1,223 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study of Black Male College Athletes' Perceptions on Race and Athlete Activism

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    The authors conducted a quantitative study of six black male athletes at American universities. Using the intellectual paradigm of critical race theory, they analyze the athletes' views on race and the role of athlete activism in their generation

    A Collective Case Study of African American Male Athletic Directors’ Leadership Approaches to Diversity in College Sport

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    The primary purpose of this research was to garner an understanding of how African American male athletic directors manage diversity and inclusion in their college athletic departments. The authors conducted a collective qualitative case study of two major university athletic departments that each had an African American male athletic director. The authors conducted interviews, took field notes, and analyzed relevant documents/artifacts, all of which served as data sources. Results indicate these leaders viewed diversity and inclusion as (a) increasing racial and gender minority representation in leadership positions and (b) utilizing this diversity as a mechanism for role modeling and mentoring. Differences between the leaders also emerged, as one explicitly focused on conducting an organizational analysis and on making diversity training mandatory for all employees, while the other did not engage in these activities. The authors discuss contributions to the literature and future directions for research

    Black Coaches' Roles in the Holistic Development of Student-Athletes

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    This study examined Black coaches' (n=123) roles in the holistic development of student-athletes, and barriers impeding the coaches' contributions. The data were obtained by surveying Black coaches in attendance at a national Black coaches convention. The results revealed differences based on coaches' personal and team demographics. The findings indicated that: (a) coaches generally agreed with their responsibilities regarding assisting student-athletes with personal problems and academics, yet were in less agreement concerning offering spiritual guidance and monitoring student-athletes' friends and social support groups; (b) Black student-athletes' experiences were less favorable than others; and (c) time constraints, institutional barriers, and coaching demands were the most prevalent barriers coaches face(regarding their contributions to student-athlete development). MANOVA were performed to examine differences in the responses based on the coaches' demographics (i.e., whether a head or assistant coach) and team demographics (i.e., the race and gender composition of teams coached). The suggestions offered by the coaches focused on: (a) the encouragement of more interaction between student-athletes and coaches, (b) greater attention to life skills issues, (c) collaborations with community and campus entities, and (d) better student-athlete support programs. Assistant coaches usually serve as liaisons between athletes and head coaches, and therefore athlete development may be inherent in the job responsibilities of their respective positions. Coaches believed that student-athletes in general are having "good" sport experiences, however, they believed that Black-student-athletes' experiences are less favorable than the experiences of most athletes in general. Responsibilities coaches were generally in strongest agreement with were: assisting athletes with their personal problems, taking an active role in study table and athlete's academic progress, and encouraging athletes to confide in them. The results of this study revealed that Black coaches perceived the overall experiences of Black student-athletes to be less satisfying than those of all student-athletes (male, female, Black, White, etc.). Thus, addressing the holistic development of Black student-athletes begins with recognizing the manner in which their cuItured (racial/ethnic) identity influences their development process

    A Critical Race Analysis of the Hiring Process for Head Coaches in NCAA College Football

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    In this article, we respond to Singer’s (2005) challenge to sport management scholars to consider race-based epistemologies in conducting certain kinds of research in the field, as we use critical race theory (CRT) as a framework to analyze the Black Coaches & Administrators (BCA) Hiring Report Card (HRC) (Harrison & Yee, 2009). The BCA HRC was created as a result of the access discrimination that has historically taken place in college sport (Brooks & Althouse, 2000; Cunningham & Sagas, 2005), which has consequently contributed to the under-representation of racial minorities in the head coach position in college football. The HRC places the hiring process of predominantly white institutions of higher education (PWIHE) under public scrutiny, with the ultimate goal of changing the decision-making process when these institutions hire head football coaches. This article utilizes CRT to support and justify the conception of the HRC, and also applies CRT principles to the five grading criteria of the HRC as a way to better understand what has been occurring in the hiring process for head football coaches at PWIHE. Implications for research and practice related to the head coach hiring process in college football are discussed

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Considerations for Sport Management in the Age of Neoliberalism

