1,161 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Trapping of Swimming Bacteria by Convex Walls

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    Swimming bacteria display a remarkable tendency to move along flat surfaces for prolonged times. This behavior may have a biological importance but can also be exploited by using microfabricated structures to manipulate bacteria. The main physical mechanism behind the surface entrapment of swimming bacteria is, however, still an open question. By studying the swimming motion of Escherichia coli cells near microfabricated pillars of variable size, we show that cell entrapment is also present for convex walls of sufficiently low curvature. Entrapment is, however, markedly reduced below a characteristic radius. Using a simple hydrodynamic model, we predict that trapped cells swim at a finite angle with the wall and a precise relation exists between the swimming angle at a flat wall and the critical radius of curvature for entrapment. Both predictions are quantitatively verified by experimental data. Our results demonstrate that the main mechanism for wall entrapment is hydrodynamic in nature and show the possibility of inhibiting cell adhesion, and thus biofilm formation, using convex features of appropriate curvature

    Developing E-learning Courses for Mobile Devices

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    The recent and rapid development of mobile devices and the increasing popularity of e learning have created a demand for mobile learning packages and environments. We have analyzed the possibilities of adapting the existing content for mobile devices, and have implemented two fundamentally different systems to satisfy the demand that has arisen. One of the systems creates e learning courses from existing materials and adapts them to the specified platform (this system realizes the functionalities of the Content Management System). The other system is a modified version of the Moodle Learning Management System, which can adapt existing courses right before displaying them. This paper discuses the fundamentals of e learning, the design considerations and investigates various methods of scalable video coding. Finally the realization details of the two systems are presented.

    Use of juvenile grape berry as antioxidant rich food ingredient

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    Both grape and wine production have several useful by-products what have been discovered more and more due their important positive health effects in the last decades. The grape seed is one of them because its high antioxidant power. On the other hand, the marc is also more and more widely evaluated because of its high amount and useful chemical components. However, the grape berries what arise during cluster or grape thinning are rarely evaluated. Their positive properties and high antioxidant activity has been well known for a long time but their utilization is very rare. It is known as verjus, that is known from its sour taste as souring agent, but in Hungary it is not known. In our research we have evaluated six grape varieties in the Tokaj region during grape maturing in three stages of veraison. Clusters were collected and berries were removed from the pedicles manually and the chemical composition of whole berries, separated seeds and peel and flesh were analysed. Furthermore, dried berry parts were grinded and added to wheat flour and biscuits made from them were also analysed both chemically and sensory. We found that their use can result antioxidant rich and tasty bakery products

    Use ofJuvenile Grape Berry as Antioxidant Rich Food Ingredient

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    Both grape and wine production have several useful by-products what have been discovered more and more due their important positive health effects in the last decades. The grape seed is one of them because its high antioxidant power. On the other hand, the marc is also more and more widely evaluated because of its high amount and useful chemical components. However, the grape berries what arise during cluster or grape thinning are rarely evaluated. Their positive properties and high antioxidant activity has been well known for a long time but their utilization is very rare. It is known as verjus, that is known from its sour taste as souring agent, but in Hungary it is not known. In our research we have evaluated six grape varieties in the Tokaj region during grape maturing in three stages of veraison. Clusters were collected and berries were removed from the pedicles manually and the chemical composition of whole berries, separated seeds and peel and flesh were analysed. Furthermore, dried berry parts were grinded and added to wheat flour and biscuits made from them were also analysed both chemically and sensory. We found that their use can result antioxidant rich and tasty bakery products

    Morphological evidence for enhanced kisspeptin and neurokinin B signaling in the infundibular nucleus of the aging man.

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    Peptidergic neurons synthesizing kisspeptin (KP) and neurokinin B (NKB) in the hypothalamic infundibular nucleus have been implicated in negative sex steroid feedback to GnRH neurons. In laboratory rodents, testosterone decreases KP and NKB expression in this region. In the present study, we addressed the hypothesis that the weakening of this inhibitory testosterone feedback in elderly men coincides with enhanced KP and NKB signaling in the infundibular nucleus. This central hypothesis was tested in a series of immunohistochemical studies on hypothalamic sections of male human individuals that were divided into arbitrary "young" (21-49 yr, n = 11) and "aged" (50-67 yr, n = 9) groups. Quantitative immunohistochemical experiments established that the regional densities of NKB-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and fibers, and the incidence of afferent contacts they formed onto GnRH neurons, exceeded several times those of the KP-IR elements. Robust aging-dependent enhancements were identified in the regional densities of KP-IR perikarya and fibers and the incidence of afferent contacts they established onto GnRH neurons. The abundance of NKB-IR perikarya, fibers, and axonal appositions to GnRH neurons also increased with age, albeit to lower extents. In dual-immunofluorescent studies, the incidence of KP-IR NKB perikarya increased from 36% in young to 68% in aged men. Collectively, these immunohistochemical data suggest an aging-related robust enhancement in central KP signaling and a moderate enhancement in central NKB signaling. These changes are compatible with a reduced testosterone negative feedback to KP and NKB neurons. The heavier KP and NKB inputs to GnRH neurons in aged, compared with young, men may play a role in the enhanced central stimulation of the reproductive axis. It requires clarification to what extent the enhanced KP and NKB signaling upstream from GnRH neurons is an adaptive response to hypogonadism or, alternatively, a consequence of a decline in the androgen sensitivity of KP and NKB neurons

