301 research outputs found

    Direct Observation of Dynamic Symmetry Breaking above Room Temperature in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite

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    Lead halide perovskites such as methylammonium lead triiodide (MAPI) have outstanding optical and electronic properties for photovoltaic applications, yet a full understanding of how this solution processable material works so well is currently missing. Previous research has revealed that MAPI possesses multiple forms of static disorder regardless of preparation method, which is surprising in light of its excellent performance. Using high energy resolution inelastic X-ray (HERIX) scattering, we measure phonon dispersions in MAPI and find direct evidence for another form of disorder in single crystals: large amplitude anharmonic zone-edge rotational instabilities of the PbI_6 octahedra that persist to room temperature and above, left over from structural phase transitions that take place tens to hundreds of degrees below. Phonon calculations show that the orientations of the methylammonium couple strongly and cooperatively to these modes. The result is a non-centrosymmetric, instantaneous local structure, which we observe in atomic pair distribution function (PDF) measurements. This local symmetry breaking is unobservable by Bragg diffraction, but can explain key material properties such as the structural phase sequence, ultra low thermal transport, and large minority charge carrier lifetimes despite moderate carrier mobility.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figure

    Loss of inter-cellular cooperation by complete epithelial-mesenchymal transition supports favorable outcomes in basal breast cancer patients.

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    According to the sequential metastasis model, aggressive mesenchymal (M) metastasis-initiating cells (MICs) are generated by an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) which eventually is reversed by a mesenchymal-epithelial transition (MET) and outgrowth of life-threatening epithelial (E) macrometastases. Paradoxically, in breast cancer M signatures are linked with more favorable outcomes than E signatures, and M cells are often dispensable for metastasis in mouse models. Here we present evidence at the cellular and patient level for the cooperation metastasis model, according to which E cells are MICs, while M cells merely support E cell persistence through cooperation. We tracked the fates of co-cultured E and M clones and of fluorescent CDH1-promoter-driven cell lines reporting the E state derived from basal breast cancer HMLER cells. Cells were placed in suspension state and allowed to reattach and select an EMT cell fate. Flow cytometry, single cell and bulk gene expression analyses revealed that only pre-existing E cells generated E cells, mixed E/M populations, or stem-like hybrid E/M cells after suspension and that complete EMT manifest in M clones and CDH1-negative reporter cells resulted in loss of cell plasticity, suggesting full transdifferentiation. Mechanistically, E-M coculture experiments supported the persistence of pre-existing E cells where M cells inhibited EMT of E cells in a mutual cooperation via direct cell-cell contact. Consistently, M signatures were associated with more favorable patient outcomes compared to E signatures in breast cancer, specifically in basal breast cancer patients. These findings suggest a potential benefit of complete EMT for basal breast cancer patients

    Use of interplay between A-site non-stoichiometry and hydroxide doping to deliver novel proton-conducting perovskite oxides

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    Funding: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant Number(s): EP/R023522, EP/R023751, EP/L017008, EP/P007821, EP/L000202, EP/R029431); Diamond Light Source (Grant Number(s): SP17198-8); Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (Grant Number(s): RB1920629).The magnitude of ionic conductivity is known to depend upon both mobility and number of available carriers. For proton conductors, hydration is a key factor in determining the charge–carrier concentration in ABO3 perovskite oxides. Despite the high reported proton mobility of calcium titanate (CaTiO3), this titanate perovskite has thus far been regarded as a poor proton conductor due to the low hydration capability. Here, the enhanced proton conductivity of the defective calcium titanate Ca0.92TiO2.84(OH)0.16 prepared by replacing lattice oxygens with hydroxyl groups via a solvothermal route is shown. Conductivity measurements in a humidified Ar atmosphere reveal that, remarkably, this material exhibits one order of magnitude higher bulk conductivity (10−4 Scm−1 at 200 °C) than hydrated stoichiometric CaTiO3 prepared by traditional solid-state synthesis due to the higher concentration of protonic defects and variation in the crystal structure. The replacement of Ca2+ by Ni2+ in the Ca1−xTi1O3−2x(OH)2x, which mostly exsolve metallic Ni nanoparticles along orthorhombic (100) planes upon reduction, is also demonstrated. These results suggest a new strategy by tailoring the defect chemistry via hydration or cation doping followed by exsolution for targeted energy applications.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Thioredoxin is a metabolic rheostat controlling regulatory B cells