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 10(6): 900-914, 2017. For financial reasons, in efforts to maintain legitimacy, and in response to social pressures, sport organizations increasingly engage with corporate social responsibility (CSR). However, with the rise of global neoliberalism, the logic of CSR can be problematic. In this essay, we provide a brief overview, critique, and reconstruction of CSR in the sport industry. Specifically, we call into question three popularized forms of CSR: (1) diversity, inclusion, and diversity management, (2) environmental responsibility, and (3) health and physical activity-based initiatives. In a neoliberal context, CSR in sport provides, at best, a limited response to social issues. At their worst, CSR initiatives may be socially irresponsible programs that further engender inequalities and inequities while a neoliberal logic serves to rationalize and augment sport organizations’ place(s) in society. We discuss these issues and challenge the field of sport management to further consider how we may demonstrate a more legitimate social concern in the 21st centur

    Neutrino Electron Scattering and Electroweak Gauge Structure: Future Tests

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    Low-energy high-resolution neutrino-electron scattering experiments may play an important role in testing the gauge structure of the electroweak interaction. We propose the use of radioactive neutrino sources (e.g. 51^{51}Cr) in underground experiments such as BOREXINO, HELLAZ and LAMA. As an illustration, we display the sensitivity of these detectors in testing the possible existence of extra neutral gauge bosons, both in the framework of E_6 models and of models with left-right symmetry.Comment: 22 pages, revtex, 4 figures included, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Photometry of Kuiper belt object (486958) Arrokoth from New Horizons LORRI

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    On January 1st 2019, the New Horizons spacecraft flew by the classical Kuiper belt object (486958) Arrokoth (provisionally designated 2014 MU69), possibly the most primitive object ever explored by a spacecraft. The I/F of Arrokoth is analyzed and fit with a photometric function that is a linear combination of the Lommel-Seeliger (lunar) and Lambert photometric functions. Arrokoth has a geometric albedo of p_v = 0.21_(−0.04)^(+0.05) at a wavelength of 550 nm and ≈0.24 at 610 nm. Arrokoth's geometric albedo is greater than the median but consistent with a distribution of cold classical Kuiper belt objects whose geometric albedos were determined by fitting a thermal model to radiometric observations. Thus, Arrokoth's geometric albedo adds to the orbital and spectral evidence that it is a cold classical Kuiper belt object. Maps of the normal reflectance and hemispherical albedo of Arrokoth are presented. The normal reflectance of Arrokoth's surface varies with location, ranging from ≈0.10–0.40 at 610 nm with an approximately Gaussian distribution. Both Arrokoth's extrema dark and extrema bright surfaces are correlated to topographic depressions. Arrokoth has a bilobate shape and the two lobes have similar normal reflectance distributions: both are approximately Gaussian, peak at ≈0.25 at 610 nm, and range from ≈0.10–0.40, which is consistent with co-formation and co-evolution of the two lobes. The hemispherical albedo of Arrokoth varies substantially with both incidence angle and location, the average hemispherical albedo at 610 nm is 0.063 ± 0.015. The Bond albedo of Arrokoth at 610 nm is 0.062 ± 0.015

    Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) regulates mesenchymal stem cells through let-7f microRNA and Wnt/β-catenin signaling

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    Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1 (TIMP-1) is a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-independent regulator of growth and apoptosis in various cell types. The receptors and signaling pathways that are involved in the growth factor activities of TIMP-1, however, remain controversial. RNA interference of TIMP-1 has revealed that endogenous TIMP-1 suppresses the proliferation, metabolic activity, and osteogenic differentiation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs). The knockdown of TIMP-1 in hMSCs activated the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway as indicated by the increased stability and nuclear localization of β-catenin in TIMP-1–deficient hMSCs. Moreover, TIMP-1 knockdown cells exhibited enhanced β-catenin transcriptional activity, determined by Wnt/β-catenin target gene expression analysis and a luciferase-based β-catenin– activated reporter assay. An analysis of a mutant form of TIMP-1 that cannot inhibit MMP indicated that the effect of TIMP-1 on β-catenin signaling is MMP independent. Furthermore, the binding of CD63 to TIMP-1 on the surface of hMSCs is essential for the TIMP-1–mediated effects on Wnt/β-catenin signaling. An array analysis of microRNAs (miRNAs) and transfection studies with specific miRNA inhibitors and mimics showed that let-7f miRNA is crucial for the regulation of β-catenin activity and osteogenic differentiation by TIMP-1. Let-7f was up-regulated in TIMP-1–depleted hMSCs and demonstrably reduced axin 2, an antagonist of β-catenin stability. Our results demonstrate that TIMP-1 is a direct regulator of hMSC functions and reveal a regulatory network in which let-7f modulates Wnt/β-catenin activity
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