35 research outputs found

    Glutathione Is a Key Player in Metal-Induced Oxidative Stress Defenses

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    Since the industrial revolution, the production, and consequently the emission of metals, has increased exponentially, overwhelming the natural cycles of metals in many ecosystems. Metals display a diverse array of physico-chemical properties such as essential versus non-essential and redox-active versus non-redox-active. In general, all metals can lead to toxicity and oxidative stress when taken up in excessive amounts, imposing a serious threat to the environment and human health. In order to cope with different kinds of metals, plants possess defense strategies in which glutathione (GSH; γ-glu-cys-gly) plays a central role as chelating agent, antioxidant and signaling component. Therefore, this review highlights the role of GSH in: (1) metal homeostasis; (2) antioxidative defense; and (3) signal transduction under metal stress. The diverse functions of GSH originate from the sulfhydryl group in cysteine, enabling GSH to chelate metals and participate in redox cycling

    Lipid peroxidation in plant cells, its physiological role and changes under heavy metal stress

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    Lipid peroxidation, which is a natural and essential process, can occur in a non-enzymatic and/or enzymatic way in plant cells. Some of its products have cytotoxic effects on cells, but others function as plant effectors. The lipid peroxidation in plants exposed to heavy metal stress depends on the metal, plant organ, plant species and its genotype

    Cadmium accumulation in Medicago sativa seedlings treated with salicylic acid

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    Zirconium induced physiological alterations in wheat seedlings

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    Localization and activity of lipoxygenase in Cd-treated seedlings of Phaseolus coccineus

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    Lipoxygenase was localized in the primary leaves of Phaseolus coccineus (L.), seedlings treated with 25 µM Cd and in control plants using the immunogold method. The enzyme was localized mainly in the peripheral parts of protoplast of control plant cells. It was found in the cell wall, along the ER elements, at plastid lamellae and inside the mitochondria. In Cd-treated seedlings the elements of parenchyma cells showed an atypical inner structure. The immunolabelling of LOX was less intensive in comparison with control. The enzyme was found in the cytoplasm, at the cell wall area, vacuoles and in the plastid stroma as single gold particles. LOX activity optima were determined at pH 7.0 and 8.0 for both linoleic and linolenic acid used as substrates. After 2 days of seedlings exposure to Cd the activity of LOX decreased at pH 7.0 and 8.0 when linoleic acid was used as substrate, and strongly declined at pH 7.0 after 4 days of the metal treatment. When linolenic acid was the substrate LOX activity slightly increased after 2 days of the plants exposure to Cd, but after 4 days it rapidly decreased at pH 7.0. The changes in LOX activity are discussed