularly plant species rich as long as the selected plants complement each other. agri-environmental schemes, bees, flower strips, networks, pollinators, restoration, spatialpublishedVersio