8 research outputs found
KUKA PIZZASI PAISTAA? : Maahanmuuttajat 2000-luvun suomalaisissa dokumenttielokuvissa
Savolainen, Laura ja Sipponen, Marjatta. Kuka pizzasi paistaa? Maahanmuuttajat 2000-luvun suomalaisissa dokumenttielokuvissa. Turku, syksy 2009, 74 sivua, 10 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, Turun toimipaikka, Viestinnän koulutusohjelma, monimediatoimittajan suuntautumisvaihtoehto, tutkinto: medianomi (AMK).
Opinnäytteessä tutkitaan suomalaisia 2000-luvulla tehtyjä maahanmuuttaja-aiheisia dokumenttielokuvia. Keskeisin tarkastelunaihe on se, miten maahanmuuttajat niissä esitetään. Pystytäänkö dokumenttielokuvilla rikkomaan maahanmuuttajiin yleisesti uutis- ja ajankohtaismediassa liitettäviä stereotypioita? Maahanmuuttajista saatu stereotyyppinen mediakuva korostuu, koska suurella osalla kantaväestöstä ei ole suoria kontakteja maahanmuuttajiin. Maahanmuuttajat on hyvin heterogeeninen ryhmä. Maahanmuuttajia yhdistää ainoastaan se, että he ovat ulkomailta Suomeen muuttaneita ihmisiä.
Tutkielmaa varten haastateltiin viittä suomalaista dokumenttielokuvaohjaajaa, joiden dokumentin päähenkilönä on ulkomailta Suomeen muuttanut henkilö. Ohjaajilta kysyttiin muun muassa sitä, miten he ottivat huomioon maahanmuuttajiin yleisesti mediassa liitettävät stereotypiat dokumenttia tehdessään. Millä tavalla dokumenttielokuvat vaikuttavat maahanmuuttajista saatuun mediakuvaan? Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kyseisiä dokumentteja ja tehdään havaintoja niistä. Tutkielmassa kiinnitetään erityistä huomiota siihen miten ohjaajien tavoitteet dokumenteissa toteutuvat. Lähdekirjallisuutena tutkielmassa on käytetty aiheeseen liittyviä tutkimuksia ja asiantuntijoiden henkilökohtaisia tiedonantoja.
Opinnäytetyön tuoteosana ideoimme ja taustatoimitimme maahanmuuttaja-aiheisen insertin TV2:n Hullu juttu -asiaohjelmaan, jonka toteutimme yhdessä tuotantoyhtiö Tarinatalo Oy:n kanssa. Hullu juttu on provokatiivinen asiaohjelma, joka käsittelee ajankohtaisia aiheita uusista näkökulmista. Työstämämme insertin aiheena ovat maahanmuuttajataustaiset kebab-pizzeriayrittäjät: Miten ulkomaalainen yrittäjä saa yrityksen kannattamaan liikepaikalla, jolla suomalaisen yritys ei kannata? Jakso esitettiin TV2:lla 16.11.2009, ja se keräsi sarjan historian suurimmat katsojaluvut. Tämä kertoo siitä, että aihe on kiinnostava ja koskettaa monia.
Tutkimistamme dokumenttielokuvista mikään ei esittänyt maahanmuuttajia stereotyyppisessä valossa. Ohjaajilla oli aikaa tutustua dokumentin päähenkilöihin niin hyvin, ettei heidän tarvinnut turvautua stereotyyppisiin esitystapoihin. Dokumentin tekemiseen käytetään moninkertaisesti aikaa verrattuna uutis- ja ajankohtaisohjelmien tekemiseen. Toimittaja Ghadi Boustanin mukaan maahanmuuttaja-aihe on jo lähtökohtaisesti väärä motiivi dokumentin tekemiselle: Dokumentilla pitäisi aina olla syvempi aihe vaikka päähenkilönä olisikin maahanmuuttaja. Maahanmuuttajien näkyvyys dokumenttielokuvissa on tärkeää, koska dokumenttielokuvien kautta katsoja pystyy samastumaan maahanmuuttajiin ja oppii ymmärtämään heitä.
Asiasanat: maahanmuuttaja, dokumenttielokuva, monikulttuurisuusjournalismi, stereotypia, inserttiABSTRACT
Savolainen, Laura & Sipponen, Marjatta. Who is Baking Your Pizza? Immigrants in the Finnish Documentary Films in the 2000s. Turku, autumn 2009, 74 pages, 10 appendix. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Turku unit, Degree Programme in Communication and Media Arts, Bachelor of Media.