    Mid-infrared interferometric variability of DG Tau: implications for the inner-disk structure

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    Context. DG Tau is a low-mass pre-main sequence star, whose strongly accreting protoplanetary disk exhibits a so-far enigmatic behavior: its mid-infrared thermal emission is strongly time-variable, even turning the 10 μ\mum silicate feature from emission to absorption temporarily. Aims. We look for the reason for the spectral variability at high spatial resolution and at multiple epochs. Methods. We study the temporal variability of the mid-infrared interferometric signal, observed with the VLTI/MIDI instrument at six epochs between 2011 and 2014. We fit a geometric disk model to the observed interferometric signal to obtain spatial information about the disk. We also model the mid-infrared spectra by template fitting to characterize the profile and time dependence of the silicate emission. We use physically motivated radiative transfer modeling to interpret the mid-infrared interferometric spectra. Results. The inner disk (r<1-3 au) spectra exhibit a 10 μ\mum absorption feature related to amorphous silicate grains. The outer disk (r>1-3 au) spectra show a crystalline silicate feature in emission, similar to the spectra of comet Hale-Bopp. The striking difference between the inner and outer disk spectral feature is highly unusual among T Tauri stars. The mid-infrared variability is dominated by the outer disk. The strength of the silicate feature changed by more than a factor of two. Between 2011 and 2014 the half-light radius of the mid-infrared-emitting region decreased from 1.15 to 0.7 au. Conclusions. For the origin of the absorption we discuss four possible explanations: a cold obscuring envelope, an accretion heated inner disk, a temperature inversion on the disk surface and a misaligned inner geometry. The silicate emission in the outer disk can be explained by dusty material high above the disk plane, whose mass can change with time, possibly due to turbulence in the disk.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    A topological classification of convex bodies

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    The shape of homogeneous, generic, smooth convex bodies as described by the Euclidean distance with nondegenerate critical points, measured from the center of mass represents a rather restricted class M_C of Morse-Smale functions on S^2. Here we show that even M_C exhibits the complexity known for general Morse-Smale functions on S^2 by exhausting all combinatorial possibilities: every 2-colored quadrangulation of the sphere is isomorphic to a suitably represented Morse-Smale complex associated with a function in M_C (and vice versa). We prove our claim by an inductive algorithm, starting from the path graph P_2 and generating convex bodies corresponding to quadrangulations with increasing number of vertices by performing each combinatorially possible vertex splitting by a convexity-preserving local manipulation of the surface. Since convex bodies carrying Morse-Smale complexes isomorphic to P_2 exist, this algorithm not only proves our claim but also generalizes the known classification scheme in [36]. Our expansion algorithm is essentially the dual procedure to the algorithm presented by Edelsbrunner et al. in [21], producing a hierarchy of increasingly coarse Morse-Smale complexes. We point out applications to pebble shapes.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    The 2008 outburst of EX Lup - silicate crystals in motion

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    EX Lup is the prototype of the EXor class of eruptive young stars. These objects show optical outbursts which are thought to be related to runaway accretion onto the star. In a previous study we observed in-situ crystal formation in the disk of EX Lup during its latest outburst in 2008, making the object an ideal laboratory to investigate circumstellar crystal formation and transport. This outburst was monitored by a campaign of ground-based and Spitzer Space Telescope observations. Here we modeled the spectral energy distribution of EX Lup in the outburst from optical to millimeter wavelengths with a 2D radiative transfer code. Our results showed that the shape of the SED at optical wavelengths was more consistent with a single temperature blackbody than a temperature distribution. We also found that this single temperature component emitted 80-100 % of the total accretion luminosity. We concluded that a thermal instability, the most widely accepted model of EXor outbursts, was likely not the triggering mechanism of the 2008 outburst of EX Lup. Our mid-infrared Spitzer spectra revealed that the strength of all crystalline bands between 8 and 30 um increased right after the end of the outburst. Six months later, however, the crystallinity in the 10 um silicate feature complex decreased. Our modeling of the mid-infrared spectral evolution of EXLup showed that, although vertical mixing should be stronger during the outburst than in the quiescent phase, fast radial transport of crystals (e.g., by stellar/disk wind) was required to reproduce the observed mid-infrared spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 37 pages, 11 figures, 2 table