54 research outputs found


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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk mengatasi masalah kompetensi profesional guru,  khususnya dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran inovatif  khususnya menggunakan FX Draw. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan adalah 1). workshop tentang media pembelajaran, 2). pendampingan pembuatan Media Pembelajaran, 3). uji coba media pembelajaran FX Draw, 4). refleksi dan evaluasi. Kegiatan tersebut telah terlaksana dan sesuai dengan rencana awal pelatihan dan pendampingan pembuatan media pembelajaran menggunakan FX Draw yang telah diajukan. Hasil refleksi dan evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa peserta sudah terampil menggunakan FX Draw. Hasil pengisian angket melalui Google form terlihat bahwa para peserta sangat terbantu dalam pembuatan LKPD yang lebih menarik untuk peserta didik, dan mempermudah guru dalam membuat objek-objek matematika (seperti dalam geometri, fungsi kuadrat, grafik, bangun datar, bangun ruang, dll). Para peserta juga masih membutuhkan banyak pelatihan-pelatihan menggunakan aplikasi berbasis matematika guna membantu dalam pembuatan media pembelajaran matematika yang lebih menarik lagi

    Application of Blended Learning Model Flipped Classroom Era New Normal to Student Learning Outcomes Class IX D SMP Negeri 2 Batu

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    Abstract:  This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the application of blended learning model flipped classroom new normal era on student learning outcomes IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type of research with the subject of 31 students of class IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. Data collection techniques in the form of observation and tests. The data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative. The results showed that the application of blended learning model flipped classroom new normal era was effectively used on the learning outcomes of quadratic equations for class IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. The average result of the final score of the pre-test was 72.58 with classical completeness of 61.29%, an increase in the average final score of the post-test was 79.58 with classical completeness of 87.10% in the very good category.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas penerapan blended learning model flipped classroom era new normal terhadap hasil belajar siswa IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan subjek 31 siswa kelas IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi dan tes. Teknik analisis data berupa deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan blended learning model flipped classroom era new normal efektiv digunakan terhadap hasil belajar materi persamaan kuadrat siswa kelas IX D SMP Negeri 02 Batu. Hasil rata-rata nilai akhir pre-test sebesar 72,58 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 61,29% mengalami peningkatan pada hasil rerata akhir post-test yaitu 79,58 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 87,10% dalam kategori sangat baik

    Problems, Solutions, and Expectations: 6C Integration of 21 st Century Education into Learning Mathematics

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    21st century education requires the integration of six competencies (6C) into the classroom. Because it is important to equip students with better skills. This survey examines the problems faced by mathematics teachers in integrating 21st century pedagogic 6Cs into integrated mathematics skills, and solutions to overcome these problems. This qualitative study collected data through questionnaires from 15 mathematics teachers spread across eight different schools. As a result, low student motivation, difficulties in integrating several skills, difficulties in time management, lack of understanding of student concepts, and difficulties in making lesson plans, as well as limited teaching materials. To overcome this problem, we integrate ideas based on providing videos (it's much better if you use/design videos yourself to suit the characteristics and interests of students), group work, providing private discussion rooms by watshapp, providing short material summaries with narration so that language is easy for students to understand, use timers to manage time, and ask for references and exchanges. Make lesson plans with other teachers


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    Intuitive thinking is very important to use in solving rectangular area problems. because by thinking intuitively students are able to generate creative inspiration impulsively. The emergence of intuitive thinking in solving rectangular area problems is the solution to getting the right answer. The purpose of this study was to find out students' intuition in solving rectangular area problems. This research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach involving 7 students as potential subjects. Two students become the main subject because the answers meet the indicators of intuitive thinking. procedures in this study: 1) determine the material; 2) make test questions; 3) giving tests to prospective subjects; 4) Analyze the answers of prospective subjects with the indicator rubric; 5) Selected as a subject; 6) Conducting interviews on the subject; 7) Analyze the results of interviews from the subject. Collecting data on students' intuitive thinking in solving rectangular area problems using written test instruments and interview tests. Data analysis in this study consists of three categories of intuitive thinking (Catalic Inference, Power of Synthesis, Common Sense). The results of this study are subjects with catalic inference intuitive thinking categories giving short answers and no logical reasons and subjects with Power of Synthesis intuitive thinking categories giving answers that are less organized while common sense intuitive thinking categories giving thorough answers using complete arguments. The categorization in this study is viewed from indicators of intuitive thinking that have been achieved by students in the process of solving questions and interview tests.