The thesis examines Finnish documentaries in the 2000s which discuss the immigration topics. The most important view-point is how the immigrants are shown in the documentary films. Is it possible to change the stereotypical ways of presenting the immigrants, which are often shown in every-day-journalism? The stereotypical media-concept of the immigrants is emphasized because most of the Finns do not have any direct contacts with the immigrants. The immigrants are a very diverse group: The only thing that is in common among the immigrants is the fact that all of them have moved to Finland from abroad.
For the thesis five documentary directors were interviewed, who have made a documentary film having an immigrant as a protagonist. The interview questions concentrated e.g. on the following points: how the directors took into account the often shown stereotypes in the media when filming their own production. How do the documentaries influence the media-concept concerning the immigrants? In addition we observed the documentary films in question. The focus was on the objectives of the directors and how well they are achieved. Studies concerning the topic as well as statements received from researchers and media professionals were used as source material.
The practical part of the thesis consists of a tv-insert for TV2 Hullu juttu -program series. Our role in the production was to generate the idea of the insert related to immigration and do the background research. The insert was made in co-operation with production house Tarinatalo Oy. Hullu juttu is a provocative magazine program that concerns current affairs from a fresh point of view. The topic of the insert is self-employed kebab-pizzeria owners. How does a foreign entrepreneur make a successful business in locations where the Finnish entrepreneurs do not succeed. The insert was shown in TV2 16.11.2009, and it reached the biggest audience of all time in the history of the program. This indicates how current and interesting the topic is in Finland in the 2000s.
None of the documentary films we studied presented the immigrants in any stereotypical way. The directors had enough time to get to know the main characters of the film so well that they did not have to fall back on stereotypical ways of presenting the immigrants. Compared to the news and current affairs programs the documentary productions last a lot longer. According to journalist Ghadi Boustani the premise to make a documentary of immigrants is wrong: The documentary should always have a deeper aspect to it although the main character of the documentary is an immigrant. The existence of the immigrants in the Finnish documentaries is important, because it is easy to identify with the immigrants through the documentary films.
Keywords: immigrant, documentary film, multicultural journalism, stereotype, inser
Integrating the opposites of biofuel production
Recovery of two biotechnologically produced fuel components, butanol and microbial oil, is assessed by absorption of the six shortest 1-alcohols into oleaginous yeast cells. We show an unexpectedly high extent of absorption of >C3 alcohols from water into Rhodosporidium fluviale cells with a lipid content of 69% of cell dry weight (CDW). Increasing the carbon chain length of the alcohol boosts both the rate and the quantity of absorption of the alcohol from water containing an initial ratio of 9.5 of CDW to alcohol. Under these conditions, 40% of butanol is removed from water, while the methanol concentration remains unchanged in 48 h incubation with the oleaginous yeast cells. Lower absorption of alcohols into non-oleaginous baker's yeast cells as a reference suggests that a majority of the alcohols combines with the lipid droplets inside oleaginous cells. The partition coefficient of the intracellular microbial oil to butanol exceeds those of oleyl alcohol and rapeseed oil by factors of 4 and 16. The capacity of oleaginous yeast cells to absorb butanol reaches 13% of CDW from 48 g per L butanol solution. Leakage of intracellular microbial oil occurs when the initial butanol concentration exceeds approximately 20 g L-1. Butanol can be recovered after absorption from oleaginous yeast biomass, while microbial oil can be separated by subsequent wet-extraction with the alcohols as solvents. These results suggest that synergistic outcomes can be achieved by process integration both for industry and the environment.Peer reviewe
PAK3 related mental disability: further characterization of the phenotype
We report clinical, neuropsychological and molecular findings in affected males and carrier females in the fourth reported family with mental retardation caused by mutation in the PAK3 gene (Xq22.3-q23), W446S. In contrast to previous reports, carrier females manifested learning problems and mild mental disability. Skewed X-inactivation was observed here for the first time in carriers of PAK3 mutation. Neuropsychological tests in affected males and carrier females suggested a common neuropsychological profile of impaired spatial cognitive abilities and defects in attentional and executive functions. The five affected males examined herein had a proportionally small head size or microcephaly, large ears, oral motor hypotonia with drooling and inarticulate speech and short attention span, anxiety, restlessness, and aggression. Brain imaging showed signs of chronic non-progressive hydrocephalus in one patient who manifested psychosis and fluctuant gait deterioration, while two other patients showed no abnormalities. EEG recordings were available from four affected males and one carrier female, and all showed similar posterior slow wave activity without epileptic discharges. Only one affected male in the family suffered from epilepsy. When comparing the affected males in this family and the three previously reported families with mental retardation due to a PAK3 mutation, similarities in their characteristics were small head size or microcephaly, large ears, speech defects, behavioral abnormalities, and psychiatric disease.status: publishe