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    Metabolic programming is important for B cell fate, but the bioenergetic requirement for regulatory B (B reg) cell differentiation and function is unknown. Here we show that B reg cell differentiation, unlike non-B reg cells, relies on mitochondrial electron transport and homeostatic levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Single-cell RNA sequencing analysis revealed that TXN, encoding the metabolic redox protein thioredoxin (Trx), is highly expressed by B reg cells, unlike Trx inhibitor TXNIP which was downregulated. Pharmacological inhibition or gene silencing of TXN resulted in mitochondrial membrane depolarization and increased ROS levels, selectively suppressing B reg cell differentiation and function while favoring pro-inflammatory B cell differentiation. Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), characterized by B reg cell deficiencies, present with B cell mitochondrial membrane depolarization, elevated ROS and fewer Trx + B cells. Exogenous Trx stimulation restored B reg cells and mitochondrial membrane polarization in SLE B cells to healthy B cell levels, indicating Trx insufficiency underlies B reg cell impairment in patients with SLE. </p

    Использование и перераспределение земель сельскохозяйственного назначения в Томском районе

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    Актуальность темы магистерской диссертацией связана с неэффективностью использования земель СХНО как основы продовольственной безопасности Томской области. Объектом исследования являются земли сельскохозяйственного назначения Томского района Томской области Цель работы – обоснование комплексного подхода к решению сложившихся проблем использования земель СХН и разработка его алгоритма на примере Томского района Томской области. В ходе работы были рассмотрены почвенные и климатические условия Томского района, их влияние на земли СХН.Object of research are the earth of agricultural purpose of the Tomsk region of the Tomsk region The work purpose – justification of an integrated approach to the solution of the developed problems of use of lands of agricultural tenure and development of his algorithm on the example of the Tomsk region of the Tomsk region. During work soil and climatic conditions of the Tomsk area, their influence on lands of SHN have been considered. The analysis of the possible reasons promoting reduction of the areas and decrease in fertility of this category, standard and legal base is carried out, and the existing problems of use and non-use of lands of agricultural purpose on the example of the Tomsk area are also revealed and proved. As a result of research the scheme covering in itself the factor

    History of Galaxy Interactions and their Impact on Star Formation over the Last 7 Gyr from GEMS

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    We perform a comprehensive estimate of the frequency of galaxy mergers and their impact on star formation over z~0.24--0.80 (lookback time T_b~3--7 Gyr) using 3698 (M*>=1e9 Msun) galaxies with GEMS HST, COMBO-17, and Spitzer data. Our results are: (1) Among 790 high mass (M*>=2.5e10 Msun) galaxies, the visually-based merger fraction over z~0.24--0.80, ranges from 9%+-5% to 8%+-2%. Lower limits on the major and minor merger fractions over this interval range from 1.1% to 3.5%, and 3.6% to 7.5%, respectively. This is the first approximate empirical estimate of the frequency of minor mergers at z<1. For a visibility timescale of ~0.5 Gyr, it follows that over T_b~3--7 Gyr, ~68% of high mass systems have undergone a merger of mass ratio >1/10, with ~16%, 45%, and 7% of these corresponding respectively to major, minor, and ambiguous `major or minor' mergers. The mean merger rate is a few x 1e-4 Gyr-1 Mpc-3. (2) We compare the empirical merger fraction and rate for high mass galaxies to a suite of Lambda CDM-based models: halo occupation distribution models, semi-analytic models, and hydrodynamic SPH simulations. We find qualitative agreement between observations and models such that the (major+minor) merger fraction or rate from different models bracket the observations, and show a factor of five dispersion. Near-future improvements can now start to rule out certain merger scenarios. (3) Among ~3698 M*>=1e9 Msun galaxies, we find that the mean SFR of visibly merging systems is only modestly enhanced compared to non-interacting galaxies over z~0.24--0.80. Visibly merging systems only account for less than 30% of the cosmic SFR density over T_b~3--7 Gyr. This suggests that the behavior of the cosmic SFR density over the last 7 Gyr is predominantly shaped by non-interacting galaxies.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 17 pages of text, 21 figures, 3 tables. Uses emulateapj5.st