    Analysis of Students' Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability Judging from their Interests

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    Mathematical problem-solving ability is one of the most important mathematical abilities and must be possessed by every student. In solving mathematical problems, everyone has a different way and style of thinking. The existence of grouping of students based on the specialization of the special subjects of the department shows that the basic abilities, skills, or intelligence in schools also vary. This study aims to describe students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in terms of specialization in Science, Social Sciences, Language, and Religion with a focus on the Three Variable Linear Equation System (SPLTV). The type of this research is descriptive qualitative analysis research. The subjects in this study were students of class X MAN 2 Malang City. The results of this study indicate that 1) At the stage of understanding the problem, some students with specialization in Social Studies and Language Studies were not able to understand the problem correctly based on the information obtained from the problems given, 2) At the stage of implementing the plan students with specialization in Religion Studies, Social Studies, and Language Studies made several mistakes such as lacking careful in carrying out arithmetic operations so that the results obtained are less precise, 3) At the stage of re-examining students with specialization in Religion Studies and Language Studies, they do not write down the results of re-checking because they are not accustomed to re-checking whether the answers obtained are correct or not, 4) Students with specialization Science Studies has fulfilled every stage of problem-solvin

    Belajar dan Pembelajaran di Era Milenial

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    Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran ini dimaksudkan untuk mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan pembelajaran mata kuliah Belajar dan Pembelajaran karena dilengkapi dengan Rencana Pembelajaran Semester (RPS), bahan ajar, media dan alat evaluasi. Keempat komponen tersebut searah dengan kebijakan SNPT yang disepakati dalam dokumen KPT. Selanjutnya, implementasi kurikulum dapat dilakukan secara berkesinambungan antara kurikulum yang dirancang (planned curriculum) dengan kurikulum yang diterapkan (implemented curriculum)


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    The purpose of the research conducted by the researchers was to improve the cognitive learning outcomes of 4th grade students at SDN Kranggan 4 Mojokerto City by applying the PJBL model to the natural sciences subject on the parts and functions of plants. This study uses a quantitative methodology. The problem that occurs during learning is to sharpen the way of thinking of grade 4 students in solving problems using Project Based Learning. This study used two cycles, with data collection techniques through observation, classroom action research and reflection. Progress in improving the cognitive learning outcomes of grade 4 students in the pre-cycle mastery showed 64.28% (18 students) which increased in cycle I with 78.57% (22 students) and the last cycle was 96.43% (27 students). Based on the application of the PjBL model in grade 4, it shows that this model using the media of the boards and functions of plants can improve the cognitive learning outcomes of grade 4 students at SDN Kranggan 4, Mojokerto City


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    The purpose of the research conducted by the researchers was to improve the cognitive learning outcomes of 4th grade students at SDN Kranggan 4 Mojokerto City by applying the PJBL model to the natural sciences subject on the parts and functions of plants. This study uses a quantitative methodology. The problem that occurs during learning is to sharpen the way of thinking of grade 4 students in solving problems using Project Based Learning. This study used two cycles, with data collection techniques through observation, classroom action research and reflection. Progress in improving the cognitive learning outcomes of grade 4 students in the pre-cycle mastery showed 64.28% (18 students) which increased in cycle I with 78.57% (22 students) and the last cycle was 96.43% (27 students). Based on the application of the PjBL model in grade 4, it shows that this model using the media of the boards and functions of plants can improve the cognitive learning outcomes of grade 4 students at SDN Kranggan 4, Mojokerto City

    Learning in the 21st Century Education Era: Problems of Mathematics Teachers in the Use of Information and Communication Technology-Based Media

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    This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The type of research used in this research is a case study. This research was conducted in the 2022/2023 academic year. This research was conducted at MAN 2 Malang. 7 research subjects were math teachers at schools who taught grades X to XII. Collecting data in this study using observation and interview techniques. The data analysis technique used in this study is the data analysis technique proposed by Miles & Hubberman (Reduction, Presentation, Conclusion). The results of the problems found: 1) some students do not yet have a mature understanding of mathematical concepts and do not have the knowledge to learn mathematics from previous classes, and 2) lack of motivation to learn, 3) the use of instructional media is less effective in stimulating student learning motivation, and 4) the use of learning methods is not adapted to the characteristics of students. 5) Teachers with 2 to 5 years of teaching experience at the beginning tend to use learning media actively, while teachers who have been teaching for a long time with more than 10 years of teaching experience tend to use traditional learning methods. 6) Teachers' capacity to use ICT is still lacking, and teachers' capacity to integrate technology into teaching practice is lacking. In other words, teachers are not proficient with computers and lack ICT equipment and infrastructure. 7) schools with existing facilities such as LCDs, computers, and the internet are rarely used in the learning proces

    Algebraic Literacy among Pesantren-based Senior High School Students

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    Mathematics is a vital means needed by students to solve various problems, both personal and social, and it is required to succeed in work. Thus, students are highly expected to possess good mathematical literacy. In the 21st Century, most of parents would rather choose pesantren-based schools for their children since they believe that theirs will have chance to acquire universal and religious sciences, at once, for their life. Further, the current research was aimed to investigate level of algebraic literacy among pesantren-based senior high school students, along with its determinant factors. Qualitative research method was employed by means of descriptive approach. Moreover, there were 30 students involved in the research; all of which were the twelfth graders of Science Class of a pesantren-based senior high school in Madura, Indonesia. To collect data, two instruments were used: algebraic literacy test and guideline to interview with the Math teacher and the Vice Principal of Curriculum Affairs. The results showed that level of algebraic literacy among students was dramatically low, with 94% of whom classified in below Level 1, 3% in Level 2, and 3% in Level 3. Moreover, lack of student’s focus in learning Mathematics was one of possible causes of it as the students were strongly demanded to learn about two major sciences at once. Therefore, any endeavors for betterment from the teacher and institution are needed to make algebraic literacy among students get improved; one of which can be by integrating pesantren and national education curricula
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