Submicroscopic Duplications of the Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase HSD17B10 and the E3 Ubiquitin Ligase HUWE1 Are Associated with Mental Retardation
Submicroscopic copy-number imbalances contribute significantly to the genetic etiology of human disease. Here, we report a novel microduplication hot spot at Xp11.22 identified in six unrelated families with predominantly nonsyndromic XLMR. All duplications segregate with the disease, including the large families MRX17 and MRX31. The minimal, commonly duplicated region contains three genes: RIBC1, HSD17B10, and HUWE1. RIBC1 could be excluded on the basis of its absence of expression in the brain and because it escapes X inactivation in females. For the other genes, expression array and quantitative PCR analysis in patient cell lines compared to controls showed a significant upregulation of HSD17B10 and HUWE1 as well as several important genes in their molecular pathways. Loss-of-function mutations of HSD17B10 have previously been associated with progressive neurological disease and XLMR. The E3 ubiquitin ligase HUWE1 has been implicated in TP53-associated regulation of the neuronal cell cycle. Here, we also report segregating sequence changes of highly conserved residues in HUWE1 in three XLMR families; these changes are possibly associated with the phenotype. Our findings demonstrate that an increased gene dosage of HSD17B10, HUWE1, or both contribute to the etiology of XLMR and suggest that point mutations in HUWE1 are associated with this disease too
Optimization of adsorptive removal of α-toluic acid by CaO2 nanoparticles using response surface methodology
The present work addresses the optimization of process parameters for adsorptive removal of α-toluic acid by calcium peroxide (CaO2) nanoparticles using response surface methodology (RSM). CaO2 nanoparticles were synthesized by chemical precipitation method and confirmed by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) analysis which shows the CaO2 nanoparticles size range of 5–15 nm. A series of batch adsorption experiments were performed using CaO2 nanoparticles to remove α-toluic acid from the aqueous solution. Further, an experimental based central composite design (CCD) was developed to study the interactive effect of CaO2 adsorbent dosage, initial concentration of α-toluic acid, and contact time on α-toluic acid removal efficiency (response) and optimization of the process. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to determine the significance of the individual and the interactive effects of variables on the response. The model predicted response showed a good agreement with the experimental response, and the coefficient of determination, (R2) was 0.92. Among the variables, the interactive effect of adsorbent dosage and the initial α-toluic acid concentration was found to have more influence on the response than the contact time. Numerical optimization of process by RSM showed the optimal adsorbent dosage, initial concentration of α-toluic acid, and contact time as 0.03 g, 7.06 g/L, and 34 min respectively. The predicted removal efficiency was 99.50%. The experiments performed under these conditions showed α-toluic acid removal efficiency up to 98.05%, which confirmed the adequacy of the model prediction
Clinical and genetic characteristics of late-onset Huntington's disease
Background: The frequency of late-onset Huntington's disease (>59 years) is assumed to be low and the clinical course milder. However, previous literature on late-onset disease is scarce and inconclusive. Objective: Our aim is to study clinical characteristics of late-onset compared to common-onset HD patients in a large cohort of HD patients from the Registry database. Methods: Participants with late- and common-onset (30–50 years)were compared for first clinical symptoms, disease progression, CAG repeat size and family history. Participants with a missing CAG repeat size, a repeat size of ≤35 or a UHDRS motor score of ≤5 were excluded. Results: Of 6007 eligible participants, 687 had late-onset (11.4%) and 3216 (53.5%) common-onset HD. Late-onset (n = 577) had significantly more gait and balance problems as first symptom compared to common-onset (n = 2408) (P <.001). Overall motor and cognitive performance (P <.001) were worse, however only disease motor progression was slower (coefficient, −0.58; SE 0.16; P <.001) compared to the common-onset group. Repeat size was significantly lower in the late-onset (n = 40.8; SD 1.6) compared to common-onset (n = 44.4; SD 2.8) (P <.001). Fewer late-onset patients (n = 451) had a positive family history compared to common-onset (n = 2940) (P <.001). Conclusions: Late-onset patients present more frequently with gait and balance problems as first symptom, and disease progression is not milder compared to common-onset HD patients apart from motor progression. The family history is likely to be negative, which might make diagnosing HD more difficult in this population. However, the balance and gait problems might be helpful in diagnosing HD in elderly patients