    A data science roadmap for open science organizations engaged in early-stage drug discovery

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    The Structural Genomics Consortium is an international open science research organization with a focus on accelerating early-stage drug discovery, namely hit discovery and optimization. We, as many others, believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to be a main accelerator in the field. The question is then how to best benefit from recent advances in AI and how to generate, format and disseminate data to enable future breakthroughs in AI-guided drug discovery. We present here the recommendations of a working group composed of experts from both the public and private sectors. Robust data management requires precise ontologies and standardized vocabulary while a centralized database architecture across laboratories facilitates data integration into high-value datasets. Lab automation and opening electronic lab notebooks to data mining push the boundaries of data sharing and data modeling. Important considerations for building robust machine-learning models include transparent and reproducible data processing, choosing the most relevant data representation, defining the right training and test sets, and estimating prediction uncertainty. Beyond data-sharing, cloud-based computing can be harnessed to build and disseminate machine-learning models. Important vectors of acceleration for hit and chemical probe discovery will be (1) the real-time integration of experimental data generation and modeling workflows within design-make-test-analyze (DMTA) cycles openly, and at scale and (2) the adoption of a mindset where data scientists and experimentalists work as a unified team, and where data science is incorporated into the experimental design

    Freshwater ecoregions of the world: A new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation

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    We present a new map depicting the first global biogeographic regionalization of Earth's freshwater systems. This map of freshwater ecoregions is based on the distributions and compositions of freshwater fish species and incorporates major ecological and evolutionary patterns. Covering virtually all freshwater habitats on Earth, this ecoregion map, together with associated species data, is a useful tool for underpinning global and regional conservation planning efforts (particularly to identify outstanding and imperiled freshwater systems); for serving as a logical framework for large-scale conservation strategies; and for providing a global-scale knowledge base for increasing freshwater biogeographic literacy. Preliminary data for fish species compiled by ecoregion reveal some previously unrecognized areas of high biodiversity, highlighting the benefit of looking at the world's freshwaters through a new framework.La lista completa de autores que integran el documento puede consultarse en el archivo.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    "That never would have occurred to me": a qualitative study of medical students' views of a cultural competence curriculum

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    BACKGROUND: The evidence is mixed regarding the efficacy of cultural competence curricula in developing learners' knowledge, attitudes and skills. More research is needed to better understand both the strengths and shortcomings of existing curricula from the perspective of learners in order to improve training. METHODS: We conducted three focus groups with medical students in their first year of clinical training to assess their perceptions of the cultural competence curriculum at a public university school of medicine. RESULTS: Students evaluated the informal curriculum as a more important source of learning about cultural competence than the formal curriculum. In terms of bias in both self and others, the cultural competence curriculum increased awareness, but was less effective in teaching specific interventional skills. Students also noted that the cultural competence curriculum did not always sufficiently help them find a balance between group-specific knowledge and respect for individual differences. Despite some concerns as to whether political correctness characterized the cultural competence curriculum, it was also seen as a way to rehumanize the medical education experience. CONCLUSION: Future research needs to pay attention to issues such as perceived relevance, stereotyping, and political correctness in developing cross-cultural training programs

    Freshwater ecoregions of the world: A new map of biogeographic units for freshwater biodiversity conservation

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    We present a new map depicting the first global biogeographic regionalization of Earth's freshwater systems. This map of freshwater ecoregions is based on the distributions and compositions of freshwater fish species and incorporates major ecological and evolutionary patterns. Covering virtually all freshwater habitats on Earth, this ecoregion map, together with associated species data, is a useful tool for underpinning global and regional conservation planning efforts (particularly to identify outstanding and imperiled freshwater systems); for serving as a logical framework for large-scale conservation strategies; and for providing a global-scale knowledge base for increasing freshwater biogeographic literacy. Preliminary data for fish species compiled by ecoregion reveal some previously unrecognized areas of high biodiversity, highlighting the benefit of looking at the world's freshwaters through a new framework.La lista completa de autores que integran el documento puede consultarse en el archivo.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse